paging subdocument in mongodb subdocument - mongodb

I want to paging my data in Mongodb. I use slice operator but can not paging my data. I wish to bring my row but can not paging in this row.
I want to return only 2 rows of data source.
How can resolve it
My Query :
"_id": ObjectId("557e8c93a6df1a22041e0879"),
"Questions._id": ObjectId("557e8c9fa6df1a22041e087b")
}, {
"Questions.$.DataSource": {
"$slice": [0, 2]
"_id": 0,
"Questions.DataSourceItemCount": 1
My collection data :
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("557e8c93a6df1a22041e0879"),
"QuestionCount" : 2.0000000000000000,
"Questions" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("557e8c9ba6df1a22041e087a"),
"DataSource" : [],
"DataSourceItemCount" : NumberLong(0)
"_id" : ObjectId("557e8c9fa6df1a22041e087b"),
"DataSource" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("557e9428a6df1a198011fa55"),
"CreationDate" : ISODate("2015-06-15T09:00:24.485Z"),
"IsActive" : true,
"Text" : "sdf",
"Value" : "sdf"
"_id" : ObjectId("557e98e9a6df1a1a88da8b1d"),
"CreationDate" : ISODate("2015-06-15T09:20:41.027Z"),
"IsActive" : true,
"Text" : "das",
"Value" : "asdf"
"_id" : ObjectId("557e98eea6df1a1a88da8b1e"),
"CreationDate" : ISODate("2015-06-15T09:20:46.889Z"),
"IsActive" : true,
"Text" : "asdf",
"Value" : "asdf"
"_id" : ObjectId("557e98f2a6df1a1a88da8b1f"),
"CreationDate" : ISODate("2015-06-15T09:20:50.401Z"),
"IsActive" : true,
"Text" : "asd",
"Value" : "asd"
"_id" : ObjectId("557e98f5a6df1a1a88da8b20"),
"CreationDate" : ISODate("2015-06-15T09:20:53.639Z"),
"IsActive" : true,
"Text" : "asd",
"Value" : "asd"
"DataSourceItemCount" : NumberLong(5)
"Name" : "er"

Though this is possible to do with some real wrangling you would be best off changing the document structure to "flatten" the array entries into a single array. The main reason for this is "updates" which are not atomically supported by MongoDB with respect to updating the "inner" array due to the current limitations of the positional $ operator.
At any rate, it's not easy to deal with for the reasons that will become apparent.
For the present structure you approach it like this:
// Match the required document and `_id` is unique
{ "$match": {
"_id": ObjectId("557e8c93a6df1a22041e0879")
// Unwind the outer array
{ "$unwind": "$Questions" },
// Match the inner entry
{ "$match": {
"Questions._id": ObjectId("557e8c9fa6df1a22041e087b"),
// Unwind the inner array
{ "$unwind": "$Questions.DataSource" }
// Find the first element
{ "$group": {
"_id": {
"_id": "$_id",
"questionId": "$Questions._id"
"firstSource": { "$first": "$Questions.DataSource" },
"sources": { "$push": "$Questions.DataSource" }
// Unwind the sources again
{ "$unwind": "$sources" },
// Compare the elements to keep
{ "$project": {
"firstSource": 1,
"sources": 1,
"seen": { "$eq": [ "$firstSource._id", "$sources._id" ] }
// Filter out anything "seen"
{ "$match": { "seen": true } },
// Group back the elements you want
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"firstSource": "$firstSource",
"secondSource": { "$first": "$sources" }
So that is going to give you the "first two elements" of that inner array. It's the basic process for implementing $slice in the aggregation framework, which is required since you cannot use standard projection with a "nested array" in the way you are trying.
Since $slice is not supported otherwise with the aggregation framework, you can see that doing "paging" would be a pretty horrible and "iterative" operation in order to "pluck" the array elements.
I could at this point suggest "flattening" to a single array, but the same "slicing" problem applies because even if you made "QuestionId" a property of the "inner" data, it has the same projection an selection problems for which you need the same aggregation approach.
Then there is this "seemingly" not great structure for your data ( for some query operations ) but it all depends on your usage patterns. This structure suits this type of operation:
"_id" : ObjectId("557e8c93a6df1a22041e0879"),
"QuestionCount" : 2.0000000000000000,
"Questions" : {
"557e8c9ba6df1a22041e087a": {
"DataSource" : [],
"DataSourceItemCount" : NumberLong(0)
"557e8c9fa6df1a22041e087b": {
"DataSource" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("557e9428a6df1a198011fa55"),
"CreationDate" : ISODate("2015-06-15T09:00:24.485Z"),
"IsActive" : true,
"Text" : "sdf",
"Value" : "sdf"
"_id" : ObjectId("557e98e9a6df1a1a88da8b1d"),
"CreationDate" : ISODate("2015-06-15T09:20:41.027Z"),
"IsActive" : true,
"Text" : "das",
"Value" : "asdf"
"DataSourceItemCount" : NumberLong(5)
Where this works:
"_id": ObjectId("557e8c93a6df1a22041e0879"),
"Questions.557e8c9fa6df1a22041e087b": { "$exists": true }
"_id": 0,
"Questions.557e8c9fa6df1a22041e087b.DataSource": { "$slice": [0, 2] },
"Questions.557e8c9fa6df1a22041e087b.DataSourceItemCount": 1
Nested arrays are not great for many operations, particularly update operations since it is not possible to get the "inner" array index for update operations. The positional $ operator will only get the "first" or "outer" array index and cannot "also" match the inner array index.
Updates with a structure like you have involve "reading" the document as a whole and then manipulating in code and writing back. There is no "guarantee" that the document has not changed in the collection between those operations and it can lead to inconsistencies unless handled properly.
On the other hand, the revised structure as shown, works well for the type of query given, but may be "bad" if you need to dynamically search or "aggregate" across what you have represented as the "outer" "Questions".
Data structure with MongoDB is very subjective to "how you use it". So it is best to consider all of your usage patterns before "nailing down" a final data structure design for your application.
So you can either take note of the problems and solutions as noted, or simply live with retrieving the "outer" element via the standard "positional" match and then just "slice" in your client code.
It's all a matter of "what suits your application best".


How to return just the nested documents of an array from all documents

I have a question about querying nested documents. I tried to search but nothing answered my question or I am maybe overlooking it. I have structure like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("592aa441e0f8de09b0912fe9"),
"name" : "Patrick Rothfuss",
"books" : [
"title" : "Name of the wind",
"pages" : 400,
"_id" : ObjectId("592aa441e0f8de09b0912fea")
"title" : "Wise Man's Fear",
"pages" : 500,
"_id" : ObjectId("592aa441e0f8de09b0912feb")
"_id" : ObjectId("592aa441e0f8de09b0912fe9"),
"name" : "Rober Jordan",
"books" : [
"title" : "The Eye of the World",
"pages" : 400,
"_id" : ObjectId("592aa441e0f8de09b0912fea")
"title" : "The Great Hunt",
"pages" : 500,
"_id" : ObjectId("592aa441e0f8de09b0912feb")
And I would like to query for the list of all books in entire colletion of Authors - something like:
"books" : [
"title" : "The Eye of the World",
"pages" : 400,
"_id" : ObjectId("592aa441e0f8de09b0912fea")
"title" : "The Great Hunt",
"pages" : 500,
"_id" : ObjectId("592aa441e0f8de09b0912feb")
"title" : "Name of the wind",
"pages" : 400,
"_id" : ObjectId("592aa441e0f8de09b0912fea")
"title" : "Wise Man's Fear",
"pages" : 500,
"_id" : ObjectId("592aa441e0f8de09b0912fea")
You can do this using .aggregate() and predominantly the $unwind pipeline operator:
In modern MongoDB 3.4 and above you can use in tandem with $replaceRoot
{ "$unwind": "$books" },
{ "$replaceRoot": { "newRoot": "$books" } }
],function(err,results) {
In earlier versions you specify all fields with $project:
{ "$unwind": "$books" },
{ "$project": {
"_id": "$books._id",
"pages": "$books.pages",
"title": "$books.title"
],function(err,results) {
So $unwind is what you use to deconstruct or "denormalise" the array entries for processing. Effectively this creates a copy of the whole document for each member of the array.
The rest of the task is about returning "only" those fields present in the array.
It's not a very wise thing to do though. If your intent is to only return content embedded within an array of a document, then you would be better off putting that content into a separate collection instead.
It's far better for performance, pulling apart a all documents from a collection with the aggregation framework, just to list those documents from the array only.
According to above mentioned description please try executing following query in MongoDB shell.
// Pipeline
// Stage 1
$unwind: "$books"
// Stage 2
$group: {
// Stage 3
$project: {

mongodb check if all subdocuments in array have the same value in one field

I have a collection of documents, each has a field which is an array of subdocuments, and all subdocuments have a common field 'status'. I want to find all documents that have the same status for all subdocuments.
"name" : "John",
"wives" : [
"name" : "Mary",
"status" : "dead"
"name" : "Anne",
"status" : "alive"
"name" : "Bill",
"wives" : [
"name" : "Mary",
"status" : "dead"
"name" : "Anne",
"status" : "dead"
"name" : "Mohammed",
"wives" : [
"name" : "Jane",
"status" : "dead"
"name" : "Sarah",
"status" : "dying"
I want to check if all wives are dead and find only Bill.
You can use the following aggregation query to get records of person whose wives are all dead:
{$project: {name:1, wives:1, size:{$size:'$wives'}}},
{$group:{_id:'$_id',name:{$first:'$name'}, wives:{$push: '$wives'},size:{$first:'$size'},count:{$sum:1}}},
{$project:{_id:1, wives:1, name:1, cmp_value:{$cmp:['$size','$count']}}},
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56d401de8b953f35aa92bfb8"), "name" : "Bill", "wives" : [ { "name" : "Mary", "status" : "dead" }, { "name" : "Anne", "status" : "dead" } ], "cmp_value" : 0 }
If you need to find records of users who has same status, then you may remove the initial match stage.
The most efficient way to handle this is always going to be to "match" on the status of "dead" as the opening query, otherwise you are processing items that cannot possibly match, and the logic really quite simply followed with $map and $allElementsTrue:
{ "$match": { "wives.status": "dead" } },
{ "$redact": {
"$cond": {
"if": {
"$allElementsTrue": {
"$map": {
"input": "$wives",
"as": "wife",
"in": { "$eq": [ "$$wife.status", "dead" ] }
"then": "$$KEEP",
"else": "$$PRUNE"
Or the same thing with $where:
"wives.status": "dead",
"$where": function() {
return this.wives.length
== this.wives.filter(function(el) {
el.status == "dead";
Both essentially test the "status" value of all elements to make sure they match in the fastest possible way. But the aggregate pipeline with just $match and $redact should be faster. And "less" pipeline stages ( essentially each a pass through the data ) means faster as well.
Of course keeping a property on the document is always fastest, but it would involve logic to set that only where "all elements" are the same property. Which of course would typically mean inspecting the document by loading it from the server prior to each update.

How to get mongodb deeply embeded document id

I have the following mongo document, which is part of a bigger document called attributes, which also has Colour and Size
> db.attributes.find({'name': {'en-UK': 'Fabric'}}).pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("543261cda14c971132fa2b91"),
"values" : [
"source" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("543261cda14c971132fa2b79"),
"name" : {
"en-UK" : "Combed Cotton"
"name" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("543261cda14c971132fa2b85"),
"name" : {
"en-UK" : "Brushed 3-ply"
"_id" : ObjectId("543261cda14c971132fa2b8f"),
"name" : {
"en-UK" : "Plain Weave"
"_id" : ObjectId("543261cda14c971132fa2b90"),
"name" : {
"en-UK" : "1x1 Rib"
"name" : {
"en-UK" : "Fabric"
I am trying to return the _id for a sub document and have the following:
{ '$match': {'name.en-UK': 'Fabric'} },
{ '$unwind' : '$values' },
{ '$project': { 'name' : '$'} },
{ '$match': { '$and': [{"" : "1x1 Rib"} ] }}
What is the correct way to do this?
Also, the values of Fabric is an array with two items, source and name, but if I populate it like:
> db.attributes.find({'name': {'en-UK': 'Fabric'}}).pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("543261cda14c971132fa2b91"),
"values" : {
"source" : [{ ... }]
"name": [{ ... }]
I get the following error
"errmsg" : "exception: $unwind: value at end of field path must be an array"
But if I wrap it inside a square brackets this then works, so that
> db.attributes.find({'name': {'en-UK': 'Fabric'}}).pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("543261cda14c971132fa2b91"),
"values" : [{
"source" : [{ ... }],
"name": [{ ... }]
what am I missing as values is an array of two objects, source and name each containing a list of arrays
Any advice much appreciated
What you seem to be "missing" here is that "some" of your documents do either not contain a "value" property at all or at the very least it is "not an array". This is the basic context of the error you have been given.
Fortunately there are a couple of ways to get around this. Namely, either "testing" for the presence of an array when submitting you original query. Or actually "substituting" the missing element for some kind of array when processing the pipeline.
Here are both approaches in what is effectively an redundant form since the first $match condition really sorts this out:
{ "$match": {
"name.en-UK": "Fabric",
"values.0": { "$exists": true }
{ "$project": {
"name": 1,
"values": { "$ifNull": [ "$values", [] ] }
{ "$unwind": "$values" },
{ "$unwind": "$" },
{ "$match": { "" : "1x1 Rib" }}
So as I said. Really redundant in that the initial $match actually asks if an "initial array element" actually exists. Which kind of means that there is an array there.
The second $project phase actually uses the $ifNull operator to "fill in" a value ( or basically an empty array ) where the tested element does not exist. We tested for that anyway before, but this demonstrates the different approaches.
But the basic idea id either "avoiding" or "filling-in" where your document does not have the expected data that you want to process. Which is the cause of your error.

Aggregation framework flatten subdocument data with parent document

I am building a dashboard that rotates between different webpages. I am wanting to pull all slides that are part of the "Test" deck and order them appropriately. After the query my result would ideally look like.
{ "url" : "", "position": 1, "duartion": 10 },
{ "url" : "", "position": 2, "duartion": 3 }
I currently have a dataset that looks like the following
"_id" : ObjectId("53a612043c24d08167b26f82"),
"url" : "",
"decks" : [
"title" : "Test",
"position" : 2,
"duration" : 3
"_id" : ObjectId("53a6103e3c24d08167b26f81"),
"decks" : [
"title" : "Test",
"position" : 1,
"duration" : 2
"title" : "Other Deck",
"position" : 1,
"duration" : 10
"url" : ""
My attempted query looks like:
"$match": {
"decks.title": "Test"
"$sort": {
"decks.position": 1
"$project": {
"_id": 0,
"position": "$decks.position",
"duration": "$decks.duration",
"url": 1
But it does not yield my desired results. How can I query my dataset and get my expected results in a optimal way?
Well to truly "flatten" the document as your title suggests then $unwind is always going to be employed as there really is not other way to do that. There are however some different approaches if you can live with the array being filtered down to the matching element.
Basically speaking, if you really only have one thing to match in the array then your fastest approach is to simply use .find() matching the required element and projecting:
{ "decks.title": "Test" },
{ "decks.$": 1 }
).sort({ "decks.position": 1 }).pretty()
That is still an array but as long as you have only one element that matches then this does work. Also the items are sorted as expected, though of course the "title" field is not dropped from the matched documents, as that is beyond the possibilities for simple projection.
"_id" : ObjectId("53a6103e3c24d08167b26f81"),
"decks" : [
"title" : "Test",
"position" : 1,
"duration" : 2
"_id" : ObjectId("53a612043c24d08167b26f82"),
"decks" : [
"title" : "Test",
"position" : 2,
"duration" : 3
Another approach, as long as you have MongoDB 2.6 or greater available, is using the $map operator and some others in order to both "filter" and re-shape the array "in-place" without actually applying $unwind:
{ "$project": {
"url": 1,
"decks": {
"$setDifference": [
"$map": {
"input": "$decks",
"as": "el",
"in": {
"$cond": [
{ "$eq": [ "$$el.title", "Test" ] },
"position": "$$el.position",
"duration": "$$el.duration"
{ "$sort": { "decks.position": 1 }}
The advantage there is that you can make the changes without "unwinding", which can reduce processing time with large arrays as you are not essentially creating new documents for every array member and then running a separate $match stage to "filter" or another $project to reshape.
"_id" : ObjectId("53a6103e3c24d08167b26f81"),
"decks" : [
"position" : 1,
"duration" : 2
"url" : ""
"_id" : ObjectId("53a612043c24d08167b26f82"),
"url" : "",
"decks" : [
"position" : 2,
"duration" : 3
You can again either live with the "filtered" array or if you want you can again "flatten" this truly by adding in an additional $unwind where you do not need to filter with $match as the result already contains only the matched items.
But generally speaking if you can live with it then just use .find() as it will be the fastest way. Otherwise what you are doing is fine for small data, or there is the other option for consideration.
Well as soon as I posted I realized I should be using an $unwind. Is this query the optimal way to do it, or can it be done differently?
"$unwind": "$decks"
"$match": {
"decks.title": "Test"
"$sort": {
"decks.position": 1
"$project": {
"_id": 0,
"position": "$decks.position",
"duration": "$decks.duration",
"url": 1

ordering fields after applying $setUnion mongoDB

I have a collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("5338ec2a5b5b71242a1c911c"),
"people" : [
"name" : "Vasya"
"age" : "30"
"weight" : "80"
"animals" : [
"dog" : "Sharick"
"cat" : "Barsik"
"bird" : "parrot"
"_id" : ObjectId("5338ec7f5b5b71242a1c911d"),
"people" : [
"name" : "Max"
"age" : "32"
"weight" : "78"
"animals" : [
"dog" : "Borbos"
"cat" : "Murka"
"bird" : "Eagle"
then I combine two arrays "people" and "animals"
in the issue:
How to make the fields of each record array "result" to be displayed in a single order, and not randomly?
that is:
Wish I could find the quote ( If I can I will add it ), but it basically comes from the CTO of MongoDB and is essentially (sic) "Set's are not considered to be ordered". And very much so from a Math point of view that is true.
So you have stumbled upon one of the new features in the current (as of writing) 2.6 release candidate series. But like with it's $addToSet counterpart, the resulting set from $setUnion will not be sorted in any way.
To do this you need to $unwind and $sort and then $group again using $push, just as you always have with $addToSet. And of course you would need some common key in order to $sort on this, which your data does not.
Update: Here is the quote, and here is another.