Strange fluctuating behaviour in time difference between successive frames read - matlab

Intuitively I would assume that using the function readFrame(videoObj) to read each frame would change the attribute videoObj.CurrentTime as such:
videoObj.CurrentTime = videoObj.CurrentTime + videoObj.FrameRate * videoObj.Duration
I.e. whenever each frame is extracted from videoObj, videoObj.CurrentTime is set to the time value in the video file where the next frame is located.
However, by observing how the attribute videoObj.CurrentTime changes throughout the reading of the video file, I see that the above is almost correct. (see the bottom of this question)
So, does anyone have an idea of why the time difference between successive frames is fluctuating?
Here is the code used to plot the time difference between successive frames during reading.
video = VideoReader('filename');
time = zeros(video.FrameRate * video.Duration,2);
time(1,1) = video.CurrentTime;
i = 2;
while hasFrame(video)
frame = readFrame(video);
time(i,1) = video.CurrentTime;
time(i,2) = time(i,1)-time(i-1,1);
i = i + 1;
xlabel('elapsed time in the video')
ylabel('time difference between frames')
And here is a plot over the variable time, (SO wouldn't let me upload the figure here, because I don't have enough reputation points).
If you feel uncomfortable clicking the link, here are some relevant snippets of the variable time. The left column is the elapsed time in the video, i.e. videoObj.CurrentTime during the reading, and the right column is the increase in videoObj.CurrentTime in each reading.
0 0
0.0660 0.0660
0.1330 0.0670
0.2000 0.0670
0.2660 0.0660
0.3330 0.0670
0.4000 0.0670
0.4660 0.0660
0.5330 0.0670
0.6000 0.0670
1.4660 0.0660
1.5330 0.0670
1.6000 0.0670
1.7330 0.1330
1.8000 0.0670
1.8660 0.0660
1.9330 0.0670
2 0.0670
As you can see the time difference between each reading fluctuates between 0.0660 and 0.0670. This can probably be explained by the precision of approximating floating numbers (but isn't a precision of order 10^-3 very bad anyway?). BUT, at some points, the difference is twice as much as it should be, with a value of 0.1330. I.e. it seems that readFrame(videoObj) skips a frame. How can I make sure that this doesn't happen?

The equation
videoObj.CurrentTime = videoObj.CurrentTime + videoObj.FrameRate * videoObj.Duration
is valid only if the video stream has a fixed frame rate. There are numerous video files out there where the frame-rate of the video varies within the video stream. One of the reasons for doing this is improved compression (for a slowly varying scene, you can lower the frame-rate). The FrameRate reported in this case is the average frame rate.
The file you are working with could be variable frame-rate file.
Hope this helps.


MATLAB CSV Import Warping Data

When I import my data (numerical matrix of NYSE stock data), the data isn't loaded properly:
the final part of my CSV data disp() displayed should be -
9.76, 10, 9.99, 9.94, 9.97,9.944,9.95,10,9.956,10.01
What I get when I call the disp(importDataResult) is -
0.0100 0.0099 0.0099 0.0100 etc..
Have you got any idea why when I import the data it is transformed completely? The below link contains my zipped CSV file so you can see the problem (I completely understand if you can't be bothered checking this out, but I'd be interested to know if the same problem applies to others' MATLAB / computers).
The code I'm using is:
function [ c ] = CreateCov_Test()
c = csvread('nyse_data_matrix_no_tags.csv');
Here is a screenshot of the issue:
Thank you very much!
Matlab is not transforming any data. The configuration of who Matlab is displaying variables is controlled with format, the default being format short.
An excerpt from the documentation:
format may be used to switch between different output display formats of all float variables as follows:
format SHORT Scaled fixed point format with 5 digits.
So what does Scaled fixed point format with 5 digits mean, well lets see
>> a = [0.1 10000 100]
>> disp(a)
1.0e+04 *
0.0000 1.0000 0.1000
Note the 1.0e+04 *, its a multiplier for all data in the matrix. When displaying a large matrix, this multiplier is often hidden (as in your case), which admittedly can be rather confusing.

Lorenz System in MATLAB- making of simulation and movie

I am trying to simulate trajectories in the Lorenz System in MATLAB, with currently using the following code -
clear all
% Solution
[t1,x1] = ode45('g',[0 30],[0;2;0]);
[t2,x2] = ode45('g2',[0 30],[0;2.001;0]);
[C,h] = size(x2);
ang = 0;
for j = 1:C
p1(j,:)= x1(j,:);
p2(j,:)= x2(j,:); % Plot
plot3(p1(:,1),p1(:,2),p1(:,3),'k', p2(:,1),p2(:,2),p2(:,3),'r'); hold on;
plot3(p2(j,1),p2(j,2),p2(j,3),'rd','markerfacecolor','r'); hold off
axis([-20 20 -40 40 0 50])
axis off
set(gca,'color','none') % Rotation
ang = ang + (360/C); % Record
set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1])
F(j)= getframe(gcf);
With the functions g, g2 defined in the same way:
function xdot = g(t,x)
xdot = zeros(3,1);
sig = 10;
rho = 28;
bet = 8/3;
xdot(1) = sig*(x(2)-x(1));
xdot(2) = rho*x(1)-x(2)-x(1)*x(3);
xdot(3) = x(1)*x(2)-bet*x(3);
Which is the Lorenz System. The purpose of this whole code is to make a movie of the trajectory of two initial states that vary very slightly, in order to demonstrate the chaotic behaviour of this system. The code itself does in fact work, but takes all of my computer's memory, and in an attempt to make a .avi file of the trajectory, it complained about exceeding 7.5 GB - which is of course way too much for this simulation.
My question consists of two parts:
(1) How do I manage this code in order to make it run more smoothly?
(2) How can I make a .avi file of the trajectory? I tried to find a way on the internet for a long time, but either MATLAB or my computer gave up every time.
Thanks in advance!
As already mentioned in my comment above: your code runs quite smoothly on my Laptop machine (an "old" i5 processor, 8 GB memory). Approximately 102 % CPU load is generated and about 55 % of my memory is used during the frame generation process.
To write your frames to a video file is used the following commands:
v = VideoWriter('LorenzAnimation.avi');
This outputs a file of 47 seconds (C=1421 frames, 30 frames per second) duration and frames of size 1364 × 661 pixels each. The file is about 38 MB. Both generating the frames and writing the video took about 3 minutes on my machine (using tic/toc).
I cannot tell you much about CPU load during the video writing process (varying between 5 and 400 %). It took about up to 82 % of my memory. Better do not touch your machine within this process.
Note: make sure that you do not change the size of the figure window as all frames must be the same size, else MATLAB will return with an error message.
Things that might influence the "smoothness":
you are using a bigger frame size than me
you are not using compressed video, what was your approach to write the video file?
the scheduler of your operating system does a bad/good job
your machine is even slower than mine (unlikely)
Edit: initializing variables you are operating on (e.g. vectors and matrices) often speeds up as you are pre-allocating memory. I have tried this for the frame generation process (where 540, 436, 3 should be replaced by your frame dimensions - manually or automatically
G = struct('cdata', uint8( zeros(540, 436, 3) ), 'colormap', []);
G = repmat( G, 1, C );
This gave me a little speed-up, though I am not sure if that's the perfect way to initialize a struct array.

MATLAB reading large text log files with errors

I'm trying to analyze a large text log file (11 GB). All of the data are numerical values, and a snippit of the data are listed below.
-0.0623 0.0524 -0.0658 -0.0015 0.0136 -0.0063 0.0259 -0.003
-0.0028 0.0403 0.0009 -0.0016 -0.0013 -0.0308 0.0511 0.0187
0.0894 0.0368 0*0243 0.0279 0.0314 -0.0212 0.0582 -0.0403 //<====row 3, weird ASCII char * is present
-0.0548 0.0132 0.0299 0.0215 0.0236 0.0215 0.003 -0.0641
-0.0615 0.0421 0.0009 0.0457 0.0018 -0.0259 0.041 0.031
-0.0793 0.01 //<====row 6, the data is misaligned here
0.0278 0.0053 -0.0261 0.0016 0.0233 0.0719
0.0143 0.0163 -0.0101 -0.0114 -0.0338 -0.0415 0.0143 0.129
-0.0748 -0.0432 0.0044 0.0064 -0.0508 0.0042 0.0237 0.0295
0.040 -0.0232 -0.0299 -0.0066 -0.0539 -0.0485 -0.0106 0.0225
Every set of data consists of 2048 rows, and each row has 8 columns.
Here comes the problem: when the data is transformed from binary files to text files using the logging software, a lot of the data are distorted. Take the data above as an example, row 3 column 3 there is a " * " present in the data. And in row 6, one row of data is broken into two rows, one row has 2 data and the other row has 6 data.
I am currently struggling reading this large text files using MATLAB. Since the file itself is so large, I can only use textscan to read the data.
for example:
C = textscan(fd,'%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f',1,'Delimiter','\t ');
However, I cannot use '%f' as format since there contains several weird ASCII characters such as " * " or " ! " in the data. These distorted data cannot be treated as floating point numbers.
So I choose to use:
C = textscan(fd,'%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s',1,'Delimiter','\t ');
and then I transfer those strings into doubles to be processed. However, this encounters the problem of broken lines. When it reaches row 6, it gives:
while it is supposed to look like:
-0.0793 0.01 0.0278 0.0053 -0.0261 0.0016 0.0233 0.0719 ===> one set
0.0143 0.0163 -0.0101 -0.0114 -0.0338 -0.0415 0.0143 0.129 ===> another set
Then the data will be offset by one row and the columns are messed up.
Then I try to do:
C = textscan(fd,'%s',1,'Delimiter','\t ');
to read one element at one time. If this element is NaN, it will textscan the next one until it sees something other than NaN. Once it obtains 2048 non-empty elements, it will store those 2048 data into a matrix to be processed. After being processed, this matrix is cleared.
This method works well for the first 20% of the whole file....BUT,
since the file itself is 11GB which is very large, after reading about 20% of the file, MATLAB shows:
Error using ==> textscan
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
(some people suggest using %f while doing textscan, but it won't work because there are some ASCII chars which are causing problem)
Any suggestions to deal with this file?
I have tried:
C = textscan(fd,'%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s',2048,'Delimiter','\t ');
Although the result is incorrect due to the misalignment of data (like row 6), this code indeed does not cause the "Out of memory" problem. Out of memory problem only occurs when I try to use
C= textscan(fd,'%s',1,'Delimiter','\t ').
to read the data one entry by one entry. Anyone has any idea why this memory problem happens?
This might seem silly, but are you preallocating an array for this data? If the only issue (as it seems to be) with your last function is memory, perhaps
C = zeros(2048,8);
will alleviate your problem. Try inserting that line before you call textscan. I know that MATLAB often exhorts programmers to preallocate for speed; this is just a shot in the dark, but preallocating memory may fix your issue.
Edit: also see this MATLAB Central discussion of a similar issue. It may be that you will have to run the file in chunks, and then concatenate the arrays when each chunk is finished.
Try something like the code below. It preallocates space and reads numRow* numColumns from the textfile at a time. If you can initialize the bigData matrix then it shouldn't run out of memory ... I think.
Note: That I used 9 for #rows since your sample data had 9 complete rows you will want to use 2024 I presume. This also might need some end of file checks etc. and some error handling. Also any numbers w/ odd ascii text in the will turn into NaN.
Note 2: This still might not work or be very very slow. I had a similar problem reading large text files (10-20GB) that were slightly more complicated. I had to abandon reading them in Matlab. Instead I used Perl for an initial pass which output to binary. Then used Matlab to read the binary back into data. The 2 step approach ended up saving lots and lots of runtime. Link in case you are interested
function bigData = readData(fileName)
fid = fopen(fileName,'r');
numBlocks = 1; %Somehow determine # of blocks??? not sure if you know of a way to determine this
r = 9; %Replace 9 with your size 2048
c = 8;
bigData = zeros(r*numBlocks,8);
for k = 1:numBlocks
[dataBlock, rFlag] = readDataBlock(fid,r,c);
if rFlag
%Or some kind of error.
bigData((k-1)*r+1:k*r,:) = dataBlock;
function [dataBlock, rFlag]= readDataBlock(fid,r,c)
C= textscan(fid,'%s',r*c,'Delimiter','\t '); %replace 9*8 by the size of the data block.
dataBlock = [];
if numel(C{1}) == r*c
dataBlock = reshape(str2double(C{1}),9,8);
rFlag = false;
rFlag = true;
% ?? Throw an error or whatever is appropriate
While I don't really know how to solve your problems with the broken data, I can give some advice how to process big text data. Read it in batches of multiple lines and write the output directly to the hard drive. In your case the second might be unnecessary, if everything is working you could try to replace data with a variable.
The code was originally written for a different purpose, I deleted the parser for my problem and replaced it with parsed_data=buffer; %TODO;
batchsize=1000; %process 1000 lines at once
data=matfile(outputfile,'writable',true); %Simply delete this line if you dant "data" to be a variable in your memory
while ftell(input)<bytes_to_read
parsed_data=buffer; %TODO;
buffer={}; %In the default case your empty your buffer her.
%If a incomplete line read here partially, leave it in the buffer.

Force a Specific Camera Aquisition Framerate in a realtime Matlab Loop

I have a function running in real time controlling hardware timing, etc. I want to be able to record video as well, so I've created a global video object in matlab, and set the triggering to manual. Right now, I have it so that each iteration of the realtime loop I record a frame and write it to disk. I'm changing it so that Ill record to memory till I hit some limit, and then writing to disk. However, I'd like to guarantee no matter how fast the real time loop is running, I only capture 15 frames per second.
Thinking about though, how can I make it so that I capture the 15 frames not so dramatically close to each other? If the real time loop is running lightning fast, the 15 frames will just be gathered at the "beginning" and capture almost no change that has occurred during that second. In other words, the faster real time loop is, the more my sampling will act like 1 frame per second (which has 14 other copies made).
For example,
% Main File
function start()
global vid;
global myLogger;
vid = videoinput('winvideo', 1, 'MJPG_160x120');
src = getselectedsource(vid);
triggerconfig(vid, 'manual');
vid.FramesPerTrigger = 1;
vid.LoggingMode = 'disk&memory';
imaqmem(512000000); % 512 MB
myLogger = VideoWriter('C:\Users\myname\Desktop\output.avi', 'Motion JPEG AVI');
myLogger.Quality = 50;
myLogger.FrameRate = 15;
vid.DiskLogger = myLogger;
src.FrameRate = '15.0000';
vid.ReturnedColorspace = 'grayscale';
The real time piece:
function initiateFastLoop
global vid;
global myLogger;
% perform lightning fast stuff
frame = getsnapshot(vid);
writeVideo(myLogger, frame);
The video generated is much higher framerate, and I don't want to capture a frame every single time realtime loop runs, and I don't want to set a simple upper limit because of the problem described above. Any help would be great!

Plottig data - time plotting

I want to plot some data in Matlab, but I'm having problems with properly displaying time.
Time is in format:
So for example: 11:16:41.835
I read my .txt file (tab delimited), and now I need to plot data. All data are the same length, and I reckon there is a problem with the time format. Any advice? plot(time, data1) doesn't work either.
Consider using matlab's built-in datavec, for example:
dvec = datevec('11:21:02.647', 'HH:MM:SS.FFF')
dvec = 1.0e+003 *
2.0100 0.0010 0.0010 0.0110 0.0210 0.0026
More info can be found here