cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'oxm:jaxb2-marshaller' - element

I have below code in my config.xml file
<beans:beans xmlns=""
<beans:oxm:jaxb2-marshaller id="SampleTestmapper"
Above code gives me error saying that The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'oxm:jaxb2-marshaller'.
I have declared correct version of oxm which is 3.1.xsd in compliance with my spring version. And I also have required jar file in class path.Any idea why I am still getting error ?
Note: in my pom.xml this is how I added dependency

<oxm:jaxb2-marshaller id="SampleTestmapper"


Maven jar dependency not found at runtime by OSGi environment

I'm building an Eclipse product that requires some external dependencies, which are not bundled as Eclipse plugins.
For example javax.json-1.1.4.jar.
I'm usign a target platform file, with Maven dependency added. This is the relevant part of the .target file:
<location includeDependencyScope="compile" includeSource="true" missingManifest="generate" type="Maven">
The resulting bundle is included from the plugin that uses this Json implementation: this is the MANIFEST of the plugin
Require-Bundle: org.glassfish.javax.json;bundle-version="1.1.4"
The plugin compiles and run normally. The problem happens at runtime, when the Json implementation is loaded:
2022-03-11 09:44:18,166 ERROR [main]: Provider org.glassfish.json.JsonProviderImpl not found
2022-03-11 09:44:18,168 ERROR [main]:
javax.json.JsonException: Provider org.glassfish.json.JsonProviderImpl not found
at javax.json.spi.JsonProvider.provider(
at javax.json.Json.createReader(
at com.test.mas.rcp.hwconfigurator.sirius.core.utils.MotorDataHandler.parseMotorJsonFile(
at com.test.mas.rcp.hwconfigurator.sirius.core.utils.DBHandler.initMotorsDB(
at com.test.mas.rcp.hwconfigurator.sirius.core.utils.DBHandler.getMotors(
at com.test.mas.rcp.hwconfigurator.sirius.core.impl.FieldBusDevice.getMotors(
at com.test.mas.rcp.hwconfigurator.sirius.core.impl.FieldBusDevice.createFromSiriusString(
at com.test.mas.rcp.hwconfigurator.sirius.core.impl.HwConfiguratorFactoryImpl.createFieldBusDeviceFromString(
at com.test.mas.rcp.hwconfigurator.sirius.core.impl.HwConfiguratorFactoryImpl.createFromString(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHelperImpl.createFromString(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHelperImpl.setValue(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.setFeatureValue(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.setAttribValue(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.SAXXMIHandler.handleObjectAttribs(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.createObjectFromFactory(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.glassfish.json.JsonProviderImpl cannot be found by javax.json-api_1.1.4
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.generateException(
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass0(
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.ModuleClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName(
at javax.json.spi.JsonProvider.provider(
at javax.json.Json.createReader(
at com.test.mas.rcp.hwconfigurator.sirius.core.utils.MotorDataHandler.parseMotorJsonFile(
at com.test.mas.rcp.hwconfigurator.sirius.core.utils.DBHandler.initMotorsDB(
at com.test.mas.rcp.hwconfigurator.sirius.core.utils.DBHandler.getMotors(
at com.test.mas.rcp.hwconfigurator.sirius.core.impl.FieldBusDevice.getMotors(
at com.test.mas.rcp.hwconfigurator.sirius.core.impl.FieldBusDevice.createFromSiriusString(
at com.test.mas.rcp.hwconfigurator.sirius.core.impl.HwConfiguratorFactoryImpl.createFieldBusDeviceFromString(
The javax.json-1.1.4.jar is not found at runtime by the api jar javax.json-api_1.1.4.
The only way I found to make it work is to add the implementation jar to the runtime classpath settings of the plugin, in the Bundle-Classpath:
Bundle-ClassPath: .,
This requires the jar in the lib folder of the plugin, while it is already included from the tartget platform. It should be enough..
Is there a configuration or something to be done to make the OSGi environment recognise the jar as a Maven dependency at runtime?
I have read about Eclipse-BuddyPolicy and DynamicImport-Package but I don't know how to used them in my case, and if they are usefull.
This says that it "Should be fixed with javax.json:1.1.4 and jakarta.json:1.1.5" but I don't
get how...
I managed to fix this problem, thanks to the comments in this thread:
in particular the last one:
This is related to a veri similar problem I had with the implementation of the web service provider.
Including the OSGi Resource Locator in the bundle manifest, and the plugin with the actual implementations, make them discoverable at runtime.
This is the dependency in the target platform file:
In the end, for the Json problem, I switched to the Eclipse Parsson implementation which works at runtime without problems.
These are the needed dependencies in the target platform:

Could not find or load main class

Created the maven scala project.
I had correctly specified all the configuration . But still facing this error.
any help appreciated.
I solved this error.
Its coming because I had make the entry for org.scalatest plugin and there is no src/test/scala dir and no test cases.After removing org.scalatest plugin entry from pom file everything work fine.
For anyone that comes across this issue in the future, make sure you have the following dependency in your pom.xml.

File not found Maven

I am having some problems with simple cloud storage (simplecloud). When I run with Maven the console outputs following error : \var\key (The system cannot find the path specified)
Source code is here : src git
However it exists in the directory as shown here :
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Simple Cloud Storage</name>
<description>A simple wrapper around the Google Cloud Storage API</description>
Remove the initial \. Also, as pointed out by the others, as this is obviously a test key (judging by the name), you should place it under src/test/resources/var/key and change your code to look for just var/key/test.p12.
Make sure your \var\key directory is present in the target directory that Maven creates for the build. I'll go out on a limb and guess that it's probably not there now. If you have to have that \var\key in a non-standard place, you can use the Maven Resources Plugin to copy it into the target directory. As #Adrian Shum suggests, test\resources would be a standard place for Maven to look to find it.
Seems like you wanted to explore this option, so here's how you might use the Maven Resources Plugin in your Maven POM...
Inside the plugins node under build, add:
Then after the plugins node again inside build, add the directory or directories you need to copy over to target, for example:
I suggest you post the related code snippet in your CreateBucketTest.
I believe in your test you are opening a file \var\key. Obviously this is going to cause problem because the file you are thinking of is not really located at \var\key
Some suggestions to you:
instead of reading from absolute path, see if you can change it to opening stream for class path resources.
Put your key file under src/main/test/resources. Assume you put it under src/main/test/resources/cloudkey/key
With the above setup, when you run your test, the key file will be under the classpath at location /cloudkey/key
After reading a bit on your code, here are some suggestions:
First, your getStorage relies on system property which is not very test friendly. Consider writing your code in a more test-friendly way
However I believe you are not going to refactor your code anyway, here is one way you can do:
put key in /src/test/resources. By doing so, when compiled, key will be put to BASE_DIR/target/test-classes/key.
Here I assume you will have only 1 key for all your tests. What you need to do is to set the system property private.key.path with the correct path of key. You can do so by configuring surefire plugin : Add a systemPropertyVariables private.key.path with value ${}/key. By doing so, when your test is running, the sys property private.key.path will be set with the correct value, so that your test should run fine.

How to use LDAP in Lift Framework

Does anyone have a good example showing how to incorporate LDAP to a Lift Scala Project? I have problems adding the dependency in my pom.xml file
In the project tag throws me an error saying it couldnt find the version in [1.4.5-rc1,1.4.5] to match range [1.4,1.4.3) javax.mail:mail:jar:null
Any ideas?? Thank u

Apache CXF RS Extensions issue in 2.4.0

I'm using Apache CXF version 2.4.0. I'm trying to create a Restful service.
The below example works in 2.3.4 but does not work in 2.4.0. What should I do different in beans config file?
When I include the below xml line in my bean config file.
<import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jaxrs-binding.xml" />
I get the following stacktrace error:
Configuration problem: Failed to
import bean definitions from URL
Offending resource: ServletContext
resource [/WEB-INF/beans.xml]; nested
exception is
IOException parsing XML document from
class path resource
nested exception is class
path resource
cannot be opened because it does not
exist at
My POM dependency is below. This will work for 2.3.4 but not for 2.4.0. Any suggestions? Is that xml extension line deprecated or included in another jar?
It's no longer needed. With 2.4.x, most of the META-INF/cxf files are no longer needed and can be removed. Really, the cxf.xml one is the only one needed.
Here is the CXF information about embedding cxf inside spring in version 2.4 and above.