Powershell : Why I cannot use ForEach-Object to modify elements? - powershell

I've got an array definition:
> $a={"abc","xyz","hello"}
Then, using foreach to modify it, but seems original elements are not changed:
> foreach($i in $a){$i="kkk"+$i}
> $a
> "abc","xyz","hello"
Why foreach loop doesn't modify elements?
Then I tried to use ForEach-Object, this time, it doesn't even run:
> $a|%{$_=$_+"kkk"}
Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock] does not contain a method named 'op_Addition'.
At line:1 char:6
+ $a|%{$_=$_+"kkk"}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (op_Addition:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodNotFound
Does this has any syntax error? Or my understanding is incorrect?

You don't have an array in $a, you have a [ScriptBlock]. Curly braces {} denote a script block in PowerShell.
The array operator is #().
This is the cause of the error in the second example.
foreach($i in $a) {
$i = "zzz" + $i
$a | % { $_ += "zzz" }
However, this still will not work, because $i and $_ are copies, not references back to the original array location.
Instead, you can iterate over the array using a regular for loop:
for( $i = 0 ; $i -lt $a.Count ; $i++ ) {
$a[$i] += "zzz"
In this example you can see that in the loop body, you are referring directly to the array in $a and modifying its actual value.
Also note that ForEach-Object (%) returns a value (or all of the values returned from the block), so you could also do this:
$a = $a | % { "qqq" + $_ }
However this is forming a brand new array and assigning it to $a, not really modifying the original.


Trying to use += for Get-DistributionGroupMember results in empty variable [duplicate]

pracl is a sysinternal command that can be used to list the ACLs of a directory. I have a list of shares and I want to create a csv file such that for each ACL entry, I want the share path in one column and share permission in the next. I was trying to do that by using the following code
$inputfile = "share.txt"
$outputFile = "out.csv"
foreach( $path in Get-Content $inputfile)
$results=.\pracl.exe $path
foreach ($result in $results) {write-host $path,$line}
$objResult = [pscustomobject]#{
Path = $Path
Permission = $line
$outputArray += $objResult
$outputArray | Export-Csv -Path $outputfile -NoTypeInformation
It failed with the following error :-
Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.PSObject] does not contain a method named 'op_Addition'.
At C:\Users\re07393\1\sample.ps1:14 char:1
+ $outputArray += $objResult
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (op_Addition:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodNotFound
Any suggestions ?
You're trying to create an array of [pscustomobject]s in your $outputArray variable iteratively, using +=, but you're not initializing $outputArray as an array - see the bottom section for an explanation of the resulting behavior.
Thus, the immediate solution to your problem is to do just that:
# Do this before your `foreach` loop, then `+=` will work for appending elements.
$outputArray = #()
However, using += to add to arrays is inefficient, because in reality a new array instance must be created every time, because arrays are immutable data structures. That is, every time += is used, PowerShell creates a new array instance behind the scenes to which the existing elements as well as the new element are copied.
A simpler and much more efficient approach is to let PowerShell create an array for you, by using the foreach loop as an expression and assigning it to a variable as a whole:
That is, whatever is output in every iteration of the loop is automatically collected by PowerShell:
A simplified example:
# Create an array of 10 custom objects
[array] $outputArray = foreach ($i in 1..10) {
# Create and implicitly output a custom object in each iteration.
[pscustomobject] #{
Number = $i
Note the use of type constraint [array] to the left of $outputArray, which ensures that the variable value is always an array, even if the loop happens to produce just one output object (in which case PowerShell would otherwise just store that object itself, and not wrap it in an array).
Note that you can similarly use for, if, do / while / switch statements as expressions.
In all cases, however, these statements can only serve as expressions by themselves; regrettably, using them as the first segment of a pipeline or embedding them in larger expressions does not work - see GitHub issue #6817.
As for what you tried:
$outputArray += $objResult
Since you didn't initialize $outputArray before the loop, the variable is implicitly created in the loop's first iteration:
If the LHS variable doesn't exist yet, += is effectively the same as =: that is, the RHS is stored as-is in the LHS variable, so that $outputArray now contains a [pscustomobject] instance.
In the second iteration, because $outputArray now has a value, += now tries to perform a type-appropriate + operation (such as numeric addition for numbers, and concatenation for strings), but no + (op_Addition()) operation is defined for type [pscustomobject], so the operation fails with the error message you saw.

Why is the Export-Csv not working with PSCustomObject? [duplicate]

pracl is a sysinternal command that can be used to list the ACLs of a directory. I have a list of shares and I want to create a csv file such that for each ACL entry, I want the share path in one column and share permission in the next. I was trying to do that by using the following code
$inputfile = "share.txt"
$outputFile = "out.csv"
foreach( $path in Get-Content $inputfile)
$results=.\pracl.exe $path
foreach ($result in $results) {write-host $path,$line}
$objResult = [pscustomobject]#{
Path = $Path
Permission = $line
$outputArray += $objResult
$outputArray | Export-Csv -Path $outputfile -NoTypeInformation
It failed with the following error :-
Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.PSObject] does not contain a method named 'op_Addition'.
At C:\Users\re07393\1\sample.ps1:14 char:1
+ $outputArray += $objResult
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (op_Addition:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodNotFound
Any suggestions ?
You're trying to create an array of [pscustomobject]s in your $outputArray variable iteratively, using +=, but you're not initializing $outputArray as an array - see the bottom section for an explanation of the resulting behavior.
Thus, the immediate solution to your problem is to do just that:
# Do this before your `foreach` loop, then `+=` will work for appending elements.
$outputArray = #()
However, using += to add to arrays is inefficient, because in reality a new array instance must be created every time, because arrays are immutable data structures. That is, every time += is used, PowerShell creates a new array instance behind the scenes to which the existing elements as well as the new element are copied.
A simpler and much more efficient approach is to let PowerShell create an array for you, by using the foreach loop as an expression and assigning it to a variable as a whole:
That is, whatever is output in every iteration of the loop is automatically collected by PowerShell:
A simplified example:
# Create an array of 10 custom objects
[array] $outputArray = foreach ($i in 1..10) {
# Create and implicitly output a custom object in each iteration.
[pscustomobject] #{
Number = $i
Note the use of type constraint [array] to the left of $outputArray, which ensures that the variable value is always an array, even if the loop happens to produce just one output object (in which case PowerShell would otherwise just store that object itself, and not wrap it in an array).
Note that you can similarly use for, if, do / while / switch statements as expressions.
In all cases, however, these statements can only serve as expressions by themselves; regrettably, using them as the first segment of a pipeline or embedding them in larger expressions does not work - see GitHub issue #6817.
As for what you tried:
$outputArray += $objResult
Since you didn't initialize $outputArray before the loop, the variable is implicitly created in the loop's first iteration:
If the LHS variable doesn't exist yet, += is effectively the same as =: that is, the RHS is stored as-is in the LHS variable, so that $outputArray now contains a [pscustomobject] instance.
In the second iteration, because $outputArray now has a value, += now tries to perform a type-appropriate + operation (such as numeric addition for numbers, and concatenation for strings), but no + (op_Addition()) operation is defined for type [pscustomobject], so the operation fails with the error message you saw.

Cannot find an overload for "ToString" and the argument count: "1"

i'm not understanding what i'm doing wrong here since i seem to do the same thing but only one works.
i have a text file with a number list that i want to process (round the values):
and here my script:
$a = get-content "input.txt"
$b = $a -join ','
$b | % {$_.ToString("#.###")}
this results in the following error:
Cannot find an overload for "ToString" and the argument count: "1".
At D:\script.ps1:9 char:9
+ $b | % {$_.ToString("#.###")}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodCountCouldNotFindBest
however if i take the result after joining which is:
and create the following script:
$b = 39.145049,40.258140,41.400803,42.540093,43.664530
$b | % {$_.ToString("#.###")}
it works just fine and outputs:
where am i going wrong on this one?
This happens as the inputs are not of the same type.
$b1 = $a -join ','
$b2 = 39.145049,40.258140,....
As the input in the first case is a single string, foreach loop doesn't process it as a collection of decimal values but a single string. Thus,
$b | % {$_.ToString("#.###")}
Is going to do (as pseudocode):
Whilst the array version is doing
Powershell's able to figure out in the later case that the values are numbers. In the first case, it's just a string and thus the automatic conversion doesn't work.
What actually works in the first case is to cast the values as nubmers. Like so,
$a | % {$([double]$_).ToString("#.###")}

PowerShell: Running executable in variable without misinterpetting argument as part of path

I need to benchmark two different programs on two diferent corpuses, and in order to get more accurate readings, I want to run the benchmark in a loop and take the mean execution time for each benchmark. In order to simplify for myself, I wrote the following PowerShell function:
Function Benchmark {
Param($progPath, $benchmarkPath, $iters=27)
$time = (Measure-Command { & "$progPath" "$benchmarkPath" }).TotalSeconds
$sum = $lowest = $highest = $time
for($i = 1; $i -lt $iters; $i++) {
$time = (Measure-Command { & "$progPath" "$benchmarkPath" }).TotalSeconds
$sum += $time
if($time -lt $lowest) { $lowest = $time }
elseif($time -gt $highest) {$highest = $time }
$sum -= ($lowest + $highest)
$sum / ($iters - 2)
In theory, this should execute the program supplied as a command in $progPath with the benchmarking script in $benchmarkPath as its argument, but when I run it like this, I get the following result:
PS > $nonPrivateBenchmark = Benchmark(".\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python", ".\Benchmarks\non_private_access.py")
& : The term '.\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python .\Benchmarks\non_private_access.py' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:3 char:30
+ $time = (Measure-Command { & "$progPath" "$benchmarkPath" }).TotalSeconds
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (.\Python\PCbuil...ivate_access.py:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
(Plus 26 repetitions of the same error but on line 6.)
However, if assign the three parameter arguments and copy the remaining function body directly into PowerShell, it works and sets $nonPrivateAccess to a reasonable value:
$progPath = ".\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python"
$benchmarkPath = ".\Benchmarks\non_private_access.py"
$iters = 27
$time = (Measure-Command { & "$progPath" "$benchmarkPath" }).TotalSeconds
$sum = $lowest = $highest = $time
for($i = 1; $i -lt $iters; $i++) {
$time = (Measure-Command { & "$progPath" "$benchmarkPath" }).TotalSeconds
$sum += $time
if($time -lt $lowest) { $lowest = $time }
elseif($time -gt $highest) {$highest = $time }
$sum -= ($lowest + $highest)
$nonPrivateBenchmark = $sum / ($iters - 2)
I have through experimentation concluded that the problem is that "$progPath" "$benchmarkPath" is concatenated into the single string '.\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python .\Benchmarks\non_private_access.py' before executed with the & operator, and the space separating them is interpretted as a part of the command name, making PowerShell try to execute the entire string as a single command (which can't be executed). I have tried putting escaped quotes both around and inside the argument parameter, but to no avail. Does anyone else have a solution to this problem?
Quite extensive searching has only given me a lot of hits with people having the opposite problem. Could it be that I have some non-default PowerShell settings activated making it parse the spaces overly aggressively?
Benchmark(".\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python", ".\Benchmarks\non_private_access.py")
This syntax is passing an array to the first parameter of your Benchmark function, which then gets converted to a single string when it's used as a command. This is effectively the same as:
Benchmark ".\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python", ".\Benchmarks\non_private_access.py"
The normal syntax for passing multiple parameters to a PowerShell function is to place a space between the parameters:
Benchmark ".\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python" ".\Benchmarks\non_private_access.py"
You can also use the parameter names:
Benchmark -progPath ".\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python" -benchmarkPath ".\Benchmarks\non_private_access.py"

How do I loop through a dataset in PowerShell?

I am trying to output values of each rows from a DataSet:
for ($i=0;$i -le $ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count;$i++)
Write-Host 'value is : ' + $i + ' ' + $ds.Tables[1].Rows[$i][0]
gives the output ...
value is : +0+ +System.Data.DataSet.Tables[1].Rows[0][0]
value is : +1+ +System.Data.DataSet.Tables[1].Rows[1][0]
value is : +2+ +System.Data.DataSet.Tables[1].Rows[2][0]
value is : +3+ +System.Data.DataSet.Tables[1].Rows[3][0]
value is : +4+ +System.Data.DataSet.Tables[1].Rows[4][0]
value is : +5+ +System.Data.DataSet.Tables[1].Rows[5][0]
value is : +6+ +System.Data.DataSet.Tables[1].Rows[6][0]
How do I get the actual value from the column?
The PowerShell string evaluation is calling ToString() on the DataSet. In order to evaluate any properties (or method calls), you have to force evaluation by enclosing the expression in $()
for($i=0;$i -lt $ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count;$i++)
write-host "value is : $i $($ds.Tables[1].Rows[$i][0])"
Additionally foreach allows you to iterate through a collection or array without needing to figure out the length.
Rewritten (and edited for compile) -
foreach ($Row in $ds.Tables[1].Rows)
write-host "value is : $($Row[0])"
Here's a practical example (build a dataset from your current location):
$ds = new-object System.Data.DataSet
dir | foreach {
$dr = $ds.Tables["tblTest"].NewRow()
$dr["Name"] = $_.name
$dr["Path"] = $_.fullname
$ds.Tables["tblTest"] is an object that you can manipulate just like any other Powershell object:
$ds.Tables["tblTest"] | foreach {
write-host 'Name value is : $_.name
write-host 'Path value is : $_.path
The parser is having trouble concatenating your string. Try this:
write-host 'value is : '$i' '$($ds.Tables[1].Rows[$i][0])
Edit: Using double quotes might also be clearer since you can include the expressions within the quoted string:
write-host "value is : $i $($ds.Tables[1].Rows[$i][0])"