SSAS Prossessing using XMLA Script - deployment

When I deploy my SSAS solution using BIDS, it works perfectly.
Now, I want to deploy my solution using XMLA script (because I don't have have BIDS installed on the prod server)
I generated the XMLA script from the SSAS database
Now, I executed the same script on the same database, just for testing (so no need to change the connection string, access rights ...).
Then, when I try to process the cube using
<Process xmlns="">
The following error appear :
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Login failed for user 'OLAP'.; 28000.
Why does it work using BIDS and not using XMLA script ?
What could I do to correct this error ?

The problem was that when you generate XMLA script, it won't contain the password in the connection string (For security issue I suppose).
So the solution was to add pwd=yourPassword; in the connection string


Connect Oracle database with SQLcl

I am using sqldeveloper to query database and export results to csv file. I need this file on daily basis so thought of creating bat file which can be scheduled on windows task scheduler. I was researching it and found I can use SQLcl to run my script to export the query data. But somehow I can't connect it and it gives me and error 'ORA-01017: invalid username/password;logon denied. Here is my connection properties from sql developer
Here is my command line:
sql testuser1/mypass#tstwd2.myhost.internal:1521/tst.internal
I have java development kit installed
Do I need anything for java? Or do I need any special rights to run sql command line?
Found the problem, my userid is in double quotes so I have to use escape sequence **\**, its working like a charm.

Windows Azure - Mobile services, database connection

I'm having trouble running sql commands to my database on Windows Azure. Previously I had no problems at all running my commands and stored procedures with SQL management studio until I added another database on the same server. I can still connect and even se all the tables and both databases i SQL management studio but I cannot run any commands.
If I use the online management portal I am able to run my SQL but not with SQL management studio.
select * from nextlabel.[Article]
and it gives the folowing error:
Invalid object name 'nextlabel.Article'.
Any ideas on how to connect properly to one of the databases or if I'm doing something else wrong?

Crystal Reports against OLAP / XMLA / SimbaO2X-server

I'm trying to convert some old Excel-reports to Crystal Reports. The excel sheets uses OLAP-cubes and connects to a database using a XMLA connection over a SimbaO2X driver.
I just can't figure out which connection settings to use in Crystal Reports to be able to connect to the database.
I've tried both XML and OLAP connections, but just can't get a database connection.
Any help with the connection setting would be appreciated!
Edit: The database is a bit of a black box; it's probably an Oracle database (it was an Oracle database before the end user frontend was rewritten in java. They could have changed the database as well.) I have however no success with neither the Oracle Server nor the Microsoft OLE DB for Oracle connection method.
I have also this morning found a SimbaO2X provider under the OLE DB folder. While not working it's the best so far -- it accepts the username and password and lets me select which database to connect to but then fails with ADO Error Code: 0x80040e73 (Format of the initialization string does not conform to the OLE DB specification.) At least I have something to go on.
I'm running Crystal Reports XI if someone needs to know.
Partial solution:
Upgrade Crystal Reports XI to Release 2, service pack 4.
Update from service pack 4 to service pack 6.
Upgrades and updates can be downloaded from the SAP Community Network
A connection can now be made with the SimbaO2X OLE DB driver. This solution should also resolve connection problems with some other databases as well.
However, adding a table to the report results in a 0x800a0cc1 error (Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal)

Unable to run my app again after opening my database with the Server Explorer

I successfully use EF4 to build my database from scratch. My database is an SQL EXPRESS database file. I can manage this one with Sql Server Management Studio. So far so good.
I noticed that if I open my database with the Server Explorer in Visual Studio, the next time I run the application I got errors.
I also noticed that a new log file has been created. So now I have 2 log files.
Below is my connectionstring:
<add name="DocumentManagerEntities"
connectionString="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS2008;Initial Catalog=DocumentManagerDB;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|DocumentManagerDB.mdf;Integrated Security=SSPI;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
What's wrong?
Thank you very much.
That maybe because multiple applications are trying to use your database at once. You need to close one connection to open another.
This article notes that
SQL Server Express Edition allows only a single connection to an .mdf
file when you connect with a connection string that has User Instance
set to true.
Further more
When you connect to a local database project, Visual Web Developer
connects to the SQL Server Express Edition database with user
instances enabled, by default. For example, the following code example
shows a typical connection string used by Visual Web Developer to
connect to a SQL Server Express Edition database.

aspnetdb.mdf and Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0

I'm trying to run my application on a windows machine (XP SP3, Vista, 7) which has only Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 as the database engine installed and need to connect to the standard aspnetdb.mdf user database.
Does any one know it is possible to use a connection string that works with mdf files in such a condition? I used connection strings like this but no success yet:
connectionString = "provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true";
Try one like this:
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\aspnetdb.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;
For more connectionstrings, go to
EDIT: It's not possible to connect to a Sql Server database using OleDB. Install SQL Server (Express) instead.