Converting Netezza timestamp to Julian Day Number - date

I have been looking for it during days but could not find how to do..
It is like:
select to_number(to_char('2015-06-24 00:00:00','J')) on Oracle.
I need to find the Julian Numeric Day value, not to be confused with the ordinal date of the year..

Conversion templates indicate that 'J' is exactly what you want.
I think the issue you have is the to_number() function, not the to_char() function. Use casts instead.
SYSTEM(ADMIN)=> select to_char('2015-06-24 00:00:00'::timestamp,'J')::int;
(1 row)

You need to use the DDD (day of year) date identifier in TO_CHAR.
Reference: date and time constants.


Can someone help me convert this sqlite query to a postgres query?

SELECT substr(strftime('%Y', date),3,2) AS month, 0 AS zero FROM listvalue
I have this query in SQLite, when I import it into Postgres I'm having problem translating the substr(strftime('%Y', date),3,2) part.
substr(strftime('%Y', date),3,2) extracts the last 2 digits of the year part of the column date, but in your code you alias it as month!
if you want to do the same in Postgresql you can use extract() to get the year, typecast it to varchar and use substr() to get the last 2 chars:
substr(extract(year from date)::varchar, 3, 2)
You can translate the expression with TO_CHAR function to PostgreSQL:
SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(date, 'YYYY'), 3, 2)
Note: The format %Y will return the year of the date and not the month as your query suggests.
The SQLite query will return the last to digits of year of the date. You can omit the SUBSTR in PostgreSQL call by using the apropriate format:
TO_CHAR(date, 'YY')
We suspect that you want to extract the last two digits of the year value from the date column. The strftime() function won’t work in Postgres server. So, suggest you to use either one of the below queries to achieve your requirement,
SELECT substring(date_part('year', date)::varchar, 3, 2) AS year, 0 AS zero FROM listvalue;
SELCT to_char(shipped_date, 'YY'), 0 AS zero from listvalue;
Renuka N.

Conversion of Normal Date ( YYYY-MM-DD ) to Julian Date conversion in datastage

Is there any function to convert Normal Date to Julian Date.
I have used JulianDayFromDate function in transformer but i am not getting expected output .
Sample Input :
Date -- 2013-02-02
Output Should be:
Julian Date-- 113033
( In Database we can do the query as below )
select to_date(1900000+113033,'YYYYDDD') from dual
But how to convert in Datastage ... ?
Maybe your expectations are wrong -
2456326 is the julian day for 2013-02-02 - the DataStage functions works.
Check out the Wikipedia documentation for defintions and calculations
Not sure what your 113033 is but it is not the Julian date or Julian day for the date shown.
To achieve what you want you have to do the calculation by your own.
Besides the year calcuation you could use YeardayFromDate to get the daynumer in the year.
So finally it would be something like
YearFromDate('2013-02-02') * 1000 - 1900000 + YeardayFromDate('2013-02-02')
Databases use different "day zero" values for Julian dates. Doesn't matter. The point is the ability to do date (day) arithmetic with them.
To convert back, use DateFromJulianDay() function.

how to format date column in kdb

I am newbie to KDB. I have a KDB table which I am querying as:
select[100] from table_name
now this table has got some date columns which have dates stored in this format
I wish to query that table and retrieve the date fields in specific format (like mm/dd/yyyy). If this would've been any other RDBMS table this is what i would have done:
select to_date(date_field,'mm/dd/yyyy') from table_name
I need kdb equivalent of above. I've tried my best to go through the kdb docs but unable to find any function / example / syntax to do that.
Thanks in advance!
As Anton said KDB doesn't have an inbuilt way to specify the date format. However you can extract the components of the date individually and rearrange as you wish.
For the example table t with date column:
q)update o:{"0"^"/"sv'flip -2 -2 4$'string`mm`dd`year$\:x}date from t
date o
2008.02.04 "02/04/2008"
2015.01.02 "01/02/2015"
From right to left inside the function: we extract the month,day and year components with `mm`dd`year$:x before stringing the result. We then pad the month and day components with a null character (-2 -2 4$') before each and add the "/" formatting ("/"sv'flip). Finally the leading nulls are filled with "0" ("0"^).
Check out this GitHub library for datetime formatting. It supports the excel way of formatting date and time. Though it might not be the right fit for formatting a very large number of objects (but if distinct dates are very less then a keyed table and lj can be used for lookup).
q).dtf.format["mm/dd/yyyy"; 2016.09.23]
q).dtf.format["dd mmmm yyyy"; 2016.09.03] // another example
"03 September 2016"
I don't think KDB has built-in date formatting features.
The most reliable way is to format date by yourself.
For example
t: ([]date: 10?.z.d);
update dateFormatted: {x: "." vs x; x[1],"/",x[2],"/",x[0]} each string date from t
date dateFormatted
2012.07.21 "07/21/2012"
2001.05.11 "05/11/2001"
2008.04.25 "04/25/2008"
Or, more efficient way to do the same formatting is
update dateFormatted: "/"sv/:("."vs/:string date)[;1 2 0] from t
now qdate is available for datetime parsing and conversion

Converting bigint to timestamp in presto

I have a column in my dataset that has a datatype of bigint:
Col1 Col2
1 1519778444938790
2 1520563808877450
3 1519880608427160
4 1520319586578960
5 1519999133096120
How do I convert Col2 to the following format:
year-month-day hr:mm:ss
I am not sure what format my current column is in but I know that it is supposed to be a timestamp.
Any help will be great, thanks!
Have you tried to use functions like from_unixtime? You could use it to convert unix time to timestamp, then you could use date_format to display it in way you want. Notice that in your example your unix time is with microseconds, so you might want to convert it first to milliseconds.
I have not tested that but I am assuming that your code should look like:
date_format(from_unixtime(col2/1000), '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s')
Notice that from_unixtime accepts also a time zone.
Please visit this page to see the more details about date related functions:
I believe the denominator should be 1000000 not 1000. Probably a typo. Anyways juts adding the test results here for others reference.
-- Microseconds
select date_format(from_unixtime(cast('1519778444938790' as bigint)/1000000), '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s');
2018-02-28 12:40:44
If you need to filter the data where the column is in BIGINT Unix format, then you can use the following snippet to compare : from_unixtime(d.started_on /1000) >= CAST('2022-05-10 22:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP )
Accepted answer is a bit misleading. You should divide by 1000.0 otherwise you'll lose ms precision and be limited to second precision:
date_format(from_unixtime(col2/1000.0), '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s')

Convert a Date field into Week Number in IBM DB2

I have a Date field (CHAR Datatype) which has values in this format: YYYYMMDD.
For example 20140729.
I want to convert it into a Weeknumber in format YYYYWKNO
For example, the result would be 201432.
How this can be done in IBM DB2?
Luckily for you, DB2 has some pretty good date formatting functions. Although the links for the documentation are for DB2 for Linux/Unix/Windows, it will also work on DB2 for z/OS.
You can use TIMESTAMP_FORMAT() to convert your CHAR field to an actual date, which you can then use VARCHAR_FORMAT() to format it in the way you wish:
There are two different formats for "week", one is WW, which will give the week based on a week beginning with January 1 and ending January 7, and IW, which will give the ISO Week.. Please see the documentation page for VARCHAR_FORMAT for the other formats available.
The following gets week 31 instead of 32. But overall I think it is a good solution for this problem:
, YEAR(TO_DATE('20140801', 'YYYYMMDD')) * 100 + WEEK(TO_DATE('20140801', 'YYYYMMDD')) AS YYYYWKNO