Are Postgres WHERE clauses run sequentially? - postgresql

I'm looking at using Postgres as a database to let our clients segment their customers.
The idea is that they can select a bunch of conditions in our front-end admin, and these conditions will get mapped to a SQL query. Right now, I'm thinking the best structure could be something like this:
-- condition 1
AND id IN (
-- condition 2
AND id IN (
-- etc
Efficiency and query speed is super important to us, and I'm wondering if this is the best way of structuring things. When going through each of the WHERE clauses, will Postgres pass the id values from one to the next?
The ideal scenario would be, for a group of 1m users:
Query 1 filters down to 100k
Query 2 filters down from 100k to 10k
Query 3 filters down to 10k to 5k
As opposed to:
Query 1 filters from 1m to 100k
Query 2 filters down from 1m to 50k
Query 3 filters down from 1m to 80k
The intersection of all queries are mashed together, to 5k
Maybe I'm misunderstanding something here, I'd love to get your thoughts!

Postgres uses a query planner to figure out how to most efficiently apply your query. It may reorder things or change how certain query operations (such as joins) are implemented, based on statistical information periodically collected in the background.
To determine how the query planner will structure a given query, stick EXPLAIN in front of it:
This will output the query plan for that query. Note that an empty table may get a totally different query plan from a table with (say) 10,000 rows, so be sure to test on real(istic) data.

Database engines are much more sophisticated than that.
The specific order of the conditions should not matter. They will take your query as a whole and try to figure out the best way to get the data according to all the conditions you specified, the indexes that each table has, the amount of records each condition will filter out, etc.
If you want to get an idea of how your query will actually be solved you can ask the engine to "explain" it for you:
However, please note that there is a lot of technical background on how DB engines actually work in order to understand what that explanation means.


Multi Column Indexes with Order By and OR clause

I have below query to fetch list of tickets.
EXPLAIN select * from ticket_type
where ticket_type.event_id='89898'
and (ticket_type.is_unlimited = true OR ticket_type.number_of_sold_tickets < ticket_type.number_of_tickets)
order by ticket_type.ticket_type_order
I have created below indexes but not working.
Index on (ticket_type_order,event_id,is_unlimited,active)
Index on (ticket_type_order,event_id,active,number_of_sold_tickets,number_of_tickets).
The perfect index for this query would be
CREATE INDEX ON ticket_type (event_id, ticket_type_order)
WHERE active AND (is_unlimited OR number_of_sold_tickets < number_of_tickets);
Of course, a partial index like that might only be useful for this specific query.
If the WHERE conditions from the index definition are not very selective, or a somewhat slower execution is also acceptable, you can omit parts of or the whole WHERE clause. That makes the index more widely useful.
What is the size of the table and usual query result? The server is usually smart enough and disables indexes, if it expects to return more than the half of the table.
Index makes no sense, if the result is rather small. If the server has - let say - 1000 records after several filtration steps, the server stops using indexes. It is cheaper the finish the query using CPU, then loading an index from HDD. As result, indexes are never applied to small tables.
Order by is applied at the very end of the query processing. The first field in the index should be one of the fields from the where filter.
Boolean fields are seldom useful in the index. It has only two possible values. Index should be created for fields with a lot of different values.
Avoid or filtering. It is easy in your case. Put a very big number into number_of_tickets, if the tickets are unlimited.
The better index in your case would be just event_id. If the database server supports functional indexes, then you can try to add number_of_tickets - number_of_sold_tickets. Rewrite the statement as where number_of_tickets - number_of_sold_tickets > 0
UPDATE: Postgresql calls it "Index on Expression":

Couchbase N1QL Query getting distinct on the basis of particular fields

I have a document structure which looks something like this:
"groupedFieldKey": "groupedFieldVal",
"otherFieldKey": "otherFieldVal",
"filterFieldKey": "filterFieldVal"
I am trying to fetch all documents which are unique with respect to groupedFieldKey. I also want to fetch otherField from ANY of these documents. This otherFieldKey has minor changes from one document to another, but I am comfortable with getting ANY of these values.
SELECT DISTINCT groupedFieldKey, otherField
FROM bucket
WHERE filterFieldKey = "filterFieldVal";
This query fetches all the documents because of the minor variations.
SELECT groupedFieldKey, maxOtherFieldKey
FROM bucket
WHERE filterFieldKey = "filterFieldVal"
GROUP BY groupFieldKey
LETTING maxOtherFieldKey= MAX(otherFieldKey);
This query works as expected, but is taking a long time due to the GROUP BY step. As this query is used to show products in UI, this is not a desired behaviour. I have tried applying indexes, but it has not given fast results.
Actual details of the records:
Number of records = 100,000
Size per record = Approx 10 KB
Time taken to load the first 10 records: 3s
Is there a better way to do this? A way of getting DISTINCT only on particular fields will be good.
You can follow this discussion thread in Couchbase forum:
GROUP must materialize all the documents. You can try covering index
CREATE INDEX ix1 ON bucket(filterFieldKey, groupFieldKey, otherFieldKey);

Are joins in redshift fast than unionall? How can I make my queries faster?

I have a complex query in redshift where I am taking unionAll from three different tables, doing aggregation, listagg to get desired results. I cannot share the query for privacy reasons, is there any way to make my query execution fast? currently it takes about 100-120 seconds to retrieve 0.3mn result rows. I have tried group by in order of sort keys already

Multiple indexes vs single index on multiple columns in postgresql

I could not reach any conclusive answers reading some of the existing posts on this topic.
I have certain data at 100 locations the for past 10 years. The table has about 800 million rows. I need to primarily generate yearly statistics for each location. Some times I need to generate monthly variation statistics and hourly variation statistics as well. I'm wondering if I should generate two indexes - one for location and another for year or generate one index on both location and year. My primary key currently is a serial number (Probably I could use location and timestamp as the primary key).
Regardless of how many indices have you created on relation, only one of them will be used in a certain query (which one depends on query, statistics etc). So in your case you wouldn't get a cumulative advantage from creating two single column indices. To get most performance from index I would suggest to use composite index on (location, timestamp).
Note, that queries like ... WHERE timestamp BETWEEN smth AND smth will not use the index above while queries like ... WHERE location = 'smth' or ... WHERE location = 'smth' AND timestamp BETWEEN smth AND smth will. It's because the first attribute in index is crucial for searching and sorting.
Don't forget to perform
after index creation in order to collect statistics.
As #MondKin mentioned in comments certain queries can actually use several indexes on the same relation. For example, query with OR clauses like a = 123 OR b = 456 (assuming that there are indexes for both columns). In this case postgres would perform bitmap index scans for both indexes, build a union of resulting bitmaps and use it for bitmap heap scan. In certain conditions the same scheme may be used for AND queries but instead of union there would be an intersection.
There is no rule of thumb for situations like these, I suggest you experiment in a copy of your production DB to see what works best for you: a single multi-column index or 2 single-column indexes.
One nice feature of Postgres is you can have multiple indexes and use them in the same query. Check this chapter of the docs:
... PostgreSQL has the ability to combine multiple indexes ... to handle cases that cannot be implemented by single index scans ....
... Sometimes multicolumn indexes are best, but sometimes it's better to create separate indexes and rely on the index-combination feature ...
You can even experiment creating both the individual and combined indexes, and checking how big each one is and determine if it's worth having them at the same time.
Some things that you can also experiment with:
If your table is too large, consider partitioning it. It looks like you could partition either by location or by date. Partitioning splits your table's data in smaller tables, reducing the amount of places where a query needs to look.
If your data is laid out according to a date (like transaction date) check BRIN indexes.
If multiple queries will be processing your data in a similar fashion (like aggregating all transactions over the same period, check materialized views so you only need to do those costly aggregations once.
About the order in which to put your multi-column index, put first the column on which you will have an equality operation, and later the column in which you have a range, >= or <= operation.
An index on (location,timestamp) should work better that 2 separate indexes for you case. Note that the order of the columns is important.

Query one document per association from MongoDB

I'm investigating how MongoDB would work for us. One of the most used queries is used to get latest (or from a given time) measurements for each station. There is thousands of stations and each station has tens of thousands of measurements.
So we plan to have one collection for stations and another for measurements.
In SQL we would do the query with
SELECT * FROM measurements
SELECT max(meas_time) station_id
FROM measurements
WHERE meas_time <= 'time_to_query'
GROUP BY station_id
) t2 ON t2.station_id = measurements.station_id
AND t2.meas_time = measurements.meas_time
This returns one measurement for each station, and the measurement is the newest one before the 'time_to_query'.
What query should be used in MongoDB to produce the same result? We are really using Rails and MongoId, but it should not matter.
This question is not about how to perform a JOIN in MongoDB. The fact that in SQL getting the right data out of the table requires a join doesn't necessary mean that in MongoDB we would also need a join. There is only one table used in the query.
We came up with this query
db.measurements.aggregate([{$group:{ _id:{'station_id':"$station_id"}, time:{$max:'$meas_time'}}}]);
with indexes
db.measurements.createIndex({ station_id: 1, meas_time: -1 });
Even though it seems to give the right data it is really slow. Takes roughly a minute to get a bit over 3000 documents from a collection of 65 million.
Just found that MongoDB is not using the index in this query even though we are using the 3.2 version.
I guess worst case solution would be something like this (out of my head):
meassures = []
StationId.all.each do |station|
meassurement = Meassurment.where(station_id:, meas_time <= 'time_to_query').order_by(meas_time: -1).limit(1)
meassures << [, meassurement.measure, ....]
It depends on how much time query can take. Data should anyway be indexed by station_id and meas_time.
How much time does the SQL query take?