How to break/escape from a for loop in Scala? - scala

Im new to scala and searched a lot for the solution.
I'm querying the database and storing the value of the http request parsed as a json4s object in response. I wait for the response and parse the json.
val refService = url("http://url//)
val response = Http(refService OK
var checkVal :Boolean = true
val json = Await.result(response, 30 seconds)
val data = json \ "data"
I want to run a loop and check if the value of "name" is present in the data returned. If present I want to break and assign checkVal to false. So far I have this:
for {
JObject(obj) <- data
JField("nameValue", JString(t)) <- obj //nameValue is the column name in the returned data
} yield {checkVal= if (t == name){ break }
Eclipse is giving me the following error: type mismatch; found : List[Unit] required:
Please advice. Thank you.

One of your problems is that you have different return types in yield: if t==name, return type is the type of break, and if t!=name return type is Boolean.
In scala you don't have break operator, this behaviour is achieved using breakable construct and calling break() method which actually throws an exception to exit from breakable block. Also you can use if statements in for body to filter you results:
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
breakable {
for {
JObject(obj) <- data
JField("nameValue", JString(t)) <- obj
if t == name
} yield {
checkVal = false
I used this imperative approach because you are new to scala, but it's not scala way. IMHO you should stick to #Imm code in comments to your question.

I actually don't like using pattern matching in for loops as if for some reason data is not a JObject it won't be handled well. I prefer an approach like below.
data match {
case JObject(fields) => fields.exists{
case (name:String,value:JString) => name == "nameValue" && value.s == "name"
case _ => false
case _ => false // handle error as not a JObject
Edit: revised to include your matches.

I would suggest to use exists as it is lazy on all collection members.
val list= Map(
"nameValue1" -> 1,
"nameValue2" -> 2,
"nameValue3" -> 3,
"nameValue4" -> 4,
"nameValue5" -> 5
val requiredHeader = "nameValue2"
var keyvalue:Int=0
list.exists(p=>{ if(p._1.equalsIgnoreCase(requiredHeader))keyvalue=p._2;p._1.equalsIgnoreCase(requiredHeader) })
//header present
//header doesn't exit


Scala - How to safely operate on a map element

I want to get an element from a mutable map and do an operation on it.
For example I want to change his name value (the element on the map will be with the new value)
and I want to return it in the end
to start I wrote a working code but it is very Java
var newAppKey: AppKey = null
val appKey = myMap(request.appKeyId)
if (appKey != null) {
newAppKey = appKey.copy(name = request.appKeyName)
myMap.put(, newAppKey)
} else {
newAppKey = null
This code works but it very java.
I though about something like
val newAppKey = appIdToApp(request.appKeyId) match {
case: Some(appKey) => appKey.copy(name = request.appKeyName)
case: None => None{AppKey}
Which doesn't compile or updates the myMap object with the new value.
How do I improve it to scala concepts.
val key = request.appKeyId
val newValueOpt = myMap.get(key).map(_.copy(name = request.appKeyName))
newValueOpt.foreach(myMap.update(key, _))
There are a couple of mistakes in your code.
case: Some(appKey) => appKey.copy(name = request.appKeyName)
This syntax for case is incorrect. It should be
case Some(appKey) => appKey.copy(name = request.appKeyName)
Also, the return type of your expression is currently Any (Scala equivalent of Object), because your success case returns an object of type (appKey's type) whereas the failure case returns a None, which is of type Option. To make things consistent, your success case should return
Some(appKey.copy(name = request.appKeyName))
While there are better ways to deal with Options than pattern matching, the corrected code would be
val newAppKey = appIdToApp(request.appKeyId) map (appKey =>
appKey.copy(name = request.appKeyName))

How to convert a class T object into a Future[T] object in akka

I am trying to do something with akka and scala and i am new to it. I want to append the result of an 'Any' Future into one of the fields in the class
So i have class called T defined as
class T {
var a: String =_
var result = List[Any]= List()
Now i have a variable which receives a future value
var futureResult:Future[Any] = //receives a future value
in a function called addResult which takes an T object and returns a future T object.
def addResult(obj1:T):Future[T] ={
var obj2:T = new T()
obj2.a = obj1.a
obj2.result = obj1.result
//I want to append results of futureResult into obj2.result when it is completed
// obj2.result = futureResult :: obj2.result
return Future(obj2)
I have to finally call this function from a flow.
val b = Flow[T].mapAsync[T](1)(addResult(_))
First, as #riccardo.cardin noted using T as a name of a class is very bad idea, because of T usual points to generic.
However, you can put any logic in Future with a simple closure, in your case, it looks like this:
Future {
new T("some string", 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil)
After that, you can combine asynchronous computation via flatMap, map or with for comprehensive or even use cats black magic with |#|:
for {
f1 <- future1()
f2 <- future2(
} yield
(future1 |#| future2) map { _ - _ }
In your case this transformation depends from logic of your code.
You can change the commented line like this: { res =>
obj2.result = res :: obj2.result
And then you won't need the last line.

Compile error on a Future[Option[BasicProfile]] method in play

i'm writing a play 2.3 application using secure social and reactivemongo library, with scala.
Now i'm trying to implement the UserService[T] trait but i'm getting compile errors on the updatePasswordInfo method.
This is the method:
def updatePasswordInfo(user: LoginUser,info: PasswordInfo): scala.concurrent.Future[Option[BasicProfile]] = {
implicit val passwordInfoFormat = Json.format[PasswordInfo]
//the document query
val query = Json.obj("providerId" -> user.providerId,
"userId" -> user.userId
//search if the user exists
val futureUser: Future[Option[LoginUser]] = UserServiceLogin.find(query).one
futureUser map {
case Some(x) => val newPassword = Json.obj("passswordInfo" -> info)// the new password
UserServiceLogin.update(query, newPassword) //update the document
val newDocument: Future[Option[LoginUser]] = UserServiceLogin.find(query).one
newDocument map {
case Some(x) => x
case None => None
} //return the new LoginUser
case None => None
And this is the compiler error:
/Users/alberto/git/recommendation-system/app/security/UserService.scala:203: type mismatch;
[error] found : scala.concurrent.Future[Product with Serializable]
[error] required: Option[securesocial.core.BasicProfile]
[error] newDocument map {
What's wrong?
If you map over a Future[A] you'll end up with a Future[B], where T is the type returned from the lambda you pass to map.
Since that lambda is returning a Future[B] in this case you end up with a Future[Future[B]], which doesn't match the expected type.
The easy fix is to use a flatMap, which takes a lambda going from A to Future[B].
Also, you're returning an Option[LoginUser] but the method is expected to return an Option[BasicProfile]. The compiler inferred a common supertype, which in this case is Product with Serializable, since they're both case classes.
To sum it up
scala.concurrent.Future[Product with Serializable]
1 2
use flatMap instead of map
return a BasicProfile instead of LoginUser, or change the method return type to Future[Option[LoginUser]]
By the way, there's a lot of room for improvement, as you could use a for-comprehension and the OptionT monad transformer from scalaz to make the whole thing prettier.
Here's an example
import scalaz._; import Scalaz._
val newPassword = Json.obj("passswordInfo" -> info)
(for {
// this is done only for failing fast in case the user doesn't exist
_ <- optionT(UserServiceLogin.find(query).one)
_ <- optionT(Future.successful(Some(UserServiceLogin.update(query, newPassword))))
updatedUser <- optionT(UserServiceLogin.find(query).one)
} yield updatedUser).run
By the way, this works under the assumption that update is a sync call, which might (and I hope) not be the case. If it returns a Future[T] just change the code to
_ <- optionT(UserServiceLogin.update(query, newPassword).map(Some(_)))
or if it already returns a Future[Option[T]]
_ <- optionT(UserServiceLogin.update(query, newPassword))
If you really want to do the find to fail fast (though it is not so useful) and then reload the updated user from the database, something like this should do without the need for using scalaz :
def updatePasswordInfo(user: LoginUser,info: PasswordInfo): scala.concurrent.Future[Option[BasicProfile]] = {
implicit val passwordInfoFormat = Json.format[PasswordInfo]
//the document query
val query = Json.obj("providerId" -> user.providerId,
"userId" -> user.userId)
val newPassword = Json.obj("passswordInfo" -> info)
//update the document
for {
userO <- UserServiceLogin.find(query).one[BasicProfile] //fail fast (not sure this is really useful)
updatedUser<-UserServiceLogin.update(query, newPassword).map(_=>userO).recover{case _ =>None}
actualUser <- UserServiceLogin.find(query).one[BasicProfile]
} yield actualUser
There are several ways in which your code can be improved.
For example, you don't need to find the user before firing the query.
Also, it would be good to check if your query actually succeeded (if the API allows it).
Third, I am not sure in which way LoginUser corresponds to the BasicProfile. Your code doesn't seem to do any kind of conversion. If LoginUser is a subclass of BasicProfile, or can be cast to BasicProfile somehow, you can try something like this:
def updatePasswordInfo(user: LoginUser,info: PasswordInfo): scala.concurrent.Future[Option[BasicProfile]] = {
implicit val passwordInfoFormat = Json.format[PasswordInfo]
//the document query
val query = Json.obj("providerId" -> user.providerId,
"userId" -> user.userId
UserServiceLogin.update(query, newPassword) //update the document
for {
user <- UserServiceLogin.find(query).one
} yield[BasicProfile]) //return the new LoginUser

Is there any way to use immutable collections here + make the code look better?

I have to validate some variables manually for some reason and return a map with the sequance of the error messages for each variable. I've decided to use mutable collections for this because I think there is no other choise left:
val errors = collection.mutable.Map[String, ListBuffer[String]]()
val fieldToValidate1 = getData1()
if (fieldToValidate1 = "")
errors("fieldToValidate1") += "it must not be empty!"
if (validate2(fieldToValidate1))
errors("fieldToValidate1") += "validation2!"
if (validate3(fieldToValidate1))
errors("fieldToValidate1") += "validation3!"
val fieldToValidate2 = getData1()
//approximately the same steps
if (fieldToValidate2 = "")
errors("fieldToValidate2") += "it must not be empty!"
To my mind, it look kind of clumsy and there should other elegant solution. I'd also like to not use mutable collections if possible. Your ideas?
Instead of using mutable collections, you can define errors with var and update it in this way.
var errors = Map[String, List[String]]().withDefaultValue(Nil)
errors = errors updated ("fieldToValidate1", errors("fieldToValidate1") ++ List("it must not be empty!"))
errors = errors updated ("fieldToValidate1", errors("fieldToValidate1") ++ List("validation2"))
The code looks more tedious, but it gets out of mutable collections.
So what is a good type for your check? I was thinking about A => Option[String] if A is the type of your object under test. If your error messages do not depend on the value of the object under test, (A => Boolean, String) might be more convenient.
//for constructing checks from boolean test and an error message
def checkMsg[A](check: A => Boolean, msg: => String): A => Option[String] =
x => if(check(x)) Some(msg) else None
val checks = Seq[String => Option[String]](
checkMsg((_ == ""), "it must not be empty"),
//example of using the object under test in the error message
x => Some(x).filterNot(_ startsWith "ab").map(x => x + " does not begin with ab")
val objectUnderTest = "acvw"
val errors = checks.flatMap(c => c(objectUnderTest))
Error labels
As I just noted, you were asking for a map with a label for each check. In this case, you need to provide the check label, of course. Then the type of your check would be (String, A => Option[String]).
Although a [relatively] widespread way of doing-the-thing-right would be using scalaz's Validation (as #senia has shown), I think it is a little bit overwhelming approach (if you're bringing scalaz to your project you have to be a seasoned scala developer, otherwise it may bring you more harm than good).
Nice alternative could be using ScalaUtils which has Or and Every specifically made for this purpose, in fact if you're using ScalaTest you already have seen an example of them in use (it uses scalautils underneath). I shamefully copy-pasted example from their doc:
import org.scalautils._
def parseName(input: String): String Or One[ErrorMessage] = {
val trimmed = input.trim
if (!trimmed.isEmpty) Good(trimmed) else Bad(One(s""""${input}" is not a valid name"""))
def parseAge(input: String): Int Or One[ErrorMessage] = {
try {
val age = input.trim.toInt
if (age >= 0) Good(age) else Bad(One(s""""${age}" is not a valid age"""))
catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => Bad(One(s""""${input}" is not a valid integer"""))
import Accumulation._
def parsePerson(inputName: String, inputAge: String): Person Or Every[ErrorMessage] = {
val name = parseName(inputName)
val age = parseAge(inputAge)
withGood(name, age) { Person(_, _) }
parsePerson("Bridget Jones", "29")
// Result: Good(Person(Bridget Jones,29))
parsePerson("Bridget Jones", "")
// Result: Bad(One("" is not a valid integer))
parsePerson("Bridget Jones", "-29")
// Result: Bad(One("-29" is not a valid age))
parsePerson("", "")
// Result: Bad(Many("" is not a valid name, "" is not a valid integer))
Having said this, I don't think you can do any better than your current approach if you want to stick with core scala without any external dependencies.
In case you can use scalaz the best solution for aggregation errors is Validation:
def validate1(value: String) =
if (value == "") "it must not be empty!".failNel else value.success
def validate2(value: String) =
if (value.length > 10) "it must not be longer than 10!".failNel else value.success
def validate3(value: String) =
if (value == "error") "it must not be equal to 'error'!".failNel else value.success
def validateField(name: String, value: String): ValidationNel[(String, String), String] =
validate1(value) |#|
validate2(value) |#|
).tupled >| value leftMap {{ name -> _ } }
val result = (
validateField("fieldToValidate1", getData1()) |#|
validateField("fieldToValidate2", getData2())
Then you could get optional errors Map like this:
val errors ={
_.toList.groupBy(_._1).map{ case (k, v) => k -> }
// Some(Map(fieldToValidate2 -> List(it must not be equal to 'error'!), fieldToValidate1 -> List(it must not be empty!)))

Specs2 JSONMatchers: mapping over Array elements?

I'm using the Specs2 JSONMatcher to validate that a GET request is being correctly converted from its internal representation (there are some manipulations we do before generating the JSON). What I need to do is, make sure that an element in the JSON array matches the corresponding object from our repository.
What I've tried:
val response = response.entity.asString // Spray's way of getting the JSON response { obj =>
resp must */ ("id" ->
resp must */ ("state" -> generateState(obj)
The problem is that the */ matcher just finds that "state": "whatever" (assuming generateState returns "whatever") exists somewhere in the JSON document, not necessarily in the same one matched by the ID
I tried using the indices but the repository.all method doesn't always return the elements in the same order, so there's no way of matching by index.
What I'd like to do is, iterate over the elements of the JSON array and match each one separately. Say an /## operator (or something) that takes matchers for each element:
resp /## { elem =>
val id = elem("id")
val obj = repository.lookup(id)
elem /("state" -> generateState(obj))
Does anyone have a way to do this or something similar?
Probably the easiest thing to do for now (until a serious refactoring of JsonMatchers) is to do some parsing and recursively use a JsonMatchers in a Matcher[String]:
"""{'db' : { 'id' : '1', 'state' : 'ok_1'} }""" must /("db" -> stateIsOk)
// a string matcher for the json string in 'db'
def stateIsOk: Matcher[String] = { json: String =>
// you need to provide a way to access the 'id' field
// then you can go on using a json matcher for the state
findId(json) must beSome { id: String =>
val obj = repository.lookup(id)
json must /("state" -> generate(obj))
// I am using my own parse function here
def findId(json: String): Option[String] =
parse(json).flatMap { a =>
findDeep("id", a).collect { case JSONArray(List(v)) => v.toString }
// dummy system
def generate(id: String) = "ok_"+id
case object repository {
def lookup(id: String) = id
What I did in the end is use responseAs[JArray], JArray#arr and JObject#values to convert the JSON structures into Lists and Maps, and then used the standard List and Map matchers. Much more flexible.