$push removes all other fields in the document - mongodb

I try to update a field in a collection that contains an array with $push. Instead of adding the value, the document gets replaced by a document containing only _id. If I do the update in the mongo-console it works.
Here's the code: (Serverside)
dismiss: function (jobId,userId) {
Jobs.update(jobId, {$push : {dismissed: userId}},{validate: false},function(){});
The document in mongodb before looks like this:
{ "_id" : "MBfQ39BsKwqspLLEL", "title" : "Derniset edolar ingreadcomi permaap manthe soi ti.", "description" : "Siter tersion ingtery enlaringvi disicgen yma.", "wage" : 10, "wagePeriod" : "hour", "currency" : "Euro", "image" : "xGDcPNXjn7kpa2mv2", "createdAt" : ISODate("2015-06-18T06:40:47.575Z") }
And after the operation it looks like this:
{ "_id" : "MBfQ39BsKwqspLLEL" }
Any help appreciated.


Get the field having same value in a mongodb collection

I have a document in my mongo db collection :
"_id" : ObjectId("xxxxxxx"),
"ID" : "a_11",
"details_list" : [
"detail" : "detail_1",
"link" : "https://xxxxx/yyy"
"detail" : "detail_2",
"link" : "https://xxxxx/zzz"
"name" : "xyz"
I want to get the "name" of all other docs where details_list (which is list of dictionary itself) matches with any other document in the same collection.
I tried using $where clause as well. db.collection.find({"$where": details_list == details_list}) but it did not returned any value.

removing an object from a mongodb document

I have a document in Mongodb collection, where I want to remove an object, using title key.
I tried using $unset, but it only removes the title key not the object to which it belongs.
"_id" : ObjectId("576b63d49d20504c1360f688"),
"books" : [
"art_id" : ObjectId("574e68e5ac9fbac82489b689"),
"title" :"abc",
"price" : 40
"art_id" : ObjectId("575f9badada0500d192c53f4"),
"title" : "xyz",
"price" : 20
"art_id" : ObjectId("57458224d86b3d1561150f17"),
"title" : "def",,
"price" : 30
"user_id" : "575570c315e27d13167dfc0d"
To remove the entire object that contains the query object use db.remove() query.
For your case:
db.yourcollection.remove({"books.title": "abc"});
Please double check the format in which the element of array is referenced.
This removes the entire objects that contains the embedded query obj. To remove only a single object, provide it with another field to uniquely identify it.
If you only want to remove the object that contains the title field from the array but wants to keep the object that contains the array, then please use the $pull operator. This answer will be of help.
Example: if you want to remove object
"art_id" : ObjectId("574e68e5ac9fbac82489b689"),
"title" :"abc",
"price" : 40
just from the array but keep the parent object like
"_id" : ObjectId("576b63d49d20504c1360f688"),
"books" : [
"art_id" : ObjectId("575f9badada0500d192c53f4"),
"title" : "xyz",
"price" : 20
"art_id" : ObjectId("57458224d86b3d1561150f17"),
"title" : "def",,
"price" : 30
"user_id" : "575570c315e27d13167dfc0d"
{'_id': ObjectId("576b63d49d20504c1360f688")},
{ $pull: { "books" : { "title": "abc" } } },
$unset won't remove the object from an array. The $unset operator deletes a particular field. doc.
Use $pull instead.
The $pull operator removes from an existing array all instances of a value or values that match a specified condition.
Try following query
db.collName.update({$pull : {books:{title:abc}}})
Refer $pull-doc
Hope this will help you.
And if... ¿Do I want to delete an object that is inside a document and not as an array?
"_id" : ObjectId("576b63d49d20504c1360f688"),
"books" : {
"574e68e5ac9fbac82489b689": {
"art_id" : ObjectId("574e68e5ac9fbac82489b689"),
"title" :"abc",
"price" : 40
"575f9badada0500d192c53f4": {
"art_id" : ObjectId("575f9badada0500d192c53f4"),
"title" :"xyz",
"price" : 20
"57458224d86b3d1561150f17": {
"art_id" : ObjectId("57458224d86b3d1561150f17"),
"title" : "def",
"price" : 30
"user_id" : "575570c315e27d13167dfc0d"
The solutions is this:
{'_id': ObjectId("576b63d49d20504c1360f688")},
{$unset: {"books.574e68e5ac9fbac82489b689":
{_id: "574e68e5ac9fbac82489b689"}}})
Try using pull.
The $pull operator removes from an existing array all instances of a value or values that match a specified condition.
The $pull operator has the form:
{ $pull: { <field1>: <value|condition>, <field2>: <value|condition>, ... } }
To specify a <field> in an embedded document or in an array, use dot notation.
Try in the mongo shell
Careful with the braces.

MongoDb - Query for specific subdocument

I have a set of mongodb documents with the following structure:
"_id" : NUUID("58fbb893-dfe9-4f08-a761-5629d889647d"),
"Identifiers" : {
"IdentificationLevel" : 2,
"Identifier" : "extranet\\test#test.com"
"Personal" : {
"FirstName" : "Test",
"Surname" : "Test"
"Tags" : {
"Entries" : {
"ContactLists" : {
"Values" : {
"0" : {
"Value" : "{292D8695-4936-4865-A413-800960626E6D}",
"DateTime" : ISODate("2015-04-30T09:14:45.549Z")
How can I make a query with the mongo shell which finds all documents with a specific "Value" (e.g.{292D8695-4936-4865-A413-800960626E6D} in the Tag.Entries.ContactLists.Values path?
The structure is unfortunately locked by Sitecore, so it is not an options to use another structure.
As your sample collection structure show Values is object, it contains only one Value. Also you must check for Value as it contains extra paranthesis. If you want to get Value from given structure try following query :
"Tags.Entries.ContactLists.Values.0.Value": "{292D8695-4936-4865-A413-800960626E6D}"

Get specific object in array of array in MongoDB

I need get a specific object in array of array in MongoDB.
I need get only the task object = [_id = ObjectId("543429a2cb38b1d83c3ff2c2")].
My document (projects):
"_id" : ObjectId("543428c2cb38b1d83c3ff2bd"),
"name" : "new project",
"author" : ObjectId("5424ac37eb0ea85d4c921f8b"),
"members" : [
"US" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5434297fcb38b1d83c3ff2c0"),
"name" : "Test Story",
"author" : ObjectId("5424ac37eb0ea85d4c921f8b"),
"tasks" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("54342987cb38b1d83c3ff2c1"),
"name" : "teste3",
"author" : ObjectId("5424ac37eb0ea85d4c921f8b")
"_id" : ObjectId("543429a2cb38b1d83c3ff2c2"),
"name" : "jklasdfa_XXX",
"author" : ObjectId("5424ac37eb0ea85d4c921f8b")
Result expected:
"_id" : ObjectId("543429a2cb38b1d83c3ff2c2"),
"name" : "jklasdfa_XXX",
"author" : ObjectId("5424ac37eb0ea85d4c921f8b")
But i not getting it.
I still testing with no success:
"US.tasks._id" : ObjectId("543429a2cb38b1d83c3ff2c2")
}, { "US.tasks.$" : 1 })
I tryed with $elemMatch too, but return nothing.
"US" : {
"tasks" : {
$elemMatch : {
"_id" : ObjectId("543429a2cb38b1d83c3ff2c2")
Can i get ONLY my result expected using find()? If not, what and how use?
You will need an aggregation for that:
should return
{ task : {
"_id" : ObjectId("543429a2cb38b1d83c3ff2c2"),
"name" : "jklasdfa_XXX",
"author" : ObjectId("5424ac37eb0ea85d4c921f8b")
$unwind creates a new (virtual) document for each array element
$match is the query part of your find
$project is similar as to project part in find i.e. it specifies the fields you want to get in the results
You might want to add a second $match before the $unwind if you know the document you are searching (look at performance metrics).
Edit: added a second $unwind since US is an array.
Don't know what you are doing (so realy can't tell and just sugesting) but you might want to examine if your schema (and mongodb) is ideal for your task because the document looks just like denormalized relational data probably a relational database would be better for you.

mongodb get elements which was inserted after some document

I have a document and I need to query mongodb database to return me all the documents which was inserted after current document.
Is it possible and how to do that query?
If you do not override the default _id field you can use that objectID (see the mongodb docs) to make a comparison by time. For instance, the following query will find all the documents that are inserted after curDoc has been inserted (assuming none overwrite the _id field):
>db.test.find({ _id : {$gt : curDoc._id}})
Note that these timestamps are not super granular, if you would like a finer grained view of the time that documents are inserted I encourage you to add your own timestamp field to the documents you are inserting and use that field to make such queries.
If you are using Insert time stamp as on of the parameter, you can query like below
> db.foo.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("514bf8bbbe11e483111af213"), "Name" : "abc", "Insert_time" : ISODate("2013-03-22T06:22:51.422Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("514bf8c5be11e483111af214"), "Name" : "xyz", "Insert_time" : ISODate("2013-03-22T06:23:01.310Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("514bf8cebe11e483111af215"), "Name" : "pqr", "Insert_time" : ISODate("2013-03-22T06:23:10.006Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("514bf8eabe11e483111af216"), "Name" : "ijk", "Insert_time" : ISODate("2013-03-22T06:23:38.410Z") }
Here my Insert_time corresponds to the document inserted time, and following query will give you the documents after a particular Insert_time,
> db.foo.find({Insert_time:{$gt:ISODate("2013-03-22T06:22:51.422Z")}})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("514bf8c5be11e483111af214"), "Name" : "xyz", "Insert_time" : ISODate("2013-03-22T06:23:01.310Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("514bf8cebe11e483111af215"), "Name" : "pqr", "Insert_time" : ISODate("2013-03-22T06:23:10.006Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("514bf8eabe11e483111af216"), "Name" : "ijk", "Insert_time" : ISODate("2013-03-22T06:23:38.410Z") }