Parse and Switch Elements of Folder Names with Powershell 2.0 - powershell

I have been trying to write a powershell script (my first) to
parse out only the folders within a directory
select only those folders matching a specific naming convention ('SEASON YEAR')
switch the order of the elements of the name ('YEAR SEASON')
I eventually used the program BulkRenameUtility to do this using the regexp ^(\w+) (\d+) and switching the token order to $2 $1 -- however, I still am learning Powershell and would like to be able to do this without using an external program.
So, to re-iterate, at C:\Users\Test
there are folders and files.. some of the folders are named Spring 2015, Fall 2014, for example. However, other folders have names such as geogex. Files have names such as ENG1A SPRING 2015.odtand untitled_0.odt.
How do I only change the names of the folders named like "Spring 2015" to read "2015 Spring", "2014 Fall" etc. ?
I was able to use
gci | ? {$_.PSIsContainer} | select-string -pattern '\d+'
to accomplish 1 and 2 but am stuck on using this to do part 3: actually rename by reversing the elements of the name. I tried putting the above within a variable and like so:
gci | ? {$_.PSIsContainer} | select-string -pattern '\d+' | %{$data = $_.line; Write-Output "$data"};
however, while the above outputs exactly the folders I want the array $data seems to only hold the last line of output. Such that:
gci | ? {$_.PSIsContainer} | select-string -pattern '\d+' | %{$data = $_.line; Write-Output "$data"};
will output:
test 123
test 321
test 321
I am unsure if this is even the a valid direction to begin with.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This should get the job done.
$Path = "C:\Users\Test"
$regex = "^(Spring|Summer|Fall|Winter)\s+\d{4}$"
Get-ChildItem $Path |
Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.Name -match $regex} |
Rename-Item -NewName {$split = $_.Name -split "\s+"; "{0} {1}" -f $split[1],$split[0]}
We use that regex to filter out the folder that fit your convention. Should be a little more targeted using specific season names. The year is a little more lacked by just looking for 4 numbers.
Other ways to do it but for the rename I just split the name on the space and reversed the output using the -f format operator.


comma seperate 2 values in powershell

I am listing files in a directory along with their epoch time (being used on a Linux box, for centralized file management).
I'm having issues getting it to join 2 fields with a comma in between.
folder structure is
Expected output:
File: test1.txt,1518167449
File: test2.txt,1518167449
i have all the information in:
(Get-ChildItem C:\temp\test | select name, #{name='lastwritetime';Expression={[int][double]::Parse((Get-Date $_.LastWriteTime -UFormat %s))}})
gives the output
Name lastwritetime
test1.txt 1518167449
test2.txt 1518167455
but i'm not able to join them so they look in the correct format (with the comma join).
You could do something like this:
$Files = (Get-ChildItem C:\temp\test | select name, #{name='lastwritetime';Expression={[int][double]::Parse((Get-Date $_.LastWriteTime -UFormat %s))}})
$Files | ForEach-Object {
This uses a ForEach-Object loop that iterates through each file and outputs a string. The string uses subexpressions $( ) to allow us to access the two properties we want and interpolate them in the string with a comma between them.
Note that you don't have to use a $Files variable, you could instead chain the ForEach-Object command on the end of your Select, but because that command is already quite long this makes the code a bit cleaner.
Another option is this:
$Files | ForEach-Object {
"{0},{1}" -f $_.Name,$_.LastWriteTime
Its up to you as to which you feel is more readable.
You could also consider using the ConvertTo-CSV cmdlet, although that will also add quote marks around each value. If your ultimate destination is CSV though using that or Export-CSV is cleaner/simpler.

One Line PowerShell Batch Rename based on File Contents

I have a list of EDI text files with specific text in them. Currently in order for our custom scripting to convert them into an SQL table, we need to be able to see the X12 file type in the filename. Because we are using SQL script to get the files into tables this solution needs to be a one line solution. We have a definition table of client files which specify which field terminator and file types to look for so we will be later substitute those values into the one line solution to be executed individually. I am currently looking at Powershell (v.3) to do this for maximum present and future compatibility. Also, I am totally new to Powershell, and have based my script generation on posts in this forum.
Files example
Search strings to find within files: (To find EDI X12 file type uniquely, which may be duplicated within the same file n times)
Here is what I have so far which does not show itself doing anything with the whatif parameter:
(Get-ChildItem .\ -recurse | Select-String -pattern 'ST~867' -SimpleMatch).Path | Foreach -Begin {$i=1} -Process {Rename-Item -LiteralPath $_ -NewName ($_ -replace 'out$','867.out' -f $i++) -whatif}
The fist part:
(Get-ChildItem .\ -recurse | Select-String -pattern 'ST~867' -SimpleMatch).Path
Simply gets a list of paths that we need to input to be renamed
The second part after the | pipe:
Foreach -Begin {$i=1} -Process {Rename-Item -LiteralPath $_ -NewName ($_ -replace '\.out','.867.out' -f $i++) -whatif}
will supposedly loop through that list and rename the files adding the EDI type to the end of the file. I have tried 'out$','867.out' with no change.
Current Errors:
The first part shows duplicated path elements probably because there are multiple Transaction Set Headers in the files, is there any way to force it to be unique?
The command does not show any Errors (red text) but with the whatif parameter shows that it does not rename any files (tried running it without as well).
1) remove duplicates using -List switch in Select-String
2) you need to really pipe the objects into the for loop
Try this?
Select-String -Path .\*.out -pattern 'ST~867' -SimpleMatch -List | Select-Object Path | ForEach-Object { Rename-Item $_.path ($_.path -replace 'out$','867.out') }

List file names in a folder matching a pattern, excluding file content

I am using the below to recursively list all files in a folder that contains the $pattern
Get-ChildItem $targetDir -recurse | Select-String -pattern "$pattern" | group path | select name
But it seems it both list files having the $pattern in its name and in its content, e.g. when I run the above where $pattern="SAMPLE" I get:
indeed contains the SAMPLE keywords/text but I don't care about that, I only need the command to list file names not file with content matching the pattern. What am I missing?
Based on the below answers I have also tried:
Get-ChildItem $targetDir -recurse | where {$ -like "SAMPLE"} | group path | select name
Get-ChildItem $targetDir -recurse | where {$ -like "SAMPLE"} | select name
but it does not return any results.
Select-String is doing what you told it to. Emphasis mine.
The Select-String cmdlet searches for text and text patterns in input strings and files.
So if you are just looking to match with file names just use -Filter of Get-ChildItem or post process with Where-Object
Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse -Filter "*sample*"
That should return all files and folders that have sample in their name. If you just wanted files or directories you would be able to use the switches -File or -Directory to return those specific object types.
If your pattern is more complicated than a simple word then you might need to use Where-Object like in Itchydon's answer with something like -match giving you access to regex.
The grouping logic in your code should be redundant since you are returning single files that all have unique paths. Therefore I have not included that here. If you just want the paths then you can pipe into Select-Object -Expand FullName or just (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse -Filter "*sample*").Fullname
get-ChildItem $targetDir -recurse | where {$ -like $pattern} | select name
To complement Matt's helpful answer:
Specifically, because what you're piping to Select-String are [System.IO.FileInfo] objects - which is what Get-ChildItem outputs - rather than strings, it is the contents of the files represented by these objects is being searched.
Assuming that you need to match only the file name part of each file's path and that your pattern can be expressed as a wildcard expression, you do not need Select-String at all and can instead use Get-ChildItem with -Filter, as in Matt's answer, or the slower, but slightly more powerful -Include.
Select-String -Pattern accepts a regular expression (e.g., .*sample.*; see Get-Help about_Regular_Expressions),
whereas Get-ChildItem -Filter/-Include accepts a wildcard expression (e.g., *sample*; see Get-Help about_Wildcards) - they are different things.
On a side note: If your intent is to match files only, you can tell Get-ChildItem to restrict output to files (as opposed to potentially also directories) using -File (analogously, you can limit output to directories with -Directory).
Group-Object path (group path) will not work as intended, because the .Path property of the match-information objects output by Select-String contains the full filename, so you'd be putting each file in its own group - essentially, a no-op.
When using just Get-ChildItem, the equivalent property name would be .FullName, but what you're looking for is to group by parent path (the containing directory's path), .DirectoryName), I presume, therefore:
... | Group-Object DirectoryName | Select-Object Name
This outputs the full path of each directory that contains at least 1 file with a matching file name.
(Note that the Name in Select-Object Name refers to the .Name property of the group objects returned by Group-Object, which in this case is the value of the .DirectoryName property on the input objects.)
To complement the excellent answer by #mklement0, you can ask Powershell to print the full path by appending a pipe as follows:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -Filter "*sample*" | %{$_.FullName}
Note: When searching folders where you might get an error based on security, hence we use the SilentlyContinue option.
I went through the answer by #Itchydon
but couldn't follow the use of '-like' $pattern.
I was trying to list files having 32characters(letters and numbers) in the filename.
PS C:> Get-ChildItem C:\Users\ -Recurse | where {$ -match "[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}"} | select name
PS C:> Get-ChildItem C:\Users\010M\Documents\WindowsPowerShell -Recurse | Where-Object {$ -match "[A-Z0-9]{32}"} | select name
So, in this case it doesn't matter whether you use where or where-object.
You can use select-string directly to search for files matching a certain string, yes, this will return the filename:count:content ... etc, but, internally these have names that you can chose or omit, the one you need is the "filename" to do this pipe this into "select-object" choosing the "FileName" from the output.
So, to select all *.MSG files that has the pattern of "Subject: Webservices restarted", you can do the following:
Select-String -Path .*.MSG -Pattern 'Subject: WebServices Restarted'
-List | select-object Filename
Also, to remove these files on the fly, you could pip into a ForEach statement with the RM command as follows:
Select-String -Path .*.MSG -Pattern 'Subject: WebServices Restarted'
-List | select-object Filename | foreach { rm $_.FileName }

Files sorting with version number in Powershell

I have this folder in a directory. With different version on them.
I'm new to powershell, can anyone help me to get the latest version folder from the above folders? Here CD12 is the latest folder. I can't use last modified time because I copy them at the same time.
$FolderName=(Get-ChildItem C:\Current\CD |Where-Object {$ -like "*CD*"}| sort{$,2)}|Select-Object Name -Last 1).Name)
Write-Host "$FolderName"
I tried the above script and it did not help. Can anyone help me?
The next new version is CD13, and the script should get that folder
You can try something like below
$max_version = Get-ChildItem "C:\Current\" | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer}
| Foreach-Object {$_.Name} | Foreach-object {$_ -replace "CD", ""}
| measure -maximum | Select-Object -expand Maximum
Write-host ("CD" + $max_version)
Which will result in CD12
You almost have it. When I tried to run your code, I ran into two errors. First, you have an extra ')' at the end of the line causing a syntax error. Second, your 'SubString()' call is failing because you're trying to get the 3rd and 4th characters of a string without a 4th character ("CD1"). You don't need the scriptblock to your Sort command, though. You can just sort on the Name field.
$FolderName = Get-ChildItem C:\7005\Hot-Fix\CD | where Name -like "CD*" | sort Name | Select-Object -Last 1 -ExpandProperty Name
As a side note, this uses the PowerShell 3 syntax for Where-Object and Sort-Object to omit the {}. And it uses the -ExpandProperty parameter to Select-Object, so you don't have to wrap the whole thing in parens to get the Name property.
You could try this:
#requires -v 3
$folder=dir $baseFolder\CD* -Directory |
? basename -CMatch 'CD\d{1,}' |
sort #{e={'{0:0000}' -f [int]($_ -replace '\D')}} -Descending |
select -First 1
Notice, I'm considering case sensitive matching; also, $folder contains what you're looking for.

Powershell replace special characters string in all files in directory path

I'm trying to create a 'find and replace' script for the website our company just acquired. Right now, I just want to use it to replace their address and phone number with
ours, but I'll likely need to customize it in the future to replace or update other stuffs.
So far, what I got is:
(Get-Content C:\Scripts\Test.txt) |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "\*", "#"} |
Set-Content C:\Scripts\Test.txt
which I got from The Scripting Guy :P
However, I need help customizing it. What I need it to do is:
Do it for all files in a directory and all sub-directories, not just one file. The website as far as I can tell is a collection of *.php files
Handle special characters that appear in some addresses, like copyrights (©) pipes (|) commas (,) and periods (.)
Here's the exact string I'm trying to replace (as it appears in the .php's):
<p>©Copyright 2012 GSS | 48009 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538 USA</p>
Since this could be the first tool in my powershell toolbox, any explaining of what you're adding or changing would greatly help me understand what's going on.
Bonus points:
Any way to log which files were 'find-and-replace'ed?
My suggestion would be to use a ForEach loop. I don't see the need for a function in this case, just have the code in your ForEach loop. I would define a string to search for, and a string to replace with. When you perform the replace make sure that it is escaped. Something along these lines:
$TxtToFind = "<p>©Copyright 2012 GSS | 48009 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538 USA</p>"
$UpdatedTxt = "<p>©Copyright 2014 | 1234 Somenew St., Houston, TX 77045 USA</p>"
$Logfile = "C:\Temp\FileUpdate.log"
ForEach($File in (GCI C:\WebRoot\ -Recurse)){
If($File|Select-String $TxtToFind -SimpleMatch -Quiet){
"Updating lines in $($File.FullName)" |Out-File $Logfile -append
$File|Select-String $TxtToFind -SimpleMatch -AllMatches|Select -ExpandProperty LineNumber -Unique|Out-File $Logfile -append
(GC $File.FullName) | %{$_ -replace [RegEx]::Escape($TxtToFind),$UpdatedTxt} | Set-Content $File.Fullname
You can leverage regular expression to find/replace the string you desire and the following script will iterate over all the php files within the provided folder recursively.
function ParseFile($file){
#Add logic to parse the file
Write-Host $file.FullName
$files = Get-ChildItem -recurse C:\Path -Filter *.php
foreach ($file in $files) {
ParseFile $file