I am working on a jasper report which uses following query:
select * from user_type
user_type have values either "New Visitor" or "returning Visitor".
To get count of sessions of "New Visitor" I am creating a variable as:
<variable name="new_visitor" class="java.lang.Long" calculation="Sum">
<variableExpression><![CDATA[$F{user_type}.equals("New Visitor") ? $F{sessions} : 0]]></variableExpression>
But when I print value of this variable in detail band or summary band its printing only zero.
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong here?
In my report, I have two values of column "Status" are: Y/N.
I want to count "Y" in "Status".
I created a variable $V{count_y} with Variable Expression : String.valueOf($F{status})=="Y" but $V{count_y} count all record (include Y and N).
<variable name="count_y" class="java.lang.Integer" calculation="Count">
Now, how can i count?
Thanks !
Create variable like this
<field name="status" class="java.lang.String"/>
<variable name="countY" class="java.lang.Integer" calculation="Sum">
<variableExpression><![CDATA[$F{status}.equals("Y") ? 1 : 0]]></variableExpression>
and put $V{countY} into Summary band
I'm going to get the sum of a entire field in Jasper Report. I'm passing JRTableModelDataSource from a Java code.
Unit Price | Quantity
100.00 | 5
150.00 | 2
200.00 | 4
I'm printing these values in my report using field.
Field Expression
$F{Unit Price}*$F{Quantity}(This is the variable named '$V{MUL}')
and it prints
And now I need to prints the sum of all these values such as,
I need to print this 1600.00(Sum of entire Field) in my report.
I tried with this,
$V{MUL} is the variable that of multiplied values(500.00,300.00,800.00)
But I got an error. Is this possible to do or How can I do this?
You can do as shown below
<variable name="GrpAmount" class="java.math.BigDecimal" resetType="Group" resetGroup="keyType" calculation="Sum">
<variableExpression><![CDATA[$F{Unit Price}*$F{Quantity}]]></variableExpression>
I have a report with several input controls that are used to populate another input control.
My input controls:
GPI - a multi-select input control that has product codes. The parameter is a collection.
NAME_LOOKUP - a single-value text box where the user can type a product name. The parameter is a string.
NDC - a list of drug codes that obtains values based on what is input in GPI and NAME_LOOKUP.
The query that populates NDC has this WHERE clause:
REGEXP_LIKE(DESCRIPTION, $P{name_lookup}, 'i')
OR REGEXP_LIKE(NDC, $P{name_lookup}, 'i')
OR ($X{IN, GPI, gpi})
It works as the $X syntax is designed to -- if the user doesn't select a GPI value from the list, my NDC input control shows all drug codes. However, I only want to show drug codes when a value is actually selected from the GPI input control.
When I try
REGEXP_LIKE(DESCRIPTION, $P{name_lookup}, 'i')
OR REGEXP_LIKE(NDC, $P{name_lookup}, 'i')
OR ($X{IN, GPI, gpi} AND $P{gpi} IS NOT NULL)
I get an invalid column type in JasperReports Server for the NDC input control.
When I try
REGEXP_LIKE(DESCRIPTION, $P{name_lookup}, 'i')
OR REGEXP_LIKE(NDC, $P{name_lookup}, 'i')
OR ($X{IN, GPI, gpi} AND $P!{gpi} IS NOT NULL)
I get a missing expression error.
What can I do to limit the NDC input control's results to just the selected GPI, and not all results?
I just found this while experiencing the same problem, I finally solved it using a second parameter holding the lenght of the list:
<parameter name="potentially_empty_list" class="java.util.Collection"/>
<parameter name="num_of_list_elements" class="java.lang.Integer" isForPrompting="false">
And the SQL query would then be:
[... select etc...]
WHERE $X{IN,mysql_column_name, ist}
AND $P{num_of_list_elements} > 0
which for an empty list would be sent to mysql as:
WHERE 0 = 0 #(that's how jasper parses $X{IN..} for an empty collection
AND 0 > 0 # don't match anything :)
There is an interesting alternative because $X{NOTIN, ...} also evaluates to 0=0 in case of empty list.
Therefore you can do like this:
($X{IN, cs.companyid, companyIds}
($X{NOTIN, cs.companyid, companyIds}))
A report in iReport (4.0.1) with various fields includes: $F{value} (Integer) and $F{created_at}.
I'd like to calculate variables that would give:
the sum of $F{value} when $F{created_at} is before a given date
the sum of $F{value} when $F{created_at} is after a given date
Any idea how this could be done?
You will have to use two different variables to do this. For your variables, use something like this in the 'Variable Expression'. The Date class also has an after() function. If the expression evaluates to true $F{value} will be added, otherwise 0 will be added.
$F{created_at}.before($P{givenDate}) ? $F{value} : 0
To use a variable to sum, you need to change the calculation type to "Sum". The default reset type, report will sum values over the entire report. The other reset types work the same way just over different sections of the report (column, page or group).
Here is the XML for the "before" case:
<variable name="sumValueCreatedBefore" class="java.lang.Integer" calculation="Sum">
<variableExpression><![CDATA[F{created_at}.before($P{givenDate}) ? $F{value} : 0]]></variableExpression>
there is another solution for that : write sub query in the select statment
(select sum(Fieldname) from tablename where dategiven date) as aftersum
from tablename
where conditions
I need to make a grand total of the items I'm counting in a subReport. To do that, I think I need to add the value of that variable to another variable for each iteration, or "increment" it by that value. The subReport gets called for each group, and I get a total for that group. I need to add the variable values, rather than database columns/fields.
I'm receiving an integer returnValue from the subReport, which is itself the count of rows in the sub-report. I want to get the grand total, since that subReport is called multiple times for the different results (each for a GROUP) from my main SQL query. I want to add up all the results, but I'm getting a null value. I tried adding an operation to the subReport as a new returnValue and choosing Sum as the operation, but that also yielded a null.
<variable name="itemCount" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="None"/>
<variable name="grandCount"
<returnValue subreportVariable="countItems" toVariable="itemCount"/>
Add attribute calculation="Sum" to variable name="grandCount"
or pass grandCount to subreport as parameter
<subreportParameter name="grandCount">
in subreport declare variable countItems with initialValue of parameter grantCount
<variable name="countItems" .... >
<variableExpression><![CDATA[$P{itemCount} + $P{grandCount}]]></variableExpression>
and return
<returnValue subreportVariable="countItems" toVariable="grandCount" calculation="Sum"/>
Im not exactly shure how to write it in JRXML since i use iReport.
In iReport, i create a new Variable, with class type "Integer", and calculation type "System"
The calculation type is important here.
In the variable expression, you will need something like $V{grandCount} = $V{grandCount} + $V{itemCount}
NOTE: JasperReports render band by band, so you wont be able to use the grandCount variable in a band before the subreport band.
Hope im not too late
You might try to increment your variable (I named it totalSum) only when the band (group) is equal to the one on which the subreport is. For this you would need a field in the report to give you the current band (group).
<variable name="totalSum"
<![CDATA[new Boolean($F{reportPart}.equals("The_band_with_the_subreport")).booleanValue() ? $V{returnValue} : $V{totalSum}]]>
<![CDATA[new Integer(0)]]>
I'm not sure if this works, I don't have the context to test it. But you might also try a second solution - with three variables. For example, you keep the value returned from the subreport (let's say returnValue) in a variable and you use another two variables to hold the sum - one until the subreport is called (let's say partialSum) and the second to store the sum between the returnValue and the partialSum. Let's call it totalSum. Then you would have something like this for totalSum:
<variable name="totalSum"
<![CDATA[$V{returnValue} + $V{partialSum}]]>
<![CDATA[new Integer(0)]]>
For partialSum, you'll have something like this:
<variable name="partialSum"
<![CDATA[new Boolean($F{reportPart}.equals("The_band_with_the_subreport")).booleanValue() ? $V{returnValue} : new Integer(0)]]>
<![CDATA[new Integer(0)]]>
I hope this helps a bit. It would be easier to make all these settings from iRport directly on the report you want to use.