Insert all documents from one collection into another collection in MongoDB database - mongodb

I have a python script that collects data everyday and inserts it into a MongoDB collection (~10M documents). Sometimes the job fails and I am left with partial data which is not useful to me. I would like to insert the data into a staging collection first and then copy or move all documents from the staging collection into the final collection only when the job finishes and the data is complete. I cannot seem to find a straight forward solution for doing this as a "bulk" type operation, but it seems there should be one.
In SQL it would be something like this:
INSERT INTO final_table
FROM staging_table
I thought that db.collection.copyTo() would work for this but it seems it makes the destination collection a clone of the source collection.
Additionally, I know from this: mongodb move documents from one collection to another collection that I can do something like the following:
var documentsToMove = db.collectionA.find({});
documentsToMove.forEach(function(doc) {
But it seems like there should be a more efficient way.
So, How can I take all documents from one collection and insert them into another collection in the most efficient manner?
NOTE: the final collection has data in it already. The new documents that I want to move over would be adding to this data, e.g if my staging collection has 2 documents and my final collection has 10 documents, I would have 12 documents in my final collection after I move the staging data over.

You can use db.cloneCollection(); see mondb cloneCollection

if you no longer need the staging collection you can simply use the renaming option.
switch to admin db


Fast query and deletion of documents of a large collection in MongoDB

I have a collection (let say CollOne) with several million documents. They have the common field "id"
I need to delete some documents in CollOne by id. Those ids stored in a document in another collection (CollTwo). This ids_to_delete document has the structure as follows
As CollOne is quite large, finding and deleting one document will take quite a long time. Is there any way to speed up the process?
Like you can't really avoid a deletion operation in the database if you want to delete anything. If you're having performance issue I would just recommend to make sure you have an index built on the id field otherwise Mongo will use a COLLSCAN to satisfy the query which means it will over iterate the entire colLOne collection which is I guess where you feel the pain.
Once you make sure an index is built there is no "more" efficient way than using deleteMany.
db.collOne.deleteMany({id: {$in: [4, 8, 9, .... ]})
In case you don't have an index and wonder how to build one, you should use createIndex like so:
(Prior to version 4.2 building an index lock the entire database, in large scale this could take up to several hours if not more, to avoid this use the background option)
db.collOne.createIndex({id: 1})
---- EDIT ----
In Mongo shell:
Mongo shell is javascript based, so you just have to to execute the same logic with js syntax, here's how I would do it:
let toDelete = db.collTwo.findOne({ ... })
db.collOne.deleteMany({id: {$in: toDelete.ids}})

query in mongodb atlas to verify the existence of multiple specific documents in a collection

I have a mongodb collection called employeeInformation, in which I have two documents:
{"name1":"tutorial1"}, {"name2":"tutorial2"}
When I do db.employeeInformation.find(), I get both these documents displayed. My question is - is there a query that I can run to confirm that the collection contains only those two specified documents? I tried db.employeeInformation.find({"name1":"tutorial1"}, {"name2":"tutorial2"}) but I only got the id corresponding to the first object with key "name1". I know it's easy to do here with 2 documents just by seeing the results of .find(), but I want to ensure that in a situation where I insert multiple (100's) of documents into the collection, I have a way of verifying that the collection contains all and only those 100 documents (note I will always have the objects themselves as text). Ideally this query should work in mongoatlas console/interface as well.
will give you number of inserts once you have inserted the document.

is there any way to restore predefined schema to mongoDB?

I'm beginner with mongoDB. i want to know is there any way to load predefined schema to mongoDB? ( for example like cassandra that use .cql file for this purpose)
If there is, please intruduce some document about structure of that file and way for restoring.
If there is not, how i can create an index only one time when I create a collection. I think it is wrong if i create index every time I call insert method or run my program.
p.s: I have a multi-threaded program that every thread insert and update my mongo collection. I want to create index only one time.
To create an index on a collection you need to use ensureIndex command. You need to only call it once to create an index on a collection.
If you call ensureIndex repeatedly with the same arguments, only the first call will create an index, all subsequent calls will have no effect.
So if you know what indexes you're going to use for your database, you can create a script that will call that command.
An example insert_index.js file that creates 2 indexes for collA and collB collections:
db.collA.ensureIndex({ a : 1});
db.collB.ensureIndex({ b : -1});
You can call it from a shell like this:
mongo --quiet localhost/dbName insert_index.js
This will create those indexes on a database named dbName on your localhost. It's worth noticing that if your database and/or collections are not yet created, this will create both the database and the collections for which you're adding the indexes.
To clarify a little bit. MongoDB is schemaless so you can't restore it's schema.
You can only create indexes and collections (by using createCollection helper).
MongoDB is basically schemaless so there is no definition of a schema or namespaces to be restored.
In the case of indexes, these can be created at any time. There does not need to be a collection present or even the required fields for the index as this will all be sorted out as the collections are created and when documents are inserted that matches the defined fields.
Commands to create an index are generally the same with each implementation language, for example:
db.collection.ensureIndex({ a: 1, b: -1 })
Will define the index on the target collection in the target database that will reference field "a" and field "b", the latter in descending order. This will happen even if the collection or even the database does not exist as yet, or in fact will establish a blank namespace in that case.
Subsequent calls to the same index creation method do not actually re-create the index. Where the same index is specified to one that already exists it is effectively skipped as a "no-operation".
As such, you can simply feed all your required index creation statements at application startup and anything that is not already present will be created. Anything that already exists will be left alone.

Aggregate and Sum Data from mutliple MongoDB Collections filtered by date range

I have data across three collections and need to produce a data set which aggregates data from these collections, and filters by a date range.
The collections are:
_id : ObjectId,
startTime : MongoDateTime
player_id : ObjectId, // refers to db.players['_id']
game_id : ObjectId // refers to['_id']
_id : ObjectId,
I want to return a collection which is number of entries by player for games within a specified range. Where the output should look like:
I think I need to start by creating a collection of games within the date range, combined with all the entries and then aggregate over count of entries, and finally output collection with the player data, it's seems a lot of steps and I'm not sure how to go about this.
The reason why you have these problems is because you try to use MongoDB like a relational database, not like a document-oriented database. Normalizing your data over many collections is often counter-productive, because MongoDB can not perform any JOIN-operations. MongoDB works much better when you have nested documents which embed other objects in arrays instead of referencing them. A better way to organize that data in MongoDB would be to either have each game have an array of players which took part in it or to have an array in each player with the games they took part in. It's also not necessarily a mistake to have some redundant additional data in these arrays, like the names and not just the ID's.
But now you have the problem, so let's see how we can deal with it.
As I said, MongoDB doesn't do JOINs. There is no way to access data from more than one collection at a time.
One thing you can do is solving the problem programmatically. Create a program which fetches all players, then all entries for each player, and then the games referenced by the entries where startTimematches.
Another thing you could try is MapReduce. MapReduce can be used to append results to another collection. You could try to use one MapReduce job for each of the relevant collections into one and then query the resulting collection.

Is there a better way to export a mongodb query to a new collection?

What I want:
I have a master collection of products, I then want to filter them and put them in a separate collection.
db.masterproducts.find({category:"scuba gear"}).copyTo(db.newcollection)
Of course, I realise the 'copyTo' does not exist.
I thought I could do it with MapReduce as results are created in a new collection using the new 'out' parameter in v1.8; however this new collection is not a subset of my original collection. Or can it be if I use MapReduce correctly?
To get around it I am currently doing this:
Step 1:
/usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongodump --db database --collection masterproducts -q '{category:"scuba gear"}'
Step 2:
/usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongorestore -d database -c newcollection --drop packages.bson
My 2 step method just seems rather inefficient!
Any help greatly appreciated.
You can iterate through your query result and save each item like this:
You can create small server side javascript (like this one, just add filtering you want) and execute it using eval
You can use dump/restore in the way you described above
Copy collection command shoud be in mongodb soon (will be done in votes order)! See jira feature.
You should be able to create a subset with mapreduce (using 'out'). The problem is mapreduce has a special output format so your documents are going to be transformed (there is a JIRA ticket to add support for another format, but I can not find it at the moment). It is also going to be very inefficent :/
Copying a cursor to a collection makes a lot of sense, I suggest creating a ticket for this.
there is also toArray() method which can be used:
//create new collection
// now query for type="foo" and insert the results into new collection
db.resultCollection.insert( (db.orginialCollection.find({type:'foo'}).toArray())