Change dashes to slashes in cakephp generated date selects - date

When cake generates the 3 select boxes for a 'type'=>'date' input is there a way to change the dashes in between each select to slashes instead? Just for visual customization. I realize I can do it with javascript but I'm trying to see if I can avoid it if possible.

Found this answer
Cakephp customizing the output of date input form helpers
'separator' => 'YOUR_SEPARATOR'


Kentico 9 form fields.. Is there a way to make a feild into a currency field only?

Have a form I am trying to build and even though I have a text box field that will work for users to enter a $ amount it would be nice to make it so that field only accepts numbers and keeps it in the $0.00 format. Seems like a simple thing but I cannot seem to find out how this would be done.
You need to specify the field as a decimal or double and define the precision (depending on what version you are using). The field should NOT be a text field but can use a textbox as the displaying control.
From an output standpoint, it will not automatically output $0.00, you have to format that based on the culture. There are several macros and functions within the API to do this.
Setup you control as followed
make the Data type a decimal number
in the Editing control settings click to show the Advanced section
in Filter set Type to Numbers and Custom
Add Valid characters your delimiter (, or .)
In the validation section add a rule for the minimum value to be 0.
The data type will enforce it to be a actual number.
You could also use as Validation a Regular expression setting something like:
which will allow a dollar sign prefix or suffix.

iTextSharp Flattening Form Removes Indentation, Spacing

I am having an issue using Adobe LiveCycle Designer in conjunction with iTextSharp. I have a multi-line text field that I'm stamping That looks like...
Blah blah text here: _________________
In LiveCycleDesigner, I have a single field that encapsulated all 3 lines (including the static text). I've set the font/paragraph settings so that the first line indents over to where the field starts, the field aligns vertically, and the lines are spaced properly.
When I use PdfStamper to set the fields (without flattening the form), it looks fine in Adobe (though Chrome and Firefox default plugins don't seem to support AcroForms very well). When I flatten the form, though, I lose everything but the font.
Does iTextSharp just not support the ability to do this? Is there some better way I should be doing this? I'm trying to build a generic form builder for my application, so a one-off fix won't really be useful for me.
The only alternative I've thought of is to break it into 3 fields on the PDF and use some clever grouping and MeasureString() (UGH) to determine how much of my string can fit in each field. Can anyone think of anything better?

formatting text in a csv export

I'm having trouble with a .csv export which is being uploaded to a website. There are must be some hidden or illegal characters in a description field I have in the database. I'm having a tough time getting the text to format correctly and not break a php script.
If I use the GetAs(css) function in a calculation, the text works fine. Obviously this won't work as a working file but it at least validates there's something in the formatting of the description field that's breaking the export. I did use the excel clean(text) calculation and that fixes the issue as well. Just need to find a way in Filemaker to do this.
Any suggestions?? Maybe a custom function that strips out bad characters?
You can filter invalid characters out of text using the filter function. If you only want a minimal set of ASCII characters, use it like
filter(mytable::myfield; "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.!?")

Howto make JRequest::getVar filter correctly accented characters?

I want to filter some variables with accented character on a component for joomla1.5 for example:
$name = JRequest::getVar('name', '', 'post','WORD');
but the getvar function filters áéíóú. I need this get well for a form in spanish language.
I'm new to joomla development, but for as far as I can see, it doesn't let me set any other parameter to config to get this.
Is there a way to do this with the advantage of filtering with JRequest::getVar or should I create a function myself which does so?
Do you mean JRequest::getVar() removes symbols like 'áéíóú'? It is very weird because I've worked on Joomla with danish and hebrew symbols. And they were passed through GET, POST, SESSION successfully. Because Joomla works with UTF8 and it understands such symbols. The problem could be only in your file encoding. They should be in UTF8. Is it so? If not try to change it. This should help.

Apostrophe issue in RTF

I have a function within a custom CRM web application (old VB.Net circa 2003) that takes a set of fields from a database and merges them with palceholders in a set of RTF based template documents. These generate merged letters and documentation. The code essentially loops through each line of the RTF template file and replaces any instances of the placeholder values with text from a database record. The issue I'm having is that users have pasted a certain type of apostrophe into the web app (and therefore into the database) that is not rendering correctly in the resulting RTF file. It is rendering like this - ’.
I need a way to spot this invalid apostrophe in the code and replace it with a valid one. Unfortunately when I paste the invalid apostrophe into the Visual Studio editor it gets converted into the correct one. So I need another way to express this invalid apostrophe's value. Unfortunately I do not know a great deal about unicode and other encodings so I'm calling out for help with this.
Any ideas?
If you really just want to figure out what the character is you might want to try and paste it into a text editor like ultraedit. It has a hex mode that you can flip to to see the actual underlying bytes.
In order to do the replace once you've figured out the character you'd do something like this in Vb,
text.Replace(ChrW(2001), "'")
Note that you might not be able to figure it out easily using the text editor because it might also get mangled by paste from the clipboard. You might want to either print some debug of the ascii values from code. You can use the AscW function to do that.
I can't help but think that it may actually simply be a case of specifying the correct encoding to use when you write out the stream though. Assuming you're using a StreamWriter you can specify it on the constructor. I'm guessing you actually want ASCII given your requirement.
oWriter = New System.IO.StreamWriter(path, False, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)
It looks like you probably want to encode characters out of the 8 bit range (>255).
You can do that using \uNNNN according to the wikipedia article.