Download location for mobicents mgcp stack? - mobicents

Where can I download the mobicent mgcp stack from? The URL takes me to the download page but ultimately it points to mobicent diameter which is not I am looking for.
Would appreciate receiving an exact location to the binary to download.
Thank you

The stack client side code is at Libraries are at
The stack server side code is at Libraries are at


Save images for my web server in SPIFFS on esp32-S2

Hi it's my first time using esp32-S2 because now its not recommended to use esp32. I'm looking for saving images in SPIFFS for my web server. In esp32 i used to use esp32fs plugin ( but it doesn't work for esp32-S2. I would like to know if there is any plugin like esp32fs and if not how can i save my images (I'm using arduinoIDE 1.8.19). I've been searching but i didn't found anything. Any orientation is welcomed. Thank you for your time and assistance.
You can try my ESP32_FSWebServer_DRD or ESP_FSWebServer example of ESP_WiFiManager library
Follow the instructions in ESP_FSWebServer Example
You can use either deprecated SPIFFS or the better LittleFS

OpenBMC WebUI update version MANIFEST and publickey

I want to update BMC image via OpenBmc WebUI.
openbmc web will block upload files of the same version
I try to trace code to understand the /upload/image mechanism
It seems to be related to MANIFEST & publickey
Where can I find the openbmc code that handles this part?
You could start tracing the image upload code from here
Probably you are seeing the error message here. I don't use this file upload mechanism, so am not best person to understand the issue. You might want to check on the discord if anyone else has similar issues. Also, having the exact text of the error message is helpful.
I hope this sends you on the right direction.

How can I actually download/transfer a file found using UPnP?

I'm completely new to UPnP as a protocol, but I'm hoping to use it to transfer files from a Sony Camera to an iOS app I'm working on. So far I have SSDP discovery setup, I can read the UPnP client's services, search through folders and access file names, but the final hurdle which I'm stuck on is how to actually download/transfer the files once I'm able to list them!
What I end up getting is the below:
<item id="04_02_0624600856_000001_000001_000000" restricted="1" parentID="03_01_0624600856_000001_000000_000000">
<res protocolInfo="http-get:*:image/jpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=JPEG_SM;DLNA.ORG_CI=1"></res>
<res protocolInfo="http-get:*:image/jpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=JPEG_LRG;DLNA.ORG_CI=1"></res>
<res protocolInfo="http-get:*:image/jpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=JPEG_TN;DLNA.ORG_CI=1"></res>
I would (With my naive experience of simple HTTP APIs) then expect to simply be able to download the file in question by hitting: or similar (I'm assuming I have to change this URL slightly as the file is listed as image/jpeg rather than RAW?
Whatever combination I try of the full res object, snipping bits, decoding the url e.t.c. I always get a 404 response when trying to visit the URL in question. Is there something more complex I need to do here? Or something simple that I'm missing?
Thanks in advance!
The problem here was that I was using a url from a previous session. It turns out that the urls change between connection sessions, which is why I was getting a 404.
Lesson learned: UPnP is highly dynamic, and you can’t rely on caching images under their access MRL!

GWT servlets not called at all

I have ported GWT basic Hello World application to jetty-maven-plugin based app.
Everything goes fine, gwt convert client side classes to Javascript and application run properly in dev mode but no response for server side servlet. I do not get any error or exception.
Any idea what is going wrong.
There is not much information to gave 100% answer. But be sure to check:
Server log output (could be some exception there)
If there are no exceptions on server side open console in Firebug or Google Dev Tools and load the page in browser. Probably there will be 404 not found errors.
Check if your servlet is correctly defined in : war->WEB-INF->web.xml.
Definition of servlet is:
I'm sorry but I can't put code example. I don't understand why.

Implement WebDAV connection in iPhone app

I've been searching around this forum and Google, but I can't find anything that helps me. I need to be able to connect to a WebDAV server, type in a username and password to get access and show the folders and files in my iPhone app. Just like the free iPhone app called WebDAV Nav.
Seems like the question is asked a lot, but no one really has an answer for it?
Does anyone know if there's a sample project out there, that could get me on the right track?
I've tried WTClient and flyingcode webdav.
Both flycode's WebDAV and WTClient are a few years old, seem incomplete and have a few errors.
When I try WTClient with a WebDAV server I get the response
This URL can be accessed only with a WebDAV compatible software program.
When I try the flycode WebDAV code, it fails to parse the server directory listing response correctly. I managed to modify the code in FMWebDAVRequest to look for slightly different XML elementNames in the response
eg "response" instead of "D:response", "href" instead of "D:href",
"resourcetype" instead of ":getcontenttype"
Then it worked, successfully retrieving the directory listing.
But should I continue to tweak this code, try something more robust or roll my own? What have others done/used?