How to have Database Cleaner reset the insert ID to 1? - postgresql

I switched from using truncation to transaction strategy for Database Cleaner. It is much faster (2.5x, to be precise).
The issue now is that I have some tests that expect the first insert ID to be 1. These tests are for paging responses. They expect 11 records in the database, starting at id 1.
Is it possible to configure Database Cleaner to use transactions but also set the insert ID to 1?
Using Postgres.

Try with:
where seq_name is the name of the sequnce bound to your serial.If you have pgAdmin, and click in the column, you will read id integer defaul next_val('seq_name')


Migrating `int` to `bigint` in PostgresSQL without any downtime?

I have a database that is going to experience the integer exhaustion problem that Basecamp famously faced back in November. I have several months to figure out what to do.
Is there a no-downtime-required, proactive solution to migrating this column type? If so what is it? If not, is it just a matter of eating the downtime and migrating the column when I can?
Is this article sufficient, assuming I have several days/weeks to perform the migration now before I'm forced to do it when I run out of ids?
Use logical replication.
With logical replication you can have different data types at primary and standby.
Copy the schema with pg_dump -s, change the data types on the copy and then start logical replication.
Once all data is copied over, switch the application to use the standby.
For zero down time, the application has to be able to reconnect and retry, but that's always a requirement in such a case.
You need PostgreSQL v10 or better for that, and your database
shouldn't modify the schema, as DDL is not replicated.
should not use sequence (SERIAL or IDENTITY), as the last used value would not be replicated
Another solution for pre-v10 databases where all transactions are short:
Add a bigint column to the table.
Create a BEFORE trigger that sets the new column whenever a row is added or updated.
Run a series of updates that set the new column from the old one where it IS NULL. Keep those batches short so you don't lock long and don't deadlock much. Make sure these transaction run with session_replication_role = replica so they don't trigger triggers.
Once all rows are updated, create a unique index CONCURRENTLY on the new column.
Add a unique constraint USING the index you just created. That will be fast.
Perform the switch:
ALTER TABLE ... DROP oldcol;
ALTER TABLE ... ALTER newcol RENAME TO oldcol;
That will be fast.
Your new column has no NOT NULL set. This cannot be done without a long invasive lock. But you can add a check constraint IS NOT NULL and create it NOT VALID. That is good enough, and you can later validate it without disruptions.
If there are foreign key constraints, things get a little more complicated. You have to drop these and create NOT VALID foreign keys to the new column.
Create a copy of the old table but with modified ID field. Next create a trigger on the old table that inserts new data to both tables. Finally copy data from the old table to the new one (it would be a good idea to distinguish pre-trigger data with post-trigger for example by id if it is sequential). Once you are done switch tables and delete the old one.
This obviously requires twice as much space (and time for copy) but will work without any downtime.

PostgreSql: duplicate pkey error when inserting a new records to a restored database's table

I used the commands pg_dump and psql to backup my production DB and restore it into my development server.
Now when I try to simply insert a new record to one of my tables I get the following error message:
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
"communication_methods_pkey" DETAIL: Key (id)=(13) already exists.
How come that the id is already in use? I need to update something in order to have the id increment counter back on the right track?
It sounds like the sequences used to do the primary key for each table are not on the correct value. It is interesting that pg_dump did not include a sequence setval at the end of it (I believe it is supposed to).
Postgres recommends the following process to correct sequences:
Essentially, it takes you through identifying all your sequences and creating a sql script to run to set them to 1 more than your inserted value's ids.

Postgres Sequence out of sync

I'm running a multi-master setup with bucardo and postgres.
I'm finding that some of my table sequences are getting out of sync with each other. Particularly the auto-incremented id.
db1 - table1
INSERT INTO distributors (did, dname) VALUES (DEFAULT, 'XYZ Widgets')
The id of the new row is 1
db2 - table1
INSERT INTO distributors (did, dname) VALUES (DEFAULT, 'XYZ Widgets')
The id of the new row is 1
The id of the new row on db2 should be 2, because bucardo has replicated the data from db1, but db2's auto increment is based on:
And if we check the "oauth_sessions_id_seq" we see the last value as 0.
phew... Make sense?
Anyway, can I do any of the following?
Replicate the session tables with bucardo, so each DB's session is shared?
Manipulate the default auto-increment function above to take into account the max existing items in the table?
If you have any better ideas, please feel free to throw them in. Questions just ask, thanks for any help.
You are going to have to change your id generation method, because there is no Bucardo solution according to this comment in the FAQ.
Can Bucardo replicate DDL?
No, Bucardo relies on triggers, and Postgres does not yet provide DDL
triggers or triggers on its system tables.
Since Bucardo uses triggers, it cannot "see" the sequence changes, only the data in tables, which it replicates. Sequences are interesting objects that do not support triggers, but you can manually update them. I suppose you could add something like the code below before the INSERT, but there still might be issues.
SELECT setval('oauth_sessions_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(did) FROM distributors));
See this question for more information.
I am not fully up on all the issues involved, but you could perform the maximum calculation manually and do the insert operation in a re-try loop. I doubt it will work if you are actually doing inserts on both DBs and allowing Bucardo to replicate, but if you can guarantee that only one DB updates at a time, then you could try something like an UPSERT retry loop. See this post for more info. The "guts" of the loop might look like this:
INSERT INTO distributors (did, dname)
VALUES ((SELECT max(did)+1 FROM distributors), 'XYZ Widgets');
Irrespective of the DB (PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.), dynamic sequence was created for each of the table which has the primary key associated with it.
Most of the sequences go out of sync whenever a huge import of data is happened or some person has manually modified the sequence of the table.
Solution: The only way we can set back the sequence is by taking the max value of the PK table and set the sequence next val to it.
The below query will list you out all the sequences created in your DB schema:
SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c WHERE c.relkind = 'S';
SELECT MAX('primary_key') from table;
SELECT setval('the_primary_key_sequence', (SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table)+1);

alter sequence to sync to another sequence

I have two sequences :
they're used to generate primary keys for
I need to restart sequence_b so that it's nextval() will be the same as the nextval() for sequence_a.
I can't seem to do this purely in SQL; everything I tried failed. No permutations of ALTER SEQUENCE would accept a lastval(), currval() wasn't defined for this session , and a few other issues.
Does anyone have a clue how I can do this? I can do it manually, but this won't work for my needs. This is part of a database migration, where records from A are being cloned into B.
The sequences will eventually diverge, so it would be acceptable for my needs if sequence_b were a higher number than sequence_a; I just need to ensure that sequence_b starts with some number higher than the highest sequence_a id.
You've got a few options here. The easiest is probably to use setval instead of ALTER SEQUENCE, since you only care about b being equal or higher:
SELECT setval('sequence_b', nextval('sequence_a'));

Values missing in postgres serial field

I run a small site and use PostgreSQL 8.2.17 (only version available at my host) to store data.
In the last few months there were 3 crashes of the database system on my server and every time it happened 31 ID's from a serial field (primary key) in one of the tables were missing. There are now 93 ID's missing.
"ID" serial NOT NULL,
"strUID" character varying(11),
"strXml" text,
"intStatus" integer,
"strUIDOrg" character varying(11),
It is very important for me that all the ID values are there. What can I do to to solve this problem?
You can not expect serial column to not have holes.
You can implement gapless key by sacrificing concurrency like this:
create table registry_last_id (value int not null);
insert into registry_last_id values (-1);
create function next_registry_id() returns int language sql volatile
as $$
update registry_last_id set value=value+1 returning value
create table registry ( id int primary key default next_registry_id(), ... )
But any transaction, which tries to insert something to registry table will block until other insert transaction finishes and writes its data to disk. This will limit you to no more than 125 inserting transactions per second on 7500rpm disk drive.
Also any delete from registry table will create a gap.
This solution is based on article Gapless Sequences for Primary Keys by A. Elein Mustain, which is somewhat outdated.
Are you missing 93 records or do you have 3 "holes" of 31 missing numbers?
A sequence is not transaction safe, it will never rollback. Therefor it is not a system to create a sequence of numbers without holes.
From the manual:
Important: To avoid blocking
concurrent transactions that obtain
numbers from the same sequence, a
nextval operation is never rolled
back; that is, once a value has been
fetched it is considered used, even if
the transaction that did the nextval
later aborts. This means that aborted
transactions might leave unused
"holes" in the sequence of assigned
values. setval operations are never
rolled back, either.
Thanks to the answers from Matthew Wood and Frank Heikens i think i have a solution.
Instead of using serial field I have to create my own sequence and define CACHE parameter to 1. This way postgres will not cache values and each one will be taken directly from the sequence :)
Thanks for all your help :)