Connected components ocr in matlab(image processing) - matlab

I am trying to get connected components of an image and then run ocr for each connected component.This is my code-
[imx imy]=size(image);
L = bwlabel(image,8) ;%Calculating connected components
for i=1:mx
[r,c] = find(L==i);
rc = [r c];
[sx sy]=size(rc);
for j=1:sx
r = ocr(n1,'TextLayout','Word')
This is my input image-
One of the connected components which I get is this-
I get this when I display the components in 4th last line.But in the next line I dont get any result for the ocr of this component.So my question is why am I not getting ocr for this component whereas all other componets give some result in ocr.
If,instead of im.png I use this component as input in my very first line of the code-I get an ocr for this.Why is this happening?
Edit- If I use this component as input,I get the ocr.

I don't know exactly what you want to achieve (it was not very clear from your post). But if what you want is to extract the letters in a chemical formula the below code will do the trick.
I = imread('6oua6.png');
s = regionprops(~I,{'BoundingBox'});
for ii=1:numel(s)
bb = s(ii).BoundingBox;
if bb(4)<30 % enforce a limit to discard non-letters
ocr(I,s(ii).BoundingBox, 'TextLayout', 'Block' )
rectangle('Position',s(ii).BoundingBox+[-1 -1 2 2 ],'Edgecolor','y')
The ocr will identify the letters correctly (at least from the image you supplied).
Binding them as further will just require you to construct some rules.


Is it possible to use callbacks to access a single trajectory in Julia's DifferentialEquations Ensemble Problems?

I am new to Julia and trying to use the Julia package DifferentialEquations to simultaneously solve for several conditions of the same set of coupled ODEs. My system is a model of an experiment and in one of the conditions, I increase the amount of one of the dependent variables at mid-way through the process.
I would like to be able to adjust the condition of this single trajectory, however so far I am only able to adjust all the trajectories at once. Is it possible to access a single one using callbacks? If not, is there a better way to do this?
Here is a simplified example using the lorentz equations for what I want to be doing:
#Differential Equations setup
function lorentz!(du,u,p,t)
du[1]= a*(u[2]-u[1])
#function to cycle through inital conditions
function prob_func(prob,i,repeat)
remake(prob; u0 = u0_arr[i]);
u0_arr = [u01,u02];
#initialising the Ensemble Problem
prob = ODEProblem(lorentz!,u0_arr[1],t_span[1],p);
CombinedProblem = EnsembleProblem(prob,
prob_func = prob_func, #-> (prob),#repeat is a count for how many times the trajectories had been repeated
safetycopy = true # determines whether a safetly deepcopy is called on the prob before the prob_func (sounds best to leave as true for user-given prob_func)
#introducing callback
function condition(u,t,repeat)
return 50 .-t
function affect!(repeat)
repeat.u[1]=repeat.u[1] +50
callback = DifferentialEquations.ContinuousCallback(condition, affect!)
# Plotting for ease of understanding example
I want to produce something like this:
But this code produces:
Thank you for your help!
You can make that callback dependent on a parameter and make the parameter different between problems. For example:
function f(du,u,p,t)
if p == 0
du[1] = 2u[1]
du[1] = -2u[1]
du[2] = -u[2]
condition(t,u,integrator) = u[2] - 0.5
affect!(integrator) = integrator.prob.p = 1
For more information, check out the FAQ on this topic:

Issues fitting an exponential function

I'm having some serious issues fitting an exponential function (Beer-Lambert law) to my data. The optimization toolset function that I'm using produces terrible fits:
function [ Coefficients ] = fitting_new( Modified_Spectrum_Data,trajectory )
x_axis = trajectory;
fun = #(x,x_axis) (x(1)*exp((-x(2))*x_axis));
start = [Modified_Spectrum_Data(1) 0.05];
nlm = nlinfit(x_axis,Modified_Spectrum_Data,fun,start,opts);
Coefficients = nlm;
Modified_Spectrum_Data = [1.11111111111111, 1.08784976353957, 1.06352170731165, 1.04099672033640, 1.02649723285838, 1.00423806910703, 0.994116452961827, 0.975928861361604, 0.963081773802984, 0.953191520906905, 0.940636278551651, 0.930360007604054, 0.922259178548511, 0.916659345499171, 0.909149956799775, 0.901241601559703, 0.895375741449218, 0.893308346234150, 0.887985459843162, 0.884657500398024, 0.883852990694089, 0.877158499678129, 0.874817832833850, 0.875428444059047, 0.873170360623947, 0.871461252768665, 0.867913776631497, 0.866459074988087, 0.863819528471106, 0.863228815347816 ,0.864369045426273 ,0.860602502500599, 0.862653463581049, 0.861169231463016, 0.858658616425390, 0.864588421841755, 0.858668693409622, 0.857993365648639]
trajectory = [0.0043, 0.9996, 2.0007, 2.9994, 3.9996, 4.9994, 5.9981, 6.9978, 7.9997, 8.9992, 10.0007, 10.9993, 11.9994, 12.9992, 14.0001, 14.9968, 15.9972, 16.9996, 17.9996, 18.999, 19.9992, 20.9996, 21.9994, 23.0003, 23.9992, 24.999, 25.9987, 26.9986, 27.999, 28.9991, 29.999, 30.9987, 31.9976, 32.9979, 33.9983, 34.9988, 35.999, 36.9991]
I've tried using multiple different fitting functions and messing around with the options, but they don't seem to make too big of a difference. Additionally, I've tried changing the initial guess, but again that doesn't really make a difference.
Excel seems to be able to fit the data perfectly fine, but I have 900 rows of data I want to fit so doing it in Excel is not possible.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
You'll want to use the cftool. Your data looks to follow a power law. Then choose 'Modified Spectrum Data' as your x axis and 'Trajectory' as your y. Select 'Power' from the drop down menu towards the top of the GUI.
Modified_Spectrum_Data = [1.11111111111111, 1.08784976353957, 1.06352170731165, 1.04099672033640, 1.02649723285838, 1.00423806910703, 0.994116452961827, 0.975928861361604, 0.963081773802984, 0.953191520906905, 0.940636278551651, 0.930360007604054, 0.922259178548511, 0.916659345499171, 0.909149956799775, 0.901241601559703, 0.895375741449218, 0.893308346234150, 0.887985459843162, 0.884657500398024, 0.883852990694089, 0.877158499678129, 0.874817832833850, 0.875428444059047, 0.873170360623947, 0.871461252768665, 0.867913776631497, 0.866459074988087, 0.863819528471106, 0.863228815347816 ,0.864369045426273 ,0.860602502500599, 0.862653463581049, 0.861169231463016, 0.858658616425390, 0.864588421841755, 0.858668693409622, 0.857993365648639]
trajectory = [0.0043, 0.9996, 2.0007, 2.9994, 3.9996, 4.9994, 5.9981, 6.9978, 7.9997, 8.9992, 10.0007, 10.9993, 11.9994, 12.9992, 14.0001, 14.9968, 15.9972, 16.9996, 17.9996, 18.999, 19.9992, 20.9996, 21.9994, 23.0003, 23.9992, 24.999, 25.9987, 26.9986, 27.999, 28.9991, 29.999, 30.9987, 31.9976, 32.9979, 33.9983, 34.9988, 35.999, 36.9991]
For more information on the curve fitting (cftool), see:

What is the structure of torch dataset?

I am beginning to use torch 7 and I want to make my dataset for classification. I've already made pixel images and corresponding labels. However, I do not know how to feed those data to the torch. I read some codes from others and found out that they are using the dataset whose extension is '.t7' and I think it is a tensor type. Is it right? And I wonder how I can convert my pixel images(actually, I made them with Matlab by using MNIST dataset) into t7 extension compatible to the torch. There must be structure of dataset in the t7 format but I cannot find it (also for the labels too).
To sum up, I have pixel images and labels and want to convert those to t7 format compatible to the torch.
Thanks in advance!
The datasets '.t7' are tables of labeled Tensors.
For example the following lua code :
if (not paths.filep("")) then
os.execute('wget -c')
Readed_t7 = torch.load('cifar10-train.t7')
Will return through itorch :
data : ByteTensor - size: 10000x3x32x32
label : ByteTensor - size: 10000
Which means the file contains a table of two ByteTensor one labeled "data" and the other one labeled "label".
To answer your question, you should first read your images (with torchx for example : ) then put them in a table with your Tensor of label. The following code is just a draft to help you out. It considers the case where : there are two classes, all your images are in the same folder and are ordered through those classes.
require 'torchx';
--Read all your dataset (the chosen extension is png)
files = paths.indexdir("/Path/to/your/images/", 'png', true)
data1 = {}
for i=1,files:size() do
local img1 = image.load(files:filename(i),3)
table.insert(data1, img1)
--Create the table of label according to
label1 = {}
for i=1, #data1 do
if i <= number_of_images_of_the_first_class then
label1[i] = 1
label1[i] = 2
--Reshape the tables to Tensors
label = torch.Tensor(label1)
data = torch.Tensor(#data1,3,16,16)
for i=1, #data1 do
data[i] = data1[i]
--Create the table to save
Data_to_Write = { data = data, label = label }
--Save the table in the /tmp"/tmp/Saved_Data.t7", Data_to_Write)
It should be possible to make a less hideous code but this one details all the steps and works with torch 7 and Jupyter 5.0.0 .
Hope it helps.

Using For and While Loops to Determine Who to Hire MATLAB

It's that time of the week where I realize just how little I understand in MATLAB. This week, we have homework on iteration, so using for-loops and while-loops. The problem I am currently experiencing difficulties with is one where I have to write a function that decides who to hire somebody. I'm given a list of names, a list of GPAs and a logical vector that tells me whether or not a student stayed to talk. What I have to output is the names of people to hire and the time they spent chatting with the recruiter.
function[candidates_hire, time_spent] = CFRecruiter(names, GPAs, stays_to_talk)
In order to be hired, a canidate must have a GPA that is higher than 2.5 (not inclusive). In order to be hired, the student must stick around to talk, if they don't talk, they don't get hired. The names are separated by a ', ' and the GPAs is a vector. The time spent talking is determined by:
Time in minutes = (GPA - 2.5) * 4;
My code so far:
function[candidates_hire, time_spent] = CFRecruiter(names, GPAs, stays_to_talk)
candidates = strsplit(names, ', ');
%// My attempt to split up the candidates names.
%// I get a 1x3 cell array though
for i = 1:length(GPAs)
%// This is where I ran into trouble, I need to separate the GPAs
student_GPA = (GPAs(1:length(GPAs)));
%// The length is unknown, but this isn't working out quite yet.
%// Not too sure how to fix that
time_spent = (student_GPA - 2.5) * 4; %My second output
while stays_to_talk == 1 %// My first attempt at a while-loop!
if student_GPA > 2.5
%// If the student has a high enough GPA and talks, yay for them
student = 'hired';
student = 'nothired'; %If not, sadface
hired = 'hired';
%// Here was my attempt to get it to realize how was hired, but I need
%// to concatenate the names that qualify into a string for the end
nothired = 'nothired';
canidates_hire = [hired];
What my main issue is here is figuring out how to let the function know them names(1) has the GPA of GPAs(1). It was recommended that I start a counter, and that I had to make sure my loops kept the names with them. Any suggestions with this problem? Please and thank you :)
Test Codes
[Names, Time] = CFRecruiter('Jack, Rose, Tom', [3.9, 2.3, 3.3],...
[false true true])
=> Name = 'Tom'
Time = 3.2000
[Names, Time] = CFRecruiter('Vatech, George Burdell, Barnes Noble',...
[4.0, 2.5, 3.6], [true true true])
=> Name = 'Vatech, Barnes Noble'
Time = 10.4000
I'm going to do away with for and while loops for this particular problem, mainly because you can solve this problem very elegantly in (I kid you not) three lines of code... well four if you count returning the candidate names. Also, the person who is teaching you MATLAB (absolutely no offense intended) hasn't the faintest idea of what they're talking about. The #1 rule in MATLAB is that if you can vectorize your code, do it. However, there are certain situations where a for loop is very suitable due to the performance enhancements of the JIT (Just-In-Time) accelerator. If you're curious, you can check out this link for more details on what JIT is about. However, I can guarantee that using loops in this case will be slow.
We can decompose your problem into three steps:
Determine who stuck around to talk.
For those who stuck around to talk, check their GPAs to see if they are > 2.5.
For those that have satisfied (1) and (2), determine the total time spent on talking by using the formula in your post for each person and add up the times.
We can use a logical vector to generate a Boolean array that simultaneously checks steps #1 and #2 so that we can index into our GPA array that you are specifying. Once we do this, we simply apply the formula to the filtered GPAs, then sum up the time spent. Therefore, your code is very simply:
function [candidates_hire, time_spent] = CFRecruiter(names, GPAs, stays_to_talk)
%// Pre-processing - split up the names
candidates = strsplit(names, ', ');
%// Steps #1 and #2
filtered_candidates = GPAs > 2.5 & stays_to_talk;
%// Return candidates who are hired
candidates_hire = strjoin(candidates(filtered_candidates), ', ');
%// Step #3
time_spent = sum((GPAs(filtered_candidates) - 2.5) * 4);
You had the right idea to split up the names based on the commas. strsplit splits up a string that has the token you're looking for (which is , in your case) into separate strings inside a cell array. As such, you will get a cell array where each element has the name of the person to be interviewed. Now, I combined steps #1 and #2 into a single step where I have a logical vector calculated that tells you which candidates satisfied the requirements. I then use this to index into our candidates cell array, then use strjoin to join all of the names together in a single string, where each name is separated by , as per your example output.
The final step would be to use the logical vector to index into the GPAs vector, grab those GPAs from those candidates who are successful, then apply the formula to each of these elements and sum them up. With this, here are the results using your sample inputs:
>> [Names, Time] = CFRecruiter('Jack, Rose, Tom', [3.9, 2.3, 3.3],...
[false true true])
Names =
Time =
>> [Names, Time] = CFRecruiter('Vatech, George Burdell, Barnes Noble',...
[4.0, 2.5, 3.6], [true true true])
Names =
Vatech, Barnes Noble
Time =
To satisfy the masses...
Now, if you're absolutely hell bent on using for loops, we can replace steps #1 and #2 by using a loop and an if condition, as well as a counter to keep track of the total amount of time spent so far. We will also need an additional cell array to keep track of those names that have passed the requirements. As such:
function [candidates_hire, time_spent] = CFRecruiter(names, GPAs, stays_to_talk)
%// Pre-processing - split up the names
candidates = strsplit(names, ', ');
final_names = [];
time_spent = 0;
for idx = 1 : length(candidates)
%// Steps #1 and #2
if GPAs(idx) > 2.5 && stays_to_talk(idx)
%// Step #3
time_spent = time_spent + (GPAs(idx) - 2.5)*4;
final_names = [final_names candidates(idx)];
%// Return candidates who are hired
candidates_hire = strjoin(final_names, ', ');
The trick with the above code is that we are keeping an additional cell array around that stores those candidates that have passed. We will then join all of the strings together with a , between each name as we did before. You'll also notice that there is a difference in checking for steps #1 and #2 between the two methods. In particular, there is a & in the first method and a && in the second method. The single & is for arrays and matrices while && is for single values. If you don't know what that symbol is, that is the symbol for logical AND. This means that something is true only if both the left side of the & and the right side of the & are both true. In your case, this means that someone who has a GPA of > 2.5 and stays to talk must both be true if they are to be hired.

Is there a way to change directory in Modelica/Dymola automatically?

I have the following problem:
I have over 20 different models which I want to simulate one after another but I want to change the simulation directory each time.
Right now I'm manually changing directory after each simulation (from ./ModelOne to ./ModelTwo) and I'd like to know if there's a way to change it automatically when I initialize or translate the new model.
the best way is to write a script I think:
pathOfSave = {"E:\\work\\modelica\\SimulationResult\\Model1\\","E:\\work\\modelica\\SimulationResult\\Model2\\"};
nbSim = 2;
pathOfMod = { "MyModel.",
modelsToSimulate = { ""Model1" ,
//If equdistant=true: ensure that the same number of data points is written in all result files
//store variables at events is disabled.
experimentSetupOutput(equdistant=false, events=false);
//Keep in the plot memory the last nbSim results
experimentSetupOutput(equdistant=false, events=false);
for i in 1:nbSim loop
//delete the result file if it already exists
Modelica.Utilities.Files.removeFile(pathOfSave + modelsToSimulate[i]);
//translate models
// simulate
resultFile=pathOfSave + modelsToSimulate[i]);
end for;
You can also put the command cd("mynewpath") in the initial algorithm section, if you want it tobe attached to the model.
model example
Real variable;
parameter String currDir = Modelica.Utilities.System.getWorkDirectory();
initial algorithm
variable = time;
when terminal() then
end when;
end example;
In any case you can find all commands of dymola in the manual one under the section "builtin commands".
I hope this helps,