JSON-RPC 2.0 allow Notifications to have an Error response? - json-rpc

I still wasn't 100% sure after reading the JSON-RPC 2.0 spec about this: Does the spec allow the sender of a Notification the ability to receive back an Error object? For example if the receiver of the Notification failed to parse the payload of the Notification, can it reply back saying that it failed to parse? Or even that is not allowed?
If it allowed, then does the Error object response require the presence of the "id": null or not?

Yes, you should respond with an error if it's not a valid JSON-RPC request.
If there is not enough progression through the process to determine that the
request object is a notification, it should default to normal request
handling, which would include sending a response... which probably is also
always an error.
As for the second part of your question, yes, you must include "id": null.
This member is REQUIRED.
If there was an error in detecting the id in the Request object (e.g. Parse error/Invalid Request), it MUST be Null.


RESTful status code for a request that cannot be satisfied because of a dependency issue

My payment endpoint which accepts a POST should deny requests when the user does not have any payment methods configured. What is the correct HTTP status code in this case?
What is the correct HTTP status code to be raised when the system itself cannot reach the state asked for by the request and another request (creating a payment method) must be completed first?
I looked at 428 Precondition Required, but that seems to have more to do with the headers than the state of the system.
I would go simply with 400 Bad Request. If you need more specific instructions or hints in the response, you can return a body, which will indicate the exact nature of the error.
You don't need to assign a specific HTTP error code to all your internal business-related error cases. Indeed this is probably not possible anyway.
The specification on 400: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7231#section-6.5.1
Relevant quotes from there:
indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error
And about the 4xx codes in general:
the server SHOULD send a representation containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition
Did you look into error 424 Failed_Dependency? I think this could bethe one you want.

Rest endpoint with success and a helpful warning

I have a request from the client - when the user performs an action, there can be 3 actions:
the action succeeds with 200 OK status
the action fails (400) with an error message
the action succeeds but we need to display a helpful warning message to the user. This happens when the allocated amount is almost used up.
There does not seem to be a way for REST APIs to return an indication that the action completed successfully with some helpful information that further action might fail.
HTTP response codes are limited and I think, those to be used to indicate any generic response. To have application specific response codes or response strings, it is better to have application level response codes to be communicated via HTTP response payload.
You didn't mention which HTTP method you are preparing for. Using GET should of course not modify anything, so I'm assuming it's either POST or PUT.
For POST, the response should be 201 Created. There should be a Location header line indicating the resource that was created.
For PUT, the response should be 200 OK.
In both cases, you can return a content body, as others suggested. This body can be some status information about the current state of whatever resource you are using. Note, that this status information might be reachable explicitly by some other URI, so it can share a mime-type with that "status" resource.
REST is using HTTP methods and HTTP status to represent the status of reply, by checking HTTP status I can find code 203 I think it could be suitable for your 3rd case :
203 Non-Authoritative Information (since HTTP/1.1)
The server successfully processed the request, but is returning information that may be from another source.

What status code should be sent when a user tries to sign up with a username that already exists?

I was thinking 403. From http://www.restapitutorial.com/httpstatuscodes.html:
The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 404 (Not Found) can be used instead.
Edit: Endpoint - POST /users.
The normal HTTP error code for situations like this is 409 Conflict:
The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. This code is only allowed in situations where it is expected that the user might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request. The response body SHOULD include enough
information for the user to recognize the source of the conflict. Ideally, the response entity would include enough information for the user or user agent to fix the problem; however, that might not be possible and is not required.
This should be issued in response to a POST or PUT, typically as part of some sort of RESTful API. It should include a useful error message in addition to the status, and the error should be appropriately encoded (e.g. with XML or JSON).
Obscure HTTP errors are less useful in front-end web services. If you are developing a user-facing website, it's preferable to simply deliver an HTML page explaining the problem with a standard 200 OK.
If you are creating a REST API to create accounts, I would expect the request to be something like:
POST /accounts HTTP/1.1
{userid: "someone#example.com", password: "passw0rd!"}
In this case, I guess an appropriate response code would be 409 Conflict with an error description in the body
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
{ error: "Account already exists"}
That status code is for an HTTP error, not what you need. Also, it would be very unhelpful as it does not describe the problem at all.
Why not just send:
Username already exists! Please select another.
403 is an ok response in my opinion. 409 and 412 are also possible choices.

How to send response code in REST services.?

I am developing RESTful Services to CREATE operations. In my use case, it is enough to tell the clients whether the transaction is success or fail. And if fail, we need to send them back error code.
Is it possible to send only these information back without sending xml response or JSON response. If so, how to do it.
We have existing error code in 5 digits, we wont be changing this for this api. If this is not possible.
Will JSON response better than XML response.? We are accepting XML request.
Requesting your comments.
I'm going to assume this service will be called over HTTP, since that's what most people mean when they say "RESTful service."
Generally speaking, most people map "create" type functionality to POST methods (though you can also do it with PUT).
If you just need to indicate that the record was created, the answer is "None of the above" (i.e., you don't need a response body at all). Usually a 201 Created is returned with a Location header which specifies the URL of the newly-created resource. In theory, you could also return a 204 No Content since you don't need to pass anything other than the status code (though this would be more appropriate for a PUT, otherwise there is no way to communicate to the client the identifier of the newly-created resource).
For failures, usually a 400-series error is returned if the request message is bad (i.e., it's the client's fault) and a 500-series error is returned if a system error occurs when processing (i.e., it's the server's fault). If you need to convey additional information in the response body, consider returning a response that uses a media type of something like application/vnd.error which allows you to express context information about where the error occurred.

Best way to return error messages on REST services?

I've been looking at examples of REST API's like Netflix http://developer.netflix.com/docs/REST_API_Reference#0_59705 and Twitter and they seem to place error messages in the statusText header response instead of the responseText. We're developing an internal RESTful api and I am arguing for sending custom statusText messages and ignoring the responseText.
For the scope of our app, we're returning error 400 when the user has tried doing something they aren't supposed to, and the only error messages that will be updated in the UI for the user will be delivered with 400. I am of the belief that the message should be sent as a modified statusText but one of the engineers (who knows a bit less about REST than me) is arguing for sending it in the responseText.
What's the best way to go?
HTTP defines that you should put a descriptive error message in the response entity body, aka responseText.
statusText is not rendered or processed by any client.
I'd use the status text for the error message type, aka 400 Client Error, and the body for a description of the problem that can be rendered to the user, in whatever the format the client may be able to process.
Edit: Note that since then, a new standardised format exists to communicate in a standard fashion error details back to the client, which you can find at https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7807 and which I would recommend.
I think you're right, the general approach is use the existing error mechanism built into HTTP.
In general, try to map your errors to existing HTTP errors, for example if they request something they don't have permission to, return a 403 error.
If they request something that doesn't exist, return a 404.
According to the HTTP specification (rfc2616): "HTTP status codes are extensible"
However I don't think that creating new statuses for every different error message is the correct approach:
I would say choose HTTP Status appropriately (HTTP Status Code Definitions) if you can't find any category which matches your requirement create a custom one (but I'm sure you will) and put error messages in the HTTP response body.
Picking appropriate status code for your responses is extremely important as it is a key enabler of self-descriptive messages.
The entity body should be a representation of the resource's state and ideally contain hyperlinks to available next states in your application
Http Status Codes are pretty self explanatory and should be used as such. Returning 200 OK with validation errors is pretty Soap-y and misleading. Any REST Client implementation 4xx and 5xx errors go into a error block and it really depends on case to case basis if you really want to use the response body for non 2xx responses.