Netbeans: Syntax Highlighting -- multiple languages per file - netbeans

The majority of the pages I author contain both HTML and PHP. It would appear that in Netbeans you can have syntax highlighting for one or the other by setting the associated file types.
Coming from Notepad++, I've always taken for granted the fact that I could use php, css, html, javascript all in one file and retain syntax highlighting for all of them.
Is this possible in Netbeans?

I think the answer here is that Netbeans DOES support multiple language, but it will only get it right if there's something hinting at the "inner" language. When I exit PHP with ?> NetBeans tends to format what comes before the next <?php as HTML automatically. Not sure if that is working for you. Maybe you were trying to get highlighting in a string like $output = "<some><html";. I think you can imagine why that second one wouldn't work.
For JS, for example, it seems to look for the <script type="text/javascript">, and stuff inside gets the JS highlighting even if the file type is PHP.
This other question has a great solution for "tricking" Netbeans into rendering your JS output by PHP into being formatted, even when your code doesn't have a <script type="text/javascript"> tag.


Wagtail. Ability to edit html within editor

My editors want to have an ability to edit raw html within editor.
For example, we can have simple list markup:
<li>Some text<li>
Or with custom classes and event tags:
<li class="my_class">Some text
<span class="special">Some additional info</span>
And so on.
I know that built-in Draftail doesnt support html editing.
But using third-party editor comes with problem:
Losing integration with system. For example, i cant just put image like with draftail. Or, preview mode cant handle all functionality of third-party editor.
So, maybe someone has working solution for this situation.
I thought about using special StreamField panels, but it seems to be overhead of blocks. Dont like this idea of having lots of blocks with little differences
Wagtail does not support raw HTML editing within the page editor out of the box intentionally. The philosophy (zen) of Wagtail is to help editors and developers 'wear the right hat' when working in Wagtail.
HTML editing is usually best provided to developers, where there is an expected knowledge of what is required for things like accessibility, security and the benefit of tooling (like git).
However, if HTML editing is a must, you will probably need to build your own editor field for that purpose or find a suitable package that works with HTML markup such as django-markupfield. Adding image/snippet/page chooser functionality however will have to be built for whatever you end up using. You may also want to look at the Wagtail markdown package either as an alternative to HTML or a starting point, it allows for a syntax of linking to pages/images.
Wagtail lets you use any kind of Django field or widget with the FieldPanel.
Please ensure you consider all the risks when implementing this feature, such as accessible HTML (e.g. heading levels), security (disallow some tags such as script tags), malformed HTML leaking into the rendered template and of course the end user experience.
At the end i made my own solution
Simple rewrite some methods in wagtail`s Html DbWhiteLister and HtmlConverter.
This gives me an opportunity to allow any tags with any attributes.

Script tags in RTE AEM 6.1

I am trying to create a Editor component that will take inline javascript.
I understand that I can use clientlibs folder for loading JS, but some of the video CDN folks require you to put embed tags with JavaScript in the editor, and I think some of that is also used for rapid development. Currently with the state of RTE, I cannot put a script <script/> tag even after extending it, as it strips it out and only takes the html tags.
Could you please provide any insight if this could be doable in AEM 6.1
Here's what I have tried:
I looked at several post didn't got a clue
extended RTE using Adobe's documentation, but see a script button, that only takes html tags.
looked for hacks that could tell me what part of the code is tripping out </script> tags or could not execute js.
looked for some components out there that does that, found nothing
so far.

How to get the best support for Handlebars templates in Netbeans?

Ideas needed: what's the best mime-type to set to *.hbs in Netbeans in order to get the best highlighting for Handlebars templates?
I'm not familiar with Handlebars, but quick look at their page suggests it uses HTML + {{expressions}}. In NetBeans 7.4, {{expressions}} in HTML are interpreted as AngularJS expression so the content is considered to be JS code.
It won't help you but editor uses different color for curly braces and their content in this case. Unless {{expression}} in Handlebar template contains something that is "wrong in JavaScript syntax perspective", you can get at least some coloring and no false errors complaining about JS syntax (that your handlebars would pretend to be)
Of course this is hacky workaround, but at least you could see {{expressions}} in your file more easily and even (at least partially) modify their coloring.

jQuery Tmpl removes TR tag content when not wrapped by TABLE tag

Upon migrating my old web interface with extensive use of jQuery Tmpl, some of my templates have ceased to work. Further investigation shows that the templates not working are the ones starting and ending with TR tags (i.e. table rows getting appended to an existing table). The source text just gets removed by the jQuery Tmpl script! If I use the TR tags in a broader context like wrapped in a table etc everything works just fine, but as soon as they are used in an isolated template, they get wiped out.
working example:
<script id="workingTemplate" type="text/x-jQuery-tmpl" >
<tr><td>this works</td></tr>
not working example:
<script id="notWorkingTemplate" type="text/x-jQuery-tmpl" >
<tr><td>this does not work</td></tr>
The first example renders the full HTML code when checking with Firebug, the latter renders an empty SCRIPT tag.
The difference between the old and the new web interface that could in any way be related to the templating is a change from jQuery 1.5.2 to 1.8.2. I haven't tried running anything below 1.7.2 since this is where the .on() function got added, and the new framework has an extensive use of this method.
Are there any workarounds for this problems except the most obvious (= changing templating framework to something still maintained)?
When loading the template from a string, the content stays intact,
$.template( "tableRowTemplate",'<tr><td>this works</td></tr>');
$.tmpl("tableRowTemplate", data).appendTo('TABLE#mytable TBODY');
but is unfortunately no good for me since my templates are a tad more complicated than the examples (server side dynamics etc...). It does give some hints though. Obviously, it is the initialization of jQuery Tmpl that removes the content if it does not comply with something to me unknown. Maybe jQuery.fn.domManip?

TinyMCE executes HTML tags - how to stop it?

I'm trying to include simple code samples in the TinyMCE editor. It looks fine when I'm writing it and when it is saved in the MySQL database. But when loading it in the TinyMCE editor once again the HTML-tags seems to be executed, even though they are saved as HTML names and not the actual tags.
For example if I write
In the database this was exactly what was stored, but when loading it in the TinyMCE editor, it now looks like
And if this is saved and loaded one more time it turns into
So it seems like TinyMCE is executing the tags, even though they are not actual tags to begin with. Does anyone know why this is happening?
I have tried to add the pre-tag and code-tag around the code, but it seems to be ignored by TinyMCE. I've also tried to add
preformatted : true,
verify_html : false,
to the TinyMCE init-function.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
From v3 documentation:
Removed in 3.4
This option enables or disables the built-in clean up functionality. TinyMCE is equipped with powerful clean up functionality that enables you to specify what elements and attributes are allowed and how HTML contents should be generated. This option is set to true by default, but if you want to disable it you may set it to false.
Notice: It's not recommended to disable this feature.
It might be worth mentioning that the browser usually messes with the HTML. The clean up not only fixes several problems with the browsers' parsed HTML document, like paths etc., it also makes sure it is a correct XHTML document, with all tags closed, the " at the right places, and things like that.
Example of usage of the cleanup option:
cleanup : true
I found out this is not a TinyMCE problem, this is just how textareas work. I used the PHP function htmlspecialchars() and everything is now working as intended.