Extbase Repository objectType = NULL - typo3

We are migrating a 4.5 Extension to 7.2. One special case is strange. Trying to get a findOneByUid brings a "No class name was given to retrieve the Data Map for." Error.
Accessing via another object and using the DebuggerUtility it allows us to navigate to the object that fails, and there we can see, the objectType is NULL.
Any clue where to search? All the other objects can be accessed via findOneByUid.
How would you proceed to find the issue?

Adding the following lines solved the problem... any idea how to avoid this?
public function __construct() {
$this->objectManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Object\\ObjectManager');
$this->objectType = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ClassNamingUtility::translateRepositoryNameToModelName($this->getRepositoryClassName());

The object type can only be null if the constructor of the repository has been overridden in a subclass without a call to the parent constructor. parent::__construct();
Instead of using the constructor, you should make use of the method initializeObject, which gets called after the constructor and which can safely be overridden.


Registering a type with both EnableClassInterceptors and WithParameter

I'm having an issue with Autofac where it seems like EnableClassInterceptors is interfering with my ability to use .WithParameter(...). When the constructor is being called on Service using the code below, someString is not being populated. Notes:
I've tried using ResolvedParameter instead, it does not help (note: my Resolved parameter still includes the name of the parameter when I tried that)
If I remove EnableClassInterceptors and InterceptedBy, the parameter does get populated properly. This, however, isn't a valid solution as I need the interceptors.
Re-ordering WithParameter, EnableClassInterceptors, and InterceptedBy does not help.
Looking at Type Interceptors, specifically the "Class Interceptors and UsingConstructor" section, on docs.autofac.org, it mentions that using EnableClassInterceptors will cause ConstructUsing to fail. I think something similar might be happening with my scenario below.
Snippet of my registration code looks like this:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
.WithParameter(new NamedParameter("someString", "TEST"))
Service's constructor looks something like this:
public class Service : IService
public Service(IDependency dependency, string someString)
if(dependency == null)
throw ArgumentNullException(nameof(dependency));
if(someString == null)
//**throws here**
throw ArgumentNullException(nameof(someString));
[Guess] What I'm thinking is happening is that when EnableClassInterceptors is called, a proxy class is generated with a constructor that works on top of the existing one, but the parameter names do not copy over into the proxy class/constructor.
Is this a problem? Is there a way to form the registration that allows both WithParameter and EnableClassInterceptors to be used together? Is it a bug in Autofac?
Your guess is correct: the generated proxy class does not keep the constructor parameter names.
Currently there is no way to influence this in DynamicProxy so this is not a bug of Autofac (although this edge case currently not documented on the Autofac documentation website).
This is how your original Service class's parameters look like:
[0]: {ConsoleApplication10.IDependency dependency}
[1]: {System.String someString}
But the generated proxy does not keep the names:
[0]: {Castle.DynamicProxy.IInterceptor[] }
[1]: {ConsoleApplication10.IDependency }
[2]: {System.String }
So you have two not very robust options to workaround this limitation with WithParameter:
use the TypedParamter with string as the type:
.WithParameter(new TypedParameter(typeof(string), "TEST"))
However if you have multiple paramters with the same type this won't work
use the PositionalParameter in this case you need to add 1 if the type is proxied
.WithParameter(new PositionalParameter(2, "TEST"))
Another options would be to don't use a primitive string type but create a wrapper e.g. MyServiceParameter or create another service which can provide these string configuration values to your other services.

BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper alternative, to avoid setTargetType/setPrototypeBeanName

I need a way to get rid of fieldSetMapper.setTargetType because I do not want to add a POJO every time I have a new file to read. Is it possible?
Springbatch has a few FieldSetMapper implementations available out-of-the-box : Documentation (FieldSetMapper)
You can for example use a PassThroughFieldSetMapper to get a FieldSet object in your processor. You can do the same with an ArrayFieldSetMapper to get an array object.
But in your case, I think you need to implement your own FieldSetMapper. It could for example have a names property (with a setter) and a targetClass property (with a setter). Using Reflect, you could then cast the object to your desired class and call setters according to the names passed as arguments.
Here's what a FieldSetMapper looks like :
public Report mapFieldSet(FieldSet fieldSet) throws BindException {
T object;
return object;
Here's what Reflect looks like :
Method method = object.getClass().getMethod(methodName);

symfony2 Argument 1 passed must implement interface Doctrine Collection, array given

I have a form that has 3 entites (Obras, FechaObra and HorarioObra) with one to many relationship. One Obra may have many FechaObra and one FechaObra may have many HorarioObra. but I made tha form as told in symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/form/form_collections.html but it gives me this error:
Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to Acme\ReservasBundle\Entity\FechaObra::setHorariosobra() must implement interface Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection, array given, called in /var/www/html/grisar/entradas/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/PropertyAccess/PropertyAccessor.php on line 410 and defined
I already defined horariosobra as an arraycollection, but it keeps giving me that error.
The source code of the bundle is in: github.com/javiermarcon/tickets/tree/master/src/Acme/ReservasBundle
Does anyone know why is giving me that error?
Remove strong typed \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection from setter method:
public function setHorariosobra($horariosobra)
// Be sure to "use" ArrayCollection class
$this->horariosobra = new ArrayCollection($horariosobra);
foreach ($horariosobra as $horarioobra) {
The should fix things. Remember, Forms component need not to know about Doctrine - it's entirely up to you to enforce usage of entities. Therefore, submitted data to setter method is generic array rather than Doctrine's Collection

PHPUnit mock a controller with reference parameter?

I have a class:
class Hello {
function doSomething(&$reference, $normalParameter) {
// do stuff...
Then I have a controller:
class myController {
function goNowAction() {
$hello = new Hello();
$var = new stdClass();
$var2 = new stdClass();
$bla = $hello->doSomething($var, $var2);
The "goNow" action I call using my tests like so:
I want to mock the "doSomething" method so it returns the word "GONOW!" as the result. How do I do that?
I've tried creating a mock
$mock = $this->getMock('Hello ', array('doSomething'));
And then adding the return:
But I'm stumped as to how to hook this up to the actual controller that I'm testing. What do I have to do to get it to actually call the mocked method?
You could create a mock for the reference, or if it is just a simple reference as your code shows, send a variable. Then the normal mock call may be called and tested.
$ReferenceVariable= 'empty';
$mock = $this->getMock('Hello ', array('doSomething'));
$this->assertEquals('GONOW!', $stub->doSomething($ReferenceVariable, 'TextParameter'));
Your example code does not explain your problem properly.
Your method allows two parameters, the first being passed as a reference. But you create two objects for the two parameters. Objects are ALWAYS passed as a reference, no matter what the declaration of the function says.
I would suggest not to declare a parameter to be passed as a reference unless there is a valid reason to do so. If you expect a parameter to be a certain object, add a typehint. If it must not be an object, try to avoid passing it as a reference variable (this will lead to confusing anyways, especially if you explicitly pass an object as a reference because everybody will try to figure out why you did it).
But your real question is this:
But I'm stumped as to how to hook this up to the actual controller that I'm testing. What do I have to do to get it to actually call the mocked method?
And the answer is: Don't create the object directly in the controller with new Hello. You have to pass the object that should get used into that controller. And this object is either the real thing, or the mock object in the test.
The way to achieve this is called "dependency injection" or "inversion of control". Explanaitions of what this means should be found with any search engine.
In short: Pass the object to be used into another object instead of creating it inside. You could use the constructor to accept the object as a parameter, or the method could allow for one additional parameter itself. You could also write a setter function that (optionally) gets called and replaces the usual default object with the new instance.

JPA EclipseLink Weaver generates call to porperty getter inside its setter -> NullPointerException

I have an #Embeddable class that uses property access to wrap another object that's not directly mappable by JPA via field access. It looks like this:
public class MyWrapper {
private WrappedType wrappedField;
protected MyWrapper() {
public MyWrapper(WrappedType wrappedField) {
this.wrappedField = wrappedField;
public WrappedType getWrappedField() {
return wrappedField;
public void setWrappedField(WrappedType wrappedField) {
this.wrappedField = wrappedField;
#Column(name = "wrappedTypeColumn")
protected String getJPARepresentation() {
return wrappedField.toString();
protected void setJPARepresentation(String jpaRepresentation) {
wrappedField = new WrappedType(jpaRepresentation);
Persisting an #Entity with a MyWrapper field works fine. But when I execute a query to load the Entity from the database, I get a NullPointerException. The stacktrace and some debugging shows that Eclipselink creates a new instance of MyWrapper by calling its default constructor and then calls the setJPARepresentation() method (as expected).
But now the unexpected happens: the stacktrace shows that the getJPARepresentation() is called from inside the setter, which then of course leads to a NullPointerException when return wrappedField.toString() is executed.
at MyWrapper.getJPARepresentation(MyWrapper.java:27)
at MyWrapper.setJPARepresentation(MyWrapper.java)
... 109 more
Fact is, there is obviously no call to the getter in the code and the stacktrace shows no line number indicating from where in the setter called the getter. So my conclusion would be, that the bytecode weaver of Eclipselink generated the call to the getter.
It's easy to build a workaround, but my question is: Why does Eclipselink do that?
P.S: I'm using EclipseLink 2.3.2.v20111125-r10461 in a GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1.2 (build 23)
When weaving is enabled (default on Glassfish), EclipseLink will weave code into property get/set methods for,
change tracking
fetch groups (partial objects)
lazy (relationships)
For change tracking support the set method will be weaved to check if the new value is different than the old value, so it must call the get method to get the old value.
Now this is still odd, as since your are building a new object, I would not expect the change listener to be set yet, so would expect the change tracking check to be bypassed. You could decompile the code to see exactly what was generated.
The easiest fix is to just put in a null check in your get method, which is probably best in general for your code. You could also switch to field access, which will not have issues with side-affects in get/set methods. You could also use a Converter to handle the conversion, instead of doing the conversion in get/set methods.