Dynamic dropdown custom field in moodle - moodle

I want to create a dynamic(database driven) custom profile field in moodle.
it shd take the data of the university table which is customly made by us.it shd be a dropdown that should populate the university name from the database. This custom field should be visible in adding a new user page.
Plz help me with this topic


Multiple CrudPanel on a single CRUD page in laravel Backpack

In laravel-backpack i want to create custom show page which contain multiple crud page with different styles/formats:
One example : i have Show page for person model and i want to add "Add new Note" option for note model insides of person Show page.
If I were you, I would create a new Backpack widget and add it to the end of the Show operation.
Alternatively, you can create a custom Operation, and use the ShowOperation as an example.

In SuiteCRM in workflow module display phone related fields in dropdown

I'm fresher working in SuiteCRM, please help me out with this requirement.
In workflow, in add action section I kept one dropdown list in which all fields are displayed according to module selected.
For example, if I select Account module, all fields related to accounts will be displayed in dropdown.
I want only office_phone and alernate_phone fileds to displayed in that dropdown,of selected module.
dropdown of all fields as per module selected:

Providing Dynamic Hyper links in jasper server report embedded in webapplication to route within webapplication

I'm new to Jasper, I'm building a report and embedding it in my web application, which consist of List of names from my database, I want those names to be hyperlink so that if the user click on that name he must be able to view the details page about that person in my web application. Can some one please let me know is this feature possible ?
Yeah u have to create object id for each user and place that user with in html hyperlink tag then call function for showing the user page based on object id.

Adding new page to Admin Panel in Magento

I am developing an e-commerce website and I need to customize the database. I want to add some tables into the database and records entry should be done from the Magento Admin Panel, eg:-
Like as we click Add New Product under Manage Products from Magento Admin Panel, whatever data we provide there like, name, weight, description, sku, etc, it is entered to the respective database table automatically.
Now, let’s say I want three more tables to be created in the database: Brand(brand_id, brand_name, brand_desc...), Brand_loc(brand_id, brand_loc_id, brand_address, brand_city, brand_state...), Product(prod_id, brand_id, brand_loc_id, prod_name, prod_weight....).
So, I want the above tables’ attributes to be shown in Magento Admin Panel and as I enter the data from Magento Admin Panel, it should be entered to the respective tables in the database like I explained of Add New Product above.
Can anyone please help me on the above issue....
I will proceed as follows :
add a event observer in my module so that can be called once a product is saved, there are various observers in magento for before and after events.
when a product is saved i will add my code of saving data into custom tables in the observer function.
tutorial to add product after observer is here :
As per a magento developer i would advice to create a complete module doing as said above, and also create pages so that admin can edit/delete brands in your case.

How to add new fields in cart of VirtueMart (Joomla!)

I am working on joomla and using joomla VirtueMart component.I created new fields in product detail page like color and size (drop down), Now I want to add that POST value (ex. $_POST["cmbColor"]) in shopping cart process and finally to be saved in database of VirtueMart.Please help me how to add these fields in cart.
Did you use the attribute system to add the optional color and size? Using either child products or attributes will get the options to show in the cart and saved on a sale. The VM documentation is pretty good on this topic, you can find how to use attributes here -