How to get the currentPath in Ember-cli - ember-cli

I have a simple sidebar menu which has an ul and several li. I would like to be able to arrange these li's based on the currentPath in an Ember-cli application. It means for instance if I am in xyz.index template one of these li should not be shown. Therefore, I need to know what is currentPath in application. The currentPath can be something like currentpage in Ruby on Rails. What would be the best way to have currentPath in an Ember-cli application? Using Ember-cli version 0.2.7.

I figured in out by changing my approach to the problem. I just created a new state for sidebar menu.


Material ui breaks on refresh in Next js

I have tried adding the babelrc settings in the root directory as suggested by some people but it didn't work. Material ui always seems to break on refresh in next js. Is there a configuration setup I have to do?
This is probably because your server does not render your styles. Did you try to inject them like the official Mui repo suggests in this example?

Is there any way to change android:windowSoftInputMode value from ionic typescript

In my Ionic application,
I am using android:windowSoftInputMode ="adjustPan" in the config file.
But I want to change android:windowSoftInputMode to "adjustResize" only for one of the screens in the app.
In short I want to set SoftInputMode programmatically on page load to "adjustResize" and change it back to "adjustPan" while leaving from the page.
Can someone help me out!

Modify navbar dom in a clean way in MEAN.IO

I am using MEAN.IO to creating my application. Right now, I want to move Join menu from right to left. I can do so by modify packages/system/server directly, but it is not a very clean way. I wonder what is the clean way for me to achieve it.
It's some html markup hardcoded in /packages/system/public/views/header.html, try to change the css class of:
<div class="account"></div>

putting a navigation bar in blackberry browser field

How to put a navigation bar in the blackberry's browser field where we can put some buttons on the navigation bar?
Which phone/os are you intending to target with your app, there are several different approaches for different devices.
I personally like to recommend using a framework because they generally handle all your page navigation, loading/unloading document fragments, and make your life a lot easier as an app developer.
jQuery Mobile is one framework you might want to take a look at.
bbUI.js is my personal favourite, although it's not "officially" supported, it's out proof-of-concept toolkit which provides a native look and feel.
I had found out the solution for my own Question.This may help somebody who are in need of that.
Putting a Navigation bar in blackberry is very simple.
Create a HorizanalFieldManager and instantiate it. Then add that object to the ScreenTitle.
That was worked for me.The Code is as follows.
HorizontalFieldManager hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager(USE_ALL_WIDTH);
ButtonField b1 = new ButtonField("back");
ButtonField b2 = new ButtonField("refresh");

overriding setResponsePage() to build breadcrumb

I 'm trying to build my own simple breadcrumb component that pushes a PageRefence onto a List for each and every Link in the application.
Unfortunately, setResponsePage() is final (I use wicket 6).
The only other option that comes to my mind is to add a parameter to my base page constructor. But this would require me to change every link in the app..
Are there any other options?
Since you already have a base page, it's easier to override onBeforeRender() in your base page to update the breadcrumbs list that you'd store in your Session object.
Or am I missing something?
To answer my own question:
In the end I realized, that I do not want to have the breadcrumb updated on each new page.
Therefore I created an object that holds a List of Pagereferences. When I navigate to a new Page, I take the list of the current page, make a copy of it an add the current page. The resulting list is pased onto the new page.
All this is handeld in the base page.
Keeping it in the page, avoids problems with multiple tabs / windows.
Thanks for the help.