--select option for linux ./configure command - centos

I am new to Linux and wanted to install MonoDevelop on my CentOS 6 VM. I found this question: Install Mono and Monodevelop on CentOS 5.x/6.x and was following the instructions outlined there but when I go to this step:
cd /usr/src
wget http://download.mono-project.com/sources/monodevelop/monodevelop-3.1.1.tar.bz2
tar -xvjf monodevelop-3.1.1.tar.bz2
cd monodevelop-3.1.1
./configure --prefix=/usr --select
make && make install
Specifically the ./configure --prefix=/usr --select command, I got the following error on my system:
configure: error: unrecognized option: `--select'
Try `./configure --help' for more information
I typed ./configure --help in the terminal, but saw no --select option.
What does the --select option do?


daq with error make: *** [Makefile:344: Makefile.in] Error 1

I learn about Snort and when I install it, I must install daq. When I implement./configure && make && sudo make install I see this warning:
cd . && /bin/bash /home/snort/snort_src/daq-2.0.7/missing automake-1.15 --foreign
/home/snort/snort_src/daq-2.0.7/missing: line 81: automake-1.15: command not found
WARNING: 'automake-1.15' is missing on your system.
You should only need it if you modified 'Makefile.am' or
'configure.ac' or m4 files included by 'configure.ac'.
The 'automake' program is part of the GNU Automake package:
It also requires GNU Autoconf, GNU m4 and Perl in order to run:
make: *** [Makefile:344: Makefile.in] Error 1
I installed autoconf, automake 1.16.1, imlement autoreconf -f -i before but not succeed.
Someone can help me fix it?
Since your installing daq-2.0.7, I assume you are installing snort version ~2.9.And which version of linux/unix OS your testing installation with?
If your on Centos7.7, here a list of neccessary packages
yum update -y
yum install epel-release -y
yum install gcc gcc-c++ libnetfilter_queue libnetfilter_queue-devel git flex bison zlib zlib-devel pcre pcre-devel libdnet libdnet-devel tcpdump libnghttp2 wget xz-devel lzma -y
See snort documents for more details: https://www.snort.org/documents

Exception: Failed to attach BPF to kprobe when executing sudo opensnoop-bpfcc

When I try to execute sudo opensnoop-bpfcc I get this message:
In file included from /virtual/main.c:4:
In file included from include/linux/sched.h:14:
In file included from include/linux/pid.h:5:
In file included from include/linux/rculist.h:11:
In file included from include/linux/rcupdate.h:40:
In file included from include/linux/preempt.h:81:
In file included from ./arch/x86/include/asm/preempt.h:7:
In file included from include/linux/thread_info.h:38:
In file included from ./arch/x86/include/asm/thread_info.h:53:
./arch/x86/include/asm/cpufeature.h:150:2: warning: "Compiler lacks ASM_GOTO support. Add -D __BPF_TRACING__ to your compiler arguments"
#warning "Compiler lacks ASM_GOTO support. Add -D __BPF_TRACING__ to your compiler arguments"
1 warning generated.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/opensnoop-bpfcc", line 127, in <module>
b.attach_kprobe(event="sys_open", fn_name="trace_entry")
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bcc/__init__.py", line 526, in attach_kprobe
raise Exception("Failed to attach BPF to kprobe")
Exception: Failed to attach BPF to kprobe
I don't understand how to fix it. I've just installed bcc tools using this command
sudo apt-get install bpfcc-tools linux-headers-$(uname -r)
as suggested on the github page https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/blob/master/INSTALL.md#ubuntu---binary
The running OS is 18.04.2 LTS (Bionic Beaver).
I had to compile bcc from source code instead of installing it using the package.
Install linux kernel headers
sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
Install required dependencies
sudo apt-get -y install bison build-essential cmake flex git libedit-dev \ libllvm6.0 llvm-6.0-dev libclang-6.0-dev python zlib1g-dev libelf-dev
Compile bcc from source code
git clone https://github.com/iovisor/bcc.git
mkdir bcc/build; cd bcc/build
sudo make install
#Maicake is right. Compiling and installing from source did work for me. Here are the steps to install on Ubuntu 22.04:
Follow the steps described here. Specifically for Ubuntu 22.04 you may need to make some changes after cloning the bcc repository.
Add the following line to your .bashrc file:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/bcc/tools
Create a symlink to python3 as most of the tools use python (not python3) to run the scripts.
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python


I've been trying to get MP4Box installed on my CentOS 7 box using the following instructions:
cd extra_libs
cp -r * /usr/local/src/gpac/extra_lib
cd ..
cd gpac
chmod 755 configure
make lib
make apps
make install lib
make install
cp bin/gcc/libgpac.so /usr/lib
install -m644 bin/gcc/libgpac.so /usr/local/lib/libgpac.so
chmod +x /usr/local/lib/libgpac.so
Everything works fine until I get to ./configure which gives me an error:
./configure: line 354: gcc: command not found
error: zlib not found on system or in local libs
I've removed and reinstalled ZLIB and still no luck. I'm pretty new to CentOS so I'm not sure if the problem is with MP4Box or my CentOS installation. I did read that is could be a location issue, here is what I get when I run a whereis /usr/include/zlib.h /usr/share/man/man3/zlib.3.gz. Thoughts?
It turns out that gcc was not installed. I did a yum install gcc and that resolved my issue.

How can I install MP4Box on CentOS7.3

I can't install MP4Box on CentOS7.3.
CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)
I attempted to install with reference to the following URL.
yum -y install freetype-devel SDL-devel freeglut-devel
wget http://repo.bstack.net/mp4box/gpac-0.4.5.tar.gz
wget http://repo.bstack.net/mp4box/gpac_extra_libs-0.4.5.tar.gz
tar -zxvf gpac-0.4.5.tar.gz
tar -zxvf gpac_extra_libs-0.4.5.tar.gz
cd gpac_extra_libs
cp -r * /usr/local/src/gpac/extra_lib
cd ..
cd gpac
chmod 755 configure
But, at the time of this command,
make lib
gcc: エラー: unrecognized command line option ‘-Wl’
gcc: エラー: unrecognized command line option ‘--warn-common’
make[1]: *** [libgpac.so] エラー 1
make[1]: ディレクトリ `/home/source/gpac/src' から出ます
make: *** [lib] エラー 2
I tried to set ln as following.
ln -s /usr/lib64/libglut.so.3 /usr/lib64/libglut.so
But, the same error was displayed.
How do I deal with it?
This is how I installed the latest version of MP4Box from the GitHub. The main purpose of this script is to install the MP4Box to docker centos amazoncorretto container.
yum -y install freetype-devel SDL-devel freeglut-devel ugcc gcc-c++ git libtool make zlib-devel
git clone https://github.com/gpac/gpac gpac_public
cd gpac_public
./configure --static-mp4box
make install
This is the combination of two resources:
If you need MP4Box only from GPAC, I recommend that you follow this tutorial.
You need the following packages: git, gcc, make, libpthread-devel.
Execute these command-lines:
git clone https://github.com/gpac/gpac.git
cd gpac
./configure --static-mp4box --use-zlib=no
make -j4
sudo make install
I think there might be a bug in that version of gpac. Try this instead:
yum -y install freetype-devel SDL-devel freeglut-devel
git clone https://github.com/gpac/gpac
cd gpac
git checkout tags/v0.6.1 -b v0.6.1
make lib
Well it's there on the official "rpmfusion-free" repository.
Just do:
sudo yum install gpac
(Taken from: http://rahul-ghose.blogspot.com/2017/05/install-mp4-box-on-centos.html)
Mp4Box included in gpac, so you must install gpac.
yum install gpac

Perl Ora2Pg on Ubuntu

I just tried Ora2Pg on my Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope.
First of all, the installation was hard, but after downloading a few debs & rpms here & there, I was finally managed to install ora2pg via synaptic.
However, when I try to run this command
ora2pg /tmp/ora2pg.conf
I am getting a
install_driver(Oracle) failed: Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/auto/DBD/Oracle/Oracle.so' for module DBD::Oracle: libclntsh.so.10.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl/5.10/DynaLoader.pm line 196.
at (eval 14) line 3
Compilation failed in require at (eval 14) line 3.
Perhaps a required shared library or dll isn't installed where expected
at /usr/share/perl5/Ora2Pg.pm line 566
Any ideas what's wrong and how to fix it?
Note: I don't perl. I just started browsing a bit it because of this.
This is the correct sequence for installation:
apt-get install libdbi-perl
apt-get install alien dpkg-dev debhelper build-essential
apt-get install libaio1
apt-get install make
apt-get install alien
apt-get install rpm
apt-get install libpq-dev
download DBD-Oracle-1.74 or last version
download DBD-Pg-3.5.3 or last version
download DBI-1.636 or last version
download ora2pg-17.5 or last version
download oracle-instantclient12.1-sqlplus-
download oracle-instantclient12.1-basic-
download oracle-instantclient12.1-devel-
after extract rpm package and install:
alien oracle-instantclient12.1-basic-
alien oracle-instantclient12.1-sqlplus-
alien oracle-instantclient12.1-devel-
dpkg -i oracle-instantclient12.1-basic-
dpkg -i oracle-instantclient12.1-devel_12.
dpkg -i oracle-instantclient12.1-devel-
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64/lib
the path of oracle client installation
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64/
then, istall the perl extension for Oracle and Postgres
cd DBI-1.636
perl Makefile.PL
make && makeinstall
cd DBD-Oracle-1.74 o DBD-Oracle-1.64
perl Makefile.PL
make && makeinstall
cd DBD-Pg-3.5.3
perl Makefile.PL
make && makeinstall
and finally, install
cd ora2pg-17.x
perl Makefile.PL
make && makeinstall
check in the version is correct
ora2pg -v
and last configure ora2pg.conf on /etc/ora2pg/
insert in file, the configuration for connect to Oracle and Postgres.
DBD::Oracle can't find the Oracle client libraries because they're not in your library path. If you don't have the Oracle client libraries and you don't have a sysadmin to provide them for you, then you need to get the "Oracle Instantclient" package from the oracle website and install it. If you already have Instantclient installed, then you need to add its lib directory (something like /usr/lib/oracle/instantclient/lib or /opt/ora/instantclient10_1/lib) to your library path -- either by adding a line to /etc/ld.so.conf and running ldconfig as root, or by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
Pre-installation steps:
ORACLE Client must be installed and ORACLE_HOME must be set.
Install perl (version 5.6 and above)
Installation steps:
Install DBI (database interface module)
apt-get install cpanminus (for ubuntu)
yum install cpanminus (for Linux)
cpanm DBI
Install DBD::Oracle and DBD::Pg
cpanm DBD::Oracle
cpanm DBD::Pg
Download the latest version of ora2pg from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ora2pg/ and run the following commands:
tar -xvf ora2pg-18.0.tar
cd ora2pg-18.0/
perl Makefile.PL
su root
make install
Do the changes as per req
By default Ora2Pg will look to ora2pg.conf configuration file into /etc/ora2pg/ directory.
ORACLE_HOME /app/oracle/product/11.2.0
ORACLE_DSN dbi:Oracle:host=[hostname];sid=[SID name]
ORACLE_PWD [password]
Check the version of pra2pg:
Run the below command
ora2pg -c /etc/ora2pg/ora2pg.conf
ora2pg -c /etc/ora2pg/ora2pg.conf -p -P 10 -J 10 -L 1000000
.sql file will create in the current directory have converted data into PostgreSql
Hope this will work.