Crystal report Header row Color - crystal-reports

I want to color the header and footers row(only my data tables not the full section) of a crystal report . Its easy to color the section but i cannot able find a proper way

For this 3 way you achieve.
If both header/footer in different section than data, then go to section, right click on formating, give the color. Check this link
Drag and drop and spread a crystal report field (like label) into entire length of row's width. Give the color formating by clicking on Right click -> format object -> color. Now your header/footer field which work as a column /summary get front of this above field.
You can give the color to all object and also do not give gap between them.
Step to color the object.
1. Select the items that you want to change, and select select Format, then select Format Text.
2. The Format Editor dialog box appears.
3. Select the Font tab.
4. Select the appropriate font, style, size, and color.


How to Set Color in Crystal Report Draw Box And Data Bind. .?

How to Set Crystal Reports Draw box Inside fill color ?.
How to Bind data with details data using dataset in crystal reports ?.
Replace box with text object.
Insert text object and add border lines if necessary. Then to add fill color, right click on the text object > Format Text > Go to Border tab > Check background and set color.

Tableau SubTotal Formatting

I would like to ask if someone know how to work around with Sub Total colors.
Currently I want highlight the sub total header only but when I apply the header it also applied to my color header.
First remove the color formatting that is already applied.
Then go to Format, click on Shading(Paint Bucket Icon), then under section Total set the color for Pane and Header.

Crystal Reports 2008 Customize underline

I want to import a text from HTML file in Crystal Reports 2008 for our software.
And I tried to make a formula for underline in Crystal to underline my text with dots no matter if the cell in HTML is empty or not. I mention that I search for 4 or 5 hours but nothing useful. Thanks for advice.
For example, i want to use dots to underline the formula for "{denumire_societate}"
Right click on your field and select Format Field
Border tab
Change Bottom -> Dotted
You can optionally create a formula if you want to present Dotted Underline with specific conditions
I want another answer because i want to underline only some words, and i don't wanna put them in separate text box because it will looks unesthetical.
In the picture, i got a text box with many words, formulas, etc, i want to underline a specific one like: {denumire_societate}, {adresa}, {nr_reg_com}, {cui}, {cont}, and the underline to be form by dots.
Text box

Translate "Total" text in Legend in Crystal Reports Chart

When using a chart (e.g. pie chart) inside a Crystal Report with a legend, the legend will contain a line with the sum of the values. The text used for the word "Total" seems to be fixed on the language of the Crystal Reports Library. For example, since I am using a German operating system, the text will always be "Summe".
Is there a way to translate the text or at least to hide it altogether?
For illustration:
Try this, it worked for me:
Open report in CR.
Set report do "Preview Mode" by clicking View -> Print Preview
When in "Preview Mode", select the Legend label you want to change the text of.
Right click on the Legend label and select "Edit Axis Label"
Then, select the chart, right click and select Chart Expert -> Apply template to group.
6 Save the modified report.
also check this:

How to draw a line above a picture?

How do you display a line above a picture in Crystal Reports? I'm currently using Crystal Reports 8.5.
I am using a jpeg image in the report, with an image header section set to “Underlay Following sections”.
I added another header above the image header section, drew the line, and then gave the option “underlay following sections”, but the line is not displaying above the picture.
How can I add a line that will display above the picture?
There's a developer-provided workaround here, using textboxes:
Insert a text object and enter nothing.
Change the size (the height matches the line width) and background (background color matches the line color).
Right click on the text object and select Move | To Front. And then the "line" will be on top of the picture.
Unforunately, using Crystal Reports 2008, this would only allow me to shrink the textbox to a certain height (0.042 inches), which was still too big for a 1-pixel line.
If I understand your question, you want to add a line to an image in Crystal Report. Unfortunately, you won't be able to do this with Crystal Reports. Your best option is simply to draw a line above the image. If there is an issue with placement of the line, add another section above the section that contains the image.
A little late response, but this CodeProject answer works. I had the same problem and this workaround did the trick. I quote the answer here.
Create 2 separate reports. The 1st report will be the main report and the 2nd will be a subreport.
Place all page headers and footers on the main report.
(Main Report)
Right click on the PageHeaderSection and insert section below.
On the new PageHeaderSection, insert the image(your watermark) and set the section to Underlay Following Sections.
Go to your subreport and place your data and lines on it.
(Main Report)
Again, right click on the PageHeaderSection and insert section below.
On the new PageHeaderSection, right click, Insert->Subreport
Select Choose a Crystal Report in a project, then click the 2nd report you've created. Voila! The lines will be now on the top of the
image! Just be sure to remove the borders of your subreport.
an easy way I added a line is:
add a text box (length of the line you want)
right click -> format text
click on the tab border
select either top or bottom border, the line style etc etc
You can draw a line or a box to appear on top of images.
To do this:
1- Go to Report Options.
2- Check the option Draw Line And Box On Top, and click OK.
Now you can draw over the images.
I've never tried to do this before now, but it appears that the Z order functions (under the Move menu- to back, to front, etc...) are not available for lines or images and it appears that the image z order is always above the line even if you have multiple sections and use the "underlay following sections" option.
My answer is that this can not be done the way you are trying to do it, but what if you try another way.
I'm assuming that you are trying to create a strike through in the image in certain instances. Assuming that, you should be able to have 2 images (one normal and one with the line through it) that you should then be able to dynamically change based on you're criteria. You should be able to find many articles on dynamically changing the Crystal Report image. Hope this helps.
What worked for me was to create a subreport that essentially duplicates/replaces the Details. Then the usual process of putting the image in the page header and underlaying following sections. The subreport, including its lines, appear above the watermark for me, but please note I'm using Crystal XI.
If I understand your question correctly - In the header section, use the line tool to draw the line. It's in the CR Toolbox. Then drag your image after the line.