Pass test arguments via my Rake::TestTask . What am I doing wrong? - rake

I have a Rakefile defined with code like so:
namespace :app do |args|
desc "Run App tests from lib/app_tests/test_*.rb" do |t,args| = "testApp"
t.libs << 'lib/pageobjects/app_page_objects'
t.test_files = FileList['lib/app_tests/test_*.rb']
#t.options - passing on command line see below
t.verbose = true
But, when I run the task, it treats the TESTOPTS args as if they are additional tests that the test runner wants to run. What I want is for each test in t.test_files, pass the 3 arguments to each test. The main error I see is:
cannot load such file -- c:/Users/me/IdeaProjects/impl/util/PROJECT/testclient
Why is Rake treating my TESTOPTS like they are additional items in the t.test_files FileList object? With my experience with JUnit, this seems unusual to me.
And here is the console output:
$ rake app:testapp TESTOPTS="testclient impdev app"
c:/Ruby22-x64/bin/ruby.exe -I"lib;lib/pageobjects/app_page_objects" "c:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "lib/app_tests/test_1.rb" "lib/app_tests/test_2.rb" testclient impdev app
Current dir is : c:/Users/me/IdeaProjects/impl/util/PROJECT
c:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require': cannot load such file -- c:/Users/me/IdeaProjects/impl/util/PROJECT/testclient (LoadError)
from c:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require'
from c:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rake/rake_test_loader.rb:15:in `block in <main>'
from c:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rake/rake_test_loader.rb:4:in `select'
from c:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rake/rake_test_loader.rb:4:in `<main>'
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [ruby -I"lib;lib/pageobjects/app_page_objects" "c:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rake/rake_test_loader.rb"
"lib/app_tests/test_browse_conditions.rb" "lib/app_tests/test_example.rb" testclient impdev app]
I created a test project on GitHub that reproduces the problem. Just download the project and run the tests with 'rake test' :
Also, I discovered that parallel_test (without rake) is capable of passing the test args the way that I want to, with a '-o' argument. I just wish I knew how to do it with Rake.


in vscode for mix unit test, how to use `--only` parameter?

The purpose is to debug only one unit test in the exs file, therefore it is necessary to ignore other unit tests in the same exs file.
My previous solution is comment out the other unit test, but the bad side of this solution is I can't find other unit tests easily through vscode's outline view as follows:
From the mix doc, it is found that mix command has --include and --only option.
I have adjusted launch.json file as follows, update task args as --trace --only :external, and update the exs file, but when runing mix test, it gives the error message.
Remember to keep good posture and stay hydrated!
(Debugger) Task failed because an exception was raised:
** (Mix.Error) Could not invoke task "test": 1 error found!
--trace --only :external : Unknown option
(mix 1.13.4) lib/mix.ex:515: Mix.raise/2
(elixir_ls_debugger 0.10.0) lib/debugger/server.ex:1119: ElixirLS.Debugger.Server.launch_task/2
Then I changed launch.json to "--trace --only :external", similar error message as follows:
(Debugger) Task failed because an exception was raised:
** (Mix.Error) Could not invoke task "test": 1 error found!
--trace --only :external : Unknown option
(mix 1.13.4) lib/mix.ex:515: Mix.raise/2
(elixir_ls_debugger 0.10.0) lib/debugger/server.ex:1119: ElixirLS.Debugger.Server.launch_task/2
I use a plugin called Elixir Test. It has a few nice features including what you are asking for.
To run a single test place your cursor within the code of the test, then select "Elixir Test: Run test at cursor" from the command palette.
Another helpful command is: "Elixir Test: Jump". If you are editing a module file, this command will jump to the test file corresponding to the module. It will optionally create the skeleton for the test file if you haven't created it yet.
It is caused by syntax problem. Every paremeter should be one element as follows:
"taskArgs": [
"--trace", "--warnings-as-errors", "--only", "external"

Generate war file using warbler

I am trying to generate war file using warbler for jruby, but i got stuck and i am getting this error:
warble aborted!
NoMethodError: undefined method `booter=' for nil:NilClass
config/warble.rb:9:in `block in initialize' /Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/jruby- `initialize'
config/warble.rb:4:in `<eval>'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/jruby- `initialize'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/jruby- `load_rakefile'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/jruby- `run'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/jruby- `run'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/jruby- `<top>'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/jruby- `<top>'
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
my config file in config/warble.rb: do |config|
config.dirs = %w(app config views)
config.gems += ["sinatra"]
config.gems -= ["rails"]
config.jar_name = "jsinatra"
config.webxml.booter = :rack
config.webxml.jruby.compat.version = "1.9"
config.webxml.rackup.path = '/WEB-INF/'
any help, advice apricciated. thank you.
over all, i am trying to create docker container and i am using pdf file as a reference but the pdf is somehow vaguely written.
Worked for me
In the pdf I posted there is file named with this contents:
require "sinatra"
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/app/main'
run MyApp
After hours of googling, I decided to create identical file and name it Worked.
Not working
I have also tried to change
config.webxml.rackup.path = '/WEB-INF/'
config.webxml.rackup.path = '/WEB-INF/'
Did not work.

rake executes file task when file already exists

I have a rakefile that executes some (but not all) of it's file tasks even if the files of interest have already been built. The frustrating thing, is that paring down my rake file to a MWE resolves the problem---even though I haven't altered anything wrt the filetask definition, how the files are being selected, the dependencies, or anything else. It seems that simply removing other (file)tasks from the rakefile remedies the problem.
I realize this is a really awful question, but does anyone have ideas about what might be going on here? I'd post sample code, but my MWE works as expected and I don't have any sense for what is causing the problem in the full rake file. All I can think to do is demonstrate that my MWE is literally an excerpt from the full Rakefile, unaltered...
➜ solutionmaps cat mwe/Rakefile|sed '/^$/d'|tee a
require 'rake'
require 'rake/clean'
require 'pathname'
SHARED_ATLAS = "#{HOME}/MRI/Manchester/data/CommonBrains/MNI_EPI_funcRes.nii"
TXT = Rake::FileList["txt/nodestrength/??.mni"]
AFNI_RAW = TXT.pathmap("afni/nodestrength/%n_raw+tlrc.HEAD") do |target,source|
file target => [source] do
sh("3dUndump -master #{SHARED_ATLAS} -xyz -datum float -prefix #{target.sub("+tlrc.HEAD","")} #{source}")
➜ solutionmaps perl -ne 'print if ($seen{$_} .= #ARGV) =~ /10$/' Rakefile mwe/Rakefile|sed '/^$/d'|tee b
require 'rake'
require 'rake/clean'
require 'pathname'
SHARED_ATLAS = "#{HOME}/MRI/Manchester/data/CommonBrains/MNI_EPI_funcRes.nii"
TXT = Rake::FileList["txt/nodestrength/??.mni"]
AFNI_RAW = TXT.pathmap("afni/nodestrength/%n_raw+tlrc.HEAD") do |target,source|
file target => [source] do
sh("3dUndump -master #{SHARED_ATLAS} -xyz -datum float -prefix #{target.sub("+tlrc.HEAD","")} #{source}")
➜ solutionmaps diff a b
➜ solutionmaps
And that my mwe works as expected (that is, it does not execute the file task).
➜ mwe rake --trace --dry-run afni/nodestrength/02_raw+tlrc.HEAD
** Invoke afni/nodestrength/02_raw+tlrc.HEAD (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke txt/nodestrength/02.mni (first_time, not_needed)
But the full rakefile does not.
rake --trace --dry-run afni/nodestrength/02_raw+tlrc.HEAD
** Invoke afni/nodestrength/02_raw+tlrc.HEAD (first_time)
** Invoke txt/nodestrength/02.mni (first_time, not_needed)
** Execute (dry run) afni/nodestrength/02_raw+tlrc.HEAD
➜ solutionmaps ls afni/nodestrength/02_raw+tlrc.HEAD
Finally happened across a possible answer:
Rake determines that a file task needs to be run if the file doesn’t exist or if any of the prerequisite file tasks are newer.
Quoted from:
Since my Rakefiles are under heavy development, and my Filetasks are all pretty interrelated, this is probably why my Rakefile always wanted to rebuild everything.

capistrano upload! thinks ~ referenced local directory is on remote server

So every example I've looked up indicates this is how one is supposed to do it but I think I may have found a bug unless there's another way to do this.
I'm using upload! to upload assets to a remote list of servers. The task looks like this:
desc "Upload grunt compiled css/js."
task :upload_assets do
on roles(:all) do
%w{/htdocs/css /htdocs/js}.each do |asset|
upload! "#{fetch(:local_path) + asset}", "#{release_path.to_s + '/' + asset}", recursive: true
If local_path is defined as an absolute path such as:
set :local_path:, '/home/dcmbrown/projects/ABC'
This works fine. However if I do the following:
set :local_path:, '~/projects/ABC'
I end up getting the error:
The deploy has failed with an error: Exception while executing on No such file or directory - ~/projects/ABC/htdocs/css
It's not a ' vs " issue as I've tried both (and I didn't think capistrano paid attention to that anyway).
Is this a bug? Is there a work around? Am I just doing it wrong?
I ended up discovering the best way to do this is to actually use path expansion! (headsmack)
irb> File.expand_path('~dcmbrown/projects/ABC')
=> "/home/dcmbrown/projects/ABC"
Of course what I'd like is to do automatic path expansion but you can't have everything. I think I was mostly dumbstruck that it didn't automatically; so much so I spent a couple of hours trying to figure out why it didn't work and ended up wasting time asking here. :(
I don't think the error is coming from the remote server, it just looks like it since it's running that upload command in the context of a deploy.
I just created a single cap task to just do an upload using the "~" character and it also fails with
cap aborted!
SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError: Exception while executing as deploy#XXX: No such file or directory # rb_file_s_stat - ~/Projects/testapp/public/404.html
It appears to be a Ruby issue not Capistrano as this also fails in a Ruby console
~/Projects/testapp $ irb
2.2.2 :003 > File.stat('~/Projects/testapp/public/404.html')
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory # rb_file_s_stat - ~/Projects/testapp/public/404.html
from (irb):3:in `stat'
from (irb):3
from /Users/supairish/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.2/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'

run rake ts:index from within a rake task

I am running Rails 2.3.5.
In my project I have in lib/tasks the following rake task (test_task.rake):
desc 'test_synchro_task'
task :test_synchro_task => :environment do
# A bunch of things that are properly executed (basically I am inserting
# in the database)...
# ...
# and once the above is done, I want the following to be executed,
# the sphinx index to be rebuild, but it is NOT :
system("cd /sites/project/app")
system("RAILS_ENV='staging' rake ts:index")
I trigger the execution of the task via a crontab containing the following entry:
13 14 * * * cd /sites/project/app && /sites/ruby/bin/rake RAILS_ENV=staging test_task
which id correctly called and executed except for 2 system lines in the task.
Please note that when I place those 2 system lines in a ruby test.rb file in my project script directory, and run it manually using the ruby command:
ruby test.rb
those 2 system commands are properly executed and the index is rebuilt correctly.
In my rake task I tried replacing those 2 system lines by:
%x["cd /sites/project/app"]
%x["RAILS_ENV='staging' rake ts:index"]
or by
#cmd="cd /sites/project/app; RAILS_ENV='staging' rake ts:index"
but the rake ts:index is still not executed.
Any idea why?
Many thanks.
Problem resolved:
1- In the ruby script, I found that the $?.exitstatus was 127, which is "command not found".
2- This hinted me to a PATH problem occurring in the context of cron.
3- Found that post: titled "Ruby - Cron Not Working For Ruby Script".
4- Added the PATH in the crontab and everything works fine.