amend all comments of all commits of a repository - azure-devops

I'm moving our on premise tfs repositories to visualstudio online. In the process I'd prefer to convert everything to git.
I found this (*) post online and everything works. But now I would like to use libgit2sharp to amend all the comments so to point to the correct work items.
I've cobbled together a bit of code that should do the trick:
Dictionary<string,string> links; //contains all links between new and old workitems, keys: old workitems, values: new workitems
using (var repo = new Repository(#"D:\gittfs\testproject"))
foreach (var commit in repo.Commits)
var commitMessage = commit.Message;
var regex = new Regex(#"#[0-9]*");
foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(commitMessage))
string newId;
if (links.TryGetValue(match.ToString(), out newId))
commitMessage = commitMessage.Replace(match.ToString(), newId);
var c = repo.Commit(commitMessage, new CommitOptions { AmendPreviousCommit = true });
This code runs without a problem and if I compare c.Message with commit.Message, I can see several of these being replaced. The problem is that after the program has ran, none of the amended commits are in the repository. So I think I'm still doing something wrong?

I think you might rather be after some git filter-branch like feature.
LibGit2Sharp exposes this through the HistoryRewriter type.
You can peek at the FilterBranchFixture test suite for inspiration.

following code did the trick for me. thnx nulltoken!
var rewriteHistoryOptions = new RewriteHistoryOptions()
CommitHeaderRewriter = commit =>
var commitMessage = commit.Message;
bool stuffreplaced = false;
var r = new Regex(#"#[0-9]*\ ");
foreach (Match match in r.Matches(commit.Message))
string value;
if (links.TryGetValue(match.ToString().TrimEnd(), out value))
commitMessage = commitMessage.Replace(match.ToString().Trim(), value);
Console.WriteLine(commit.Id + ": " + match.ToString() + " replaced by " + value);
stuffreplaced = true;
if (stuffreplaced)
return CommitRewriteInfo.From(commit, message: commitMessage);
return CommitRewriteInfo.From(commit);
repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(rewriteHistoryOptions, repo.Commits);


How to remove the extra page at the end of a word document which created during mail merge

I have written a piece of code to create a word document by mail merge using Syncfusion (Assembly Syncfusion.DocIO.Portable, Version=17.1200.0.50,), Angular 7+ and .NET Core. Please see the code below.
private MemoryStream MergePaymentPlanInstalmentsScheduleToPdf(List<PaymentPlanInstalmentReportModel>
PaymentPlanDetails, byte[] templateFileBytes)
if (templateFileBytes == null || templateFileBytes.Length == 0)
return null;
var templateStream = new MemoryStream(templateFileBytes);
var pdfStream = new MemoryStream();
WordDocument mergeDocument = null;
using (mergeDocument = new WordDocument(templateStream, FormatType.Docx))
if (mergeDocument != null)
var mergeList = new List<PaymentPlanInstalmentScheduleMailMergeModel>();
var obj = new PaymentPlanInstalmentScheduleMailMergeModel();
obj.Applicants = 0;
if (PaymentPlanDetails != null && PaymentPlanDetails.Any()) {
var applicantCount = PaymentPlanDetails.GroupBy(a => a.StudentID)
.Select(s => new
StudentID = s.Key,
Count = s.Select(a => a.StudentID).Distinct().Count()
obj.Applicants = applicantCount?.Count() > 0 ? applicantCount.Count() : 0;
var reportDataSource = new MailMergeDataTable("Report", mergeList);
var tableDataSource = new MailMergeDataTable("PaymentPlanDetails", PaymentPlanDetails);
List<DictionaryEntry> commands = new List<DictionaryEntry>();
commands.Add(new DictionaryEntry("Report", ""));
commands.Add(new DictionaryEntry("PaymentPlanDetails", ""));
MailMergeDataSet ds = new MailMergeDataSet();
mergeDocument.MailMerge.ExecuteNestedGroup(ds, commands);
using (var converter = new DocIORenderer())
using (var pdfDocument = converter.ConvertToPDF(mergeDocument))
return pdfStream;
Once the document is generated, I notice there is a blank page (with the footer) at the end. I searched for a solution on the internet over and over again, but I was not able to find a solution. According to experts, I have done the initial checks such as making sure that the initial word template file has no page breaks, etc.
I am wondering if there is something that I can do from my code to remove any extra page breaks or anything like that, which can cause this.
Any other suggested solution for this, even including MS Word document modifications also appreciated.
Please refer the below documentation link to remove empty page at the end of Word document using Syncfusion Word library (Essential DocIO).
Please reuse the code snippet before converting Word to PDF in your sample application.
Note: I work for Syncfusion.

Retrieve reference to comment OpenXML

I am trying to pull out the text from a Word document that is referenced by a comment in OpenXML. I can easily get the text of a comment, but not the paragraph text in the document that the comment is referencing.
The image I attached shows a comment and the related text. I am having a lot of trouble finding an example of how to get the referenced text. How can I get this text?
The solution is to get the Id of the comment which as you said you already know how to retrieve, and then search the document for a CommentRangeStart element with the same Id. When you have found it, you can loop over .NextSibling() until you hit a CommentRangeEnd element.
The elements between CommentRangeStart and CommentRangeEnd is the referenced part, which obviously can be multiple runs, paragraphs, images, whatever. So you will have to handle the collected elements somehow afterwards.
I made a test document looking like this:
I've made this code to test it:
using (var wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(#"c:\test\test.docx", true))
MainDocumentPart mainPart = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart;
var document = mainPart.Document;
var comments = mainPart.WordprocessingCommentsPart.Comments.ChildElements;
foreach(Comment comment in comments)
string commentId = comment.Id;
string commentText = comment.InnerText;
OpenXmlElement rangeStart = document.Descendants<CommentRangeStart>().Where(c => c.Id == commentId).FirstOrDefault();
List<OpenXmlElement> referenced = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
rangeStart = rangeStart.NextSibling();
while(!(rangeStart is CommentRangeEnd))
rangeStart = rangeStart.NextSibling();
Console.WriteLine("Comment Id " + commentId + " with text \"" + " " + commentText + "\" references =>");
foreach (var ele in referenced)
Console.WriteLine(" " + ele.InnerText);
Which produces this output
I hope it helps!
I could not get your solution to work. However I found a workaround.
OpenXmlElement rangeStart = document.Descendants<CommentRangeStart>().Where(c => c.Id == commentId).FirstOrDefault();
bool breakLoop = false;
rangeStart = rangeStart.Parent;
while (true) // Looping through items between commentRangeStart and commentRangeEnd.
if (rangeStart.NextSibling() == null)
foreach (var ele in rangeStart.ChildElements)
if (!(ele is CommentRangeEnd))
if (!(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ele.InnerText)))
breakLoop = true;
if (breakLoop)
rangeStart = rangeStart.NextSibling();
Hence, instead of looping through the paragraph in which the CommenRageStart exists, since one comment may be built up of several paragraphs, I use the parent node in order to trace back and forth between the paragraphs. Finnaly, as I reach the CommentRangeEnd I can break the loop and process the data however is required.

finding "active" branch in EGIT repository

I have to modify a faulty program/feature, which is an extension to org.eclipse.jgit
the program overrides the close method of the PushResultDialog and passes the Repository to an method.
Here i want to find the branch which was actually pushed/checked out. I am only interested if its the master, if not i don't wanna do anything.
else i need the list of the pushed files.
First the program looked like this :
head = repo.resolve(Constants.HEAD);
RevCommit commit = rw.parseCommit(head);
PersonIdent committerIdent = commit.getCommitterIdent();
sCommitter = committerIdent.getName();
String sBranch = "?";
for (Map.Entry<String, Ref> e : repo.getAllRefs().entrySet()) {
if (e.getKey().startsWith(Constants.R_HEADS)) {
Ref ref = e.getValue();
if (rw.isMergedInto(commit, rw.parseCommit(ref.getObjectId()))) {
sTemp = ref.getName();
int i = sTemp.lastIndexOf('/');
if (i == -1)
sBranch = sTemp.substring(i + 1);
System.out.println("Ref " + sBranch
+ " < contains > " + commit);
if (sBranch.equalsIgnoreCase("master")) {
} else {
RevCommit parent = rw.parseCommit(commit.getParent(0).getId());
DiffFormatter df = new DiffFormatter(
List<DiffEntry> diffs = df.scan(parent.getTree(),
for (DiffEntry diff : diffs) {
sTemp = diff.getNewPath();
now .. this works as long as the workflow in eclipse is just "checkout master" "pull" "merge branch" "push"
any other order seems to mess with the order of the branches in the set, and it stumbles over this "else" :
if (sBranch.equalsIgnoreCase("master")) {
} else {
the question is : is there an eaasy method to pick the right branch?
Ok, i think i can simply look at the HEAD in the set:
and then parse the branchname, that should always be the branch which is checked out, if (in my case),if it is the master, i am happy.

Relational Queries In (Unity)

I found example in I have 2 objects : Post and Comment, in the Comment objects have a collumn: "parent" pointer to Post obj and I want to join them:
var query = ParseObject.GetQuery ("Comment");
// Include the post data with each comment
query = query.Include("parent");
query.FindAsync().ContinueWith(t => {
IEnumerable<ParseObject> comments = t.Result;
// Comments now contains the last ten comments, and the "post" field
// contains an object that has already been fetched. For example:
foreach (var comment in comments)
// This does not require a network access.
string o= comment.Get<string>("content");
try {
string post = comment.Get<ParseObject>("parent").Get<string>("title");
} catch (Exception ex) {
It worked!
And then, I have 2 objects: User and Gamescore, in the Gamescore objects have a collumn: "playerName" pointer to Post obj I want join them too:
var query = ParseObject.GetQuery ("GameScore");
query.Include ("playerName");
query.FindAsync ().ContinueWith (t =>{
IEnumerable<ParseObject> result = t.Result;
foreach (var item in result) {
Debug.Log("List score: ");
int score = item.Get<int>("score");
try {
var obj = item.Get<ParseUser>("playerName");
string name = obj.Get<string>("profile");
//string name = item.Get<ParseUser>("playerName").Get<string>("profile");
} catch (Exception ex) {
but It isn't working, Please help me!
Why didn't you do the following like you did your first example:
query = query.Include ("playerName");
you just have -
query.Include ("playerName");
One solution would be to ensure that your ParseUser object is properly fetched. ie:
var obj = item.Get<ParseUser>("playerName");
Task t = obj.FetchIfNeededAsync();
while (!t.IsCompleted) yield return null;
Then you can do this without worrying:
string name = obj.Get<string>("profile");
But that will be another potential request to Parse, which is unfortunate. It seems that query.Include ("playerName") isn't properly working in the Unity version of Parse?
I believe you're supposed to use multi-level includes for this, like .Include("parent.playerName") in your first query.

Clearing special permissions from folders in a branch

We're a fairly large project with a single trunk branch. Most of it uses the default permissions, but a few folders have custom permissions - say, only "Builders" group is allowed to check-in.
We want to allow people to create their own private branches out of trunk, where they can freely check-in and merge later (hopefully often). However, creating a branch, the special permissions are copied along with the folders, meaning that people can't freely check-in into their branch.
Is there a way to clear special permissions from a branch, or a folder?
Is there a way to do so automatically, so anyone creating a branch under /private/** will not encounter this problem?
I found out about tf permission (Example: tf permission /inherit:yes itemSpec). However, the /recursive switch doesn't work with it. I guess I could write something that runs it recursively...
Edit: I finally got around to writing a tool for it:
static int Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length == 0 || args.Any(a => !a.StartsWith("$/")))
Console.WriteLine("Removes all explicit permissions and enables inheritance for a subtree.\n"
+ "Example: " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location) + " $/project/path1 $/project/path2");
return 3;
WorkspaceInfo wi = Workstation.Current.GetLocalWorkspaceInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory);
if (wi == null)
Console.WriteLine("Can't determine workspace for current directory: " + Environment.CurrentDirectory);
return 2;
var Tfs = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(wi.ServerUri);
VersionControlServer VersionControlServer = Tfs.GetService<VersionControlServer>();
Console.WriteLine("Server: {0} Getting permissions...", wi.ServerUri);
ItemSecurity[] perms = VersionControlServer.GetPermissions(args, RecursionType.Full);
Console.WriteLine("Will remove explicit permissions from the following items:");
var changes = new List<SecurityChange>();
foreach (ItemSecurity perm in perms)
Console.WriteLine(" " + perm.ServerItem);
changes.Add(new InheritanceChange(perm.ServerItem, inherit: true));
foreach (AccessEntry e in perm.Entries)
changes.Add(new PermissionChange(perm.ServerItem, e.IdentityName, null, null, PermissionChange.AllItemPermissions));
Console.WriteLine("Enter to confirm:");
var successfulchanges = VersionControlServer.SetPermissions(changes.ToArray());
if (successfulchanges.Length == changes.Count)
Console.WriteLine("Explicit permissions removed from all items");
return 0;
Console.WriteLine("Explicit permissions removed only from:");
foreach (var c in successfulchanges)
Console.WriteLine(" " + c.Item);
return 1;