Recursion over a Swift Sliceable - swift

I feel that I must be missing something obvious. Decomposing a list into the head and tail and then recursing over the tail is a standard functional programming technique, yet I'm struggling to do this for Sliceable types in Swift.
I have a recursive function that follows this pattern:
func recurseArray(arr: [Int]) -> [Int] {
guard let first = arr.first else {
return []
let rest = recurseArray(Array(dropFirst(arr)))
let next = rest.first ?? 0
return [first + next] + rest
Obviously the real code does a lot more than add each number to the next.
Note the call to Array(dropFirst(seq)). Converting to an Array is required since dropFirst actually returns an ArraySlice, and an ArraySlice isn't a Sliceable, so I can't pass it to my function.
I'm not sure what sort of optimization the compiler is capable of here, but it seems to me that creating a new array from a SubSlice unnecessarily won't be optimal. Is there a solution to this?
Furthermore, what I'd really like to do is create a version of this function that can take any Sliceable type:
func recurseSeq<T: Sliceable where T.Generator.Element == Int>(list: T) -> [Int] {
guard let first = list.first else {
return []
let rest = recurseSeq(dropFirst(list)) // <- Error - cannot invoke with argument type T.SubSlice
let next = rest.first ?? 0
return [first + next] + rest
This time I don't have a solution to the fact that I have a SubSlice. How can I achieve my goal?

It turns out that there is a generic solution. You need to add these generic requirements:
S : Sliceable where S.SubSlice : Sliceable,
S.SubSlice.Generator.Element == S.Generator.Element,
S.SubSlice.SubSlice == S.SubSlice
For the question posted, this gives:
func recurseSeq<
S : Sliceable where S.SubSlice : Sliceable,
S.SubSlice.Generator.Element == Int,
S.SubSlice.SubSlice == S.SubSlice,
S.Generator.Element == Int
>(list: S) -> [Int] {
guard let first = list.first else {
return []
let rest = recurseSeq(dropFirst(list))
let next = rest.first ?? 0
return [first + next] + rest
Here's a useful generic reduce on any sliceable:
extension Sliceable where
SubSlice : Sliceable,
SubSlice.Generator.Element == Generator.Element,
SubSlice.SubSlice == SubSlice {
func recReduce(combine: (Generator.Element, Generator.Element) -> Generator.Element) -> Generator.Element? {
return {
head in
.map {combine(head, $0)}
?? head
[1, 2, 3].recReduce(+) // 6
I can't take credit for this, the solution was posted on the Apple Development Forums.
It's a shame that the generic requirements are so involved for such a a basic operation - it's hardly intuitive! But I'm glad to have a solution...

Actually ArraySlice is Sliceable, so you can recurse on
func recurseArray(arr: ArraySlice<Int>) -> [Int] {
guard let first = arr.first else {
return []
let rest = recurseArray(dropFirst(arr))
let next = rest.first ?? 0
return [first + next] + rest
with a wrapper function which is called only once at the top level:
func recurseArray(arr: [Int]) -> [Int] {
return recurseArray(arr[arr.startIndex ..< arr.endIndex])
I don't have a solution for your second more general problem.
The API docs for Sliceable state that SubSlice should be
Sliceable itself (which is the case for all known Sliceable
I have therefore the feeling that it should be possible by requesting
that T.SubSlice is itself sliceable with the identical SubSlice
type, however this does not compile:
func recurseSeq<T: Sliceable where T.Generator.Element == Int,
T.SubSlice : Sliceable,
T.SubSlice.SubSlice == T.SubSlice>(list: T.SubSlice) -> [Int] {
guard let first = list.first else {
return []
let rest = recurseSeq(dropFirst(list) as T.SubSlice)
// error: cannot invoke 'recurseSeq' with an argument list of type '(T.SubSlice)'
let next = rest.first ?? 0
return [first + next] + rest
The compiler accepts that dropFirst(list) can be cast to T.SubSlice,
but refuses to call recurseSeq() on that value, which I do not
Alternatively, you can recurse on a GeneratorType:
func recurseGen<G: GeneratorType where G.Element == Int>(inout gen: G) -> [Int] {
guard let first = else {
return []
let rest = recurseGen(&gen)
let next = rest.first ?? 0
return [first + next] + rest
with a wrapper that takes a SequenceType:
func recurseSeq<T: SequenceType where T.Generator.Element == Int>(list: T) -> [Int] {
var gen = list.generate()
return recurseGen(&gen)
Arrays and array slices all conform to SequenceType, so that should
work in all your cases.

Creating an array in every iteration doesn't seem like a good idea. I don't know if the compiler optimizes it somehow, but you could probably find a different solution.
For example, in this case, you could drop de recursion and use a for loop instead that modifies the array in place.
func recurseArray2(var a: [Int]) -> [Int] {
for var i = a.count-1; i > 0; i-- {
a[i-1] += a[i]
return a


Swift testing non-scalar types

I want to test my function that takes a string, a returns all the pairs of characters as an array s.t.
func pairsOfChars(_ s: String) -> [(Character,Character)] {
let strArray = Array(s)
var outputArray = [(Character,Character)]()
for i in 0..<strArray.count - 1 {
for j in i + 1..<strArray.count {
outputArray.append( (strArray[i], strArray[j]) )
return outputArray
So I want to create a suite of tests using XCTestCase. I usually use XCTestCase and XCTAssertEqual but these are only appropriate for C scalar types. This means that the following test case returns an error:
class pairsTests: XCTestCase {
func testNaive() {
measure {
XCTAssertEqual( pairsOfChars("abc") , [(Character("a"),Character("b")),(Character("a"),Character("c")),(Character("b"),Character("c")) ] )
I could convert to a string, but I'm thinking there is a better solution.
How can I test an output of an array of pairs of characters [(Character,Character)]
Your notion of a nonscalar is a total red herring. The problem is one of equatability.
How can I test an output of an array of pairs of characters [(Character,Character)]
You can't, because there is no default notion of what it would mean to equate two such arrays. This is the old "tuples of Equatable are not Equatable" problem ( which still rears its head with arrays. The == operator works on tuples by a kind of magic, but they are still not formally Equatable.
You could define equatability of arrays of character pairs yourself:
typealias CharPair = (Character,Character)
func ==(lhs:[CharPair], rhs:[CharPair]) -> Bool {
if lhs.count != rhs.count {
return false
let zipped = zip(lhs,rhs)
return zipped.allSatisfy{$0 == $1}
Alternatively, have your pairsOfChars return something that is more easily made equatable, such as an array of a struct for which Equatable is defined.
For example:
struct CharacterPair : Equatable {
let c1:Character
let c2:Character
// in Swift 4.2 this next bit is not needed
static func ==(lhs:CharacterPair, rhs:CharacterPair) -> Bool {
return lhs.c1 == rhs.c1 && lhs.c2 == rhs.c2
func pairsOfChars(_ s: String) -> [CharacterPair] {
let strArray = Array(s)
var outputArray = [CharacterPair]()
for i in 0..<strArray.count - 1 {
for j in i + 1..<strArray.count {
return outputArray
You would then rewrite the test to match:

Get next value on a map?

I'm trying to compare element to next element in a collection.
For example :
let array: [(Double, String)]= [(2.3, "ok"),
(1.4, "ok"),
(5.1, "notOk")]
I need a returned array who will summary element where the string is the same. So my result will be :
new array = [(3.7, "ok"), (5.1, "notOk")]
I need to do it functional if possible. i tried to get next element in a map but can't found how.
Something like this (this is just for logic, this code isn't working.
let newArray = {(element, nextElement) in
if element.1 == nextElement.1 {
return element.0 + nextElement.0
In a more functional way:
let array: [(Double, String)]= [(2.3, "ok"),
(1.4, "ok"),
(5.1, "notOk")]
let keys = Set({$0.1}) // find unique keys
let result = { key -> (Double, String) in
let sum = array.filter {$0.1 == key} // find all entries with the current key
.map {$0.0} // map them to their values
.reduce(0, +) // sum the values
return (sum, key)
[(5.0999999999999996, "notOk"), (3.6999999999999997, "ok")]
Alternatively (suggested by #dfri):
let keys = Set({$0.1}) // find unique keys
let result = { key -> (Double, String) in
let sum = array.reduce(0) { $0 + ($1.1 == key ? $1.0 : 0) }
return (sum, key)
I like alexburtnik's answer. It's basically word for word how I wrote my first pass of this. It's straightforward, clear, and efficient. It is excellent Swift.
But functional programming can help us think more deeply about problems and create better, reusable tools. So let's think functionally.
dfri's solution appears beautiful, but is O(m*n) (in the worst case, O(n^2)). It loops through the entire array for every unique key. This gets back the old adage by Alan Perlis: "A Lisp programmer knows the value of everything and the cost of nothing." But functional programming doesn't have to be inefficient.
The point of functional programming is to break down complex problems into simpler problems, make those simpler problems generic, and then recombine them. It's not about filters and flatMaps.
So let's break down this problem. We want to group by key, and then sum the values for each key. Grouping by key is going to be a lot easier if we sort by key first:
let result = array
.sorted(by: { $0.1 < $1.1 })
Now, we wish we could group them with something like this:
let result = array
.sorted(by: { $0.1 < $1.1 })
.grouped(by: { $0.1 == $1.1 })
I wish I had that grouped(by:). Wish fulfillment is the heart of functional programming, so let's write it. Well, a group is a sequence of elements that are all "equal" for some value of "equal." We could build that this way:
extension Array {
func grouped(by equal: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [[Element]] {
guard let firstElement = first else { return [] }
guard let splitIndex = index(where: { !equal($0, firstElement) } ) else { return [self] }
return [Array(prefix(upTo: splitIndex))] + Array(suffix(from: splitIndex)).grouped(by: equal)
That said, I don't really like this code. It's not very Swifty. That [Array(prefix(...)] + is a good indication of how much Swift hates us doing it this way. And it can be very expensive due to copying (probably getting us back to O(n^2). The Swiftier solution would be an Sequence:
struct GroupedSequence<Element>: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
var elements: [Element]
let equal: (Element, Element) -> Bool
private var nextIndex = 0
init(of elements: [Element], by equal: #escaping (Element, Element) -> Bool) {
self.elements = elements
self.equal = equal
mutating func next() -> ArraySlice<Element>? {
guard nextIndex < elements.endIndex else { return nil }
let first = elements[nextIndex]
let splitIndex = elements[nextIndex..<elements.endIndex].index(where: { !equal($0, first) } ) ?? elements.endIndex
defer { nextIndex = splitIndex }
return elements[nextIndex..<splitIndex]
extension Array {
func grouped(by equal: #escaping (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> GroupedSequence<Element> {
return GroupedSequence(elements: self, equal: equal)
Yes, it mutates and it's a little more code, but it's also lazy (which is a key tool from functional programming), it's better Swift, and very reusable. I like it. But you can use the recursive, pure version if you like.
OK, so now we have an array of arrays that are equivalent. We want to map over those and reduce each element to its sum. So we'll have a reduce inside a map. But this is not O(n^2) because each reduce is only over a single slice. We're going to walk every element just one time. To take care of one impossible corner case (an empty group, which grouped(by:) will never actually create), we'll use flatMap, but it's really just a map. You might be tempted to jump to this, but don't do it:
let result: [(Double, String)] = array
.sorted(by: { $0.1 < $1.1 })
.grouped(by: { $0.1 == $1.1 })
.flatMap { group in
guard let key = group.first?.1 else { return nil }
return (group.reduce(0, { $0 + $1.0 }), // Sum of our values
Why? That's horribly unreadable. This is what gives functional programming a bad name. What the heck is that last piece doing? No, we want functional composition, not just functional tools. So we extract a function:
func sumEach(pairGroup: ArraySlice<(Double, String)>) -> (Double, String)? {
guard let key = pairGroup.first?.1 else { return nil }
return (pairGroup.reduce(0, { $0 + $1.0 }), // Sum of our values
Now, we can have our nice functional approach without sacrificing comprehension:
let result = array
.sorted(by: { $0.1 < $1.1 })
.grouped(by: { $0.1 == $1.1 })
And in the process we've created a new tool, grouping, that we can use to compose other solutions. I think that's pretty nice.
But I'd still probably do it alexburtnik's way.
You can iterate over every tupple in your input array and save a sum in a dictionary like this:
let array: [(Double, String)] = [(1.0,"notok"),(2.0,"ok"),(3.0,"ok"),(4.0,"ok"),(5.0,"ok"),(6.0,"ok"), (7.0,"notok")]
var dict = [String: Double]()
for (value, key) in array {
dict[key] = (dict[key] ?? 0) + value
print ("dict: \(dict)")
dict: ["notok": 8.0, "ok": 20.0]
If you really need to get an array of tuples, use this:
let result = { (key, value) in (value, key) }
print ("result: \(result)")
result: [(8.0, "notok"), (20.0, "ok")]
I guess that a solution that makes a good use of Swift's features would be to combine filter and reduce:
let array: [(String, Double)] = [("ok", 2.4),
("ok", 1.3),
("not ok", 4.4),
("very not ok", 99.0)]
let key = "ok"
let result = array.filter({$0.0 != key}) + [array.filter({ $0.0 == key }).reduce((key, 0.0), { (key, $0.1 + $1.1) })]
And then the result would be
[("not ok", 4.4000000000000004), ("very not ok", 99.0), ("ok", 3.7000000000000002)]
Which I assume is what you wanted to achieve.
To reduce all tuples you could simply wrap the solution inside of a function:
func reduceAllTuples(tupleArray: [(String, Double)]) -> [(String, Double)]{
var array = tupleArray
for (key, _) in tupleArray {
array = array.filter({$0.0 != key}) + [array.filter({ $0.0 == key }).reduce((key, 0.0), { (key, $0.1 + $1.1) })]
return array

swift generics return first and last element

I'm trying to get used to generics (never used them in objc) and want to write a toy function that takes an object of any type () and returns the first and last element. Hypothetically, I'd only use this on an array or a string - I keep getting an error that has no subscript members. I totally understand that the error message is telling me swift has no clue that T may potentially hold a type that does have subscripts - I just want to know how to get around this.
func firstAndLastFromCollection<T>(a:T?) {
var count: Int = 0
for item in a as! [AnyObject] {
if count>1 {
var first = a?[0]
var last = a?[count-1]
return (first, last)
return something else here
Do I need to typecast somewhere here (which would kind of defeat the purpose here, as I'd need to downcast as either a string or an array, adding code and lessening how generic this func is)?
If you want to return the first and the last element then it's probably safe assuming the input param is an array of some kind of type.
So you can implement your function this way
func firstAndLast<T>(list:[T]) -> (first:T, last:T)? {
guard let first = list.first, last = list.last else { return nil }
return (first, last)
The function does return a tuple of 2 element, both have the same type of the generic element of the input array.
The returned tuple is an option because if the array is empty then nil is returned.
let nums = firstAndLast([1,2,3,4])
let words = firstAndLast(["One", "Two", "Three"])
As you can verify the type of the generic element into the array becomes the type of the elements inside the tuple.
In the example above nums is inferred to be (Int, Int)? and words (Words, Words)?
More examples
let emptyList: [String] = []
firstAndLast(emptyList) // nil
Finally you can also write this code as an extension of Array.
extension Array {
var firstAndLast: (first:Element, last:Element)? {
guard let first = self.first, last = self.last else { return nil }
return (first, last)
Now you can write
let aCoupleOfShows = ["Breaking Bad", "Better Call Saul", "Mr Robot"].firstAndLast
Again, if you check the type of the constant aCoupleOfShows you'll see that is a (first: String, last: String)?. Swift automatically did infer the correct type.
Last example
In the comments you said you wanted the first and last chars of a String. here it is the code if you use the extension above
if let chars = Array("Hello world".characters).firstAndLast {
print("First char is \(chars.first), last char is \(chars.last) ")
//>> First char is H, last char is d
If we are talking about collections, let's use the CollectionType:
func firstAndLastFromCollection<T: CollectionType>(a: T) -> (T.Generator.Element, T.Generator.Element)? {
guard !a.isEmpty else {
return nil
return (a.first!, a.lazy.reverse().first!)
print(firstAndLastFromCollection(["a", "b", "c"])) // ("a", "c")
print(firstAndLastFromCollection("abc".characters)) // ("a", "c")
print(firstAndLastFromCollection(0..<200)) // (0, 199)
print(firstAndLastFromCollection([] as [String])) // nil
If you specify your generic type to also conform to bidirectional index:
func firstAndLastFromCollection<T: CollectionType where T.Index : BidirectionalIndexType>(...) -> ...
then you can call last directly:
return (a.first!, a.last!)
If we decide to implement it using a category, we don't need generics at all:
extension CollectionType {
func firstAndLast() -> (Generator.Element, Generator.Element)? {
guard !self.isEmpty else {
return nil
return (self.first!, self.lazy.reverse().first!)
extension CollectionType where Index: BidirectionalIndexType {
func firstAndLast() -> (Generator.Element, Generator.Element)? {
guard !self.isEmpty else {
return nil
return (self.first!, self.last!)
Swift is a protocol oriented language. Usually you will find yourself extend protocols more than extending classes or structs.

Index and Iterate over CollectionType in swift

I have code which is basically like this:
func arrayHalvesEqual(data:[UInt8]) -> Bool {
let midPoint = data.count / 2
for i in 0..<midPoint {
let b = data[i]
let b2 = data[i + midPoint]
if b != b2 {
return false
return true
This works fine, but sometimes I want to pass in Arrays, and other times ArraySlice. I thought I'd change it to use generics and the CollectionType protocol, which converts as follows:
func arrayHalvesEqual<ByteArray : CollectionType where ByteArray.Generator.Element == UInt8>(data:ByteArray) -> Bool {
let midPoint = data.count / 2
for i in 0..<midPoint {
let b = data[i]
let b2 = data[i + midPoint]
if b != b2 {
return false
return true
However, I get the following compiler error:
error: binary operator '..<' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Int' and 'ByteArray.Index.Distance'
for i in 0..<midPoint {
I can switch the for loop to for i in data.indices which makes that compile, but then I can no longer divide it by 2 to get the midPoint, as data.indices returns the abstract CollectionType.Index whereas / 2 is an Int.
Is it possible to do something like this in Swift? Can I bridge between an abstract protocol Index type and some real type I can do maths on?
P.S: I've seen and found other examples for iterating over the whole collection by using indices and enumerate, but I explicitly only want to iterate over half the collection which requires some sort of division by 2
You can restrict the method to collections which are indexed
by Int:
func arrayHalvesEqual<ByteArray : CollectionType where ByteArray.Index == Int, ByteArray.Generator.Element == UInt8>
(data:ByteArray) -> Bool { ... }
This covers both Array and ArraySlice.
And if you use indices.startIndex instead of 0 as initial index
then it suffices to restrict the index type to IntegerType.
Also the data type UInt8 can be replaced by a generic Equatable,
and the entire method shortened to
func arrayHalvesEqual<ByteArray : CollectionType where ByteArray.Index : IntegerType, ByteArray.SubSequence.Generator.Element : Equatable>
(data:ByteArray) -> Bool {
let midPoint = (data.indices.endIndex - data.indices.startIndex)/2
let firstHalf = data[data.indices.startIndex ..< midPoint]
let secondHalf = data[midPoint ..< data.indices.endIndex]
return !zip(firstHalf, secondHalf).contains { $0 != $1 }

How to write any(s : SequenceType) in Swift

Swift doesn't seem to have functions for any() or all() so I am trying to make my own. The closest I have gotten is
func any<S: SequenceType
where S.Generator.Element: BooleanType>
(sequence: S) -> Bool{
var __g = sequence.generate()
var first_element =
if first_element == nil{
return false
return reduce(sequence, first_element!, {$0 || $1})
Edit: As per comments, this function should really look like this
func any<S: SequenceType
where S.Generator.Element: BooleanType>
(sequence: S) -> Bool{
return reduce(sequence, false, {$0 || $1})
The compiler tells me
'S.Generator.Element' is not convertible to 'Bool'
It seems to me I am explicitly telling the compiler that it is on the second line. What am I missing?
Your problem is that next returns an optional. That means reduce is expecting to return an optional and $0 is an optional. You would have to unwrap the optional to be able to use the || operator. You also don't know the the type is a Bool, just that it is a BooleanType. You would have to also convert it to an actual Bool by calling boolValue on it:
func any<S: SequenceType
where S.Generator.Element: BooleanType>
(sequence: S) -> Bool{
var __g = sequence.generate()
var first_element =
if first_element == nil{
return false
return reduce(sequence, first_element!.boolValue, {$0 || $1})
However, in this case, I think simplicity is best:
func any<S: SequenceType
where S.Generator.Element: BooleanType>
(sequence: S) -> Bool{
for element in sequence {
if element.boolValue {
return true
return false
This is actually more efficient too because it returns as soon as it finds the first true instead of always going through the whole thing.