postgresql not initializing cause of a parameter lc_monetary - postgresql

when trying to restart the service as a postgres user in the console i get the next output:
FATAL: value not valid for the parameter 'lc_monetary': 'Spanish_Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.1252'
Please Help, regards.


ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied on Pluggable database

I created a local user under a pluggable database. I granted some privileges required to open and use it. I check the username and the password. Still it keep saying invalid username/password.
Step that I take:
1. alter session set container = xxxxpdb
2. alter pluggable database xxxpdb open
3. SQL> alter user #### identified by #### container = current;
User altered. -----i did this one to make sure that i have a correct password
4. connect ###/####XXXXpdb;
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
5. Then tried to connect to it this way
$ sqlplus ###/####xxxxpdb
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
I am new to container database. I would appreciate any detailed explanation! Thank you.
Based on error message, it looks like the user doesn't exist in PDB.
For an existing user you may get a relevant error related to privilege. For example:
SQL> conn <existing_uname_without_required_privileges>/<upass>#<pdb_name>
ORA-01045: user <uname> lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon denied
Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
For a non-existing user, the error you have observed will be returned:
SQL> conn <non_existing_user>/<upass>#<pdb_name>
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
This OraDoc Page provides the local user related information in CDB.

PostgreSQL on Corda enterprise node throws relation errors

Running corda enterprise with PostgreSQL in docker container. I have followed the instruction in docs and have set database schema. On database start I see the following errors. Can anyone help what is going on there?
2018-10-11 06:57:57.491 UTC [1506] ERROR: relation "node_checkpoints" does not exist at character 22
2018-10-11 06:57:57.491 UTC [1506] STATEMENT: select count(*) from node_checkpoints
2018-10-11 06:58:22.440 UTC [1506] ERROR: relation "corda-schema.databasechangeloglock" does not exist at character 22
2018-10-11 06:58:22.440 UTC [1506] STATEMENT: select count(*) from "corda-schema".databasechangeloglock
It seems the database user name and schema name don't have the same value, ensure that correct default schema is set for the user by running as database administrator:
ALTER ROLE "[USER]" SET search_path = "[SCHEMA]";
Other possible issue is to mixing upper/lower case and other characters in schema name, could you ensure that schema name has all lower cases (e.g. corda-schema and not CORDA-SCHEMA or Corda-Schema).

PostgreSQL timezone error with DbSchema

I want to setup my postgreSQL server to 'Europe/Berlin' but having an error:
SET time zone 'Europe/Berlin';
ERROR: invalid value for parameter "TimeZone": "Europe/Berlin"
But the real issue is with DdbSchema, when I want to connect to my DB i've got the error
FATAL: invalid value for parameter "TimeZone": "Europe/Berlin"
DbSchema works when I connect to my local db but not with my NAS (Synology) DB.
Any idea ?
Found a way to solve the problem:
You have to start java with the proper time zone.
In my case, my server is GMT, so i had to add the args -Duser.timezone=GMT
For DbSchema, edit the file DbSchema.bat or
Find the declaration of SWING_JVM_ARGS
Add the argument -Duser.timezone=GMT a the end of the line
Start DbSchema with this script DbSchema.bat or
I think your solution is only a workaround for the actual problem concerning the zoneinfo on the synology diskstation.
I got exactly the same error when trying to connect to the postgres database on my diskstation. The query select * from pg_timezone_names; gives you all timezone names postgresql is aware of.
There are 87 entries all starting with "Timezone":
name | abbrev | utc_offset | is_dst
Timezone/Kuwait | AST | 03:00:00 | f
Timezone/Nairobi | EAT | 03:00:00 | f
The configured postgres timezonesets contain much more entries, so there must be another source that postgres is building this view of at startup. I discovered that there is a compile-option --with-system-tzdata=DIRECTORY that tells postgres to obtain its values from system zoneinfo.
I looked in /usr/share/zoneinfo and found one subdirectory called Timezone with exactly 87 entries. And there obviously was no subdirectory called Europe (with a timezone file called Berlin). I did not quickly find a solution for the diskstation to update the tzdata automatically or manually by unpacking tzdata2016a.tar.gz and making (make not found...). As a quickfix I copied the Berlin timezone file from another linux system and the problem was solved, so that I now can connect via java/jdbc using the correct timezone "Europe/Berlin"!

Database Link ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

Please help with this database link error i have been struggling for 2 days, Btw, fix this with get my oracle stream works. Stream error: WAITING FOR INACTIVE DEQUEUERS". Checked problem comes from db-link, so here is the problem:
--user: sys
--environmentL appuat1
--environmentL appuat1
USING 'anauat0';
--environmentL appuat1
select * from STRMADMIN_FORM.Table#'anauat0;
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
ORA-02063: preceding line from ANAUAT0
01017. 00000 - "invalid username/password; logon denied"
Question1: Given that username & password are correct, what is the problem?
--user: SYS
--environmentL appuat1
select * from STRMADMIN_FORM.Table#'anauat0;
ORA-28000: the account is locked
ORA-02063: preceding line from ANAUAT0
28000. 00000 - "the account is locked"
*Cause: The user has entered wrong password consequently for maximum
number of times specified by the user's profile parameter
FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS, or the DBA has locked the account
*Action: Wait for PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME or contact DBA
Question 2: Checked no account are locked, what is locked?
From the other way round can select table using opposit direction Db-link.
update: a trade of to prevent error is to use tns information :
But using service name is what I want to do. Obviously service name is cause of problem (the service name is working fine)
Somebody added a same name TNS on the server cause comflict.

How to disable Postgresql messages translation

Is there a way to disable the Postgresql translation of messages? I´m running my appl and Postgresql on a pt_BR Windows machine and when a exception is thrown the error message is translated to Portuguese, like:
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERRO: relação "unidade_federacao" não existe
Posição: 25
I would like the messages to appear in English.
I´m using the driver postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc3.jar on a Java (with Hibernate) app.
thanks in advance,
Fabrício Lemos
You could change lc_messages in postgresql.conf or just per database:
ALTER DATABASE dbname SET lc_messages=en_us;
See also the manual.
Under Windows, some psql error messages are getting translated corresponding to the format setting in Windows settings -> Clock, Language, and Region -> Change location -> Formats -> Format.
To prevent a mix of translated and untranslated messages, I've set this format to "English (United States)".
execute the following query to your database in order to find the postgres.conf file which is loaded for the configuration:
SHOW config_file;
Edit your postgres.conf file with your prefered lc.... lc_messages,lc_numeric...etc.
i think you can change all with lc_ALL
example : lc_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
Finally execute the following command to reload conf.
SELECT pg_reload_conf();