web.config transform - insert file contents - web-config

We're working with web.config files in a fairly complex Visual Studio solution, I'd like to be able to insert the contents of a file (that is not a web config) into the web.config, is this possible to do with transforms?
The purpose of this is to have a global configuration for two projects, one of which is a WebApi project and the other is an MVC project. The configuration that we have for both is fairly involved and it will be a challenge to maintain those configs to various deployment environments.


mybatis-generator: Create non-java files?

I am using the mybatis-generator in a maven project to generate the Java files for a few tables. At the end of the generation, I would like to generate a few non-java files like properties files and resources. However the default generator allows me to generate only XML and Java files. Is there any way to also get the generator to create sql files, SPI definitions and property files for example?
Looking inside the generator, it seems that the Generated java files and XML files go through some further process(formatting et al). Even if I write a custom plugin, I can generate an XML or an sql file only but not a properties files or an sql file. Even if I did, I cannot get the process to finish because the subsequent steps would fail.
Currently, I am getting over these by creating my own files and writing them thru a custom plugin. However, during the plugin execution, the folder target/generates-sources/mybatis-generator is not created yet. Therefore assuming that location to have already been created is ruled out. On the other hand, if I go ahead and create the folder and its internal META-INF/services folder, I am not sure if this will be overwritten at a later stage. In addition, my plugin does not (by virtue of the way the generator initiates plugins), have access to the project root folder. So that is not an option either.
I neither have access to the ShellCallBack, implying that postponing the file creation to a well defined time-point in the build process is also not possible.
So how do I go about creating the service definitions and the additional resource files?
The last resort is to hard-code the project folder or to pump the project folder through a property. This is coming to my rescue now. But clearly, the generated files are being detected by my git client and I have to clean up these files also despite their being dynamic.
Hints please?
Thanks in advance.
The generator currently supports Java, Kotlin, and XML file generation. There is an open feature request to support other file types in plugins. You can follow it here: https://github.com/mybatis/generator/issues/752

Stop Web Configuration Inheritence with Azure Virtual Web Application

I have created a web application project and deployed it to Azure.
In the web.config file for this application, a number of <assembly> elements appear in the <system.web><compilation> element. Specifically, these assembly entries point to DevExpress assemblies but they could really be anything.
I have also created a Web API project that is deployed as a virtual application under the web application. It looks like the <assembly> entries are being inherited from the configuration of the web application. The Web API project does not use these assemblies and throws an exception stating that they cannot be loaded.
As a temporary workaround, I have manually copied over the assemblies to the bin folder of the Web API application. However, this is not a permanent solution.
I have tried clearing the assembly entries in the Web API configuration (using the <clear /> element). I have also tried removing the entries (using the <remove> element). Neither of these worked.
What is the best way to stop this inheritance form occurring?
As mentioned in this official document about ASP.NET Configuration File Hierarchy and Inheritance:
ASP.NET application root directory > Web.config
The Web.config file for a specific ASP.NET application is located in the root directory of the application and contains settings that apply to the Web application and inherit downward through all of the sub directories in its branch.
ASP.NET application subdirectory > Web.config
The Web.config file for an application subdirectory contains settings that apply to this subdirectory and inherit downward through all of the subdirectories in its branch.
I assumed that you could leverage Location Settings to achieve your purpose. Also, there is a blog about Settings and Virtual Directory Inheritance, you could refer to it.

Entity Data Model Wizard requires app.config and ignores custom T4 templates

Using EF6 and Database First, I created custom T4 templates (*.tt files) in my VS2013 class library project. I don't want to migrate the app.config file with my assembly so I delete it. When I Update Model from Database, it presents me with a connection to select (I believe this is stored in the Visual Studio user preferences). If I choose not to store this in the app.config, it continues to show this step in the Wizard. Whenever the connection selection step is presented and the wizard completes, I notice the EDMX generates the two default *.tt files alongside my custom ones. Any way of preventing this? I read an article about EF code-based configuration and I tried DbConfiguration.SetDefaultConnectionFactory but that didn't help. The EF wizard always wants a connection in the app.config. Is there any way around this?
I ended up leaving it in the app.config (on my machine) and do not migrate this file to our development/test/prod environments. It's become a manual task to confirm each app.config file since it has become necessary to migrate some files due to adding project assembly redirects.

NUnit GUI Runner Multiple Configuration Files

I created a test project using a web.config file by renaming it to same name as the project, copying it to the bin folder and setting the Configuration File Name of the NUnit GUI runner to the name of my config file. Now I want to add more assemblies to this project but the problem here is each assembly has it's own web.config file.
How can I set the configuration files for the assemblies because I need to get my connection strings from these config files and considering when loading multiple assemblies they need to be in the same directory
While I feel that using config files for NUnit tests is a no-no (it's an integration test, in that case, I assume), there are various approaches you can try:
Put all your different connection strings under web.config in the connectionstrings section, with different keys. Access them via the System.Configuration classes.
For each project or DLL you can add an app.config file where you can store assembly specific information. This will be renamed as ProjectName.dll.config once compiled. Again you can access the contents of this file using System.Configuration
Create a new assembly that simply loads all these connection strings from a single file. And then access this assembly
If you are loading different web applications into the same directory (as you're saying you're accessing web.config files -- which means web applications) then you're making your life difficult. Each application has to have their own folder and virtual directory, and a web.config specific to only that application.

Web.config values passed through tiers

I have a .NET 2008 solution with a project that acts as WCF Service host. That project has a web.config file with settings that will be replaced by the installer when the project is complete. Those setting are components that make up the connection string and a few others.
This WCF project references a Business Logic project(class library which implements service code) which in turn references a DAL project which uses the Entity Framework.
What I would like to know is how can I get the values in the web.config in the WCF project to the DAL? Without using any relative paths that I have seen with OpenMappedExeConfiguration. I need to build up the connection string in the DAL based on the setting in the web.config file.
Thanks for your answers.
I`m storing shared things like connection strings in 1 folder, which even is not under folder where source code lives. In DAL tier i just use ConfigurationManager to pick it up.
In project, which starts application (in your case, it`s WCF project), i add "ConnectionStrings.config" file from my external "config" folder AS A LINK (in visual studio, press 'add an existing item' -> choose item -> next to "Add" button is an arrow where this option lives). Then i just set it through that file properties (click on file in solution explorer -> press F4) as a content of project and that it should be copied once again if modified to deploy folder. Then i add a new app.config file to project, which includes "ConnectionString.config".
Source of connectionstrings.config:
<add name="MyConnectionString"
connectionString="Data source=tralala"/>
Source of app.config in WCF project:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<connectionStrings configSource="ConnectionStrings.config"></connectionStrings>
I'm not sure that this is the best approach. But so far so good.
Unfortunately, the answer to your question is "copy and paste". This has always been true.
The closest thing to an exception to this rule is the "new" .NET 2.0 Settings files. Because the structure and default values for these are part of the assembly defining the component, the component can, upon startup, cause the default values to be written to the applications configuration. I imagine one could couple that with a piece of code to work with installutil to cause the defaults to be written out before the containing application is ever started, leaving the defaults in the config file to be edited before the application is used for the first time.