I'm experiencing strange behavior and I'm wondering if this is a bug or if I'm missing something.
The following code:
class Foo extends SpecificationWithJUnit {
"This test should pass" in new ctx {
Bar(Zoo("id")) must haveInstanceZoo
trait ctx extends Scope {
def haveInstanceZoo : Matcher[Bar] =
beAnInstanceOf[Zoo] ^^ { (_: Bar).z aka "instanceOfZoo" }
case class Bar(z: Zoo)
case class Zoo(id: String)
fails with the following Exception:
is not an instance of 'com.test.Zoo'
If I remove the "aka" from the custom matcher everything works.
You cannot use aka like this because you are effectively trying to assert that an Expectation, the object you create with aka is an instance of Zoo.
If you want to specify a different failure message on a matcher you can write this:
def haveInstanceZoo: Matcher[Bar] = (bar: Bar) =>
(bar.z.isInstanceOf[Zoo], "bar.z is not an instance of Zoo")
I have an abstract superclass with a variety of stateless implementations. It seems like the thing to do is make the abstract superclass a class, and make each implementation an object because I only ever need one of each.
This is a toy example, but it shows the compile error I’m getting:
// Tramsformer.scala
class Transformer {
def transform(value : String) : String
object Transformer {
getTransformer(String : name) : Transformer = {
name match {
case "upper" => UpperTransformer
// I'm getting "Cannot Resolve Symbol" on UpperTransformer,
// even though they're in the same package.
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("...")
// ---
// UpperTransformer.scala is in the same package
object UpperTransformer extends Transformer {
override def transform(vlaue : String) = foo.toUpperCase()
I’m really shooting for some sort of dynamic dispatch on (dataProvider, desiredAction) here.
Then some class can call Transformer.getTransformer("upper").transform("stack-overflow") without making any unnecessary objects.
Any idea what I should be doing differently? Should I stop worrying about premature optimization and learn to love the instance?
The problem isn't visibility, it's that you simply do not define an object named UpperTransformer anywhere - only a class. If you replace class UpperTransformer with object UpperTransformer, your code should work fine.
I am working on a Lift project with mixed Scala and Java code.
On the Java side, I have the following relevant items:
interface IEntity
interface IDAO<T extends IEntity> {
void persist(T t);
On the Scala side, I have the following:
abstract class Binding[T <: IEntity] extends NgModel {
def unbind: T
class BasicService[E <: IEntity](serviceName: String, dataAccessObject: IDAO[E]) {
def render = renderIfNotAlreadyDefined(
.jsonCall("persist", (binding: Binding[E]) => { //<---COMPILATION ERROR
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => Failure(e.getMessage)
This code will not compile. I get the following error at the point indicated above:
No Manifest available for Binding[E].
It is not clear at all to me why this occurs, but I am guessing it has something to do with this being a nested method invocation. The code compiles fine if I declare a member function with Binding[E] as a parameter, for example:
def someFunction(binding: Binding[E] = { // same code as above }
Why does this happen, and how can I work around it?
Turns out this is relatively easily solved by implicitly passing on the manifest for the type in question, either in the constructor or the method itself:
class BasicService[E <: IEntity](serviceName: String, dataAccessObject: IDAO[E])(implicit m: Manifest[Binding[E]]) {
def render(implicit m: Manifest[Binding[E]])
I am using Specs2 with play 2.2.1 built with Scala 2.10.2 (running Java 1.7.0_51). I have been reading about how to do setup/teardown with Specs2. I have seen examples using the "After" trait as follows:
class Specs2Play extends org.specs2.mutable.Specification {
"this is the first example" in new SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount {
trait SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount extends org.specs2.mutable.After {
def after = println("teardown ")
This works fine, except that all of my tests are using "in new WithApplication". It seems what I need is to have an object which is both a "WithApplication" and an "After". Below does not compile, but is essentially what I want:
trait SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount extends org.specs2.mutable.After with WithApplication
So, my question is, how do I add setup/teardown to my tests which are already using "in WithApplication"? My primary concern is that all of our tests make use of fake routing like this (so they need the With Application).
val aFakeRequest = FakeRequest(method, url).withHeaders(headers).withBody(jsonBody)
val Some(result) = play.api.test.Helpers.route(aFakeRequest)
This is the code for WithApplication:
abstract class WithApplication(val app: FakeApplication = FakeApplication()) extends Around with Scope {
implicit def implicitApp = app
override def around[T: AsResult](t: => T): Result = {
It's actually quite easy to modify this to suit your needs without creating a bunch of other traits. The missing piece here is the anonymous function t, which you provide the implementation for in your tests (using WithApplication). It would be nice to make WithApplication a little more robust to be able to execute arbitrary blocks of code before and after the tests, if necessary.
One approach could be to create a similar class to WithApplication that accepts two anonymous functions setup and teardown that both return Unit. All I really need to do is modify what's happening inside AsResult.effectively(t). To keep this simple, I'm going to remove the app parameter from the parameter list, and use FakeApplication always. You don't seem to be providing a different configuration, and it can always be added back.
abstract class WithEnv(setup: => Unit, teardown: => Unit) extends Around with Scope {
implicit def implicitApp = app
override def around[T: AsResult](t: => T): Result = {
try {
} finally {
Instead of simply calling the anonymous function t, I first call setup, then t, then teardown. The try/finally block is important because failed tests in specs2 throw exceptions, and we want to be sure that teardown will be executed no matter what the outcome.
Now you can easily setup test environments using functions.
import java.nio.files.{Files, Paths}
def createFolder: Unit = Files.createDirectories(Paths.get("temp/test"))
def deleteFolder: Unit = Files.delete("temp/test")
"check if a file exists" in new WithEnv(createFolder, deleteFolder) {
Files.exists(Paths.get("temp/test")) must beTrue
(This might not compile, but you get the idea.)
If your after method doesn't need anything from the WithApplication trait you can mix in your specification the AfterExample trait and define the after behaviour for the whole spec:
import org.specs2.specification._
class Specs2Play extends org.specs2.mutable.Specification with AfterExample {
"this is the first example" in new SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount {
trait SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount extends WithApplication
def after = println("cleanup")
Why can't I use this.getClass in auxiliary constructor in scala? Are there any alternatives?
More specifically, I am trying to call LoggerFactory.getLogger of slf4j in the auxiliary constructor. I have an hack now where I am forced to pass a logger object to the constructor.
A simple contrived example (does not compile) which shows what I am trying to do:
class A (numbers : Double) {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
def this(numbersAsStr: String) = this (try { s.toDouble) } catch { case _ => LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass).error("Failed to convert"); 0 }
This is actually a limitation of the JVM rather than specifically a Scala problem. Here's a similar example in Java:
public class ThisTest {
public final String name;
public ThisTest(String n) {
name = n;
public ThisTest() {
// trying to use `this` in a call to the primary constructor
When you try to compile it you get an error:
$ javac ThisTest.java
ThisTest.java:10: error: cannot reference this before supertype constructor has been called
1 error
The problem is that you're trying to reference this before this any of the super-constructors for this have been called. You will have the restriction that you can't use a this reference in a super() or this() call no matter what JVM language you use, because that's the way classes work on the JVM.
However, you can totally avoid this problem by restructuring your code to put the reference to this after the this() call:
class A (numbers: Double) {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
def this(numbersAsStr: String) = {
this ( try { numbersAsStr.toDouble } catch { case _ => 0 } )
LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass).error("Failed to convert");
You might actually want access to the thrown exception for your log info. In that case, I'd just use LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[A]). That won't give you the actual class name if you're using inheritance (which I was assuming was the case here), but if you include the stack trace in the log then you should be able to figure it out.
Not sure I understand the question. Here is a guess:
class Foo(val c: Class[_]) {
def this() = this(classOf[Foo])
new Foo().c // -> class Foo
I have two Scala classes that look like this (paraphrased):
abstract class GenericParser[T] {
val lineFilter : String => Boolean
def parseData() : T {
for( line <- .... if lineFilter(line) )
// do things
class SalesParser extends GenericParser[SalesRow] {
val lineFilter = line => !line.startsWith("//")
// ....
The problem is that lineFilter is null in parseData, presumably because parseData is called while the primary GenericParser constructor is still running, so the subclass hasn't fully initialized its members.
I can work around this by making lineFilter a def instead of a val, but is this expected behavior? It doesn't seem right that this problem should only become apparent after getting an NPE at runtime.
It is indeed the expected behavior, and is exactly the same problem as in this question:
Scala 2.8: how to initialize child class
You can basically copy-paste the answer form that question. Solutions include:
def or lazy val instead of val
early initialization of lineFilter
redesign of your classes to avoid the “virtual method call from superclass's constructor which accesses uninitialized subclass values” problem. For instance, why would you want to store the filter function in a val or return in from a def, while it could be implemented as a method?
abstract class GenericParser[T] {
def lineFilter(line: String): Boolean
def parseData() : T {
for( line <- .... if lineFilter(line) )
// do things
class SalesParser extends GenericParser[SalesRow] {
def lineFilter(line: String) = !line.startsWith("//")