Map OptionSetType to Array - swift

Given the following:
struct Weekdays: OptionSetType {
let rawValue: Int
init(rawValue: Int) { self.rawValue = rawValue }
static let Monday = Weekdays(rawValue: 1)
static let Tuesday = Weekdays(rawValue: 2)
static let Wednesday = Weekdays(rawValue: 4)
static let Thursday = Weekdays(rawValue: 8)
static let allOptions: [Weekdays] = [.Monday, .Tuesday, .Wednesday, .Thursday]
I can convert an array of Ints into a Weekdays object by doing this:
let arr = [1, 4]
let weekdays = arr.reduce(Weekdays()) { $0.union(Weekdays(rawValue: $1)) }
My question is, how do I take a Weekdays object and convert it into an array of Ints?

(Not necessarily better, but a different way to look at it and slightly
more general).
OptionSetType inherits from RawRepresentable and therefore can be
converted from and to the associated raw type, which in your case is
So the "missing link" is a conversion between the raw value (e.g. 5)
and an integer array of the bitwise components (e.g. [1, 4]).
This can be done with an Int extension method:
extension Int {
init(bitComponents : [Int]) {
self = bitComponents.reduce(0, combine: (+))
func bitComponents() -> [Int] {
return (0 ..< 8*sizeof(Int)).map( { 1 << $0 }).filter( { self & $0 != 0 } )
Then your conversion from an array to a Weekdays object becomes
let arr : [Int] = [1, 4]
let weekdays = Weekdays(rawValue: Int(bitComponents: arr))
// app.Weekdays(rawValue: 5)
and the reverse conversion
let array = weekdays.rawValue.bitComponents()
// [1, 4]
The explicit definition of allOptions: is not needed.
It can be applied to other option set types (which have Int
as a raw value).
One could also try to define the conversions as a protocol extension,
e.g. of IntegerType, so that the same works with other integer raw types as well. However, this seems to be a bit complicated/ugly
because the left shift operator << is not part of the
IntegerType (or any) protocol.
Update for Swift 3:
extension Int {
init(bitComponents : [Int]) {
self = bitComponents.reduce(0, +)
func bitComponents() -> [Int] {
return (0 ..< 8*MemoryLayout<Int>.size).map( { 1 << $0 }).filter( { self & $0 != 0 } )

Not exactly answering the question, but might be useful to others. Based on Martin's answer I extract back the component objects:
extension FixedWidthInteger {
init(bitComponents : [Self]) {
self = bitComponents.reduce(0, +)
var bitComponents : [Self] {
(0 ..< Self.bitWidth).map { 1 << $0 } .filter { self & $0 != 0 }
extension OptionSet where RawValue: FixedWidthInteger, Self == Self.Element {
var components : [Self] { }

As I was writing the question, I figured it out:
let array = Weekdays.allOptions.filter { weekdays.contains($0) }.map { $0.rawValue }
Is there a better way?

You can improve the context of your extension by defining it conditionally on OptionSet.
extension OptionSet where RawValue: UnsignedInteger {
var individualCases: [Self] {
return (0..<(8 * MemoryLayout<RawValue>.size))
.map { bitsToShift in RawValue(1 << bitsToShift) } // Get every possible single-bit flag
.filter { (powerOfTwo: RawValue) -> Bool in rawValue & powerOfTwo != 0 } // filter out only the cases the receiver contains
.map { Self(rawValue: $0) } // create the `OptionSet` (single bit) type
let weekdays = Weekdays(rawValue: 0b11111) { $0.rawValue } // [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
A warning: On my 13" 2019 MacBookPro, I had to provide all of the explicit types above to keep the methods type checking under 1500ms in Swift 5.0.
Thanks to MartinR for the inspiration to loop of the memory layout size.
To complete the example, I've updated the weekday type to Swift 5 below, and explicitly used the UInt8 type to make the individualCases more efficient. With UInt, it would loop over the first map and filter 64 times each, with UInt8 it only loops 8 times.
struct Weekdays: OptionSet {
let rawValue: UInt8
static let Monday = Weekdays(rawValue: 1)
static let Tuesday = Weekdays(rawValue: 2)
static let Wednesday = Weekdays(rawValue: 4)
static let Thursday = Weekdays(rawValue: 8)
static let Friday = Weekdays(rawValue: 16)


What is a convenient way to work with OptionSet?

I work on a project with many bitwise option sets and each of them contains many options with all option e.g:
struct MyOption: OptionSet {
let rawValue: Int
static let a = Self(rawValue: 1 << 0)
static let b = Self(rawValue: 1 << 1)
static let c = Self(rawValue: 1 << 2)
static let last = Self(rawValue: 1 << N)
static let all: Self = [.a, .b, .c, ..., .last]
It requires to maintain much of similar code so is it any way to eliminate hardcoded bitwise shift operations and the all option?
You can use next OptionSet's extension which implements all option and a convenient initializer:
extension OptionSet where RawValue == Int {
static var all: Self {
Self.init(rawValue: Int.max)
init(_ shift: Int) {
self.init(rawValue: 1 << shift)
Then you can re-write your option set:
struct Option: OptionSet {
let rawValue: Int
static let a = Self(0)
static let b = Self(1)
static let c = Self(2)
Option.a.rawValue // 1
Option.b.rawValue // 2
Option.c.rawValue // 4
let options: Option = [.a, .b]
Option.all.contains(options) // true

How to read bytes of struct in Swift

I am working with a variety of structs in Swift that I need to be able to look at the memory of directly.
How can I look at a struct byte for byte?
For example:
struct AwesomeStructure {
var index: Int32
var id: UInt16
var stuff: UInt8
// etc.
The compiler will not allow me to do this:
func scopeOfAwesomeStruct() {
withUnsafePointer(to: &self, { (ptr: UnsafePointer<Int8>) in
Obviously because withUnsafePointer is a templated function that requires the UnsafePointer to be the same type as self.
So, how can I break down self (my structs) into 8 bit pieces? Yes, I want to be able to look at index in 4, 8-bit pieces, and so-on.
(In this case, I'm trying to port a CRC algorithm from C#, but I have been confounded by this problem for other reasons as well.)
edit/update: Xcode 12.5 • Swift 5.4
extension ContiguousBytes {
func object<T>() -> T { withUnsafeBytes { $0.load(as: T.self) } }
extension Data {
func subdata<R: RangeExpression>(in range: R) -> Self where R.Bound == Index {
subdata(in: range.relative(to: self) )
func object<T>(at offset: Int) -> T { subdata(in: offset...).object() }
extension Numeric {
var data: Data {
var source = self
return Data(bytes: &source, count: MemoryLayout<Self>.size)
struct AwesomeStructure {
let index: Int32
let id: UInt16
let stuff: UInt8
extension AwesomeStructure {
init(data: Data) {
index = data.object()
id = data.object(at: 4)
stuff = data.object(at: 6)
var data: Data { + + }
let awesomeStructure = AwesomeStructure(index: 1, id: 2, stuff: 3)
let data =
print(data) // 7 bytes
let structFromData = AwesomeStructure(data: data)
print(structFromData) // "AwesomeStructure(index: 1, id: 2, stuff: 3)\n"
You can use withUnsafeBytes(_:) directly like this:
mutating func scopeOfAwesomeStruct() {
withUnsafeBytes(of: &self) {rbp in
let ptr = rbp.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
As already noted, do not export ptr outside of the closure.
And it is not safe even if you have a function that knows the length of the structure. Swift API stability is not declared yet. Any of the layout details of structs are not guaranteed, including the orders of the properties and how they put paddings. Which may be different than the C# structs and may generate the different result than that of C#.
I (and many other developers) believe and expect that the current layout strategy would not change in the near future, so I would write some code like yours. But I do not think it's safe. Remember Swift is not C.
(Though, it's all the same if you copy the contents of a struct into a Data.)
If you want a strictly exact layout with C, you can write a C struct and import it into your Swift project.
Here's a decent first approximation. The trick is to use Swift.withUnsafeBytes(_:) to get a UnsafeRawBufferPointer, which can then be easily converted to Data using Data.init<SourceType>(buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<SourceType>).
This causes a copy of the memory, so you don't have to worry about any sort of dangling pointer issues.
import Foundation
struct AwesomeStructure {
let index: Int32 = 0x56
let id: UInt16 = 0x34
let stuff: UInt8 = 0x12
func toData<T>(_ input: inout T) -> Data {
var data = withUnsafeBytes(of: &input, Data.init)
let alignment = MemoryLayout<T>.alignment
let remainder = data.count % alignment
if remainder == 0 {
return data
else {
let paddingByteCount = alignment - remainder
return data + Data(count: paddingByteCount)
extension Data {
var prettyString: String {
return self.enumerated()
.map { byteNumber, byte in String(format:"/* %02i */ 0x%02X", byteNumber, byte) }
.joined(separator: "\n")
var x = AwesomeStructure()
let d = toData(&x)

Find the name that was associated to a value of an OptionSet

So I have an OptionSet:
struct Ability: OptionSet {
let rawValue: Int
static let create = Ability(rawValue: 1 << 0)
static let read = Ability(rawValue: 1 << 1)
static let update = Ability(rawValue: 1 << 2)
static let delete = Ability(rawValue: 1 << 3)
init(rawValue: Int) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
I'm just writing one as an example here. In reality my code doesn't know what OptionSet it has exactly, it only knows it gets an OptionSet. What I want to do is be able to get the name of the option from its rawValue as a String.
So basically I want to write a function with the following signature:
func convertOptionToString<OS: OptionSet>(optionSet: OS) -> String
Where convertOptionToString( would return "read"
Of course I know that OptionSets can also hold multiple values, but I already know how I would deal with that situation, so that's not a problem I need help with.
I am hoping that this problem can be solved using some kind of smart Reflection, but I haven't been able to find out how yet. Anybody want to give it a go?
Update your struct to conform to CustomStringConvertible and implement the description property:
struct Ability: OptionSet, CustomStringConvertible {
let rawValue: Int
static let create = Ability(rawValue: 1 << 0)
static let read = Ability(rawValue: 1 << 1)
static let update = Ability(rawValue: 1 << 2)
static let delete = Ability(rawValue: 1 << 3)
init(rawValue: Int) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
var description: String {
var vals = [String]()
if self.contains(.create) {
if self.contains(.read) {
if self.contains(.update) {
if self.contains(.delete) {
return vals.joined(separator: ",")
let opts: Ability = [ .read, .delete ]

Shuffle Plist Array in Swift [duplicate]

.shuffle() and .shuffled() are part of Swift
Original historic question:
How do I randomize or shuffle the elements within an array in Swift? For example, if my array consists of 52 playing cards, I want to shuffle the array in order to shuffle the deck.
This answer details how to shuffle with a fast and uniform algorithm (Fisher-Yates) in Swift 4.2+ and how to add the same feature in the various previous versions of Swift. The naming and behavior for each Swift version matches the mutating and nonmutating sorting methods for that version.
Swift 4.2+
shuffle and shuffled are native starting Swift 4.2. Example usage:
let x = [1, 2, 3].shuffled()
// x == [2, 3, 1]
let fiveStrings = stride(from: 0, through: 100, by: 5).map(String.init).shuffled()
// fiveStrings == ["20", "45", "70", "30", ...]
var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
// numbers == [3, 2, 1, 4]
Swift 4.0 and 4.1
These extensions add a shuffle() method to any mutable collection (arrays and unsafe mutable buffers) and a shuffled() method to any sequence:
extension MutableCollection {
/// Shuffles the contents of this collection.
mutating func shuffle() {
let c = count
guard c > 1 else { return }
for (firstUnshuffled, unshuffledCount) in zip(indices, stride(from: c, to: 1, by: -1)) {
// Change `Int` in the next line to `IndexDistance` in < Swift 4.1
let d: Int = numericCast(arc4random_uniform(numericCast(unshuffledCount)))
let i = index(firstUnshuffled, offsetBy: d)
swapAt(firstUnshuffled, i)
extension Sequence {
/// Returns an array with the contents of this sequence, shuffled.
func shuffled() -> [Element] {
var result = Array(self)
return result
Same usage as in Swift 4.2 examples above.
Swift 3
These extensions add a shuffle() method to any mutable collection and a shuffled() method to any sequence:
extension MutableCollection where Indices.Iterator.Element == Index {
/// Shuffles the contents of this collection.
mutating func shuffle() {
let c = count
guard c > 1 else { return }
for (firstUnshuffled , unshuffledCount) in zip(indices, stride(from: c, to: 1, by: -1)) {
// Change `Int` in the next line to `IndexDistance` in < Swift 3.2
let d: Int = numericCast(arc4random_uniform(numericCast(unshuffledCount)))
guard d != 0 else { continue }
let i = index(firstUnshuffled, offsetBy: d)
self.swapAt(firstUnshuffled, i)
extension Sequence {
/// Returns an array with the contents of this sequence, shuffled.
func shuffled() -> [Iterator.Element] {
var result = Array(self)
return result
Same usage as in Swift 4.2 examples above.
Swift 2
(obsolete language: you can't use Swift 2.x to publish on iTunes Connect starting July 2018)
extension MutableCollectionType where Index == Int {
/// Shuffle the elements of `self` in-place.
mutating func shuffleInPlace() {
// empty and single-element collections don't shuffle
if count < 2 { return }
for i in startIndex ..< endIndex - 1 {
let j = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count - i))) + i
guard i != j else { continue }
swap(&self[i], &self[j])
extension CollectionType {
/// Return a copy of `self` with its elements shuffled.
func shuffle() -> [Generator.Element] {
var list = Array(self)
return list
[1, 2, 3].shuffle()
// [2, 3, 1]
let fiveStrings = 0.stride(through: 100, by: 5).map(String.init).shuffle()
// ["20", "45", "70", "30", ...]
var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
// [3, 2, 1, 4]
Swift 1.2
(obsolete language: you can't use Swift 1.x to publish on iTunes Connect starting July 2018)
shuffle as a mutating array method
This extension will let you shuffle a mutable Array instance in place:
extension Array {
mutating func shuffle() {
if count < 2 { return }
for i in 0..<(count - 1) {
let j = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count - i))) + i
swap(&self[i], &self[j])
var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
numbers.shuffle() // e.g., numbers == [6, 1, 8, 3, 2, 4, 7, 5]
shuffled as a non-mutating array method
This extension will let you retrieve a shuffled copy of an Array instance:
extension Array {
func shuffled() -> [T] {
if count < 2 { return self }
var list = self
for i in 0..<(list.count - 1) {
let j = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(list.count - i))) + i
swap(&list[i], &list[j])
return list
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
let mixedup = numbers.shuffled() // e.g., mixedup == [6, 1, 8, 3, 2, 4, 7, 5]
Edit: As noted in other answers, Swift 4.2 finally adds random number generation to the standard library, complete with array shuffling.
However, the GKRandom / GKRandomDistribution suite in GameplayKit can still be useful with the new RandomNumberGenerator protocol — if you add extensions to the GameplayKit RNGs to conform to the new standard library protocol, you can easily get:
sendable RNGs (that can reproduce a "random" sequence when needed for testing)
RNGs that sacrifice robustness for speed
RNGs that produce non-uniform distributions
...and still make use of the nice new "native" random APIs in Swift.
The rest of this answer concerns such RNGs and/or their use in older Swift compilers.
There are some good answers here already, as well as some good illustrations of why writing your own shuffle can be error-prone if you're not careful.
In iOS 9, macOS 10.11, and tvOS 9 (or later), you don't have to write your own. There's an efficient, correct implementation of Fisher-Yates in GameplayKit (which, despite the name, is not just for games).
If you just want a unique shuffle:
let shuffled = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().arrayByShufflingObjects(in: array)
If you want to be able to replicate a shuffle or series of shuffles, choose and seed a specific random source; e.g.
let lcg = GKLinearCongruentialRandomSource(seed: mySeedValue)
let shuffled = lcg.arrayByShufflingObjects(in: array)
In iOS 10 / macOS 10.12 / tvOS 10, there's also a convenience syntax for shuffling via an extension on NSArray. Of course, that's a little cumbersome when you're using a Swift Array (and it loses its element type on coming back to Swift):
let shuffled1 = (array as NSArray).shuffled(using: random) // -> [Any]
let shuffled2 = (array as NSArray).shuffled() // use default random source
But it's pretty easy to make a type-preserving Swift wrapper for it:
extension Array {
func shuffled(using source: GKRandomSource) -> [Element] {
return (self as NSArray).shuffled(using: source) as! [Element]
func shuffled() -> [Element] {
return (self as NSArray).shuffled() as! [Element]
let shuffled3 = array.shuffled(using: random)
let shuffled4 = array.shuffled()
In Swift 2.0, GameplayKit may come to the rescue! (supported by iOS9 or later)
import GameplayKit
func shuffle() {
array = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().arrayByShufflingObjectsInArray(array)
Here's something possibly a little shorter:
sorted(a) {_, _ in arc4random() % 2 == 0}
Taking Nate's algorithm I wanted to see how this would look with Swift 2 and protocol extensions.
This is what I came up with.
extension MutableCollectionType where Self.Index == Int {
mutating func shuffleInPlace() {
let c = self.count
for i in 0..<(c - 1) {
let j = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(c - i))) + i
swap(&self[i], &self[j])
extension MutableCollectionType where Self.Index == Int {
func shuffle() -> Self {
var r = self
let c = self.count
for i in 0..<(c - 1) {
let j = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(c - i))) + i
swap(&r[i], &r[j])
return r
Now, any MutableCollectionType can use these methods given it uses Int as an Index
As of swift 4.2 there are two handy functions:
// shuffles the array in place
// generates a new array with shuffled elements of the old array
let newArray = myArray.shuffled()
In my case, I had some problems of swapping objects in Array. Then I scratched my head and went for reinventing the wheel.
// swift 3.0 ready
extension Array {
func shuffled() -> [Element] {
var results = [Element]()
var indexes = (0 ..< count).map { $0 }
while indexes.count > 0 {
let indexOfIndexes = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(indexes.count)))
let index = indexes[indexOfIndexes]
indexes.remove(at: indexOfIndexes)
return results
This is a version of Nate's implementation of the Fisher-Yates shuffle for Swift 4
(Xcode 9).
extension MutableCollection {
/// Shuffle the elements of `self` in-place.
mutating func shuffle() {
for i in indices.dropLast() {
let diff = distance(from: i, to: endIndex)
let j = index(i, offsetBy: numericCast(arc4random_uniform(numericCast(diff))))
swapAt(i, j)
extension Collection {
/// Return a copy of `self` with its elements shuffled
func shuffled() -> [Element] {
var list = Array(self)
return list
The changes are:
The constraint Indices.Iterator.Element == Index is now part
of the Collection protocol, and need not be imposed on the
extension anymore.
Exchanging elements must done by calling swapAt() on the collection,
compare SE-0173 Add MutableCollection.swapAt(_:_:).
Element is an alias for Iterator.Element.
Swift 4
Shuffle the elements of an array in a for loop where i is the mixing ratio
var cards = [Int]() //Some Array
let i = 4 // is the mixing ratio
func shuffleCards() {
for _ in 0 ..< cards.count * i {
let card = cards.remove(at: Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(cards.count))))
cards.insert(card, at: Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(cards.count))))
Or with extension Int
func shuffleCards() {
for _ in 0 ..< cards.count * i {
let card = cards.remove(at: cards.count.arc4random)
cards.insert(card, at: cards.count.arc4random)
extension Int {
var arc4random: Int {
if self > 0 {
print("Arc for random positiv self \(Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(self))))")
return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(self)))
} else if self < 0 {
print("Arc for random negotiv self \(-Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(abs(self)))))")
return -Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(abs(self))))
} else {
print("Arc for random equal 0")
return 0
This is what I use:
func newShuffledArray(array:NSArray) -> NSArray {
var mutableArray = array.mutableCopy() as! NSMutableArray
var count = mutableArray.count
if count>1 {
for var i=count-1;i>0;--i{
mutableArray.exchangeObjectAtIndex(i, withObjectAtIndex: Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(i+1))))
return mutableArray as NSArray
Swift 3 solution, following #Nate Cook answer: (work if the index starts with 0, see comments below)
extension Collection {
/// Return a copy of `self` with its elements shuffled
func shuffle() -> [Generator.Element] {
var list = Array(self)
return list
} }
extension MutableCollection where Index == Int {
/// Shuffle the elements of `self` in-place.
mutating func shuffleInPlace() {
// empty and single-element collections don't shuffle
if count < 2 { return }
let countInt = count as! Int
for i in 0..<countInt - 1 {
let j = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(countInt - i))) + i
guard i != j else { continue }
swap(&self[i], &self[j])
This is how its done in a Simplest way.import Gamplaykit to your VC and use the below code. Tested in Xcode 8.
import GameplayKit
let array: NSArray = ["Jock", "Ellie", "Sue Ellen", "Bobby", "JR", "Pamela"]
override func viewDidLoad() {
If you want to get a shuffled String from an Array you can use below code..
func suffleString() {
let ShuffleArray = array.shuffled()
suffleString.text = ShuffleArray.first as? String
With Swift 3, if you want to shuffle an array in place or get a new shuffled array from an array, AnyIterator can help you. The idea is to create an array of indices from your array, to shuffle those indices with an AnyIterator instance and swap(_:_:) function and to map each element of this AnyIterator instance with the array's corresponding element.
The following Playground code shows how it works:
import Darwin // required for arc4random_uniform
let array = ["Jock", "Ellie", "Sue Ellen", "Bobby", "JR", "Pamela"]
var indexArray = Array(array.indices)
var index = indexArray.endIndex
let indexIterator: AnyIterator<Int> = AnyIterator {
guard let nextIndex = indexArray.index(index, offsetBy: -1, limitedBy: indexArray.startIndex)
else { return nil }
index = nextIndex
let randomIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(index)))
if randomIndex != index {
swap(&indexArray[randomIndex], &indexArray[index])
return indexArray[index]
let newArray = { array[$0] }
print(newArray) // may print: ["Jock", "Ellie", "Sue Ellen", "JR", "Pamela", "Bobby"]
You can refactor the previous code and create a shuffled() function inside an Array extension in order to get a new shuffled array from an array:
import Darwin // required for arc4random_uniform
extension Array {
func shuffled() -> Array<Element> {
var indexArray = Array<Int>(indices)
var index = indexArray.endIndex
let indexIterator = AnyIterator<Int> {
guard let nextIndex = indexArray.index(index, offsetBy: -1, limitedBy: indexArray.startIndex)
else { return nil }
index = nextIndex
let randomIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(index)))
if randomIndex != index {
swap(&indexArray[randomIndex], &indexArray[index])
return indexArray[index]
return { self[$0] }
let array = ["Jock", "Ellie", "Sue Ellen", "Bobby", "JR", "Pamela"]
let newArray = array.shuffled()
print(newArray) // may print: ["Bobby", "Pamela", "Jock", "Ellie", "JR", "Sue Ellen"]
let emptyArray = [String]()
let newEmptyArray = emptyArray.shuffled()
print(newEmptyArray) // prints: []
As an alternative to the previous code, you can create a shuffle() function inside an Array extension in order to shuffle an array in place:
import Darwin // required for arc4random_uniform
extension Array {
mutating func shuffle() {
var indexArray = Array<Int>(indices)
var index = indexArray.endIndex
let indexIterator = AnyIterator<Int> {
guard let nextIndex = indexArray.index(index, offsetBy: -1, limitedBy: indexArray.startIndex)
else { return nil }
index = nextIndex
let randomIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(index)))
if randomIndex != index {
swap(&indexArray[randomIndex], &indexArray[index])
return indexArray[index]
self = { self[$0] }
var mutatingArray = ["Jock", "Ellie", "Sue Ellen", "Bobby", "JR", "Pamela"]
print(mutatingArray) // may print ["Sue Ellen", "Pamela", "Jock", "Ellie", "Bobby", "JR"]
In Swift 4.2, there is now a method for both a mutable shuffle and immutable shuffled. You can read more about the random generation and array stuff here.
You can use generic swap function as well and implement mentioned Fisher-Yates:
for idx in 0..<arr.count {
let rnd = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(idx)))
if rnd != idx {
swap(&arr[idx], &arr[rnd])
or less verbose:
for idx in 0..<steps.count {
swap(&steps[idx], &steps[Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(idx)))])
works!!. organisms is the array to shuffle.
extension Array
/** Randomizes the order of an array's elements. */
mutating func shuffle()
for _ in 0..<10
sort { (_,_) in arc4random() < arc4random() }
var organisms = [
"ant", "bacteria", "cougar",
"dog", "elephant", "firefly",
"goat", "hedgehog", "iguana"]
print("Original: \(organisms)")
print("Shuffled: \(organisms)")
Working Array Extension (mutating & non-mutating)
Swift 4.1 / Xcode 9
The top answer is deprecated, so I took it upon myself to create my own extension to shuffle an array in the newest version of Swift, Swift 4.1 (Xcode 9):
extension Array {
// Non-mutating shuffle
var shuffled : Array {
let totalCount : Int = self.count
var shuffledArray : Array = []
var count : Int = totalCount
var tempArray : Array = self
for _ in 0..<totalCount {
let randomIndex : Int = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count)))
let randomElement : Element = tempArray.remove(at: randomIndex)
count -= 1
return shuffledArray
// Mutating shuffle
mutating func shuffle() {
let totalCount : Int = self.count
var shuffledArray : Array = []
var count : Int = totalCount
var tempArray : Array = self
for _ in 0..<totalCount {
let randomIndex : Int = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count)))
let randomElement : Element = tempArray.remove(at: randomIndex)
count -= 1
self = shuffledArray
Call Non-Mutating Shuffle [Array] -> [Array]:
let array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
This prints array in a random order.
Call Mutating Shuffle [Array] = [Array]:
var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
// The array has now been mutated and contains all of its initial
// values, but in a randomized shuffled order
This prints array in its current order, which has already been randomly shuffled.
Hopes this works for everybody, if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, feel free to ask!
func createShuffledSequenceOfNumbers(max:UInt)->[UInt] {
var array:[UInt]! = []
var myArray:[UInt]! = []
for i in 1...max {
for i in 1...max {
var tempArray:[Int]! = []
for index in 0...(myArray.count - 1) {
var isNotFinded:Bool = true
let randomNumber = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(myArray.count))
let randomIndex = Int(randomNumber)
array[randomIndex] = myArray[index]
isNotFinded = false
return array
If you want to use simple Swift For loop function use this ->
var arrayItems = ["A1", "B2", "C3", "D4", "E5", "F6", "G7", "H8", "X9", "Y10", "Z11"]
var shuffledArray = [String]()
for i in 0..<arrayItems.count
let randomObject = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(items.count)))
items.remove(at: randomObject)
Swift Array suffle using extension ->
extension Array {
// Order Randomize
mutating func shuffle() {
for _ in 0..<count {
sort { (_,_) in arc4random() < arc4random() }
This is how to shuffle one array with a seed in Swift 3.0.
extension MutableCollection where Indices.Iterator.Element == Index {
mutating func shuffle() {
let c = count
guard c > 1 else { return }
for (firstUnshuffled , unshuffledCount) in zip(indices, stride(from: c, to: 1, by: -1)) {
let number:Int = numericCast(unshuffledCount)
let r = floor(drand48() * Double(number))
let d: IndexDistance = numericCast(Int(r))
guard d != 0 else { continue }
let i = index(firstUnshuffled, offsetBy: d)
swap(&self[firstUnshuffled], &self[i])
let shuffl = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().arrayByShufflingObjects(in: arrayObject)
This is what I use:
import GameplayKit
extension Collection {
func shuffled() -> [Iterator.Element] {
let shuffledArray = (self as? NSArray)?.shuffled()
let outputArray = shuffledArray as? [Iterator.Element]
return outputArray ?? []
mutating func shuffle() {
if let selfShuffled = self.shuffled() as? Self {
self = selfShuffled
// Usage example:
var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]
print(numbers) // output example: [2, 3, 5, 4, 1]
print([10, "hi", 9.0].shuffled()) // output example: [hi, 10, 9]
Simple Example:
extension Array {
mutating func shuffled() {
for _ in self {
// generate random indexes that will be swapped
var (a, b) = (Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(self.count - 1))), Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(self.count - 1))))
if a == b { // if the same indexes are generated swap the first and last
a = 0
b = self.count - 1
swap(&self[a], &self[b])
var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
print(array) // [9, 8, 3, 5, 7, 6, 4, 2, 1, 10]
Here's some code that runs in playground. You won't need to import Darwin in an actual Xcode project.
import darwin
var a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
func shuffle<ItemType>(item1: ItemType, item2: ItemType) -> Bool {
return drand48() > 0.5
sort(a, shuffle)
It stop at "swap(&self[i], &self[j])" when I upgrade the xCode version to 7.4 beta.
fatal error: swapping a location with itself is not supported
I found the reason that i = j (function of swap will exploded)
So I add a condition as below
if (i != j){
swap(&list[i], &list[j])
YA! It's OK for me.

Swift: How to get the size of an enum? [duplicate]

How can I determine the number of cases in a Swift enum?
(I would like to avoid manually enumerating through all the values, or using the old "enum_count trick" if possible.)
As of Swift 4.2 (Xcode 10) you can declare
conformance to the CaseIterable protocol, this works for all
enumerations without associated values:
enum Stuff: CaseIterable {
case first
case second
case third
case forth
The number of cases is now simply obtained with
print(Stuff.allCases.count) // 4
For more information, see
SE-0194 Derived Collection of Enum Cases
I have a blog post that goes into more detail on this, but as long as your enum's raw type is an integer, you can add a count this way:
enum Reindeer: Int {
case Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen
case Rudolph
static let count: Int = {
var max: Int = 0
while let _ = Reindeer(rawValue: max) { max += 1 }
return max
Xcode 10 update
Adopt the CaseIterable protocol in the enum, it provides a static allCases property which contains all enum cases as a Collection . Just use of its count property to know how many cases the enum has.
See Martin's answer for an example (and upvote his answers rather than mine)
Warning: the method below doesn't seem to work anymore.
I'm not aware of any generic method to count the number of enum cases. I've noticed however that the hashValue property of the enum cases is incremental, starting from zero, and with the order determined by the order in which the cases are declared. So, the hash of the last enum plus one corresponds to the number of cases.
For example with this enum:
enum Test {
case ONE
case TWO
case THREE
case FOUR
static var count: Int { return Test.FOUR.hashValue + 1}
count returns 4.
I cannot say if that's a rule or if it will ever change in the future, so use at your own risk :)
I define a reusable protocol which automatically performs the case count based on the approach posted by Nate Cook.
protocol CaseCountable {
static var caseCount: Int { get }
extension CaseCountable where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue == Int {
internal static var caseCount: Int {
var count = 0
while let _ = Self(rawValue: count) {
count += 1
return count
Then I can reuse this protocol for example as follows:
enum Planet : Int, CaseCountable {
case Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Create static allValues array as shown in this answer
enum ProductCategory : String {
case Washers = "washers", Dryers = "dryers", Toasters = "toasters"
static let allValues = [Washers, Dryers, Toasters]
let count = ProductCategory.allValues.count
This is also helpful when you want to enumerate the values, and works for all Enum types
If the implementation doesn't have anything against using integer enums, you could add an extra member value called Count to represent the number of members in the enum - see example below:
enum TableViewSections : Int {
case Watchlist
case AddButton
case Count
Now you can get the number of members in the enum by calling, TableViewSections.Count.rawValue which will return 2 for the example above.
When you're handling the enum in a switch statement, make sure to throw an assertion failure when encountering the Count member where you don't expect it:
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
let currentSection: TableViewSections = TableViewSections.init(rawValue:section)!
switch(currentSection) {
case .Watchlist:
return watchlist.count
case .AddButton:
return 1
case .Count:
assert(false, "Invalid table view section!")
This kind of function is able to return the count of your enum.
Swift 2:
func enumCount<T: Hashable>(_: T.Type) -> Int {
var i = 1
while (withUnsafePointer(&i) { UnsafePointer<T>($0).memory }).hashValue != 0 {
i += 1
return i
Swift 3:
func enumCount<T: Hashable>(_: T.Type) -> Int {
var i = 1
while (withUnsafePointer(to: &i, {
return $0.withMemoryRebound(to: T.self, capacity: 1, { return $0.pointee })
}).hashValue != 0) {
i += 1
return i
String Enum with Index
enum eEventTabType : String {
case Search = "SEARCH"
case Inbox = "INBOX"
case Accepted = "ACCEPTED"
case Saved = "SAVED"
case Declined = "DECLINED"
case Organized = "ORGANIZED"
static let allValues = [Search, Inbox, Accepted, Saved, Declined, Organized]
var index : Int {
return eEventTabType.allValues.indexOf(self)!
count : eEventTabType.allValues.count
index : objeEventTabType.index
Enjoy :)
Oh hey everybody, what about unit tests?
func testEnumCountIsEqualToNumberOfItemsInEnum() {
var max: Int = 0
while let _ = Test(rawValue: max) { max += 1 }
XCTAssert(max == Test.count)
This combined with Antonio's solution:
enum Test {
case one
case two
case three
case four
static var count: Int { return Test.four.hashValue + 1}
in the main code gives you O(1) plus you get a failing test if someone adds an enum case five and doesn't update the implementation of count.
This function relies on 2 undocumented current(Swift 1.1) enum behavior:
Memory layout of enum is just a index of case. If case count is from 2 to 256, it's UInt8.
If the enum was bit-casted from invalid case index, its hashValue is 0
So use at your own risk :)
func enumCaseCount<T:Hashable>(t:T.Type) -> Int {
switch sizeof(t) {
case 0:
return 1
case 1:
for i in 2..<256 {
if unsafeBitCast(UInt8(i), t).hashValue == 0 {
return i
return 256
case 2:
for i in 257..<65536 {
if unsafeBitCast(UInt16(i), t).hashValue == 0 {
return i
return 65536
fatalError("too many")
enum Foo:String {
case C000 = "foo"
case C001 = "bar"
case C002 = "baz"
enumCaseCount(Foo) // -> 3
I wrote a simple extension which gives all enums where raw value is integer a count property:
extension RawRepresentable where RawValue: IntegerType {
static var count: Int {
var i: RawValue = 0
while let _ = Self(rawValue: i) {
i = i.successor()
return Int(i.toIntMax())
Unfortunately it gives the count property to OptionSetType where it won't work properly, so here is another version which requires explicit conformance to CaseCountable protocol for any enum which cases you want to count:
protocol CaseCountable: RawRepresentable {}
extension CaseCountable where RawValue: IntegerType {
static var count: Int {
var i: RawValue = 0
while let _ = Self(rawValue: i) {
i = i.successor()
return Int(i.toIntMax())
It's very similar to the approach posted by Tom Pelaia, but works with all integer types.
enum EnumNameType: Int {
case first
case second
case third
static var count: Int { return EnumNameType.third.rawValue + 1 }
print(EnumNameType.count) //3
enum EnumNameType: Int {
case first
case second
case third
case count
print(EnumNameType.count.rawValue) //3
*On Swift 4.2 (Xcode 10) can use:
enum EnumNameType: CaseIterable {
case first
case second
case third
print(EnumNameType.allCases.count) //3
Of course, it's not dynamic but for many uses you can get by with a static var added to your Enum
static var count: Int{ return 7 }
and then use it as EnumName.count
For my use case, in a codebase where multiple people could be adding keys to an enum, and these cases should all be available in the allKeys property, it's important that allKeys be validated against the keys in the enum. This is to avoid someone forgetting to add their key to the all keys list. Matching the count of the allKeys array(first created as a set to avoid dupes) against the number of keys in the enum ensures that they are all present.
Some of the answers above show the way to achieve this in Swift 2 but none work in Swift 3. Here is the Swift 3 formatted version:
static func enumCount<T: Hashable>(_ t: T.Type) -> Int {
var i = 1
while (withUnsafePointer(to: &i) {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to:t.self, capacity:1) { $0.pointee.hashValue != 0 }
}) {
i += 1
return i
static var allKeys: [YourEnumTypeHere] {
var enumSize = enumCount(YourEnumTypeHere.self)
let keys: Set<YourEnumTypeHere> = [.all, .your, .cases, .here]
guard keys.count == enumSize else {
fatalError("Missmatch between allKeys(\(keys.count)) and actual keys(\(enumSize)) in enum.")
return Array(keys)
Depending on your use case, you might want to just run the test in development to avoid the overhead of using allKeys on each request
Why do you make it all so complex? The SIMPLEST counter of Int enum is to add:
case Count
In the end. And... viola - now you have the count - fast and simple
enum WeekDays : String , CaseIterable
case monday = "Mon"
case tuesday = "Tue"
case wednesday = "Wed"
case thursday = "Thu"
case friday = "Fri"
case saturday = "Sat"
case sunday = "Sun"
var weekdays = WeekDays.AllCases()
If you don't want to base your code in the last enum you can create this function inside your enum.
func getNumberOfItems() -> Int {
var i:Int = 0
var exit:Bool = false
while !exit {
if let menuIndex = MenuIndex(rawValue: i) {
exit = true
return i
A Swift 3 version working with Int type enums:
protocol CaseCountable: RawRepresentable {}
extension CaseCountable where RawValue == Int {
static var count: RawValue {
var i: RawValue = 0
while let _ = Self(rawValue: i) { i += 1 }
return i
Credits: Based on the answers by bzz and Nate Cook.
Generic IntegerType (in Swift 3 renamed to Integer) is not supported, as it's a heavily fragmented generic type which lacks a lot of functions. successor is not available with Swift 3 anymore.
Be aware that the comment from Code Commander to Nate Cooks answer is still valid:
While nice because you don't need to hardcode a value, this will
instantiate every enum value each time it is called. That is O(n)
instead of O(1).
As far as I know there is currently no workaround when using this as protocol extension (and not implementing in each enum like Nate Cook did) due to static stored properties not being supported in generic types.
Anyway, for small enums this should be no issue. A typical use case would be the section.count for UITableViews as already mentioned by Zorayr.
Extending Matthieu Riegler answer, this is a solution for Swift 3 that doesn't require the use of generics, and can be easily called using the enum type with EnumType.elementsCount:
extension RawRepresentable where Self: Hashable {
// Returns the number of elements in a RawRepresentable data structure
static var elementsCount: Int {
var i = 1
while (withUnsafePointer(to: &i, {
return $0.withMemoryRebound(to: self, capacity: 1, { return
$0.pointee })
}).hashValue != 0) {
i += 1
return i
I solved this problem for myself by creating a protocol (EnumIntArray) and a global utility function (enumIntArray) that make it very easy to add an "All" variable to any enum (using swift 1.2). The "all" variable will contain an array of all elements in the enum so you can use all.count for the count
It only works with enums that use raw values of type Int but perhaps it can provide some inspiration for other types.
It also addresses the "gap in numbering" and "excessive time to iterate" issues I've read above and elsewhere.
The idea is to add the EnumIntArray protocol to your enum and then define an "all" static variable by calling the enumIntArray function and provide it with the first element (and the last if there are gaps in the numbering).
Because the static variable is only initialized once, the overhead of going through all raw values only hits your program once.
example (without gaps) :
enum Animals:Int, EnumIntArray
case Cat=1, Dog, Rabbit, Chicken, Cow
static var all = enumIntArray(Animals.Cat)
example (with gaps) :
enum Animals:Int, EnumIntArray
case Cat = 1, Dog,
case Rabbit = 10, Chicken, Cow
static var all = enumIntArray(Animals.Cat, Animals.Cow)
Here's the code that implements it:
protocol EnumIntArray
var rawValue:Int { get }
func enumIntArray<T:EnumIntArray>(firstValue:T, _ lastValue:T? = nil) -> [T]
var result:[T] = []
var rawValue = firstValue.rawValue
while true
if let enumValue = T(rawValue:rawValue++)
{ result.append(enumValue) }
else if lastValue == nil
{ break }
if lastValue != nil
&& rawValue > lastValue!.rawValue
{ break }
return result
Or you can just define the _count outside the enum, and attach it statically:
let _count: Int = {
var max: Int = 0
while let _ = EnumName(rawValue: max) { max += 1 }
return max
enum EnumName: Int {
case val0 = 0
case val1
static let count = _count
That way no matter how many enums you create, it'll only ever be created once.
(delete this answer if static does that)
The following method comes from CoreKit and is similar to the answers some others have suggested. This works with Swift 4.
public protocol EnumCollection: Hashable {
static func cases() -> AnySequence<Self>
static var allValues: [Self] { get }
public extension EnumCollection {
public static func cases() -> AnySequence<Self> {
return AnySequence { () -> AnyIterator<Self> in
var raw = 0
return AnyIterator {
let current: Self = withUnsafePointer(to: &raw) { $0.withMemoryRebound(to: self, capacity: 1) { $0.pointee } }
guard current.hashValue == raw else {
return nil
raw += 1
return current
public static var allValues: [Self] {
return Array(self.cases())
enum Weekdays: String, EnumCollection {
case sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday
Then you just need to just call Weekdays.allValues.count.
Just want to share a solution when you have an enum with associated values.
enum SomeEnum {
case one
case two(String)
case three(String, Int)
CaseIterable doesn't provide allCases automatically.
We can't provide a raw type like Int for your enum to calculate cases count somehow.
What we can do is to use power of switch and fallthrough keyword.
extension SomeEnum {
static var casesCount: Int {
var sum = 0
switch { // Potential problem
case one:
sum += 1
case two:
sum += 1
case three:
sum += 1
return sum
So now you can say SomeEnum.casesCount.
We still have a problem with switch {..., we hardcoded the first case. You can easily hack this solution. But I used it just for unit tests so that was not a problem.
If you often need to get cases count in enums with associated values, think about code generation.
struct HashableSequence<T: Hashable>: SequenceType {
func generate() -> AnyGenerator<T> {
var i = 0
return AnyGenerator {
let next = withUnsafePointer(&i) { UnsafePointer<T>($0).memory }
if next.hashValue == i {
i += 1
return next
return nil
extension Hashable {
static func enumCases() -> Array<Self> {
return Array(HashableSequence())
static var enumCount: Int {
return enumCases().enumCount
enum E {
case A
case B
case C
E.enumCases() // [A, B, C]
E.enumCount // 3
but be careful with usage on non-enum types. Some workaround could be:
struct HashableSequence<T: Hashable>: SequenceType {
func generate() -> AnyGenerator<T> {
var i = 0
return AnyGenerator {
guard sizeof(T) == 1 else {
return nil
let next = withUnsafePointer(&i) { UnsafePointer<T>($0).memory }
if next.hashValue == i {
i += 1
return next
return nil
extension Hashable {
static func enumCases() -> Array<Self> {
return Array(HashableSequence())
static var enumCount: Int {
return enumCases().count
enum E {
case A
case B
case C
Bool.enumCases() // [false, true]
Bool.enumCount // 2
String.enumCases() // []
String.enumCount // 0
Int.enumCases() // []
Int.enumCount // 0
E.enumCases() // [A, B, C]
E.enumCount // 4
It can use a static constant which contains the last value of the enumeration plus one.
enum Color : Int {
case Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple
static let count: Int = Color.Purple.rawValue + 1
func toUIColor() -> UIColor{
switch self {
case .Red:
return UIColor.redColor()
case .Orange:
return UIColor.orangeColor()
case .Yellow:
return UIColor.yellowColor()
case .Green:
return UIColor.greenColor()
case .Cyan:
return UIColor.cyanColor()
case .Blue:
return UIColor.blueColor()
case .Purple:
return UIColor.redColor()
This is minor, but I think a better O(1) solution would be the following (ONLY if your enum is Int starting at x, etc.):
enum Test : Int {
case ONE = 1
case TWO
case THREE
case FOUR // if you later need to add additional enums add above COUNT so COUNT is always the last enum value
case COUNT
static var count: Int { return Test.COUNT.rawValue } // note if your enum starts at 0, some other number, etc. you'll need to add on to the raw value the differential
The current selected answer I still believe is the best answer for all enums, unless you are working with Int then I recommend this solution.