I'm working on an old classic asp site. We are importing Facebook feeds with the Graph API from Facebook. All done by importing the json feed.
In the Graph API Explorer from Facebook all characters in the feed look OK.
However when I import or show the contents of the feed on the screen I get something like this:
Tra le province di Modena e Reggio Emilia, ai piedi delle prime colline appenniniche, c\u2019\u00e8 una terra speciale. Resa speciale dai suoi abitanti che hanno saputo trasformarla in energia creativa. Parallela alla romana via Emilia che attraversa tutta l\u2019Emilia Romagna c\u2019\u00e8 un\u2019altra strada che da Maranello\u2026
If I use this tool (converter) (where it says "Converts Unicode Entities to Unicode Text") to convert the string to normal text I get normal text:
Tra le province di Modena e Reggio Emilia, ai piedi delle prime colline appenniniche, c’è una terra speciale. Resa speciale dai suoi abitanti che hanno saputo trasformarla in energia creativa. Parallela alla romana via Emilia che attraversa tutta l’Emilia Romagna c’è un’altra strada che da Maranello…
How can I achieve this with classic ASP?
When we upload a video to Youtube Studio using the PHP API, the tags order are changed.
This is the string, which we explode with "," before assigning to VideoSnippet->setTags(array)
ZinkiaTV,dibujos,pocoyo,dibujos animados,pato,caricaturas,pocoyo en español,nina,pocoyo en español nuevos capítulos,dibujos infantiles,elly,dibujos animados infantiles en español,videos para niños,dibujos animados completos en español,capítulos completos,dibujos animados para niños,dibujos animados en español,pocoyo y nina,dibujos animados para bebes,dibujos para niños,loula,videos de pocoyo,pocoyo youtube,videos para dormir,caricaturas para niños
After uploading the video, Youtube Studio show this TAGs order
I have checked the source code of the API, but I think the order is changed when the data is received by the server.
Is this a bug? Thanks in advance
I'm trying to build a simple application on Windev24 and I can't find the right code to send data with a post method to an API I built with Lumen framework. If I test the API via Postman, everything works fine. Here a screenshot of Postman window:
I tried this code:
//MaReq est un restRequête
LaRéponse est un restRéponse
//I need to find the way to join parameters here...
SI ErreurDétectée ALORS
rep = JSONVersVariant(LaRéponse.Contenu)
I can correctly connect to the API (I get the error message I created in case falses parameters were added to the request), but as I can't find the right way to join the needed parameters, I'm at a stop.
I tried to read the documentation and I tried to figure it out by myself but I couldn't find the way to do that.
Could anyone here help me, please?
Thank you in advance
It's Pretty simple you have to specifiy the type of content you want to send to the server by using MaReq.ContentType = {YourContentType}, then the content by using MaReq.content = {YourContent}, so your code should look like this :
//MaReq est un restRequête
LaRéponse est un restRéponse
MaReq.ContentType = //yourContentType
MaReq.Content = // YourContent
SI ErreurDétectée ALORS
rep = JSONVersVariant(LaRéponse.Contenu)
There's any way to get meta-data that's shown on bing website on Bing Web Search api?
I mean, extract from api response (title, connections, industry, location) information like is in website:
The api response only returns snippet info and this meta-data is not returned.
"id": "https://api.cognitive.microsoft.com/api/v7/#WebPages.1",
"name": "Foo Bar - Thing - Thing Company | LinkedIn",
"url": "https://es.linkedin.com/in/foo-bar-041756111",
"isFamilyFriendly": true,
"displayUrl": "https://es.linkedin.com/in/foo-bar-041756111",
"snippet": "Ve el perfil de Foo Bar en LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. Foo tiene 2 empleos empleos en su perfil. Ve el perfil completo en LinkedIn y descubre los ...",
"dateLastCrawled": "2018-05-02T07:20:00.0000000Z",
"language": "es"
This information seems that it's not returned by API and there's no parameter to add this information in responses right now, tested on API v7.0.
I define the account linking properties for french.
It works correctly using french (canada): the response after invoking my app is: " Il semble que votre compte The Keys ne soit pas encore associé. "
But when using french (france), The response in the simulator is: " The agent returned an empty TTS. "
What is the reason of that ?
In my case it wasn't related to the account linking feature.
My server was simply unavailable (ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT).
I'm trying to access the 'likes' from the following facebook page:
And I get the following response:
Trying to access other pages and I do get the information.
The idea is to get the 'Likes' through php or jquery/javascript (I would think through a JSON).
1. Why does it return "false"? (Cause)
2. Is there a solution to it or an alternative to get the 'likes' from the page? (Posible Solutions)
For some reason, you need an access token to get your page's information. That is not true for some other pages like https://graph.facebook.com/cocacola.
You can do this by appending &access_token=... to the end of your URL.
You probably need to visit your page's Manage section and edit the settings to make it publicly visible. I'm guessing if you have country or age restrictions on your page, Facebook won't show it to anyone except for authenticated users.
The Graph API Explorer returns the following with "likes" included. Can you revise your question to include the code that does not work properly?
"id": "147931875220982",
"name": "Encuentro de Novios México",
"picture": "http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/203568_147931875220982_3653853_s.jpg",
"link": "http://www.facebook.com/EncuentrodeNoviosMexico",
"likes": 1135,
"category": "Education",
"is_published": true,
"website": "www.encuentrodenovios.org",
"username": "EncuentrodeNoviosMexico",
"about": "El ENCUENTRO DE NOVIOS es un Movimiento Católico que ofrece la experiencia de un Fin de Semana, para todas aquellas parejas de novios que deseen tener una preparación pre y post matrimonial, para vivir su relación como pareja sacramentada.",
"can_post": true,
"talking_about_count": 4,
"type": "page"
There were restrictions by country; when I eliminated them I got full access to the graph API.
Thanks to everyone.
If they wouldn't have granted me access to the page I would have had to do what cpilko suggested. (Thanks cpilko)