IBM Mobilefirst and IBM Bluemix - eclipse

I have created an IBM MobileFirst Project in eclipse and I want to deploy it in IBM Bluemix, is there any way to do that? I am using Windows 7, Eclipse Luna and jdk 1.7

Generally speaking, at the time of writing this answer it is currently not supported by IBM to run your Worklight/MobileFirst project on Bluemix.
You could call Bluemix services, but not put the server on Bluemix in an official capacity.

Not exactly, no. In general, the mobile services on the IBM Bluemix platform, i.e. these:
and the IBM MobileFirst Platform (on-premise, aka Worklight) product are not directly compatible - they have different APIs. When you develop a MobileFirst Platform project, the client code is deployed to a mobile device anyway (which is also true of a mobile project built with Bluemix as a back-end), so that wouldn't be relevant in this case. What does go on the MobileFirst Platform server are the adapters - and no, they can't be deployed on Bluemix. However, Bluemix does provide other services in the "Integration" category which are similar.


Can I deploy an app built on SAP Cloud SDK to Kubernetes?

We build a SCP native java application based on SAP cloud SDK. if we later on migrate to SCP kubernete env., would the app runs without migration? if changes needed, how much effort would it be? thanks.
Applications using the Java libraries of the SAP Cloud SDK can also run on a local machine and, as a consequence, as part of an application running in a container in Kubernetes. Additionally, the SDK already today provides abstractions that allow to run the same code on Cloud Foundry and Neo when accessing services of SAP Cloud Platform.
I cannot yet say how the access to specific functionality of SAP Cloud Platform works in Cloud Foundry versus a future Kubernetes environment, but this should be the blueprint.

Can Bluemix environment be replicated on developer laptops?

Can Bluemix environment with Liberty be replicated on developer laptops for offline development? Will I be able to run Bluemix local with Openstack on a quad core i5?
You can run Cloud Foundry in a VM on your laptop using bosh-lite. You could also install the open source Liberty buildpack into this local CF with the buildpack dependencies cached giving you an environment that could work offline.
The Bluemix services will not be available to you though, if you are offline, so the answer really depends on what services you need. You could reasonably set up some kind of local database but many of the services would just be unavailable.
I am not sure what exact your requirement is. IBM Liberty profile can be setup with Eclipse and you can create a server in local to test your java/JEE code. This is very simple, you need to install liberty plugin in Eclipse and create a server. See documentations in IBM web site.
See this url if it helps.. you can integrate BlueMix server to your Ecplise IDE

IBM Eclipse Tools for Bluemix

new to ibm bluemix. Steps to be followed to develop a application on eclipse and to depoy using IBM Eclipse Tools for Bluemix and cloud foundry as well.
You could find all information you may need for your question in the Bluemix Documentation
On the following URL you could find a "Step by step" guide using Bluemix tool:
Instead on the following URL you could find a "Step by step" guide using CF push for a Java app on liberty runtime:
First of all you can follow the instructions here for installing the IBM Eclipse Tools for Bluemix
Secondly, you can follow this tutorial to know how to push an application to Bluemix using the tooling.
There might be some UI differences in the IBM Eclipse Tools for Bluemix tools that you will install from the first link vs what is shown in the second link. These differences are however just cosmetic (like using terms IBM bluemix vs Cloud foundry while defining a server). Overall the functionality remains the same.
Also apart from the use-case described in the tutorial (second link), you can also create new projects (web projects) in eclipse and push them to Bluemix.
In order to test your projects locally, you would need to install local WAS liberty profile (in case of JavaEE projects) or local node js (in case of nodejs apps). You can do all the testing locally on the local servers and once you're confident about your development, you can push the projects to Bluemix.
Though this is a very old thread but this will be helpful for future references. One can setup the Bluemix server in an IDE like eclipse by straight forward adding a new server and can push the application directly. However a more user friendly approach is to deploy it from cf commandline. You can deploy the application independently or even package it with the local server. You even have the options to provide inputs like hostname in the commandline. Please go through the Bluemix docs for detailed specifications.

Is it possible to create an instance of an application server in the cloud?

I'm new to Bluemix, but fairly skilled in WebSphere Application Server. I recently heard colleagues discussing the potential of IBM hosting an app server in the cloud. I saw this Beta announcement and was wondering how long the beta will last and if there's an actual product/service available.
The IBM Application Server on Cloud is generally available and you can learn more at:
We'd love to hear from you on the forums with your feedback.
Not only can you provision the latest versions of WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile and WebSphere Application Server classic (aka full profile or traditional WebSphere Application Server), now you can also get an early look at the next release with the WebSphere Application Server classic V9 beta. You can provision a virtual machine with an instance of WebSphere Application Server v9 beta running in Bluemix. Details on this open beta are available in the WebSphere Early Programs website:
Or get a quick overview by watching this video Introducing the WAS classic V9 beta:
The beta program for Application Server on Cloud has ended. Planned GA is Sept 24. Here is the announcement:
IBM Application Server on Cloud is extended to Bluemix, which enables simple, repeatable, and quick deployments of WebSphere Application Server
After GA, you'll find the service icon in the Bluemix catalog in the Web and Application category.

How do we deploy a Worklight server in IBM Bluemix platform?

Can we deploy Worklight server in IBM Bluemix platform?
Is that supported currently in Bluemix?
How can I deploy a Worklight application in Bluemix environment?
Worklight is available in Container in Bluemix with name Mobile First Bluemix Container.
This is Beta and very soon it will be come GA.
You can host your Hybrid Apps and Adapters on this.
I see this question is from 8 months ago, currently you are able to run worklight inside a Bluemix container.
You do not have to install the platform, it is all done atumatically.
AFAIK, It is not possible to use the current release of Worklight ("on prem") and use it in Bluemix ("on cloud").
In the coming weeks Worklight will/should/may be available as a mobile service in Bluemix.
You will need to wait a little bit longer.
As others mentioning below, now you are able to run worklight inside a Bluemix container. You do not have to install the platform, it is all done automatically.
More info on Bluemix container here.
This is not currently supported at this time. You can take a look at this thread for some more details:
worklight is not supported on Bluemix PAAS currently,however in future it may be included.
There is no buildpack for Worklight Server so you cannot currently run a Worklight server application on BlueMix.
Buildpack is still not for Worklight server so you cannot run a Worklight server application on BlueMix. However you can run your .war file created in WorkLight studio in liberty of java buildpack on BlueMix.
for more details please follow below link: