Handling thousands of services in Kubernetes cluster - kubernetes

Some time ago I asked about handling thousands of services in a Kubernetes cluster:
Can Kubernetes handle thousands of services?
At that time Kubernetes was using env vars and my question was more oriented to that. Now that Kubernetes has a DNS sounds like we don't have the problem with env vars anymore, however the docs still says it won't perform well when handling thousands of services:
Wanted to know if documentation is outdated or if there are still issues to scale Kubernetes to thousands of services.

The shortcoming mentioned in the documentation has not changed, because Kubernetes still uses the same mechanism (iptables and a userspace proxy) for proxying traffic sent to a service IP to the pods backing the service.
However, I don't believe we actually know how bad it is. A team member briefly tried testing it early this year and didn't see any impact, but didn't do anything rigorous to verify. It's possible that it'll work fine at a couple thousand services. If you try it, we'd love to hear how it goes via IRC or email.


How can I migrate a live production kubernetes cluster to another cluster while minimizing downtime?

I would like to migrate an application from one GKE cluster to another, and I'm wondering how to accomplish this while avoiding any downtime for this process.
The application is an HTTP web backend.
Usually how I'd usually handle this in a non GCP/K8S context is have a load balancer in front of the application, setup a new web backend and then just update the appropriate IP address in the load balancer to point from the old IP to the new IP. This would essentially have 0 downtime while also allowing for a seemless rollback if anything goes wrong.
I do not see why this should not work for this context as well however I'm not 100% sure. And if there is a more robust or alternative way to do this (GCP/GKE friendly way), I'd like to investigate that.
So to summarize my question, does GCP/GKE support this type of migration functionality? If not, is there any implications I need to be aware of with my usual load balancer approach mentioned above?
The reason for migrating is the current k8s cluster is running quite an old version (1.18) and if doing an GKE version upgrade to something more recent like 1.22, I suspect a lot of incompatibilities as well risk.
I see 2 approaches:
In the new cluster get a new IP address and update the DNS record to point to the new load balancer
See if you can switch to Multi-cluster gateways, however that would probably require you to use approach 1 to switch to multi-cluster gateways as well: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/deploying-multi-cluster-gateways
Few pain points you'll run into:
As someone used to DIY Kubernetes I hate GKE's managed Ingress Certs, because they make it very hard to pre-provision HTTPS certs in advance on the new cluster. (GKE's defacto method of provisioning HTTPS certs is to update DNS to point to the LB, and then wait 10-60 minutes. That means if you cutover to a new cluster the new cluster's HTTPS cert supplied by a managedcertificate Custom Resource, won't be ready in advance.)
It is possible to use pre-provision HTTPS certs using ACME-DNS challenge on GCP, but it's poorly documented and a god awful UX(user experience), there's no GUI, and the CLI API is terrible.
You can do it using gcloud services enable certificatemanager.googleapis.com, but I'd highly recommend against
that certificate-manager service that went GA in June, 2022. The UX is painful.
GKE's official docs are pretty bad when it comes to this scenario
You basically want to do 2 things:
Follow this how to guide for a zero downtime HTTPS cutover from cluster1 to cluster2 by leveraging Lets Encrypt Free Cert
(I know link only answers are bad, but it's github (great uptime) and it's way too long and nuanced to post here.)
Use Velero to migrate workloads from cluster1 to cluster2 (it migrate can do CRDs, CRs, generic yaml objects, and PV/PVCs. One thing of note is Velero works best when you're migrate to and from a cluster of the same version, if you go from a really old version to a really new version you could encounter issues where kubernetes yaml APIs got removed in the new version. Going from old version to new version can be done, but it's best left to an experienced hand. For Happy Path results migrating to and from a cluster of the same version is best.)

Can Kubernetes work like a compute farm and route one request per pod

I've dockerized a legacy desktop app. This app does resource-intensive graphical rendering from a command line interface.
I'd like to offer this rendering as a service in a "compute farm", and I wondered if Kubernetes could be used for this purpose.
If so, how in Kubernetes would I ensure that each pod only serves one request at a time (this app is resource-intensive and likely not thread-safe)? Should I write a single-threaded wrapper/invoker app in the container and thus serialize requests? Would K8s then be smart enough to route subsequent requests to idle pods rather than letting them pile up on an overloaded pod?
Interesting question.
The inbuilt default Service object along with kube-proxy does route the requests to different pods, but only does so in a round-robin fashion which does not fit our use case.
Your use-case would require changes to be made to the kube-proxy setup during the cluster setup. This approach is tedious and will require you to have your own cluster setup (not supported by cloud services). As described here.
Best bet would be to setup a service-mesh like Istio which provides the features with little configuration along with a lot of other useful functionalities.
See if this helps.

Kuberentes cluster IP vs FQDN of a service

I'm curious what's the benefit of using Cluster IP in kubernetes.
I know if one app needs to access service of other app. It can directly use FQDN of that service, without the trouble of creating Cluster IP.
But i still see lots of places Cluster IP being used.
From my exp FQDN uses much more, however there are pretty much examples with Cluster IP direct usage. Benefit? dont think so. I think this is more philosophical question and you can do the way you prefer more.
Referring to Connect a Front End to a Back End Using a Service from kubernetes page will show optimal way how to do similar things

Clusters and nodes formation in Kubernetes

I am trying to deploy my Docker images using Kubernetes orchestration tools.When I am reading about Kubernetes, I am seeing documentation and many YouTube video tutorial of working with Kubernetes. In there I only found that creation of pods, services and creation of that .yml files. Here I have doubts and I am adding below section,
When I am using Kubernetes, how I can create clusters and nodes ?
Can I deploy my current docker-compose build image directly using pods only? Why I need to create services yml file?
I new to containerizing, Docker and Kubernetes world.
My favorite way to create clusters is kubespray because I find ansible very easy to read and troubleshoot, unlike more monolithic "run this binary" mechanisms for creating clusters. The kubespray repo has a vagrant configuration file, so you can even try out a full cluster on your local machine, to see what it will do "for real"
But with the popularity of kubernetes, I'd bet if you ask 5 people you'll get 10 answers to that question, so ultimately pick the one you find easiest to reason about, because almost without fail you will need to debug those mechanisms when something inevitably goes wrong
The short version, as Hitesh said, is "yes," but the long version is that one will need to be careful because local docker containers and kubernetes clusters are trying to solve different problems, and (as a general rule) one could not easily swap one in place of the other.
As for the second part of your question, a Service in kubernetes is designed to decouple the current provider of some networked functionality from the long-lived "promise" that such functionality will exist and work. That's because in kubernetes, the Pods (and Nodes, for that matter) are disposable and subject to termination at almost any time. It would be severely problematic if the consumer of a networked service needed to constantly update its IP address/ports/etc to account for the coming-and-going of Pods. This is actually the exact same problem that AWS's Elastic Load Balancers are trying to solve, and kubernetes will cheerfully provision an ELB to represent a Service if you indicate that is what you would like (and similar behavior for other cloud providers)
If you are not yet comfortable with containers and docker as concepts, then I would strongly recommend starting with those topics, and moving on to understanding how kubernetes interacts with those two things after you have a solid foundation. Else, a lot of the terminology -- and even the problems kubernetes is trying to solve -- may continue to seem opaque

Running Concurrent Major versions of an API with google endpoints in Kubernetes

I'm struggling to find any documentation relating to the configuration of Extensible Service Proxy and Google Endpoints relating to the correct pattern for deploying multiple versions of an API.
Brief overview - I have docker building out two releases of an API.
they run in separate containers.
I currently have a kubernetes pod with ESP and APIv1.
Really I want to run a pod with ESP+APIv1 and a pod with ESP+APIv2 but I can work out how this would work - my external IP and DNS would all point at one pod - Endpoints doesn't seem to be contacted until the user gets to the ESP service, is there some mechanism for passing to another ESP instance - I'm clearly missing something here.
OR - In order to run multiple versions should I be running a pod with ESP, APIv1, and APIv2 in it? That doesn't seem ideal from a scalability or management point of view.
Unless APIv1 and APIv2 are disjoint, you can probably implement methods supporting both versions in the same dockerized app. This approach is explained in more detail here.