How to cast [Int8] to [UInt8] in Swift - swift

I have a buffer that contains just characters
let buffer: [Int8] = ....
Then I need to pass this to a function process that takes [UInt8] as an argument.
func process(buffer: [UInt8]) {
// some code
What would be the best way to pass the [Int8] buffer to cast to [Int8]? I know following code would work, but in this case the buffer contains just bunch of characters, and it is unnecessary to use functions like map.
process({ x in UInt8(x) }) // OK
process([UInt8](buffer)) // error
process(buffer as! [UInt8]) // error
I am using Xcode7 b3 Swift2.

I broadly agree with the other answers that you should just stick with map, however, if your array were truly huge, and it really was painful to create a whole second buffer just for converting to the same bit pattern, you could do it like this:
// first, change your process logic to be generic on any kind of container
func process<C: CollectionType where C.Generator.Element == UInt8>(chars: C) {
// just to prove it's working...
print(String( { UnicodeScalar($0) }))
// sample input
let a: [Int8] = [104, 101, 108, 108, 111] // ascii "Hello"
// access the underlying raw buffer as a pointer
a.withUnsafeBufferPointer { buf -> Void in
// cast the underlying pointer to the type you want
start: UnsafePointer(buf.baseAddress),
count: buf.count))
// this prints [h, e, l, l, o]
Note withUnsafeBufferPointer means what it says. It’s unsafe and you can corrupt memory if you get this wrong (be especially careful with the count). It works based on your external knowledge that, for example, if any of the integers are negative then your code doesn't mind them becoming corrupt unsigned integers. You might know that, but the Swift type system can't, so it won't allow it without resort to the unsafe types.
That said, the above code is correct and within the rules and these techniques are justifiable if you need the performance edge. You almost certainly won’t unless you’re dealing with gigantic amounts of data or writing a library that you will call a gazillion times.
It’s also worth noting that there are circumstances where an array is not actually backed by a contiguous buffer (for example if it were cast from an NSArray) in which case calling .withUnsafeBufferPointer will first copy all the elements into a contiguous array. Also, Swift arrays are growable so this copy of underlying elements happens often as the array grows. If performance is absolutely critical, you could consider allocating your own memory using UnsafeMutablePointer and using it fixed-size style using UnsafeBufferPointer.
For a humorous but definitely not within the rules example that you shouldn’t actually use, this will also work:
process(unsafeBitCast(a, [UInt8].self))
It's also worth noting that these solutions are not the same as { UInt8($0) } since the latter will trap at runtime if you pass it a negative integer. If this is a possibility you may need to filter them first.

IMO, the best way to do this would be to stick to the same base type throughout the whole application to avoid the whole need to do casts/coercions. That is, either use Int8 everywhere, or UInt8, but not both.
If you have no choice, e.g. if you use two separate frameworks over which you have no control, and one of them uses Int8 while another uses UInt8, then you should use map if you really want to use Swift. The latter 2 lines from your examples (process([UInt8](buffer)) and
process(buffer as! [UInt8])) look more like C approach to the problem, that is, we don't care that this area in memory is an array on singed integers we will now treat it as if it is unsigneds. Which basically throws whole Swift idea of strong types to the window.
What I would probably try to do is to use lazy sequences. E.g. check if it possible to feed process() method with something like:
let convertedBuffer = lazy(buffer).map() {
This would at least save you from extra memory overhead (as otherwise you would have to keep 2 arrays), and possibly save you some performance (thanks to laziness).

You cannot cast arrays in Swift. It looks like you can, but what's really happening is that you are casting all the elements, one by one. Therefore, you can use cast notation with an array only if the elements can be cast.
Well, you cannot cast between numeric types in Swift. You have to coerce, which is a completely different thing - that is, you must make a new object of a different numeric type, based on the original object. The only way to use an Int8 where a UInt8 is expected is to coerce it: UInt8(x).
So what is true for one Int8 is true for an entire array of Int8. You cannot cast from an array of Int8 to an array of UInt8, any more than you could cast one of them. The only way to end up with an array of UInt8 is to coerce all the elements. That is exactly what your map call does. That is the way to do it; saying it is "unnecessary" is meaningless.


Why are null checks bad / why would I want an optional to succeed if it's null?

I've read more than a few answers to similar questions as well as a few tutorials, but none address my main confusion. I'm a native Java coder, but I've programmed in Swift as well.
Why would I ever want to use optionals instead of nulls?
I've read that it's so there are less null checks and errors, but these are necessary or easily avoided with clean programming.
I've also read it's so all references succeed ( and val length = text?.length). But I'd argue this is a bad thing or a misnomer. If I call the length function, I expect it to contain a length. If it doesn't, the code should deal with it right there, not continue on.
What am I missing?
Optionals provide clarity of type. An Int stores an actual value - always, whereas an Optional Int (i.e. Int?) stores either the value of an Int or a nil. This explicit "dual" type, so to speak, allows you to craft a simple function that can clearly declare what it will accept and return. If your function is to simply accept an actual Int and return an actual Int, then great.
func foo(x: Int) -> Int
But if your function wants to allow the return value to be nil, and the parameter to be nil, it must do so by explicitly making them optional:
func foo(x: Int?) -> Int?
In other languages such as Objective-C, objects can always be nil instead. Pointers in C++ can be nil, too. And so any object you receive in Obj-C or any pointer you receive in C++ ought to be checked for nil, just in case it's not what your code was expecting (a real object or pointer).
In Swift, the point is that you can declare object types that are non-optional, and thus whatever code you hand those objects to don't need to do any checks. They can just safely just use those objects and know they are non-null. That's part of the power of Swift optionals. And if you receive an optional, you must explicitly unpack it to its value when you need to access its value. Those who code in Swift try to always make their functions and properties non-optional whenever they can, unless they truly have a reason for making them optional.
The other beautiful thing about Swift optionals is all the built-in language constructs for dealing with optionals to make the code faster to write, cleaner to read, more compact... taking a lot of the hassle out of having to check and unpack an optional and the equivalent of that you'd have to do in other languages.
The nil-coalescing operator (??) is a great example, as are if-let and guard and many others.
In summary, optionals encourage and enforce more explicit type-checking in your code - type-checking that's done by by the compiler rather than at runtime. Sure you can write "clean" code in any language, but it's just a lot simpler and more automatic to do so in Swift, thanks in big part to its optionals (and its non-optionals too!).
Avoids error at compile time. So that you don't pass unintentionally nulls.
In Java, any variable can be null. So it becomes a ritual to check for null before using it. While in swift, only optional can be null. So you have to check only optional for a possible null value.
You don't always have to check an optional. You can work equally well on optionals without unwrapping them. Sending a method to optional with null value does not break the code.
There can be more but those are the ones that help a lot.
TL/DR: The null checks that you say can be avoided with clean programming can also be avoided in a much more rigorous way by the compiler. And the null checks that you say are necessary can be enforced in a much more rigorous way by the compiler. Optionals are the type construct that make that possible.
var length = text?.length
This is actually a good example of one way that optionals are useful. If text doesn't have a value, then it can't have a length either. In Objective-C, if text is nil, then any message you send it does nothing and returns 0. That fact was sometimes useful and it made it possible to skip a lot of nil checking, but it could also lead to subtle errors.
On the other hand, many other languages point out the fact that you've sent a message to a nil pointer by helpfully crashing immediately when that code executes. That makes it a little easier to pinpoint the problem during development, but run time errors aren't so great when they happen to users.
Swift takes a different approach: if text doesn't point to something that has a length, then there is no length. An optional isn't a pointer, it's a kind of type that either has a value or doesn't have a value. You might assume that the variable length is an Int, but it's actually an Int?, which is a completely different type.
If I call the length function, I expect it to contain a length. If it doesn't, the code should deal with it right there, not continue on.
If text is nil then there is no object to send the length message to, so length never even gets called and the result is nil. Sometimes that's fine — it makes sense that if there's no text, there can't be a length either. You may not care about that — if you were preparing to draw the characters in text, then the fact that there's no length won't bother you because there's nothing to draw anyway. The optional status of both text and length forces you to deal with the fact that those variables don't have values at the point where you need the values.
Let's look at a slightly more concrete version:
var text : String? = "foo"
var length : Int? = text?.count
Here, text has a value, so length also gets a value, but length is still an optional, so at some point in the future you'll have to check that a value exists before you use it.
var text : String? = nil
var length : Int? = text?.count
In the example above, text is nil, so length also gets nil. Again, you have to deal with the fact that both text and length might not have values before you try to use those values.
var text : String? = "foo"
var length : Int = text.count
Guess what happens here? The compiler says Oh no you don't! because text is an optional, which means that any value you get from it must also be optional. But the code specifies length as a non-optional Int. Having the compiler point out this mistake at compile time is so much nicer than having a user point it out much later.
var text : String? = "foo"
var length : Int = text!.count
Here, the ! tells the compiler that you think you know what you're doing. After all, you just assigned an actual value to text, so it's pretty safe to assume that text is not nil. You might write code like this because you want to allow for the fact that text might later become nil. Don't force-unwrap optionals if you don't know for certain, because...
var text : String? = nil
var length : Int = text!.count
...if text is nil, then you've betrayed the compiler's trust, and you deserve the run time error that you (and your users) get:
error: Execution was interrupted, reason: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)
Now, if text is not optional, then life is pretty simple:
var text : String = "foo"
var length : Int = text.count
In this case, you know that text and length are both safe to use without any checking because they cannot possibly be nil. You don't have to be careful to be "clean" -- you literally can't assign anything that's not a valid String to text, and every String has a count, so length will get a value.
Why would I ever want to use optionals instead of nulls?
Back in the old days of Objective-C, we used to manage memory manually. There was a small number of simple rules, and if you followed the rules rigorously, then Objective-C's retain counting system worked very well. But even the best of us would occasionally slip up, and sometimes complex situations arose in which it was hard to know exactly what to do. A huge portion of Objective-C questions on StackOverflow and other forums related to the memory management rules. Then Apple introduced ARC (automatic retain counting), in which the compiler took over responsibility for retaining and releasing objects, and memory management became much simpler. I'll bet fewer than 1% of Objective-C and Swift questions here on SO relate to memory management now.
Optionals are like that: they shift responsibility for keeping track of whether a variable has, doesn't have, or can't possibly not have a value from the programmer to the compiler.

Swift Mutating Data at Range

I am building a Data object that looks something like this:
struct StructuredData {
var crc: UInt16
var someData: UInt32
var someMoreData: UInt64
// etc.
I'm running a CRC algorithm that will start at byte 2 and process length 12.
When the CRC is returned, it must exist at the beginning of the Data object. As I see it, my options are:
Generate a Data object that does not include the CRC, process it, and then build another Data object that does (so that the CRC value that I now have will be at the start of the Data object.
Generate the data object to include a zero'd out CRC to start with and then mutate the data at range [0..<2].
Obviously, 2 would be preferable, as it uses less memory and less processing, but this type of an optimization I'm not sure is necessary anymore. I'd still rather go with 2, except I do not know how to mutate the data at a given index range. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I do not recommend the way of mutating Data using this:
data.replaceSubrange(0..<2, with: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: &self.crc, count: 1))
Please try this:
data.replaceSubrange(0..<2, with: &self.crc, count: 2)
It is hard to explain why, but I'll try...
In Swift, inout parameters work in copy-in-copy-out semantics. When you write something like this:
Swift allocates some region of enough size to hold the content of param,
copies param into the region, (copy-in)
calls the method with passing the address of the region,
and when returned from the call, copies the content of the region back to param (copy-out).
In many cases, Swift optimizes (which may happen even in -Onone setting) the steps by just passing the actual address of param, but it is not clearly documented.
So, when an inout parameter is passed to the initializer of UnsafeBufferPointer, the address received by UnsafeBufferPointer may be pointing to a temporal region, which will be released immediately after the initializer is finished.
Thus, replaceSubrange(_:with:) may copy the bytes in the already released region into the Data.
I believe the first code would work in this case as crc is a property of a struct, but if there is a simple and safe alternative, you should better avoid the unsafe way.
ADDITION for the comment of Brandon Mantzey's own answer.
data.append(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: &self.crcOfRecordData, count: 1))
Using safe in the meaning above. This is not safe, for the same reason described above.
I would write it as:
data.append(Data(bytes: &self.crcOfRecordData, count: MemoryLayout<UInt16>.size))
(Assuming the type of crcOfRecordData as UInt16.)
If you do not prefer creating an extra Data instance, you can write it as:
withUnsafeBytes(of: &self.crcOfRecordData) {urbp in
data.append(urbp.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self), count: MemoryLayout<UInt16>.size)
This is not referred in the comment, but in the meaning of above safe, the following line is not safe.
let uint32Data = Data(buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: &self.someData, count: 1))
All the same reason.
I would write it as:
let uint32Data = Data(bytes: &self.someData, count: MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size)
Though, observable unexpected behavior may happen in some very limited condition and with very little probability.
Such behavior would happen only when the following two conditions are met:
Swift compiler generates non-Optimized copy-in-copy-out code
Between the very narrow period, since the temporal region is released till the append method (or Data.init) finishes copying the whole content, the region is modified for another use.
The condition #1 becomes true only limited cases in the current implementation of Swift.
The condition #2 happens very rarely only in the multi-threaded environment. (Though, Apple's framework uses many hidden threads as you can find in the debugger of Xcode.)
In fact, I have not seen any questions regarding the unsafe cases above, my safe may be sort of overkill.
But alternative safe codes are not so complex, are they?
In my opinion, you should better be accustomed to use all-cases-safe code.
I figured it out. I actually had a syntax error that was boggling me because I hadn't seen that before.
Here's the answer:
data.replaceSubrange(0..<2, with: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: &self.crc, count: 1))

What's the difference between casting and coercing a pointer in swift?

Motivation is trying to use a callback with a C API where I pass in anything I want through a void pointer.
So suppose I have an x: UnsafePointer<Void>. I know what it really is, so I want to convert the pointer appropriately. What is the difference between using unsafeBitCast, or just applying UnsafePointer to x? In other words
let y = unsafeBitCast(x, to: UnsafePointer<MyStruct>.self)
different from
let z = UnsafePointer<MyStruct>(x)
in some way?
unsafeBitCast is an unsafe conversion between any two Swift types of the same size. That is, you can write unsafeBitCast(x, UnsafePointer<MyStruct>.self), but you could have also written unsafeBitCast(x, MyClass.self) or unsafeBitCast(x, Int.self). This is generally very unsafe, because Swift doesn't guarantee much about the memory layout of its types. Using UnsafePointer or Unmanaged might be better options in your case.
The "coercion" UnsafePointer<MyStruct>(x) isn't really a special language feature, it's just an UnsafePointer initializer which takes another UnsafePointer. Its effect is to reinterpret the value at the same memory address as a different type, similar to casting between pointer types in C (or static_casting in C++). The conversion between the two Swift types (the two variants of UnsafePointer) is safe, but of course they are still UnsafePointers, so you must be certain you're accessing the memory correctly; you are still responsible for allocation and deallocation.

Swift pointer from ArraySlice

I'm trying to determine the "Swift-y" way of creating my own contiguous memory containers (in my particular case, I'm building n-dimensional arrays). I want my containers to be as close to Swift's builtin Array as possible - in terms of functionality and usability.
I need to access the pointer to memory of my containers for stuff like Accelerate and BLAS operations.
I want to know whether an ArraySlice's pointer would point to the first element of the slice, or the first element of its base.
When I tried to test UnsafePointer<Int>(array) == UnsafePointer<Int>(array[1...2]) it looks like Swift doesn't allow pointer construction from ArraySlices (or I just did it incorrectly).
I'm looking for advice on which way would be the most "Swift-y"?
I understand that when slicing an array the follow is true:
let array = [1, 2, 3]
array[1] == array[1...2][1]
array[1...2][0] != 2 # index out of bounds error
In other words, indexing is always performed relative to the base Array.
Which suggests: that we should return a pointer to the base's first element. Because slices are relative to their base.
However, iteration through a slice (obviously) only considers elements of that slice:
for i in array[1..2] # i takes on 2 followed by 3
Which suggests: that we should return a pointer to the slice's first element. Because slices have their own starting point.
If my user wanted to operate on a slice in a BLAS operation it would be intuitive to expect:
mmul(matrix1[1...2, 0...1].pointer, matrix2[4...5, 0...1].pointer)
to point to the first elements of slice, but I don't know if this is the way a Swift ArraySlice would do things.
My Question: Should a container slice object's pointer point to the first element of the slice, or, the first element of the base container.
This operation is unsafe:
What you mean is:
array.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ... }
This applies to your types as well, and is the pattern you should employ to interoperate with BLAS and Accelerate. You should not try to use a pointer method IMO.
There is no promise that array will continue to exist by the time you actually access the pointer, even if that happens in the same line of code. ARC is free to destroy that memory shockingly quickly.
UnsafeBufferPointer is actually a very nice type in that it is already promised to be contiguous and it behaves as a Collection.
My suggestion here would be to manage your own memory internally, probably with a ManagedBuffer, but maybe just with a UnsafeMutablePointer that you alloc and destroy yourself. It's very important that you manage the layout of the data so that it's compatible with Accelerate. You don't want Array<Array<UInt8>>. That's going to add too much structure. You want a blob of bytes that you index into in the good-ol' C ways (row*width+column, etc). You probably don't want your slices to return pointers at all directly. Your mmul function is likely going to need special logic to understand how to pull the pieces it needs out of slices with minimal copying so that it works with vDSP_mmul. "Generic" and "Accelerate" seldom go together.
For example, considering this:
mmul(matrix1[1...2, 0...1].pointer, matrix2[4...5, 0...1].pointer)
(Obviously I assume your real matrices are dramatically larger; this kind of matrix doesn't make much sense to send to vDSP.)
You're going to have to write your own mmul here obviously since this memory isn't laid out correctly. So you might as well pass the slices. Then you'd do something like (totally untested, uncompiled, and I'm sure the syntax is wildly wrong):
mmul(m1: MatrixSlice, m2: MatrixSlice) -> Matrix {
var s1 = UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>.alloc(m1.rows * m1.columns)
// use vDSP_vgathr to copy each sliced row out of m1 into s1
var s2 = UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>.alloc(m2.rows * m2.columns)
// use vDSP_vgathr to copy each sliced row out of m2 into s2
var result = UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>.alloc(m1.rows * m2.columns)
vDSP_mmul(s1, 1, s2, 1, result, 1, m1.rows, m2.columns, m1.columns)
// This will need to call result.move() or moveInitializeFrom or something
return Matrix(result)
I'm just throwing out stuff here, but this is probably the kind of structure you'd want.
To your underlying question about whether the pointer to the container or to the data is usually passed by Swift, the answer is unfortunately "magic" for Array and no one else. Passing an Array to something that wants a pointer will magically (by the compiler, not the stdlib) pass a pointer to the storage of the Array. No other type gets this magic. Not even ContiguousArray gets this magic. If you pass a ContiguousArray to something that wants a pointer, you'll pass the pointer to the container (and if it's mutable, corrupt the container; true story, hated that one…)
Thanks in part to #RobNapier the answer to my question is: ArraySlice's pointer should point to the slice's first element.
The way I verified this was simply:
var array = [5,4,3,325,67,7,3]
array.withUnsafeBufferPointer{ $0 } != array[3...6].withUnsafeBufferPointer{ $0 } # true
^--- points to 5's address ^--- points to 325's address

How safe are swift collections when used with invalidated iterators / indices?

I'm not seeing a lot of info in the swift stdlib reference. For example, Dictionary says certain methods (like remove) will invalidate indices, but that's it.
For a language to call itself "safe", it needs a solution to the classic C++ footguns:
get pointer to element in a vector, then add more elements (pointer is now invalidated), now use pointer, crash
start iterating through a collection. while iterating, remove some elements (either before or after the current iterator position). continue iterating, crash.
(edit: in c++, you're lucky to crash - worse case is memory corruption)
I believe 1 is solved by swift because if a collection stores classes, taking a reference (e.g. strong pointer) to an element will increase the refcount. However, I don't know the answer for 2.
It would be super useful if there was a comparison of footguns in c++ that are/are not solved by swift.
EDIT, due to Robs answer:
It does appear that there's some undocumented snapshot-like behavior going on
with Dictionary and/or for loops. The iteration creates a snapshot / hidden
copy of it when it starts.
Which gives me both a big "WAT" and "cool, that's sort of safe, I guess", and "how expensive is this copy?".
I don't see this documented either in Generator or in for-loop.
The below code prints two logical snapshots of the dictionary. The first
snapshot is userInfo as it was at the start of the iteration loop, and does
not reflect any modifications made during the loop.
var userInfo: [String: String] = [
"first_name" : "Andrei",
"last_name" : "Puni",
"job_title" : "Mad scientist"
userInfo["added_one"] = "1" // can modify because it's var
print("first snapshot:")
var hijacked = false
for (key, value) in userInfo {
if !hijacked {
userInfo["added_two"] = "2" // doesn't error
userInfo.removeValueForKey("first_name") // doesn't error
hijacked = true
print("- \(key): \(value)")
userInfo["added_three"] = "3" // modify again
print("final snapshot:")
for (key, value) in userInfo {
print("- \(key): \(value)")
As you say, #1 is not an issue. You do not have a pointer to the object in Swift. You either have its value or a reference to it. If you have its value, then it's a copy. If you have a reference, then it's protected. So there's no issue here.
But let's consider the second and experiment, be surprised, and then stop being surprised.
var xs = [1,2,3,4]
for x in xs { // (1)
if x == 2 {
xs.removeAll() // (2)
print(x) // Prints "1\n2\n3\n\4\n"
xs // [] (3)
Wait, how does it print all the values when we blow away the values at (2). We are very surprised now.
But we shouldn't be. Swift arrays are values. The xs at (1) is a value. Nothing can ever change it. It's not "a pointer to memory that includes an array structure that contains 4 elements." It's the value [1,2,3,4]. At (2), we don't "remove all elements from the thing xs pointed to." We take the thing xs is, create an array that results if you remove all the elements (that would be [] in all cases), and then assign that new array to xs. Nothing bad happens.
So what does the documentation mean by "invalidates all indices?" It means exactly that. If we generated indices, they're no good anymore. Let's see:
var xs = [1,2,3,4]
for i in xs.indices {
if i == 2 {
print(xs[i]) // Prints "1\n2\n" and then CRASH!!!
Once xs.removeAll() is called, there's no promise that the old result of xs.indices means anything anymore. You are not permitted to use those indices safely against the collection they came from.
"Invalidates indices" in Swift is not the same as C++'s "invalidates iterators." I'd call that pretty safe, except the fact that using collection indices is always a bit dangerous and so you should avoid indexing collections when you can help it; iterate them instead. Even if you need the indexes for some reason, use enumerate to get them without creating any of the danger of indexing.
(Side note, dict["key"] is not indexing into dict. Dictionaries are a little confusing because their key is not their index. Accessing dictionaries by their DictionaryIndex index is just as dangerous as accessing arrays by their Int index.)
Note also that the above doesn't apply to NSArray. If you modify NSArray while iterating it, you'll get a "mutated collection while iterating" error. I'm only discussing Swift data types.
EDIT: for-in is very explicit in how it works:
The generate() method is called on the collection expression to obtain a value of a generator type—that is, a type that conforms to the GeneratorType protocol. The program begins executing a loop by calling the next() method on the stream. If the value returned is not None, it is assigned to the item pattern, the program executes the statements, and then continues execution at the beginning of the loop. Otherwise, the program does not perform assignment or execute the statements, and it is finished executing the for-in statement.
The returned Generator is a struct and contains a collection value. You would not expect any changes to some other value to modify its behavior. Remember: [1,2,3] is no different than 4. They're both values. When you assign them, they make copies. So when you create a Generator over a collection value, you're going to snapshot that value, just like if I created a Generator over the number 4. (This raises an interesting problem, because Generators aren't really values, and so really shouldn't be structs. They should be classes. Swift stdlib has been fixing that. See the new AnyGenerator for instance. But they still contain an array value, and you would never expect changes to some other array value to impact them.)
See also "Structures and Enumerations Are Value Types" which goes into more detail on the importance of value types in Swift. Arrays are just structs.
Yes, that means there's logically copying. Swift has many optimizations to minimize actual copying when it's not needed. In your case, when you mutate the dictionary while it's being iterated, that will force a copy to happen. Mutation is cheap if you're the only consumer of a particular value's backing storage. But it's O(n) if you're not. (This is determined by the Swift builtin isUniquelyReferenced().) Long story short: Swift Collections are Copy-on-Write, and simply passing an array does not cause real memory to be allocated or copied.
You don't get COW for free. Your own structs are not COW. It's something that Swift does in stdlib. (See Mike Ash's great discussion of how you would recreate it.) Passing your own custom structs causes real copies to happen. That said, the majority of the memory in most structs is stored in collections, and those collections are COW, so the cost of copying structs is usually pretty small.
The book doesn't spend a lot of time drilling into value types in Swift (it explains it all; it just doesn't keep saying "hey, and this is what that implies"). On the other hand, it was the constant topic at WWDC. You may be interested particularly in Building Better Apps with Value Types in Swift which is all about this topic. I believe Swift in Practice also discussed it.
#KarlP raises an interesting point in the comments below, and it's worth addressing. None of the value-safety promises we're discussing are related to for-in. They're based on Array. for-in makes no promises at all about what would happen if you mutated a collection while it is being iterated. That wouldn't even be meaningful. for-in doesn't "iterate over collections," it calls next() on Generators. So if your Generator becomes undefined if the collection is changed, then for-in will blow up because the Generator blew up.
That means that the following might be unsafe, depending on how strictly you read the spec:
func nukeFromOrbit<C: RangeReplaceableCollectionType>(var xs: C) {
var hijack = true
for x in xs {
if hijack {
hijack = false
And the compiler won't help you here. It'll work fine for all of the Swift collections. But if calling next() after mutation for your collection is undefined behavior, then this is undefined behavior.
My opinion is that it would be poor Swift to make a collection that allows its Generator to become undefined in this case. You could even argue that you've broken the Generator spec if you do (it offers no UB "out" unless the generator has been copied or has returned nil). So you could argue that the above code is totally within spec and your generator is broken. Those arguments tend to be a bit messy with a "spec" like Swift's which doesn't dive into all the corner cases.
Does this mean you can write unsafe code in Swift without getting a clear warning? Absolutely. But in the many cases that commonly cause real-world bugs, Swift's built-in behavior does the right thing. And in that, it is safer than some other options.