Creating reminders and alerts with Smartsheet API - smartsheet-api

I'm wondering how to create new reminders via the Java Smartsheet API. I haven't been able to find anything related to that. I thought it might be in the Row or RowResources class. Here is a quote from the launch of the API claiming that it can be done:
"Use the API to automatically trigger events in Smartsheet. Automatically create project sheets or tasks, update and share
data, or send reminders."
Has anyone successfully done this?

The Smartsheet API does not currently support creating Alerts (i.e., reminders & notifications). (Apologies for the confusion -- I've updated the blog post you quoted to remove the reference to Reminders.)


Building a simple web form that connects to Recurly's API to allow a subscriber to change their subscription plan

I am trying to build a simple web form that would ideally sit on a WordPress page to allow the subscribers on our platform to change or update their subscriptions, without having to ask our support team (currently they can only cancel, but we want to offer them the option to upgrade).
We use Recurly to manage our billing, and their support team said:
'You would essentially want to build a form that will input values into the Subscription Update API request, that would then be sent to Recurly to make the changes on your customer account.'
They also shared the following document:
I have limited experience of working with APIs and am also aware that because this form deals with sensitive information (the user ID of a subscriber in this case), I don't want to inadvertently jeopardise the accounts of the subscribers that choose to do this.
Any help would be much appreciated. I have tried searching for a solution but am unsure how to word my request effectively.
It sounds like using the Recurly Hosted UI might be your best bet. Instead of having to build a a web form you can just redirect your customer to the Recurly Hosted UI on a button click. You can retrieve and redirect the url using the Recurly API on your Wordpress site using some simple PHP and then that allows the customer to view invoices, change their plan (if you allow), and change CC information.

How to get whole tems unreded notifications ( activity + chat, etc)

I'have search inside Microsoft documentation Graph API some method to get any kind of unread notifications from Teams product but I didn't see anything relevant that could I use through a REST API.
IS really possible to get the unreaded notifications?
This badges numbers is what I want
Thanks in advance
IS really possible to get the unreaded notifications?
Of course, the answer is yes. Currently, there are not existing Team API for this, you need to do it by yourself, meanwhile submit an feature request in the UserVoice. A workaround for you: get the message/activity list first, and store the lastModifiedDateTime in your app cache, then use corresponding API to regular interaction with the server to see if any update is available.
The feed aggregates important content from the following:
Apps such as Files, Planner, and your Teams apps
This is on the roadmap but we don't have and dates to share publicly.

Can I create notifications when an Atlassian Confluence page is created?

If any user changes or creates new page in Atlassian Confluence, I would like to automatically send a REST request. I want to use it for pushing auto-messages in messenger (in some public channel). It is useful to see any new changes on wiki.
I found info about REST API for Atlassian Confluence:
But it is about how to sent requests to Confluence.
Is it possible to generate auto requests from Atlassian Confluence?
Update: I found some information - looks like it is impossible.
Am I right?
You are right, unfortunately this functionality does not exist at the moment. The best way would be to write your own Confluence Plugin that binds to certain events. See for more information about this. Then you can send the desired requests to your messenger every time the event occurs.
Another option, but unfortunately not free, would be the "Script Runner for Confluence" plugin. This plugin provides at least a simpler way for the above solution. You only have to implement the "send request" part, as the event handling is done by the plugin and can be configured via UI. See for more information.

Update a Google Sheet w/ API Data

I'm using Google Sheets along with App Sheet to make a simple mobile app that tracks product inventory for me. It's working great. But I'd like to use a 3rd party API to bring in additional product info. I know how I can use IFTTT or Zapier to make a 3rd party API call, but I can't figure out how to make a 3rd party API call and then update my Sheet with the response. Is this possible? Thanks!T
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
That's definitely possible! The first thing you'll want to do is decide on a trigger. Is this row only updated once (on creation) or on some other impetus (such as a different field being updated). For sake of example, let's assume creation. Your zap would look like this:
Trigger: New Row Created
Action: Code Step / Webhook Step (to fetch info)
Action: Update Row (using the data from steps 1 & 2)
There's more info about updating rows in the help docs here:
​Let me know if you've got any other questions!

Notifications on changes in SmartSheet

The API only seems to describe how to get other programs to control smartsheets, how do I get smartsheet to control other apps?
It seems to be possible, the zapier integration mentions that you can make an event "on new row".
In particular, it would be nice to get notifications on new rows and changes in dates.
Cine, you are correct - the explicit objective of the Smartsheet API (as is with most APIs) is to provide access to and facilitate management of Smartsheet data and properties. The API has no knowledge of other products and services - nor it should.
The Smartsheet connectors for Zapier, Azuqua, itduzzit and other similar "API orchestration" services allow users to create triggers on various Smartsheet events, like new rows or row updates... or take an action based on another event (e.g., create a new row or update an existing row).
In addition, we are in the process of developing webhooks (see and and plan to make these available later this year. Through webhooks you will be able to subscribe to notifications on Smartsheet events, like new rows, sheets, discussions, etc.