Search key in Mongodb document - mongodb

following is my json which i have inserted in mongodb. I need to find record where cardholders value is 200
"_id": "11",
"cardholders": {
"100": [
"message": "message1",
"time": "timestamp"
"message": "message2",
"time": "timestamp"
"200": [
"message": "message1",
"time": "timestamp"
"message": "message2",
"time": "timestamp"
"message": "message3",
"time": "timestamp"
"300": [
"message": "message1",
"time": "timestamp"
"message": "message2",
"time": "timestamp"
Please advice. I have following
> db.test3.find({"100":{$eq:true}})
> db.test3.find({cardholders:{$eq:'100'}})
> db.test3.find({cardholders:{$eq:100}})

You essentially want to include a projection argument in your find() query which matches documents containing only the projection field and the _id field. In this case since "200" is the key, you can project it and use the map() cursor to get the values as follows:
{"cardholders.200": 1}
).map(function(doc){ return doc["cardholders"]["200"]})
/* 0 */
"0" : [
"message" : "message1",
"time" : "timestamp"
"message" : "message2",
"time" : "timestamp"
"message" : "message3",
"time" : "timestamp"
To make querying easier, I would recommend changing your schema to change the cardholders key into an array that holds embedded documents. These embedded documents would have a key and value fields; the key field holds the previous dynamic keys and the value field holds the array values:
"_id": "11",
"cardholders": [
"key": "100",
"values": [
"message": "message1",
"time": "timestamp"
"message": "message2",
"time": "timestamp"
"key": "200",
"values": [
"message": "message1",
"time": "timestamp"
"message": "message2",
"time": "timestamp"
"key": "300",
"values": [
"message": "message1",
"time": "timestamp"
"message": "message2",
"time": "timestamp"
You can then query the embedded documents using a combination of the dot notation and the $elemMatch projection as follows:
{"cardholders.key": "200"},
"cardholders": {
"$elemMatch": { "key": "200" }


Elasticsearch search by time range

Trying to search based on date and time separately,
elastic-search document format is,
"id": "101",
"name": "Tom",
"customers": ["Jerry", "Nancy", "soli"],
"start_time": "2021-12-13T06:57:29.420198Z",
"end_time": "2021-12-13T07:00:23.511722Z",
I need to search based on date and time separately,
"query": {
"bool" : {
"must" : [
"match" : { "customers" : "Jerry" }
"range": {
"start_time": {"gte" : "2021-12-13", "lte" : "2021-12-15" }}
o/p: I am getting the above doc as the result which is expected.
but when I use the below query, then I am getting errors,
"failed to parse date field [6:57:29] with format [strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis]: [failed to parse date field [6:57:29] with format [strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis]]"
"query": {
"bool" : {
"must" : [
"match" : { "customers" : "Jerry" }
"range": {
"start_time": {"gte" : "6:57:29", "lte" : "6:59:35" }}
Why I am not able to get the result based on time?
is there any idea to achieve a search based on both date and time with the single field?
"query": {
"bool" : {
"must" : [
"match" : { "customers" : "Jerry" }
"range": {
"start_time": {"gte" : "2021-12-13", "lte" : "2021-12-15" }}
"range": {
"start_time": {"gte" : "6:57:29", "lte" : "6:59:35" }}
I also tried to achieve this using regular expressions, but it didn't help me.
This is the mapping,
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 2,
"number_of_replicas": 1
"mappings": {
"dynamic": "true",
"_source": {
"enabled": "true"
"runtime": {
"start_time": {
"type": "keyword",
"script": {
"source": "doc.start_time.start_time.getHourOfDay() >=
params.min && doc.start_time.start_time.getHourOfDay()
<= params.max"
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "keyword"
"customers": {
"type": "text"
Above statement gives error ==> "not a statement: result not used from boolean and operation [&&]"
This is the search query,which I'll try once the index will be created,
"query": {
"bool" : {
"must" : [
"match" : { "customers" : "Jerry" }
"match" : { "name" : "Tom" }
"range": {
"start_time": {
"gte": "2015-11-01",
"lte": "2015-11-30"
"script": {
>= params.min &&
doc.start_time.start_time.getHourOfDay() <= params.max",
"params": {
"min": 6,
"max": 7

Aggregate and grouping in Mongo

How do I get a summary count in Mongo. I have the following record structure and I would like to get a summary by date and status
"_id": "1",
"History": [
"id": "11",
"message": "",
"status": "send",
"resultCount": 0,
"createdDate": "",
"modifiedDate": ""
"id": "21",
"message": "",
"status": "skipped",
"resultCount": 0,
"createdDate": "",
"modifiedDate": ""
This is what I would like..
date x
status :
count : nn
This is my Mongo structure
Let's assume you have the following data in 'history' collection:
"_id": "1",
"History": [
"id": "21",
"message": "",
"status": "send",
"resultCount": 0,
"createdDate": "date1",
"modifiedDate": ""
"id": "22",
"message": "",
"status": "skipped",
"resultCount": 0,
"createdDate": "date1",
"modifiedDate": ""
"id": "23",
"message": "",
"status": "skipped",
"resultCount": 0,
"createdDate": "date2",
"modifiedDate": ""
"id": "24",
"message": "",
"status": "skipped",
"resultCount": 0,
"createdDate": "date2",
"modifiedDate": ""
You can design your query in the following way to get the desired summary.
$first: "$History.createdDate"
It would result in the following:
"createdDate" : "date1",
"info" : [
"status" : "skipped",
"count" : 1
"status" : "send",
"count" : 1
"createdDate" : "date2",
"info" : [
"status" : "skipped",
"count" : 2
Aggregation stages details:
Stage I: The 'History' array is unwinded i.e. the array would be split and each element would create an individual document.
Stage II: The data is grouped on the basis of 'createdDate' and 'status'. In this stage, the count of status is also calculated.
Stage III: The data is further grouped on the basis of 'createdDate'
Stage IV: Eliminating non-required fields from the result

Elasticsearch Ingest pipeline -epoch_millis to date format

I am using the reindex API in ES 5.4.1, and I need to convert a long field(which represents a date) to a date field. So the source index looks like
"hits": {
"total": 1,
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "twitter",
"_type": "tweet",
"_id": "1",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"temp": 1496938873065,
"message": "hello",
"user": "joan"
temp has to be converted to a date object.
I want to use a processor,
PUT _ingest/pipeline/p1
"processors": [
"date" : {
"field" : "temp",
"target_field" : "updatedOn",
"timezone" : "Europe/Amsterdam"
But on trying to create this processor, I get an error
"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "exception",
"reason": "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal pattern component: p",
"header": {
"processor_type": "date"
"type": "exception",
"reason": "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal pattern component: p",
"caused_by": {
"type": "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "Illegal pattern component: p"
"header": {
"processor_type": "date"
"status": 500
Any ideas?
The formats parameter is wrong, you need to use UNIX_MS instead of epoch_millis, like this:
PUT _ingest/pipeline/p1
"processors": [
"date" : {
"field" : "temp",
"target_field" : "updatedOn",
"timezone" : "Europe/Amsterdam"

How to count a specific element in a collection in mongodb

I know you can count how many elements are in a collection with
However, I was wondering how can I count a certain element inside the item inside the collection. For example I have four images inside a Documents like this:
I was wondering how I can count all the items in Documents? I have tried a few things but none of them are working. Can anyone help?
Example data:
"name": "Oran",
"username": "Oran.Hammes",
"avatar": "",
"email": "",
"dob": "1953-03-21T17:40:17.020Z",
"phone": "364-846-1607",
"address": {
"street": "Schultz Stream",
"suite": "Suite 618",
"city": "North Muriel mouth",
"zipcode": "06447-1081",
"geo": {
"lat": "57.1844",
"lng": "-56.8890"
"website": "",
"company": {
"name": "Hettinger, Reilly and Stracke",
"catchPhrase": "Multi-tiered system-worthy database",
"bs": "best-of-breed evolve e-markets"
"Documents": [
"id": "1",
"name": "image.png",
"id": "2",
"name": "Test.jpg",
"id": "3",
"name": "Next.png"
After this comment I changed my document's structure and it looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("568703d08981f193cf343698"),
"name" : "Oran",
"username" : "Oran.Hammes",
"email" : "",
"dob" : "1953-03-21T17:40:17.020Z",
"phone" : "364-846-1607",
"company" : {
"name" : "Hettinger, Reilly and Stracke",
"catchPhrase" : "Multi-tiered system-worthy database",
"bs" : "best-of-breed evolve e-markets"
"Documents" : [
"id" : "1",
"name" : "image.png"
"id" : "2",
"name" : "Test.jpg"
"id" : "3",
"name" : "Next.png"
Generally speaking it's not a good idea to have dynamic keys in your documents. Your best bet in situation like this is mapReduce
var map = function() {
emit(this._id, Object.keys(this.Documents).length);
var reduce = function(key, values) {};
db.collection.mapReduce(map, reduce, { "out": { "inline": 1 } } )
Which yields:
"results" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5686e2a98981f193cf343697"),
"value" : 3
"timeMillis" : 697,
"counts" : {
"input" : 1,
"emit" : 1,
"reduce" : 0,
"output" : 1
"ok" : 1
Definitely the best thing to do is to change your documents structure and make Documents an array of sub-documents so that the Documents field value looks like this:
"Documents": [
"id": "1",
"name": "image.png",
"id": "2",
"name": "Test.jpg",
"id": "3",
"name": "Next.png"
and use the .aggregate() method to $project your documents and return the number of elements in the "Documents" array using the $size operator
{ "$project": { "count": { "$size": "$Documents" } } }
] )

Mongo returning an array element

I have the following JSON document in my mongoDB which I added with mingoimport.
I am trying to return a single element from the questions array where theQuestion equals "q1".
"questions": [
"questionEntry": {
"id": 1,
"info": {
"seasonNumber": 1,
"episodeNumber": 1,
"episodeName": "Days Gone Bye"
"questionItem": {
"theQuestion": "q1",
"attachedElement": {
"type": 1,
"value": ""
"options": [
"type": 1,
"value": "o1"
"type": 1,
"value": "o1"
"answer": {
"questionId": 1,
"answer": 1
"metaTags": [
"Season 1",
"Episode 1",
"Rick Grimmes"
"questionEntry": {
"id": 1,
"info": {
"seasonNumber": 1,
"episodeNumber": 1,
"episodeName": "Days Gone Bye"
"questionItem": {
"theQuestion": "q2",
"attachedElement": {
"type": 1,
"value": ""
"options": [
"type": 1,
"value": "o2"
"type": 1,
"value": "o2"
"answer": {
"questionId": 1,
"answer": 1
"metaTags": [
"Season 1",
"Episode 1",
"Rick Grimmes",
"Glenn Rhee"
I ran the query db.questions.find({"questions.questionEntry.questionItem.theQuestion" : "q1"}) but this retruned the whole document (both questionEntry's in question array!
I have tried db.questions.find({"questions.questionEntry.questionItem.theQuestion" : "q1"}, _id:0," questions.questionItem": {$elemMatch : {theQuestion: "q1"}}})
But get the following error:
Error: error: {
"$err" : "Can't canonicalize query: BadValue Cannot use $elemMatch projection on a nested field.", "code" : 17287
Is there a way I could limit the result to just the array element which contains it?
db.questions.find({},{"questions.questionEntry.questionItem.theQuestion" : "q1"});
db.questions.find({"questions.questionEntry.questionItem.theQuestion" : "q1"},{'questions.$':1});
please try these.
If you want to use $elemMatch the query should be:
{"questions.questionEntry.questionItem.theQuestion" : "q1"},
"questions": {
$elemMatch : {"questionEntry.questionItem.theQuestion": "q1"}