swift compiler error. binary operator == cannot be aplied - swift

My code is as follows
var List_mall_rowid = [Int]()
let mall_rowid = SQL_list?.intForColumn("MH_rowid")
var duplicate: Bool = false
for rowid in List_mall_rowid{
if rowid == mall_rowid{
duplicate = true
but the if statement fails with compiler error
binary operator == cannot be applied....
I must have tried dozens of different syntax options, getting dozens of errors. What is the correct way to make this comparison?

In your if statement your rowid is Int type and your mall_rowid is another type (I am not sure which type) so you can not compare it and if you want to compare both then both must have same type.


Binary operator '-' cannot be applied to two 'Double?' operands

var result = (dimensione-base)/2
dimensione & base are two "Double?" number, how can i solve this?
i want to calculate this, but he always gives me this error:"Binary operator - cannot be applied to two "double?" operands.
Double? is an optional type. That means a variable of this type can be nil. So before making an operation with them, you need to make sure these variables actually hold a value :
if let dimensione = dimensione,
let base = base
var result = (dimensione-base)/2
// Use result here
// Do something here when dimensione or base is nil.
You could also prefer to assign them a default value when they are nil (but in this case it seems less secure) :
var result = ((dimensione ?? 0)-(base ?? 0))/2
Here, if nil, 0 will be used instead.

Is it possible to use a string variable in if condition in Swift?

I'm new to iOS development and wondering if I could pass a string variable inside if statement? Here's my pseudo code:
x = 1
func myFunc() -> String {
myString = "x == 1"
return myString
if(myfunc()) {
code i want to execute
I am currently getting the following error: "'String' is not convertible to 'Bool'"
Is there a way I can do this?
You should use a comparison operator for this.
if myString == myFunc() {
// your code
If statement always wants a condition that can return a bool value. i.e. true and false.
In your above code, you are not providing sufficient data to if statement so that it can calculate whether the result iss true or false.
When you compare it like if myString == myFunc() , if statement will compare the string and return true if string matches else false.
if the string matches, it will execute the code that is within if conditions scope. Otherwise it will calculate the else condition.
I see you have updated the question, so you want to check if myFunc() is empty or not?
For that you can compare it with empty string.
if myFunc() == "" {
// your code
Question: (asked in comment) instead of writing "if(x == 1)" i am trying to use a variable so my if statement is "if(stringVaraible)" where stringVariable = "x ==1". Basically I am asking if it is possible to turn a string into normal code
Answer: No, you can't do that. Swift is a compiled language, not interpreted like Ajax. Read more here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/30058875/8374890
It's very specific and clear that you can't use String as boolean. The approach you can take is well known like..
if(myString == "x == 1") {
code i want to execute
if(desiredString == myFunc()) {
code i want to execute

Binary operator '===' cannot be applied to two 'String' operands

Why can't the === be used with String's in Swift? I am unable to compile the following:
let string1 = "Bob"
let string2 = "Fred"
if string1 === string2 {
and get the following error (on the if line):
Binary operator '===' cannot be applied to two 'String' operands
What I want to be able to do in my unit tests is, having performed a copyWithZone:, verify that two objects are indeed a different object with different pointers even if their values are the same. The following code doesn't work...
XCTAssertFalse(object1.someString === object2.someString)
If anyone knows of an alternative way please advise.
string1 and string2 are not NSString, but String. Since they are value objects, not reference objects, there is no reference that could be compared with ===.
Swift's === operator, by default, is only defined for classes.
Swift's String type is not a class but a struct. It does not inherit from AnyObject and therefore cannot be compared by reference.
You could of course implement an === operator for String in Swift, but I'm not sure how it would be any different from the implementation of == for Swift's String type.
func ===(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool {
return lhs == rhs
Unless, of course, you really wanted to compare the references, I suppose you could do something like this:
func ===(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool {
return unsafeAddressOf(lhs) == unsafeAddressOf(rhs)
However, for the sake of tests, rather than using the == or === operators, you should use the appropriate assertions:
XCTAssertEqual(foo, bar)
XCTAssertNotEqual(foo, bar)
The === operator is the identity operator. It checks if two variables or constants refer to the same instance of a class. Strings are not classes (they are structs) so the === operator does not apply to them.
If you want to check if two strings are the same, use the equality operator == instead.
Read all about the identity operator in the Swift documentation.
You can just check two objects for identity directly, instead of checking a property of type String.
XCTAssertFalse(object1 === object2)
Swift Strings are value type, not reference type, so there's no need for that, a copy will always be a different object.
You should just compare by value with ==.
If you try really hard, you can force things to happen, but I'm not sure what that buys you.
class MyClass: NSObject, NSCopying {
var someString: NSString = ""
required override init() {
func copyWithZone(zone: NSZone) -> AnyObject {
let copy = self.dynamicType.init()
copy.someString = someString.copy() as? NSString ?? ""
return copy
let object1 = MyClass()
object1.someString = NSString(format: "%d", arc4random())
let object2 = object1.copy()
if object1.someString === object2.someString {
} else {
prints identical, the system is really good at conserving strings.

When filtering an array literal in swift, why does the result contain optionals?

A contrived example to be sure, but why is the result an array of optionals?
let r = [1,2,3].filter { sourceElement in
return !["1", "2"].contains { removeElement in
sourceElement == Int(removeElement)
Either type casting the source array or assigning it to a variable returns an array of Ints.
let seq = [1,2,3]
let r2 = seq.filter { sourceElement in
return !["1", "2"].contains { removeElement in
sourceElement == Int(removeElement)
print(r2.dynamicType) // "Array<Int>\n"
Shouldn't both results be of the same type?
I don’t think it’s necessarily a bug though it is confusing. It’s a question of where the promotion to optional happens to make the whole statement compile. A shorter repro that has the same behavior would be:
let i: Int? = 1
// x will be [Int?]
let x = [1,2,3].filter { $0 == i }
Bear in mind when you write nonOptional == someOptional the type of the lhs must be promoted to optional implicitly in order for it to work, because the == that you are using is this one in which both sides must be optional:
public func ==<T>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> Bool
The compiler needs to promote something in this entire statement to be an optional, and what it chose was the integer literals inside [1,2,3]. You were instead expecting the promotion to happen at the point of the ==, so you could compare the non-optional sourceElement with the optional result of Int(_:String), but this isn’t necessarily guaranteed (not sure to what extent the ordering/precedence of these promotions is specced vs just the way the compiler was coded…)
The reason this doesn’t happen in the two-line version is when you write as one line let seq = [1,2,3], the type of seq is decided there. Then on the next line, the compiler doesn’t have as much latitude, therefore it must promote sourceElement to be an Int? so it can be compared with Int(removeElement) using ==.
Another way of making the code perform the conversion at the point you expect would be:
let r = [1,2,3].filter { sourceElement in
return !["1", "2"].contains { (removeElement: String)->Bool in
// force the optional upgrade to happen here rather than
// on the [1,2,3] literal...
Optional(sourceElement) == Int(removeElement)

Error: Expression<String?> is not convertible to String

My code is:
func getTimeStamps( tablename : String) -> String {
let time_stamps = db["time_stamps"]
let t_tabelle = Expression<String?>["tabelle"]
let t_time_stamp = Expression<String?>["TIME_StAMP"]
let query = time_stamps.filter(like(tablename, t_tabelle))
return query[t_time_stamp]
But I get an error on conversion:
Expression<String?> is not convertible to String
How can I return a String?
The error refers to the fact that your function signature for getTimeStamps, String -> String, has return type String, but the value you're returning, query[t_time_stamp], is an Expression<String?>.
Query structures can be subscripted with Expressions to return a namespaced version of the expression:
let id = Expression<Int64>("id") // literally: "id"
let users = db["users"]
let users_id = users[id] // literally: "users"."id"
In your case, subscripting query with t_time_stamp is merely returning a new, namespaced version of the t_time_stamp expression (in your version, "time_stamps"."TIME_StAMP"). This is helpful for disambiguation, but unlikely your intent.
It's tough to tell from the code provided exactly what you want to return from the function, but it looks like you want to execute the query in order to extract a value. Row structures, once fetched, can be subscripted with expressions to retrieve the underlying value.
If you're looking to retrieve a single row, try the following:
if let row = time_stamps.filter(like(tablename, t_tabelle)).first {
return row[t_time_stamp]
Your function, however, still returns String, not String?. If it's ever possible for your query to return zero rows or for any of the rows it does return to have a NULL timestamp column, you need to handle your optionals accordingly.
If, however, a NULL timestamp would indicate a programming error/bug, you should update String? to String accordingly:
let t_time_stamp = Expression<String>["TIME_StAMP"]
// ...
return query.first![t_time_stamp]
Please note that the above will crash if you're mishandling the potential for optional values.