Whitespace and truncation with ellipsis on Select-Object - powershell

I'm trying to figure out why Select-Object
adds a lot of whitespace at the start of its output; and
truncates long properties with ellipsis.
Here's a repro of what I mean. Suppose you run these commands on C:\:
New-Item "MyTest" -Type Directory
cd MyTest
"Some very long lorem ipsum like text going into a certain file, bla bla bla and some more bla." | Out-File test.txt
Get-ChildItem | Select-String "text" | Select-Object LineNumber,Line
This will show output like this:
The ellipsis I can understand, that would be just the way the command ends up getting formatted when the result is written to the console host. However, the whitespace at the start still confuses me in this case.
Things get weirder for me though when I pipe the result to either clip or Out-File output.txt. I get similarly formatted output, with a lot of whitespace at the start and truncated Line properties.
Which command is causing this behavior, and how can I properly solve this? Most importantly: how can I get the full results into a file or onto my clipboard?

The default behavior of outputting the data is to use Format-Table without any modifiers, and the default behavior of Format-Table is to split the viewport into columns of equal width. This makes no assumption on the output width, and is faster in that the cmdlet doesn't need to process any string data from the pipeline prior to output.
To reduce the whitespace, you should use Format-Table -AutoSize as the output method. The -AutoSize switch first measures the widths of data, then outputs with regard to calculated width. If you need to not receive ellipsis and always display the full data set, add -Wrap switch to Format-Table, this way the value will be wrapped into more than a single line, but you can copy it via selecting a square area in Powershell window, just strip newlines off the clipped contents.
Get-ChildItem | Select-String "text" | Select-Object LineNumber,Line | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap

I'd say the best way to get the full output into a file would be to export the result as a CSV:
Get-ChildItem |
Select-String "text" |
Select-Object LineNumber,Line |
Export-Csv 'out.csv'
You could also build a string from the selected properties, which might be better for copying the data to the clipboard:
Get-ChildItem |
Select-String "text" |
ForEach-Object { '{0}:{1}' -f $_.LineNumber, $_.Line } |
Tee-Object 'out.txt' | clip
The behavior you observed is caused by the way PowerShell displays output. Basically, it looks at the first object and counts the properties. Objects with less than 5 properties are sent to Format-Table, otherwise to Format-List. The columns of tabular output are spread evenly across the available space. As #Vesper already mentioned you can enforce proportional column width by using the -AutoSize parameter, and wrapping of long lines by using the -Wrap parameter. Format-List wraps long strings by default.
See this blog post from Jeffrey Snover for more information.


Create Csv with loop and output

This basically works
foreach ($cprev in $CopyPreventeds) {
Write-Host ("prevented copy $(($cprev)."Name")")
$cprev | Select-Object Path, Name, Length, LastWrite, DestinationNewer | Export-Csv '.\prevented.csv' -NoTypeInformation
But only the last output is written to the csv. How could I write all contents to a new csv with an output at the same time for the user in PowerShell.
Maybe I'm missing something?
While I appreciate a solution has already been proposed in the comments, I have to ask, given the narrow scope of the question why are we using an obscure, albeit clever technique? And/or, repeatedly invoking Export-Csv...
The question doesn't mention sparing a variable. Moreover, There doesn't appear to be a need for the ForEach loop.
$CopyPreventeds |
Select-Object Path, Name, Length, LastWrite, DestinationNewer |
Export-Csv '.\prevented.csv' -NoTypeInformation
In the above $CopyPreventeds already exists and remains so, unmolested after the export. You would need only to output it again for the benefit of an interactive user. All taking advantage of PowerShell's intuitive pipeline and features.
Moreover, since the iteration variable $cprev isn't needed you are still less one variable.
Note: You don't need -Append because you are streaming into a single Export-Csv command, as opposed to repeatedly invoking it.
There are at least 2 ways (probably many more) you could conveniently output to an interactive user.
1: Echo a header, something like "The following copies were prevented:" then echo the variable $CopyPreventeds, presumably to a table.
Note: That given multiple points at which you seem only interested in a subset of properties. You may think about trimming those objects beforehand:
$CopyPreventeds =
$CopyPreventeds |
Select-Object Path, Name, Length, LastWrite, DestinationNewer
$CopyPreventeds | Export-Csv '.\prevented.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Write-Host "The following copies were prevented:"
$CopyPreventeds | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-Host
Note: More than 4 Properties in a [PSCustomObject] (resulting from Select-Object) where custom formatting hasn't been defined will by default output as a list, so use Format-Table to overcome that. Out-Host is then used to prevent pipeline pollution.
2: Return to using a ForEach-Object Loop for the output between the Select-Object and the Export-Csv command.
$CopyPreventeds |
Select-Object Path, Name, Length, LastWrite, DestinationNewer
"Prevented Copy : {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}" -f $_.Path, $_.Name, $_.Length, $_.LastWrite, $_.DestinationNewer |
} |
Export-Csv '.\prevented.csv' -NoTypeInformation
In this example, when you are done outputting to the screen (admittedly a little messy), you emit $_ from the loop, thus piping it to Export-Csv just the same.
Note: there are a number of ways to construct strings, I choose to use the -f operator here because it's a little cleaning than imbedding numerous $() sub expressions. And, of course this assume you want to prefix on every line Which I personally think is gratuitous, so I'd choose something more like #1..

Powershell length won't show up in output of Get-ChildItem

I'm trying this command in Windows 10 PowerShell:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | select FullName,Length,LastAccessTime
The result only contains FullName , while LastAccessTime and Length is missing from output.
PowerShell ScreenShot
What am I doing wrong?
The problem is merely a display problem:
Because the paths among the output objects are long and FullName is the first property selected, the remaining properties (columns) don't print, because they cannot fit on the screen. However, the properties are present, and can be used programmatically.
Note: If the intent is to save to a file for later programmatic processing, you shouldn't use > / Out-File, which result in the same for-display formatting that you see in the console (terminal), because this formatting is meant only for the human observer.
For programmatic processing, use a structured data format such as CSV, as shown in Ashok Prasath's answer
A quick-and-dirty workaround is to put the FullName property last, as Doug Maurer advises, which will make all properties (columns) show, though the FullName property values will be truncated (symbolized with …), and notably from the start of the paths:
# FullName is placed *last*
# Caveat: Paths will be truncated at the *end*.
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | select Length, LastAccessTime, FullName
If you don't mind switching to a list-based format, where each property value is represented on its own line prefixed by the property name, pipe to Format-List; note that overly long values will line-wrap:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | select FullName,Length,LastAccessTime | Format-List
If you do want tabular output and don't mind line-wrapping in your output, you can pipe to Out-String with a -Width value large enough to fit all columns (note that Out-File also supports -Width):
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | select FullName,Length,LastAccessTime |
Out-String -Width 300
If you prefer horizontal scrolling to line wrapping, you could save the above to a file and open in it a text editor or, with a text editor such as Visual Studio Code, you can directly pipe the output to it:
# Opens the output directly in a new Visual Studio Code editor tab.
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | select FullName,Length,LastAccessTime |
Out-String -Width 300 | code -
Otherwise - if you do want to see tabular display in the console, in the exact column order specified and without line-wrapping - your only option is to truncate the FullName values so that all columns can fit; note that, for brevity, I am omitting the select (Select-Object) call in favor of direct use of Format-Table:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse |
Format-Table #{ e='FullName'; w=[Console]::WindowWidth-45; a='right'},
Length, LastAccessTime
Note how the column width (w entry, short for width) is based on the console window's with ([Console]::WindowWidth) minus 45 characters, to show as much of the FullName values as possible while still leaving room for the other two columns; also, to ensure that truncation (symbolized with … is applied to the start of the path - so that file/directory name is always displayed - the column is right-aligned (via the a entry, short for alignment); if you prefer truncation of the end of the path, omit the a entry (which then defaults to left).
For more information on this hashtable-based (#{ ... }) way of specifying so-called calculated properties for Format-Table, including a way to truncate from the start while also maintaining left alignment, see this answer.
This will work:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | select FullName,Length,LastAccessTime | Export-Csv list.csv

Select-String in Powershell only displaying part of the line from a text file, need it to display whole thing

I am trying to write a simple PS script to check large .txt log files for a short string: "SRVE0242I:"
$lines = Select-String -Path $logDir -Pattern "SRVE0242I:" | Select-Object line | Out-String
On output though, it only displays the following:
[28/06/17 13:48:27:839] 00000020 ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [User] [User] [com_xxxxxxx_...
And not the full line. Is there a limit to how many characters this pulls? I can't find any info on any restrictions for the Select-String cmdlet. Is there a better way to do this so that I don't a) pull the heading "Line" in my list of lines (Don't really want to create table formatting for such a simple output) and b) get the whole line when I pull the info?
You are seeing it like this because it's displaying the Line property using the default Format-Table view and shortening it to the width of the console.
Do this instead:
$lines = Select-String -Path $logDir -Pattern "SRVE0242I:" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty line
This returns the value of the Line property as a string to the $lines variable. You don't need to use Out-String.
There is! Long story short, Select-Object is doing the truncating here. Here's one way to get the first untruncated line in a Select-String output
$(Select-String -Path $logDir -Pattern "SRVE0242I:")[0].Line
When you run into something like this, you can break down the individual steps to determine what's happening by piping things to Get-Member. Here's what's happening in the code above:
Select-String <# args #> | Get-Member
Select-String gives us a MatchInfo object, which (as you've correctly determined) has a 'Line' property. When run on it's own, Select-String will actually spit out all the information you're looking for, and will not truncate it by default (at least, on v6.0.0-beta). It does give you an array of MatchInfo objects if it finds multiple matches, so you have to index into that array if you just want the first one (like I did above).
Select-String <# args #> | Select-Object Line | Get-Member
Select-Object applies PowerShell's default formatting for objects which, in most cases, will truncate your output for easier viewing. For objects with a bunch of members (like a MatchInfo object), it will try to do one per line by default.
Select-String <# args #> | Select-Object Line | Out-String | Get-Member
Out-String directly translates it's input to a string. That is, rather than trying to cast something to a string or pull a string Property out of an object that's passed to it, it just changes whatever it receives into an object. In this case, it turns the already-formatted MatchInfo output into a string. Nothing happens to the output on the terminal, but Get-Member will reveal a String rather than a MatchInfo object.
It's not directly relevant here, but if you're interested in modifying the default formatting, it's governed by the types.ps1xml file.

Retain coloring scheme for Powershell cmdlet after execution

Is there any way to retain the Powershell command coloring scheme after execution of the command in the Console Pane.
And is there a way to color the output column-headers separately.
None of the themes I browsed or could find online achieve this.
Try the following:
Get-Disk | Select -property * | ft -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String -stream | %{if($_ | Select-String 'Style' -NotMatch){Write-Host $_ -f Yellow}else{Write-Host $_}}
This passes your output to a string. The -stream operator makes each line into a separate string, and you then check each string for something in your header ('Style'). If it checks, the string gets written out with the color formatting.
The Output Colorizer VSC extension does it for the Output stream. I wish it could colorize the terminal output too.

How do I remove newline from a PowerShell variable

I'm trying to do some processing logic - running some commands in parallel based on the tree configuration CSV file:
I load the file into the variable and then I'm trying to find the next step which needs to be processed:
$Data = Import-Csv -delimiter ";" .\config.csv
$NextStep = $Data | Select-Object -first 1 | Where-Object {$_.Started -eq ""}
$NextStepText = $NextStep.Operation | ft -autosize | out-string
The problem is that it seems like $NextStep.Operation contains new line character. When I display it I get:
PS C:\temp\SalesForce> $NextStep.operation
PS C:\temp\SalesForce> $NextStep.Operation.Contains("`n")
Do you know what I'm doing wrong? I would like to display the content without the "dummy" new line character which is there even if contains method is saying it is not there.
Or please advise how to do it better. I'm still learning PowerShell; so far I just google the commands, and I'm trying to put it together.
The newline isn't in your data, it's being added by Out-String. Observe the output of the following (in particular, where you do and don't get the newline after CA1):
$Data = import-csv -delimiter ";" .\config.csv
$NextStep = $Data | select-object -first 1 | where-object {$_.Started -eq ""}
$NextStepText = $NextStep.Operation | ft -autosize | out-string
$NextStep.Operation | ft -autosize
You shouldn't be using Format-Table at that step (and Out-String is unnecessary in this script) if you intend to use $NextStepText for anything other than direct output later on. Consider Format-Table (or any of the Format-* cmdlets) the end of the line for usable data.
Why do you think that there is a new line character of some sort in there? If you are using the ISE then what you posted doesn't look like there is. It is normal to have a blank line between commands (in the v2/v3 ISE, not sure about v4), so what you posted would not indicate that it contains any new line characters.
You can always check the $NextStep.Operation.Length to see if it says 3 or 4. If there is a `n in there it'll show up in the length. For example (copied and pasted out of my v3 PS ISE):
PS C:\> $test = "Test`nTest2"
PS C:\> $test
PS C:\> $test.Length
PS C:\>
That was to show that there is a new line character injected by following it with text, without any text following the new line character it looks like this:
PS C:\> $test = "Test`n"
PS C:\> $test
PS C:\> $test.Length
PS C:\>
You'll notice that there are 2 blank lines after the text "Test" on the second command. The first is the line injected into the variable, and the second is the obligatory line that PS puts in to show separation between commands.
Out-String unexpectedly appends a trailing newline to the string it outputs.
This problematic behavior is discussed in GitHub issue #14444.
A simple demonstration:
# -> '42<newline>'
(42 | Out-String) -replace '\r?\n', '<newline>'
However, you neither need Format-Table nor Out-String in your code:
Format-* cmdlets output objects whose sole purpose is to provide formatting instructions to PowerShell's for-display output-formatting system. In short: only ever use Format-* cmdlets to format data for display, never for subsequent programmatic processing - see this answer for more information.
Out-String is capable of interpreting these formatting instructions, i.e. it does produce data - in the form of a single, multi-line string by default - that is the string representation of what would print to the display.
As such, the resulting string contains a representation for the human observer, not a structured text format suitable for programmatic processing.
In your case, Format-Table is applied to a string, which is pointless, because strings always render as themselves, in full (-AutoSize has no effect); piping to Out-String then in effect returns the original string with an (undesired) newline appended.
Therefore, use a simple variable assignment to store the property value of interest in a separate variable:
$NextStepText = $NextStep.Operation