File managing issues - perl

im working on a simple script to rename & move files into a new directory. I can't seem to get it work properly, basically if the folder is already created it will moves the files into it only if the files are renamed, if the folder is already created but files need to be renamed it won't work it will just rename the files and give me an error because it won't be able to move the files. If the folder need to be created and files to be renamed it will create the folder and rename the files but it won't be able to move them. So i am a bit lost really..
I've been trying a lot of different way but it ends up not working or giving me the same result i think i am doing something wrong, heres my code :
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy qw(mv);
my ($movie, $season, $cont) = #ARGV;
if (not defined $movie) {
die "need a name as first argument\n";
if (defined $movie and defined $season and defined $cont) {
print "\n\nProcessing $movie season $season with container .$cont :\n";
my $npath = "Saison "."$season";
my $exist = 0;
my $num = 1;
my $ind = 0;
my $flast = undef;
my $rpath = undef;
my #files = glob("*.$cont");
my #all = glob('*');
foreach my $f (#files) {
if ($f =~ m/e([0-1_-] ?)\Q$num/i or $f =~ m/episode([0-1_-] ?)\Q$num/i) {
$flast = "$movie.S$season"."E$num.$cont";
rename($f, $flast) or die "\nError while renaming $f !";
if (-d "$npath") {
$exist = 1;
print "\n$npath";
else {
mkdir($npath) or die "\nError while making new directory";
$exist = 1;
if ($exist == 1) {
foreach my $f (#files) {
$npath = "Saison "."$season/$f";
mv($f, $npath) or die "\nError while moving $f";
print "\n$f done !";
print "\n\n$ind files processed successfully !";

The problem is that you are renaming the files and then moving them, but after the rename the file no longer exists under its old name in the #files array
You can use mv to change the name of the file as well as putting it into a new directory. In other words, you can call
mv 'movie.title.s01.e08.(2008).[1080p].mkv', 'Saison 01/Movie TitleS01E08.mkv'
which simplifies your program considerably. You just need to create the new directory if it doesn't exist, and then call mv $f, "$npath/$flast" for each name in #files


Copy files from one folder to another based on similar file name

I trying to write a script that will copy files from one folder to another based on the file name(similar). As I got Few thousands text files in a folder. But I try to find few hundreds of files out of thousands files. It's takes a lot of time to search it one by one.
Copy seem like a good idea to use in this and then use for to loop through the list of files that I try to find out of thousands. But Copy need a specified name. The problem is I only have part of the file name.
Example of list of files(Content of the text file):
Example of filename:
I only got the ABCDEF-A01 instead of the full filename.
Expected result:
Able to search through the folder and copy the files to another location that matched according the list of files (one text files).
Anything that you can share? Info/ans/related posts? Thank you so much!
Try the below code in perl . When running the program pass the arguments for Source Directory path and Destination Directory path along with the list of filename that need to be searched. If destination directory doesn't exist it will create a folder automatically through the program as shown below :
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy;
my $source = $ARGV[0];
my $destination = $ARGV[1];
my $listFiles = $ARGV[2];
if(-f $destination)
print "Already unknown extension of file exists with the same name of directory. So rename the file and run the program";
exit 0;
if(-d "$destination")
print "Directory where files need to be copied: $destination\n";
print "No Directory found and hence created the directory $destination\n";
opendir DIR, $source or die "cant open dir";
my #files = grep /(.*?)(\.txt)$/,(readdir DIR);
open my $fh, '<', "$listFiles" or die "Cannot open the file names to search $listFiles - $!";
open my $out,'>', "$ARGV[1]\\NoMatch.txt" or die "Cannot write to the file NoMatch.txt - $!";
my #listFileNames = <$fh>;
my #listFiles = ();
foreach my $InputFiles (#files)
foreach my $list(#listFileNames)
if($InputFiles =~ /$list/isg)
print "Files : $InputFiles copying\t";
print "Files : $InputFiles copied\n";
my %seen = ();
my $count = 0;
foreach my $list (#listFiles)
$seen{lc($list)} = 1;
#print $list . "\n";
foreach my $listnames (#listFileNames)
if($count ==0)
print "\nFilenames that did not match the text files are present in the destination folder : NoMatch.txt file " . "\n";
print $out "$listnames\n";
create a batch file and put it in the source folder, with your list of files you want to copy.
for /f %%f in (list.txt) do robocopy c:\source d:\dest %%f
Hope this helps
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Copy;
my $sorce_direcrtory = qq{};
my $new_directory = "";
opendir(my $dh, $sorce_direcrtory) || die;
while(readdir $dh) {
if($_ =~ /[A..Z]+\-[A..Z]\d+/){
move("$sorce_direcrtory/$_", "$new_directory/$_");
closedir $dh;

Perl -two list matching elements

I am trying to grab the list of the files jenkins has updated from last build and latest build and stored in a perl array.
Now i have list of files and folders in source code which are considered as sensitive in terms of changes like XXXX\yyy/., XXX/TTTT/FFF.txt, FILE.TXT
i want that script should tell me if any these sensitive files was part of my changed files and if yes list its name so that we can double check with development team about is change before we trigger build .
How should i achieve this , and how to ,compare multiple files under one path form the changed path files .
have written below script ---which is called inside the jenkins with %workspace# as argument
This is not giving any matching result.
use warnings;
use Array::Utils qw(:all);
$url = `curl -s "http://localhost:8080/job/Rev-number/lastStableBuild/" | findstr "started by"`;
$url =~ /([0-9]+)/;
system("cd $ARGV[1]");
#difffiles = `svn diff -r $1:HEAD --summarize`;
chomp #difffiles;
foreach $f (#difffiles) {
$f = substr( $f, 8 );
$f = "$f\n";
open FILE, '/path/to/file'
or die "Can't open file: $!\n";
#array = <FILE>;
#isect = intersect( #difffiles, #array );
print #isect;
I have manged to solve this issue using below perl script -
sub Verifysensitivefileschanges()
#isect = intersect(#difffiles,#sensitive);
#print "ISECT=#isect\n";
foreach $t (#isect)
if (#isect) {print "Matching element found -- $t\n"; $count1=1;}
return $count1;
sub Verifysensitivedirschanges()
foreach $g (#difffiles)
$dirs = dirname($g);
$filename = basename($g);
#print "$dirs\n";
foreach $j (#array)
if( "$j" =~ /\Q$dirs/)
{print "Sensitive path files changed under path $j and file name is $filename\n";$count2=1;}
return $count2;

Perl - A way to get only the first (.txt) filename from another directory without loading them all?

I have a directory that holds ~5000 2,400 sized .txt files.
I just want one filename from that directory; order does not matter.
The file will be processed and deleted.
This is not the scripts working directory.
The intention is:
to open that file,
read it,
do some stuff,
unlink it and then
loop to the next file.
My crude attempt does not check for only .txt files and also has to get all ~5000 filenames just for one filename. I am also possibly calling too many modules?
The Verify_Empty sub was intended to validate that there is a directory and there are files in it but, my attempts are failing so, here I am seeking assistance.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use CGI ':standard';
print CGI::header();
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser);
use vars qw(#Files $TheFile $PathToFile);
my $ListFolder = CGI::param('openthisfolder');
sub Get_File{
$ListFolder = shift;
unless (Verify_Empty($ListFolder)) {
#Files = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir(DIR);
$TheFile = $_;
#### This is where I go off to process and unlink file (sub not here) ####
$PathToFile = $ListFolder.'/'.$TheFile;
#### After unlinked, the OpenFileReadPrepare sub loops back to this script.
else {
print qq~No more files to process~;
sub Verify_Empty {
$ListFolder = shift;
opendir(DIR, $ListFolder) or die "Not a directory";
return scalar(grep { $_ ne "." && $_ ne ".." } readdir(DIR)) == 0;
Obviously I am very new at this. This method seems quite "hungry"?
Seems like a lot to grab one filename and process it!
Guidance would be great!
EDIT -Latest Attempt
my $dir = '..';
my #files = glob "$dir/*.txt";
for (0..$#files){
$files[$_] =~ s/\.txt$//;
my $PathAndFile =$files[0].'.txt';
print qq~$PathAndFile~;
This "works" but, it still gets all the filenames. None of the examples here, so far, have worked for me. I guess I will live with this for today until I figure it out. Perhaps I will revisit and see if anyone came up with anything better.
You could loop using readdir inside while loop. In that way readdir won't return all files but give only one at the time,
# opendir(DIR, ...);
my $first_file = "";
while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) {
next if $file eq "." or $file eq "..";
$first_file = $file;
print "$first_file\n"; # first file in directory
You're calling readdir in list context, which returns all of the directory entries. Call it in scalar context instead:
my $file;
while( my $entry = readdir DIR ) {
$file = $entry, last if $entry =~ /\.txt$/;
if ( defined $file ) {
print "found $file\n";
# process....
Additionally, you read the directory twice; once to see if it has any entries, then to process it. You don't really need to see if the directory is empty; you get that for free during the processing loop.
Unless I am greatly mistaken, what you want is just to iterate over the files in a directory, and all this about "first or last" and "order does not matter" and deleting files is just confusion about how to do this.
So, let me put it in a very simple way for you, and see if that actually does what you want:
my $directory = "somedir";
for my $file (<$directory/*.txt>) {
# do stuff with the files
The glob will do the same as a *nix shell would, it would list the files with the .txt extension. If you want to do further tests on the files inside the loop, that is perfectly fine.
The downside is keeping 5000 file names in memory, and also that if processing this file list takes time, there is a possibility that it conflicts with other processes that also access these files.
An alternative is to simply read the files with readdir in a while loop, such as mpapec mentioned in his answer. The benefit is that each time you read a new file name, the file will be there. Also, you won't have to keep a large list of file in memory.

Perl program help on opendir and readdir

So I have a program that I want to clean some text files. The program asks for the user to enter the full pathway of a directory containing these text files. From there I want to read the files in the directory, print them to a new file (that is specified by the user), and then clean them in the way I need. I have already written the script to clean the text files.
I ask the user for the directory to use:
chomp ($user_supplied_directory = <STDIN>);
opendir (DIR, $user_supplied_directory);
Then I need to read the directory.
my #dir = readdir DIR;
foreach (#dir) {
Now I am lost.
Any help please?
I'm not certain of what do you want. So, I made some assumptions:
When you say clean the text file, you meant delete the text file
The names of the files you want to write into are formed by a pattern.
So, if I'm right, try something like this:
chomp ($user_supplied_directory = <STDIN>);
opendir (DIR, $user_supplied_directory);
my #dir = readdir DIR;
foreach (#dir) {
next if (($_ eq '.') || ($_ eq '..'));
# Reads the content of the original file
open FILE, $_;
$contents = <FILE>;
close FILE;
# Here you supply the new filename
$new_filename = $_ . ".new";
# Writes the content to the new file
open FILE, '>'.$new_filename;
print FILE $content;
close FILE;
# Deletes the old file
unlink $_;
I would suggest that you switch to File::Find. It can be a bit of a challenge in the beginning but it is powerful and cross-platform.
But, to answer your question, try something like:
my #files = readdir DIR;
foreach $file (#files) {
where "foo" is whatever you need to do to the files. A few notes might help:
using "#dir" as the array of files was a bit misleading
the folder name needs to be prepended to the file name to get the right file
it might be convenient to use grep to throw out unwanted files and subfolders, especially ".."
I wrote something today that used readdir. Maybe you can learn something from it. This is just a part of a (somewhat) larger program:
our #Perls = ();
my $perl_rx = qr { ^ perl [\d.] + $ }x;
for my $dir (split(/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
### scanning: $dir
my $relative = ($dir =~ m{^/});
my $dirpath = $relative ? $dir : "$cwd/$dir";
unless (chdir($dirpath)) {
warn "can't cd to $dirpath: $!\n";
opendir(my $dot, ".") || next;
while ($_ = readdir($dot)) {
next unless /$perl_rx/o;
### considering: $_
next unless -f;
next unless -x _;
### saving: $_
push #Perls, "$dir/$_";
my $two_dots = qr{ [.] .* [.] }x;
if (grep /$two_dots/, #Perls) {
#Perls = grep /$two_dots/, #Perls;
my (%seen, $dev, $ino);
#Perls = grep {
($dev, $ino) = stat $_;
! $seen{$dev, $ino}++;
} #Perls;
The crux is push(#Perls, "$dir/$_"): filenames read by readdir are basenames only; they are not full pathnames.
You can do the following, which allows the user to supply their own directory or, if no directory is specified by the user, it defaults to a designated location.
The example shows the use of opendir, readdir, stores all files in the directory in the #files array, and only files that end with '.txt' in the #keys array. The while loop ensures that the full path to the files are stored in the arrays.
This assumes that your "text files" end with the ".txt" suffix. I hope that helps, as I'm not quite sure what's meant by "cleaning the files".
use feature ':5.24';
use File::Copy;
my $dir = shift || "/some/default/directory";
opendir(my $dh, $dir) || die "Can't open $dir: $!";
while ( readdir $dh ) {
push( #files, "$dir/$_");
# store ".txt" files in new array
foreach $file ( #files ) {
push( #keys, $file ) if $file =~ /(\S+\.txt\z)/g;
# Move files to new location, even if it's across different devices
for ( #keys ) {
move $_, "/some/other/directory/"; || die "Couldn't move files: $!\n";
See the perldoc of File::Copy for more info.

How to get nested directories contents in Perl

i'm trying to write a script which would process certain files. The data are organized like this: there is a folder (let's call it X) where my script will be placed. In this same folder there is a subfolder called 'data'. This contains several more subfolders with various names and each of these contains many files (no other subfolders, just files). I need to process all files in a subfolder (more specifically, run a function on each file) and then merge the results for all files in the subfolder, so for each folder there is one result (no matter how many files it contains).
The problem is, i'm not able to get to the files so i could run my function on them. What i have now is this:
$dirname = "data";
opendir ( DIR, $dirname ) || die "Error in opening dir $dirname\n";
while( ($dirname2 = readdir(DIR)) )
next if $dirname2 eq ".";
next if $dirname2 eq "..";
opendir ( DIR2, $dirname2 ) || die "Error in opening dir $dirname2\n";
while( ($file = readdir(DIR2)) )
next if $file eq ".";
next if $file eq "..";
print( "file:$file\n" );
It always fails with the message "Error in opening dir alex". 'alex' happens to be the first directory in the data directory. My question is - where is the problem? Is this even the correct way how to achieve what i'm trying to do? I'm also worried that this my fail if there is a file also in the data folder, since i cannot open it with opendir, or can I?
PS: sorry for that horrible Perl code - i'm still trying to learn this language.
You can try File::Path - Create or remove directory trees
As i am running your program, i think you have to specify your full path while opening a directory ie.,
opendir ( DIR2, $dirname.\\.$dirname2 ) || die "Error in opening dir $dirname2\n"; #running code on windows
It will work, try it.
you can use File::Find to do find files nested directories
Are you sure that inside folder exist only folders? Add additional check:
next if !(-d $dirname2);
Here is a slightly cleaned up version of what was posted in the question.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use File::Spec::Functions qw'catdir catfile';
my $dirname = "data";
opendir my $dir_h, $dirname;
while( my $dirname2 = readdir($dir_h) ){
next if $dirname2 eq ".";
next if $dirname2 eq "..";
$dirname2 = catdir( $dirname, $dirname2 );
next unless -d $dirname2;
opendir my $dir_h2, $dirname2;
while( my $file = readdir($dir_h2) )
next if $file eq ".";
next if $file eq "..";
$file = catfile($dirname2,$file);
if( -f $file ){
print( "file:$file\n" );
# $dir_h2 automatically closes here
# $dir_h automatically closes here
If you are going to run it on Perl versions earlier than 5.12.0 you should wrap the while loop's conditional with defined().
while( my $dirname2 = readdir($dir_h) ){
while( defined( my $dirname2 = readdir($dir_h) ) ){