Hosting the database separately for Meteor apps - mongodb

It seems to be a common and safer practice to host the database separately from Meteor apps. That is to say, have an EC2 instance for your Meteor app, and an EC2 instance for your MongoDB, and make them talk to one another.
From what I understand, people do this because it's more secure, and it allows them to deploy newer versions of their app without touching the database.
I'd like to do this with Amazon EC2 alone, as opposed to using another 3rd party service, like
How can I host a Meteor app and its database separately on two EC2 instances, and have them communicate with one another?

It is common practice, and people mostly do it because it offers you the ability to scale them both independently.
As to the how, you'll want to obviously configure each of your Amazon EC2 instances, installing meteor on one, and MongoDB on the other. You'll also need to configure your VPC (Amazon Virtual Private Cloud) so that your MongoDB instance accepts incoming connections on whatever port you specify (default is 27017), so that your Meteor Application can connect.
After that it's just a matter of telling your meteor app where to go to get the database connection. The most secure way of doing this will be to set a couple Environment Variables, named MONGODBSERVER and MONGODBPORT, DBUSER, DBPASSWORD, etc.
You'll then want to set some variables in your server Meteor code, using something like:
Meteor.startup(function() {
var DbUser = process.env.DBUSER;
var DbPassword = process.env.DBPASSWORD;
var MongoDBServer = process.env.MONGODBSERVER;
var MongoDBPort = process.env.MONGODBPORT;
And if you're using the native MongoDB Driver, connecting becomes trivial:
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://DbUser:DbPassword#MongoDBServer:MongoDBPort/databasename', function(err, db) {
Then it's just a matter of constructing your Mongo models using something like:
Temperatures = new Mongo.Collection('temperatures');
Temperatures._ensureIndex({temp: 1, time: 1});
And then taking action on those models in regard to the database:
Temperatures.insert({temp: ftemp, time: Math.floor( / 1000)});
I'll also mention that is a really decent Meteor hosting solution. I'd recommend them, unless you are stuck on using Amazon EC2 instances, which is fine, but more complicated for a simple application.

You need to set an Environment Variable for Mongo where it is hosted
the correct mongodb:// url string would be provided by the mongodb hosting provider.


How do I get the full uri including username and password with the mongodbatlas provider in terraform

When I try to output the mongodb uri with Terraform and the mongodb atlas provider, I can't get the full uri with username and password. For example, when I do something like:
terraform {
required_version = "~> 0.14.7"
required_providers {
mongodbatlas = {
source = "mongodb/mongodbatlas"
version = "0.8.2"
provider "mongodbatlas" {
public_key = var.mongodbatlas_public_key
private_key = var.mongodbatlas_private_key
data "mongodbatlas_cluster" "db" {
project_id = var.mongodbatlas_project_id
name = format("some-db-name-%s", var.env)
output "db_url" {
value = data.mongodbatlas_cluster.db.connection_strings[0].address_srv
I always get a uri of the form: mongodb+srv://
Adding that as an environment variable to my web app in order to connect to db does not work as it needs to authenticate with a username and password. Manually adding the username and password to that string as in mongodb+srv://[username]:[password] works and the app can connect to the db fine.
While I get what you're trying to achieve, I suspect you're mixing things here. Let me explain:
MongoDB allows you to create database users that are able to authenticate using password. Those can be created using mongodbatlas_database_user resource.
You can create your cluster (or source cluster information) using both the resource or data source the way you're trying to achieve it.
However, cluster creation is independent of database and database user creation, meaning that what you're getting from Terraform is just a generic connection string from Mongo where not even Mongo knows which user/database you want to connect to.
I suggest you to compose your own connection string and pass it along to your application using a post-provisioning script, either using your Terraform outputs of cluster and database user, or simply composing it by yourself if you already know the info upfront.
In case you're using AWS, MongoDB Atlas supports connection strings using IAM Users and IAM Roles. This is a much better, safer approach than dealing with passwords and all the extra burden managing passwords implies. If this sounds like something you'd like to explore, do let me know.
My solution was to use the string replace function with mongodbatlas_database_user resource:
replace(mongodbatlas_advanced_cluster.mongodb_cluster.connection_strings[0].standard_srv, "mongodb+srv://", "mongodb+srv://${mongodbatlas_database_user.userspace_db_user.username}:${coalesce(nonsensitive(mongodbatlas_database_user.userspace_db_user.password), "null")}#")

How do i deploy a Perfect (swift) backend code + PostgreSQL to Google App Engine

i'm pretty new to web development and much more in Google Cloud, sorry for anything.
Basically, i'm doing the backend part of an app in Swift (using Perfect), and it's running smoothly and okay in my local computer, i'm using a local Postgre database (using PostgreORM in my application).
But, when i deploy that to the Google Cloud, it does not recognize the database (i've created a identical poster database in the computer engine AND a Cloud SQL (Postgre service of Google Cloud with the same names and credentials), but again, when the app is on the cloud, it does not recognize the database, what i'm missing? How should i do it? Install other docker image with Postgre?
Here's my DBConnector code:
import PostgresStORM
func setupDBCredentials() -> PostgresConnector.Type{
let connection = PostgresConnector.self = "localhost" // or the connection name of the Google Cloud, it doesn't work as well
connection.username = "postgres"
connection.password = "nearby"
connection.database = "nearby"
connection.port = 5432
return connection
Basically, how do i make my google app engine code connect to any database at all?
Also, if it helps, i'm using the Perfect Assistant to deploy my code to Google Cloud, using Docker.
Thanks already!
You'll likely need to do a few things to get connected, such as granting access to the Cloud SQL instance. Here is the link to the PHP docs that cover the broad steps that you'll want to follow and it shows a representation of the connection string that you'll also need.
I believe your connection string needs to look something like this

Implementing multitenancy in KeystoneJS

How can KeystoneJS be used to implement multi-tenancy? Is it possible at all?
Example use case: A company is creating a new blog platform using KeystoneJS and it wants to allow for multiple blog sites using the same models from one KeystoneJS instance but each blogger should only be able to control their own site.
Keystonejs does not really support this. Something that you could do, however, is to use something like Docker with an image of the Keystonejs website, then add some configuration to give each instance a different db path.
Or Spring up multiple Node Servers, something like this:
// Keystone 1
// Keystone 2
// ...
and Spring up one MongoDB server, and assign a unique database name to each node server / keystone instance, like
// Keystone 1: .env
// Keystone 2: .env
More info, check out Connection String URI Format[mongodb]
I like only use docker to spring up a MongoDB server and run Keystone locally since Docker works quite tricky with node.js.

Connecting to a remote MongoDB using Meteor

Apologies in advance for any failing with my terminology and understanding with Meteor/Mongo, I've just started learning and developing with it.
I am trying to connect my local meteor app to a remote mongodb which is hosted elsewhere.
My code looks like this:
Bills = new Mongo.Collection("bills");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// This code only runs on the client
documentContent: function () {
return Bills.find();
documentContent: function ()
var thingy = Bills.find();
return Bills.find({_id: "784576346gf874"});
I have connected to the DB via the shell using the following:
$ MONGO_URL="mongodb://" meteor
In my browser I receive no errors and within my defined template I see [object Object]. The console shows a local miniCollection but doesn't return any of my documents from the subscribed collection.
I guess what I am asking is; if you were connecting to a remote MongoDB within your local app, how would you do it?
Thank you for taking the time to read, any helps is massively appreciated.
Rex, If you're not seeing errors in the output on the browser, or in the console where you're running the server then you may be setup ok. That's exactly how I'm doing it.
Run meteor list in server directory and look for insecure and autopublish
You should understand these two packages They are for rapid prototyping. If they are present, then keep digging into MongoDB and the connection.
I recommend Robomongo for viewing documents directly in MongoDB.
If they are absent, then you need to go about publishing data (getting it from the server to the client) and securing it (letting clients only modify their data).
I recommend these two packages for that.
If you haven't read an introduction to meteor book, it's really worth the time. I've been developing for some time and learned meteor recently. It was invaluable.

Binding to MongoDB service from Grails application deployed on Cloudfoundry

I'm currently writing a Grails app using Grails 2.2.2 and MySQL, and have been deploying it to Cloudfoundry.
Until recently I've just used a single MySQL datasource for my domain, which Cloudfoundry detects and automagically creates and binds a MySQL service instance to.
I now have a requirement to store potentially large files somewhere, so I figured I'd take a look at MongoDB's GridFS. Cloudfoundry supports MongoDB, so I'd assumed Cloudfoundry would do some more magic when I deployed my app and would provide me with a MongoDB datasource as well.
Unfortunately I'm not prompted to create/bind a MongoDB service when I deploy my app, and I think this may be down to the way I'm connecting to Mongo.
I'm not using the MongoDB plugin, as this conflicts with another plugin I'm using, and in any case I don't need to persist any of my domain to Mongo - just some large files - so I'm using the Mongo java driver directly (similar to this -
I'm unsure how Cloudfoundry detects that your application requires a particular datasource, but I'd assumed it would figure this out somehow from DataSource.groovy.
Mine looks like this...
environments {
development {
dataSource {
driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
dbCreate = "create-drop"
dataSourceMongo {
host = "localhost"
port = 27017
dbName = "my_mongo_database_name"
Is there something I'm missing? Or do I need to manually bind the MongoDB service somehow?
Using answer instead of comments for better formatting. :)
I guess you have already followed step to create the MongoDB service in Cloudfoundry as mentioned here otherwise this has to be done. Plus, it will be lot easier if you use the Groovy wrapper of the Java Driver of MongoDB called GMongo. Refer the GitHUb Source and this Mongo blog for more details.