Do we use RLMObject or Object in Swift Realm? - swift

I've seen examples for Realm where they use
class Person: Object {}
as well as
class Person: RLMObject {}
which one are we supposed to use?
Also, I can't get the init function to work for the former. Any help will be appreciated.

If you're working in Swift, Realm.Object (Object) was designed for the Swift interface. It has better type detection and more natural Swift phrases.
Object is backed by RLMObject, so you can use RLMObject if you want, but its an Objective-C api so some things may be a bit more tedious.
Realm made RealmSwift for a reason! Use Object :)


Can I Override swift per-module namespaces for my NSCoding classes? (I need Module1.MyCodedClass == Module2.MyCodedClass)

Can I Override swift per-module namespaces for my NSCoding classes?
I basically need:
Module1.MyCodedClass == Module2.MyCodedClass
I know I can put MyCodedClass in a dynamic framework and I use that approach but that seems like overkill :D
maybe set a custom module for a certain class?
OR tell the nscoder that class a == class b ...
If the primary issue is NSCoding, I've done this with the #objc() attribute before the class declaration like this:
#objc(MyCodedClass) class MyCodedClass: NSObject, NSCoding {
This causes NSCoder to use just the name of your class without the module name attached (the way that it would do it if the class were implemented in Objective-C)
Also - here is something I just learned that totally fixed a problem I was facing. I had a couple versions of my app ship before I did the above #objc() fix on my encoded classes, so there are basically encoded versions of Module1.MyCodedClass floating around (stored in a database) and I needed to be able to decode those as simply MyCodedClass objects now. You can do this in NSKeyedUnarchiver like this:
[NSKeyedUnarchiver setClass:[MyCodedClass class] forClassName:#"Module1.MyCodedClass"];
So far, in my testing it works long as you set the class for the old classname prior to ever attempting to decode an object, you should be set. Whenever you attempt to decode Module1.MyCodedClass objects, it will decode them as MyCodedClass objects.

Extensions in my own custom class

I was reading through another SO question, Swift do-try-catch syntax. In his answer, rickster creates an extension for the OP's custom class. Konrad77 comments that it's a "Really nice way to keep your code clean." I respect their knowledge which leads me to believe I'm missing the point somewhere in my own code.
Are there any other benefits (aside from cleanliness) or reasons to create an extension for a class I created? I can just put the same functionality directly into the class. And does the answer change if I am the only one using the class or if someone else will be accessing it?
In the case of a class that you create from scratch extensions are a powerful type of documentation through structure. You put the core of your class in the initial definition and then add on extensions to provide additional features. For example, adding adherence to a protocol. It provides locality to the contained code:
struct Foo {
let age: Int
extension Foo: CustomStringConvertible {
var description:String { return "age: \(age)" }
Could I have put the protocol and computed property in the struct declaration? Absolutely but when you have more than one or two properties it starts to get messy and difficult to read. It's easier to create bugs if the code isn't clean and readable. Using extensions is a great way to stave off the difficulties that come with complexity.

Add an extension/method to all objects in Swift

In Objective-C, all objects can be treated as type id, and nearly all objects inherit from NSObject. (Blocks don't, but that's about the only exception.)
Thus it's possible to create an Objective-C category that extends ALL Objective-C objects. (ignoring blocks)
In Objective-C, I created an extension to NSObject that uses associated objects to optionally attach a dictionary to any NSObject. That enabled me to implement methods setAssocValue:forKey: and assocValueForKey: that makes it possible to attach a key/value pair to any NSObject. This is useful in lots of circumstances.
It makes it possible to add stored properties to a category, just for example. You just write a getter/setter that uses the associated value methods to attach a stored object, and away you go.
It also makes it possible to attach values to existing system objects at runtime. You can hang data or blocks of code on buttons, or do whatever you need to do.
I'd like to do the same thing in Swift.
However, Swift does not have a common base class for all objects like Objective-C does. AnyObject and Any are protcols.
extension AnyObject
Won't compile.
I'm at a loss as to where to "attach" my setAssocValue:forKey: and assocValueForKey: methods in Swift.
I could create a base class for my extension, but that defeats the point of using an extension. I could make my base object an Objective-C NSObject, but that means all my objects have to be NSObjects, and Swift objects are not NSObjects by default.
(BTW, this question applies to both the Mac OS and iOS platforms)
No. You've pretty much answered your own question--Swift objects don't have a base class, and the only real way to get around it is to inherit from NSObject.

Swift : Why is the class method struck out

As long as a Swift class extends from NSObject we can pass it to the Objective-C runtime and ask it to introspect it for us.
We have three options:
. . however class is struck out. (See image). Why is this?
That's because class is a keyword in Swift, therefore any valid method cannot be named class. In the same way you cannot create a method named for, while or other keyword.
I wasn't able to reproduce the strike-out with my methods, however, naming a method var (or other keyword) in obj-c makes it impossible to be called from Swift.
I was wrong. It's still possible to call class from Swift using
var clazz: AnyClass? = self.`class`()
However, then the compiler says:
'Class' is unavailable: use 'dynamicType' instead
So the answer by Edwin Vermeers is the correct one.
As you can see in the documentation, it's only available in Objective C and not in swift.
I think this is because the AnyObject gives you enough information (More than the NSObject)
for instance you can do NSStringFromClass(BaseObject) in swift instead of the NSStringFromClass([BaseObject class]) that you do in Objective C

Combine generics and extensions in Swift?

Looking at:
Using a dispatch_once singleton model in Swift
I see a very generic pattern for creating a shared singleton instance of my class. What I'd like to be able to do is create an extension for "all classes" that implements this sharedInstance method with generics.
I don't see any syntax for doing this; anybody want to take a crack at it?
As others have pointed out, Swift offers a simpler way to create singletons.
As an example: let's say we have a class called Model, and we want to have a single instance, visible throughout our app. All we need to write in the global scope is:
let modelSingleton = Model()
This will create an instance of the Model class, visible everywhere, and that cannot be replaced by another instance (Hmmm, that's pretty much what one would expect from a singleton, isn't it?).
Now, this way of doing would, on the other hand, still allow you to create other Model instances, apart from the singleton. While this departs from the official definition of singletons in other languages, this approach would have the interesting advantage of allowing the creation of other instances for testing purposes (singletons have bad press in the unit testing world :) ).
Swift will soon offer everything needed to create real Singleton<T> classes (it's hard now because class vars aren't allowed yet). But that being said, the approach described above will probably be more than enough for many Swift programmers.
I don't think this is possible.
Even if it was possible to extend Any / AnyObject, every object would share the same implementation of the sharedInstance singleton getter, and therefore the same static instance variable. Thus, instance would get set to an instance of the first class on which sharedInstance was called.
extension Any {
class var sharedInstance:TPScopeManager {
get {
struct Static {
static var instance : TPScopeManager? = nil
if !Static.instance {
Static.instance = TPScopeManager()
return Static.instance!
NSString.sharedInstance() // Returns an NSString
NSArray.sharedInstance() // Returns the same NSString object!
In Swift you can make an extension to NSObject, but you can't extend Any/AnyObject