wget proxy authentication error - solaris

I get the following error when trying to connect to a http URL through a proxy using wget
the error:
wget "http://pro.fastmarkets.com/feeds/default.aspx?usr=anzbank&pwd=587345bv98735vb2b56&feed=physicals-csv" -O /tmp/test.csv
**wget: Error in /home/acdbaqa/.wgetrc at line 3.**
--06:04:15-- http://pro.fastmarkets.com/feeds/default.aspx?usr=anzbank&pwd=587345bv98735vb2b56&feed=physicals-csv
=> `/tmp/test.csv'
Connecting to connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 407 Proxy Authentication Required
06:04:15 ERROR 407: Proxy Authentication Required.
my .wgetrc file contents:
line 3 is the password. am i missing anything here? not sure why it says error at line 3

Τhis was solved by changing the .wgetrc file with the below parameters
it is NOT proxy_user and proxy_password.

You are using an older wget release where the password setting used the following syntax (note the missing "or" in password):


WGET a Redmine CSV file

I am trying to get a CSV file from Redmine in a shell script. WGET is complaining about an unacceptable. Any ideas what the magical incantation is, or how to find it?
$ wget --no-check-certificate --accept csv https://username:password#company.com/redmine/issues.csv?utf8=%E2%9C%93&columns=all&description=1
Resolving company.com (company.com)...
Connecting to company.com (company.com)||:443... connected.
WARNING: The certificate of ‘company.com’ is not trusted.
WARNING: The certificate of ‘company.com’ hasn't got a known issuer.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 406 Not Acceptable
2017-04-04 10:14:20 ERROR 406: Not Acceptable.
You can try to replace --accept csv with --accept "*.csv". See the wget manual: https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/wget.html#Recursive-Accept_002fReject-Options

Trying to recursively download zip files with wget fails with 401 error

I am trying to download all the zip files from the website http://www.minetad.gob.es/energia/balances/Publicaciones/ElectricasMensuales/Paginas/ElectricasMensuales.aspx
Note that the .zip files listed have the route (By using right click over the link and selecting copy link address) in the form, for example the first one http://www.minetad.gob.es/energia/balances/Publicaciones/ElectricasMensuales/2015/Abril_2015.zip
I have tried all the combinations listed here How to download multiple .zip files?, but none of them works. They either download an empty structure of directories, or I get this error message:
For example, this one
wget -r -l1 -nd -H -t1 -nd -N -np -A.zip -erobots=off -U mozilla --random-wait http://www.minetad.gob.es/energia/balances/Publicaciones/ElectricasMensuales/2015
gives me the following error message:
Resolving www.minetad.gob.es (www.minetad.gob.es)..., 2001:720:438:400::81
Connecting to www.minetad.gob.es (www.minetad.gob.es)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Redirect
Location: http://www.minetad.gob.es/energia/balances/Publicaciones/ElectricasMensuales/2015/Forms/AllItems.aspx [following]
--2017-02-05 18:52:40-- http://www.minetad.gob.es/energia/balances/Publicaciones/ElectricasMensuales/2015/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Reusing existing connection to www.minetad.gob.es:80.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
Username/Password Authentication Failed.
Note that I can download every file individually by using the complete url, like this:
wget http://www.minetad.gob.es/energia/balances/Publicaciones/ElectricasMensuales/2015/Abril_2015.zip

Unable to connect to JIRA over HTTPS server using the Perl JIRA::Client::Automated

I do not use a proxy.
Here is my code:
use JIRA::Client::Automated;
my $jira = JIRA::Client::Automated->new(https://myserver.com, "user", "password");
And the error response is:
Unable to GET /jira/rest/api/latest/issue/DCS-51191: 500 Can't connect
to myserver.com:443 Can't connect to myserver.com:443
Bad file descriptor at
line 47.
at createPage2.pl line 16.
Thank you for your help.
It seems that there is a self signed certificate on JIRA server. To bypass, I added following code:
my $jira_ua = $jira->ua();
$jira_ua->ssl_opts( verify_hostname => 0 );
The error doesn't look like a JIRA::Client::Automated error. It's generated by LWP::UserAgent and usually means exactly what is shown.
Do you have a self signed certificate on your server?
Did you try to open that URL in in your browser? https://myserver.com:443 (exactly as you provide it to the module).
Try using curl from your webserver:
curl -vvv https://myserver.com/jira/rest/api/latest/issue/DCS-51191
Maybe it's just a missing www. prefix in your server URL?

Why can't I wget from this address?

I'm trying to wget from the "Download Now" link on this website but it returns the following error:
$wget https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/supervanish.1331/download?version=46330
--2015-09-27 19:13:53-- https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/supervanish.1331/download?version=46330
Resolving www.spigotmc.org (www.spigotmc.org)...,, 2400:cb00:2048:1::c629:cd5e, ...
Connecting to www.spigotmc.org (www.spigotmc.org)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
2015-09-27 19:13:53 ERROR 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable.
Here is the page:
Here is the URL:
You cannot wget because the server returns an error.
If you want to retrieve an error page, perhaps this page will help you.

wget 400 bad request

i'm trying to download the data from OSM, this guide says that i can do this with following command:
wget -O muenchen.osm "http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/map?bbox=11.54,48.14,11.543,48.145"
This command works fine, but when i'm trying to download my map:
wget -O muenchen.osm "http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/map?bbox=34.3893,49.5277,34.7195,49.6727"
it says:
Resolving api.openstreetmap.org...,,, ...
Connecting to api.openstreetmap.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 400 Bad Request
2013-12-19 11:47:41 ERROR 400: Bad Request.
Any ideas what am i doing wrong? Thanks
You get a 400 error "When any of the node/way/relation limits are crossed" (source). Try to make your bounding box smaller.