How to implement restful API with additional noun for entity - rest

I would like to implement the following restful API using sails js:
I will PUT method to send approval information, and GET method to get the approval status.
It is quite easy in Sails js to implement in the following way:
I only need to add a method approval in CustomerController.js. But if I want to implement the first approach (i.e. [customer_id] followed by approval. How can I do that in Sails js?
By the way, which API style is better?

You would need to write your own route
/customers/:customer_id/approval : 'CustomerController.approval'
Then inside your controller/action you would have access to req.param.customer_id
Checkout these links


Infusionsoft Form Submission API

I have been using Infusionsoft form embedded in html page but now I want to send data to Infusionsoft form using their API. I checked their APIs but could not figure out which one should be used to submit data to the Infusionsoft form. Can someone please help me with this?
Thanks for looking into this.
Thank you, Naresh
Try to use REST API instead of XML RPC. Developer center already marked XML RPC to "legacy" module, and I guess they will replace "XML RPC" sooner or later.
Regarding to your question, you will need to define what data set you want to update.
For example, if your form is going to insert a new contact, you will need 2 things from your code.
First, prepare the parameters such like "email_addresses", "phone_numbers" and "given_name".
Second, POST request with parameters to this URL "" after authentication.
Ways to test:
Try REST API calls on page
Good luck.
To pull Webformvia API you will have to use following method, this will pull the HTML form:
Retrieve a Form's HTML
to submit a data to Infusionsoft via API
You will have to use Create contact and update contact API:
Create Contact
Update COntact
XML RPC is still in use but Infusionsoft suggests to use REST API methods
Create a Contact
Update a Contact
Single API call for two methods: Create or Update a Contact

How to write REST Web services in Laravel 5.2?

I am creating api for mobile app in laravel 5.2 version but now I am facing one problem. Problem is that in my routes.php I am created routes for my website. Now my question is if I start creating api for mobile for that I have to create new routes for mobile api Or I can use same routes for RESTapi also?
In Laravel 5.2 I have to add any webservices libraries or not? If yes, Please suggest me how to use RESTapi in Laravel 5.2? Please help.
My routes.php
Route::get('/', 'Auth\AuthController#login');
Route::get('admin/users', 'UserController#getUsers');
Route::get('admin/users/add', 'UserController#addUser');
If your routes an their inside logic returns json response, Its not necessary to create new routes, But if your routes does not returns json response, you must write new routes.
For having better APIs, json-hal, jsend or json-api conventions may help you.
Your api routes can coexist with your regular web routes. It's customary, however, to separate them, typically by a subdomain (, or at least a path (
Also, api version number is often included, as in my last example.
As for a package to develop apis in Laravel, have a look at Dingo. It's very complete, provides its own router, versioning, security, etc.
You have different middleware in laravel. By default you should have "web" middleware activated. It is either directly in your routes.php, in your controler constructor OR in the RouteServiceProvider.php
You wouldn't use web middleware for an api / restful service, therefore you should use another middleware ( e.g. "api" middleware which throttles requests to only allow max. 60 requets per minute etc. )
Typically you group your api requests
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api/v1'], function()
to strictly divide them from your application. You can then also easy change to v2 for example if you plan many releases
if your api logic follows your business logic then you could aswell just watch for ajax calls and return json
public function index(Request $request) {
// do stuff here
if($request->ajax()) {
// return json
// return view

IFTTT recipe api - is there documentation to create recipe using API call

I have already created triggers and actions for IFTTT channel. Now I want to create a recipe using these triggers and actions, but I want to do it not through Maker, but using an API call. What would be the format of the API call (behind Maker UI) to create a recipe, I am seems to unable to see any documentation or examples?
Click the URL in your maker settings to see IFTTT's description, which reads as follows, and shows your individual API key which must be used in your code:
To trigger an Event Make a POST or GET web request to:{event}/with/key/tIpcUAlqRkf8Mls9XepGN
With an optional JSON body of:
{ "value1" : "", "value2" : "", "value3" : "" }
The data is completely optional, and you can also
pass value1, value2, and value3 as query parameters or form variables.
This content will be passed on to the Action in your Recipe. You can
also try it with curl from a command line.
curl -X POST{event}/with/key/tIpcUAlqRkf8Mls9XepGN
Yes. There is a documentation for create / triggers and actions.
You need to create the API from your server like that:{{triggers}}
More information:
Click triggers in left menu
Create trigger name
Then as the endpoint you need to give your api url.
There is no public API. With old-type call there is internal API you can see REST calls like create/api/state whilst building a recipe, yet it might be protected from use by third party and I did not check the traffic of new applet maker platform. Note, if you are a partner you can embed your recipes into your apps. Upper tier customers are allowed to request new features (such as API or templates).
I was looking for the same, but after wasting hours, NO LUCK. So, I have decided to create one. This might be too late, but here's one repo of IFTTT boilerplate ( using NodeJS and express to create your own recipe (custom triggers and actions)

Ember Model RESTAdapter nested endpoint

I'm building a web app using Ember 1.5 and I use Ember Model 0.0.11 to link the app to an API. I'm currently having trouble getting Ember Model to use nested API endpoints.
For instance, my app has a User model, which has a hasMany relationship with a Post model. Now, when I want to load the posts for a certain user, I'd like the Post.findQuery('user_id', {user_id}); method to access the GET /users/{user_id}/posts endpoint. Instead, it seems that the Ember Model solution prefers to send the query as a parameter to the GET /posts endpoint.
Ember Model's RESTAdapter does allow for easy customization, but before I start coding a completely custom RESTAdapter I'd love to know if someone has already done this and how they solved the problem.
The solution for us to handle nested API routes was to have a links hash returned with the requested payload. If you can change the API output, this is the way to go for now. For example, when requesting a workspace, the returned JSON looks like this (excuse the escaped characters):
"organization_name":"Legros, Klein and Boehm",
"workspace_name":"Legros, Klein and Boehm",
"workspace_path":"legros, klein and boehm",
The model defines the links as async hasMany relationships, i.e. DS.attr('projects', {async: true}). When the workspace is loaded from the store, the linked projects aren't included. When you use {{#each workspace.projects}} or workspace.get('projects') anywhere else, ember-data will make a GET request to /v1/workspaces/wrk_krVZWGaJ/projects/, rather than the default route of /projects/. Neato, eh?
More details on the RESTAdapter findHasMany method.

How to RESTful delete record Asp.Net Mvc 2

I have delete links in my Asp.Net Mvc2 application.
It seems using link to delete has a security risk. Don’t use Delete Links because they create Security Holes
I found this Implementing RESTful Routes & Controllers in ASP.NET MVC 2.0 but I am not sure how to implement a simple delete functionality using the new HttpDeleteAttribute class.
Are there any examples on deleting, the RESTful approach?
The RESTful approach to a Delete is to send enough information to identify the resource and use the HTTP command DELETE (or some alternative for web pages). But all of that is detailed in the article, so I don't think that's what you're really asking.
If you mean "What do I do instead of a Delete link?", the answer is usually to go to a "Are you sure you want to delete Product 8496?" form where the button's action POSTs the delete request. That form can either be on a new page or a modal popup, or both if you want to combine usability and accessibility.
It's a (more of) a security risk if you dont use the [HttpPost] attribute on the controller.
Besides that, your approach isn't a restful one.
The idea is that you have just one Url that can be passed different Http Verbs which are implicit
Return all: /Product/ [HttpGet]
Return One: /Product/43 [HttpGet]
Add : /Product/ (Product info in form post) [HttpPut] or [HttpPost]
Delete: /Product/43 [HttpDelete]
You can do this using MVC in the standard form or JQuery
And to answer the question:
Add a delete link like this Delete Product but hook into it using the JQuery live events so that it hijacks the click using .preventDefault, then call the url as an ajax request with a DELETE verb.
Need more help let me know