How to print data in column form in Perl? - perl

I have a program that prints the contents of arrays in rows. I would like it to print each array in a column next to each other.
This is the code:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #M_array;
my #F_array;
open (my $input, "<", 'ssbn1898.txt');
while ( <$input> ) {
my ( $name, $id ) = split ( /,/ );
if ( $id eq "M" ) {
push ( #M_array, $name );
else {
push ( #F_array, $name );
close ( $input );
print "M: #M_array \n";
print "F: #F_array \n";
Is this possible or am I trying to do something that can't be done?
Desired format:
Namem1 Namef1
Namem2 Namef2

You can add whatever separator you would like between your data by using the join function, the example below formats the data in your array separated by tabs:
use List::MoreUtils qw/pairwise/;
my $separator = "\t";
print join($separator, qw(M F)), "\n";
print join(
pairwise { ( $a // '') . $separator . ( $b // '') } #M_array, #F_array
), "\n";

I think, you should use Perl formats. Have a look at the Perl documentation. You may want to use the #* format field in your case.
I extended your code in order to print the desired output at the end
use strict;
use warnings;
my #M_array;
my #F_array;
open (my $input, "<", 'ssbn1898.txt');
while ( <$input> ) {
my ( $name, $id ) = split ( /,/ );
if ( $id eq "M" ) {
push ( #M_array, $name );
else {
push ( #F_array, $name );
close ( $input );
unshift #M_array, 'M';
unshift #F_array, 'F';
my $namem;
my $namef;
my $max = 0;
$max = (length($_) gt $max ? length($_) : $max) for #M_array;
my $w = '#' . '<' x $max;
eval "
format STDOUT =
$w #*
\$namem, \$namef
while ( #M_array or #F_array) {
$namem = shift #M_array || '';
$namef = shift #F_array || '';

join is probably the simplest approach to take tabs will align your columns nicely.
join ( "\t", #array ),
Alternatively, perl allows formatting via (s)printf:
printf ( "%-10s %-10s", "first", "second" );
Or a more detailed 'format'
Given what you're trying to do is put your two arrays into columns though:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $format = "%-10s\t%-10s\n";
my #M_array = qw ( M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 );
my #F_array = qw ( F1 F2 F3 );
my $maxrows = $#M_array > $#F_array ? $#M_array : $#F_array;
printf ( $format, "M", "F" );
for my $rownum ( 0..$maxrows ) {
printf ( $format, $M_array[$rownum] // '', $F_array[$rownum] // '' );
This will print a header row, and then loop through you arrays printing one line at a time. // is a conditional operation that tests if something is defined. It's only available in newer perls though*. In older versions || will do the trick - it's almost the same, but handles '' and 0 slightly differently.
* Perl 5.10 onward, so is pretty safe, but worth mentioning because some system are still rocking around with perl 5.8 on them.

You may format output with the sprintf function, but there are some more problems to solve: What if the arrays don't have the same count of entries? For this, you need a place-holder. How much letters must fit into a column? How should it be aligned? Some code for illustration:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #m = (1, 2, 3);
my #f = (11, 22, 33, 44);
# calculate how many rows to display
my $max = #m;
if (#m < #f) {
$max = #f;
# placeholder for missing data
my $none = '-';
# formatting 20 chars per column, left aligned
my $fmt = "%-20s%-20s\n";
# print header
print sprintf($fmt, "M", "F");
# print data rows
foreach my $i (0..$max-1) {
print sprintf($fmt, ($m[$i] or $none), ($f[$i] or $none));
If you are interested in more sophisticated formatting (for instance center-aligned text), you should switch to the special formatting capabilities Perl provides for report generation.

Borrowing from #HunterMcMillen
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature "say";
local $, = "\t"; # separator when printing list
my $i = (#F_array > #M_array) ? $#F_array : $#M_array;
say qw(M F);
say $M_array[$i] //"", $F_array[$i] //"" for 0 .. $i;

I guess Text::Table is the required module which comes with the perl distribution(just need to install).Go through the below documentation -
Documentation of Text::Table
You need to pass the content as array to the add() method and it will do the wonders for you.


perl match part of string in two files

I'm using a perl script to look for matches between columns in two tab-delimited files. However for one column I only want to look for a partial match between two strings in two columns.
It concerns $row[4] of $table2 and $row{d} of $table1.
The values in $row[4] of $table2 look like this:
The values in $row{d} of $table1 look like this:
If the part before the '.' is the same, there is a match. If not, there is no match. I'm not sure how to implement this in my script. This is what I have so far. I only looks for complete matches between different columns. '...' denotes code that is not important for this question
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
chomp( my #header_table2 = split /\t/, <$table2> );
my %lookup;
my #row = split(/\t/);
$lookup{ $row[0] }{ $row[1] }{ $row[4] }{ $row[5] }{ $row[6] }{ $row[7] }{ $row[8] } = [ $row[9], $row[10] ];
my #header = do {
my $header = <$table1>;
$header =~ s/\t?\n\z//;
split /\t/, $header;
print $table3 join ("\t", #header, qw/ name1 name2 /), "\n";
no warnings 'uninitialized';
my %row;
#row{#header} = split /\t/;
print $table3 join ( "\t", #row{#header},
#{ $lookup{ $row{a} }{ $row{b} }{ $row{c} }{ $row{d} }{ $row{e} }{ $row{f} }{ $row{g} }
// [ "", "" ] }), "\n";
This is looking like a job for a database
The solution below isn't going to work, because you are building your %lookup hash with nine levels of keys ($row[0] .. $row[8]) , and accessing it with only seven levels ($row{a} .. $row{g}), so you're going to have to edit in the real situation
I see no reason to next your hashes so deeply. A single key formed by using join on the relevant fields will work fine and probably a little faster. I also see no reason to extract table2 fields into an array and table1 fields into a hash. An array seems fine in both cases
I've solved your immediate problem by copying each #row from table1 into array #key, and removing the last dot and anything following from the fourth element before building the $key string
In view of your history of adding a spare tab character before the newline at the end of each record, I've also added four die statements that verify the size of the header row and columns rows before continuing. You will probably need to tweak those values according to your real data
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use Data::Dumper;
local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use constant TABLE1_COLUMNS => 9;
use constant TABLE2_COLUMNS => 11;
open my $table2, '<', 'table2.txt' or die $!;
my #header_table2 = do {
my $header = <$table2>;
$header =~ s/\t?\n\z//;
split /\t/, $header;
die "Incorrect table 2 header count " . scalar #header_table2
unless #header_table2 == TABLE2_COLUMNS;
my %lookup;
while ( <$table2> ) {
my #row = split /\t/;
die "Incorrect table 2 column count " . scalar #row
unless #row == TABLE2_COLUMNS;
my $key = do {
local $" = "\n";
$lookup{ $key } = [ #row[9,10] ];
open my $table1, '<', 'table1.txt' or die $!;
my #header = do {
my $header = <$table1>;
$header =~ s/\t?\n\z//;
split /\t/, $header;
die "Incorrect table 1 header count " . scalar #header
unless #header == TABLE1_COLUMNS;
open my $table3, '>', 'table3.txt' or die $!;
print $table3 join ("\t", #header, qw/ name1 name2 /), "\n";
while ( <$table1> ) {
my #row = split /\t/;
die "Incorrect table 1 column count " . scalar #row
unless #row == TABLE1_COLUMNS;
my $key = do {
my #key = #row;
$key[3] =~ s/\.[^.]*\z//;
local $" = "\n";
my $lookup = $lookup{ $key } // [ "", "" ];
print $table3 join("\t", #row, #$lookup), "\n";
You're going to have a scoping problem because your array #row and your hash %row both exist in completely different scopes.
But if you have variables (say, $foo and $bar) and you want to know if $foo starts with the contents of $bar followed by a dot, then you can do that using a regular expression check like this:
if ($foo =~ /^$bar\./) {
# match
} else {
# no match

Perl printf to use commas as thousands-separator

Using awk, I can print a number with commas as thousands separators.
(with a export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 beforehand).
awk 'BEGIN{printf("%\047d\n", 24500)}'
I expected the same format to work with Perl, but it does not:
perl -e 'printf("%\047d\n", 24500)'
The Perl Cookbook offers this solution:
sub commify {
my $text = reverse $_[0];
$text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
return scalar reverse $text;
However I am assuming that since the printf option works in awk, it should also work in Perl.
The apostrophe format modifier is a non-standard POSIX extension.
The documentation for Perl's printf has this to say about such extensions
Perl does its own "sprintf" formatting: it emulates the C
function sprintf(3), but doesn't use it except for
floating-point numbers, and even then only standard modifiers
are allowed. Non-standard extensions in your local sprintf(3)
are therefore unavailable from Perl.
The Number::Format module will do this for you, and it takes its default settings from the locale, so is as portable as it can be
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use v5.10.1;
use Number::Format 'format_number';
say format_number(24500);
A more perl-ish solution:
$a = 12345678; # no comment
$b = reverse $a; # $b = '87654321';
#c = unpack("(A3)*", $b); # $c = ('876', '543', '21');
$d = join ',', #c; # $d = '876,543,21';
$e = reverse $d; # $e = '12,345,678';
print $e;
outputs 12,345,678.
I realize this question was from almost 4 years ago, but since it comes up in searches, I'll add an elegant native Perl solution I came up with. I was originally searching for a way to do it with sprintf, but everything I've found indicates that it can't be done. Then since everyone is rolling their own, I thought I'd give it a go, and this is my solution.
$num = 12345678912345; # however many digits you want
while($num =~ s/(\d+)(\d\d\d)/$1\,$2/){};
print $num;
Results in:
The Regex does a maximal digit search for all leading digits. The minimum number of digits in a row it'll act on is 4 (1 plus 3). Then it adds a comma between the two. Next loop if there are still 4 digits at the end (before the comma), it'll add another comma and so on until the pattern doesn't match.
If you need something safe for use with more than 3 digits after the decimal, use this modification: (Note: This won't work if your number has no decimal)
while($num =~ s/(\d+)(\d\d\d)([.,])/$1\,$2$3/){};
This will ensure that it will only look for digits that ends in a comma (added on a previous loop) or a decimal.
Most of these answers assume that the format is universal. It isn't. CLDR uses Unicode information to figure it out. There's a long thread in How to properly localize numbers?.
CPAN has the CLDR::Number module:
use v5.10;
use CLDR::Number;
use open qw(:std :utf8);
my $locale = $ARGV[0] // 'en';
my #numbers = qw(
my $cldr = CLDR::Number->new( locale => $locale );
my $decf = $cldr->decimal_formatter;
foreach my $n ( #numbers ) {
say $decf->format($n);
Here are a few runs:
$ perl
$ perl es
$ perl bn
It seems heavyweight, but the output is correct and you don't have to allow the user to change the locale you want to use. However, when it's time to change the locale, you are ready to go. I also prefer this to Number::Format because I can use a locale that's different from my local settings for my terminal or session, or even use multiple locales:
use v5.10;
use CLDR::Number;
use open qw(:std :utf8);
my #locales = qw( en pt bn );
my #numbers = qw(
my #formatters = map {
my $cldr = CLDR::Number->new( locale => $_ );
my $decf = $cldr->decimal_formatter;
[ $_, $cldr, $decf ];
} #locales;
printf "%10s %10s %10s\n" . '=' x 32 . "\n", #locales;
foreach my $n ( #numbers ) {
printf "%10s %10s %10s\n",
map { $_->[-1]->format($n) } #formatters;
The output has three locales at once:
en pt bn
123 123 ১২৩
12,345 12.345 ১২,৩৪৫
1,234.56 1.234,56 ১,২৩৪.৫৬
-90,120 -90.120 -৯০,১২০
Here's an elegant Perl solution I've been using for over 20 years :)
1 while $text =~ s/(.*\d)(\d\d\d)/$1\.$2/g;
And if you then want two decimal places:
$text = sprintf("%0.2f", $text);
1 liner: Use a little loop whith a regex:
while ($number =~ s/^(\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/) {}
use strict;
use warnings;
my #numbers = (12321, 12.12, 122222.3334, '1234abc', '1.1', '1222333444555,666.77');
for(#numbers) {
my $number = $_;
while ($number =~ s/^(\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/) {}
print "$_ -> $number\n";
12321 -> 12,321
12.12 -> 12.12
122222.3334 -> 122,222.3334
1234abc -> 1,234abc
1.1 -> 1.1
1222333444555,666.77 -> 1,222,333,444,555,666.77
-> Take all numbers but the last 3 in group 1
-> Take the remaining 3 numbers in group2 on the beginning of $number
-> Followed is ignored
-> Put a seperator sign (,) between group 1 and 2
-> The rest remains unchanged
So if you have 12345.67 the numers the regex uses are 12345. The '.' and all followed is ignored.
1. run (12345.67):
-> matches: 12345
-> group 1: 12,
group 2: 345
-> substitute 12,345
-> result: 12,345.67
2. run (12,345.67):
-> does not match!
-> while breaks.
Parting from #Laura's answer, I tweaked the pure perl, regex-only solution to work for numbers with decimals too:
while ($formatted_number =~ s/^(-?\d+)(\d{3}(?:,\d{3})*(?:\.\d+)*)$/$1,$2/) {};
Of course this assumes a "," as thousands separator and a "." as decimal separator, but it should be trivial to use variables to account for that for your given locale(s).
I used the following but it does not works as of perl v5.26.1
sub format_int
my $num = shift;
return reverse(join(",",unpack("(A3)*", reverse int($num))));
The form that worked for me was:
sub format_int
my $num = shift;
return scalar reverse(join(",",unpack("(A3)*", reverse int($num))));
But to use negative numbers the code must be:
sub format_int
if ( $val >= 0 ) {
return scalar reverse join ",", unpack( "(A3)*", reverse int($val) );
} else {
return "-" . scalar reverse join ",", unpack( "(A3)*", reverse int(-$val) );
Did somebody say Perl?
perl -pe '1while s/(\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/'
This works for any integer.
# turning above answer into a function
sub format_float
# returns number with commas..... and 2 digit decimal
# so format_float(12345.667) returns "12,345.67"
my $num = shift;
return reverse(join(",",unpack("(A3)*", reverse int($num)))) . sprintf(".%02d",int(100*(.005+($num - int($num)))));
sub format_int
# returns number with commas.....
# so format_int(12345.667) returns "12,345"
my $num = shift;
return reverse(join(",",unpack("(A3)*", reverse int($num))));
I wanted to print numbers it in a currency format. If it turned out even, I still wanted a .00 at the end. I used the previous example (ty) and diddled with it a bit more to get this.
sub format_number {
my $num = shift;
my $result;
my $formatted_num = "";
my #temp_array = ();
my $mantissa = "";
if ( $num =~ /\./ ) {
$num = sprintf("%0.02f",$num);
($num,$mantissa) = split(/\./,$num);
$formatted_num = reverse $num;
#temp_array = unpack("(A3)*" , $formatted_num);
$formatted_num = reverse (join ',', #temp_array);
$result = $formatted_num . '.'. $mantissa;
} else {
$formatted_num = reverse $num;
#temp_array = unpack("(A3)*" , $formatted_num);
$formatted_num = reverse (join ',', #temp_array);
$result = $formatted_num . '.00';
return $result;
# Example call
# ...
printf("some amount = %s\n",format_number $some_amount);
I didn't have the Number library on my default mac OS X perl, and I didn't want to mess with that version or go off installing my own perl on this machine. I guess I would have used the formatter module otherwise.
I still don't actually like the solution all that much, but it does work.
This is good for money, just keep adding lines if you handle hundreds of millions.
sub commify{
my $var = $_[0];
#print "COMMIFY got $var\n"; #DEBUG
$var =~ s/(^\d{1,3})(\d{3})(\.\d\d)$/$1,$2$3/;
$var =~ s/(^\d{1,3})(\d{3})(\d{3})(\.\d\d)$/$1,$2,$3$4/;
$var =~ s/(^\d{1,3})(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})(\.\d\d)$/$1,$2,$3,$4$5/;
$var =~ s/(^\d{1,3})(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})(\.\d\d)$/$1,$2,$3,$4,$5$6/;
#print "COMMIFY made $var\n"; #DEBUG
return $var;
A solution that produces a localized output:
# First part - Localization
my ( $thousands_sep, $decimal_point, $negative_sign );
my ( $l );
use POSIX qw(locale_h);
$l = localeconv();
$thousands_sep = $l->{ 'thousands_sep' };
$decimal_point = $l->{ 'decimal_point' };
$negative_sign = $l->{ 'negative_sign' };
# Second part - Number transformation
sub readable_number {
my $val = shift;
#my $thousands_sep = ".";
#my $decimal_point = ",";
#my $negative_sign = "-";
sub _readable_int {
my $val = shift;
# a pinch of PERL magic
return scalar reverse join $thousands_sep, unpack( "(A3)*", reverse $val );
my ( $i, $d, $r );
$i = int( $val );
if ( $val >= 0 ) {
$r = _readable_int( $i );
} else {
$r = $negative_sign . _readable_int( -$i );
# If there is decimal part append it to the integer result
if ( $val != $i ) {
( undef, $d ) = ( $val =~ /(\d*)\.(\d*)/ );
$r = $r . $decimal_point . $d;
return $r;
The first part gets the symbols used in the current locale to be used on the second part.
The BEGIN block is used to calculate the sysmbols only once at the beginning.
If for some reason there is need to not use POSIX locale, one can ommit the first part and uncomment the variables on the second part to hardcode the sysmbols to be used ($thousands_sep, $thousands_sep and $thousands_sep)

rearrange data from one column to a row

I have the below data and I need to make the second column as the header. Any help is appreciated.
GOOG,Rate Jump,25,873476378.234234
PRODUCT|Market|Rate Jump|Sanity|Voltality
Code (incomplete / not sure hot to get to the end):
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $valsep = ',';
my ( %type, %keys, %ccy, %cnt, %avg );
while (<>) {
my ( $product, $reason, $count, $lat ) = split /,/;
my $key = "$product,$reason";
if ( not exists( $type{$reason} ) ) {
$type{$reason} = $reason;
$ccy{$key} = $product;
$cnt{$key} = $count;
$avg{$key} = $lat;
print Dumper ( \%ccy );
print Dumper ( \%type );
my ( %pair, %details );
foreach my $rows ( sort keys %ccy ) {
print "the key is : $rows and $ccy{$rows}\n";
foreach my $res ( sort keys %type ) {
print "The type is : $res and $type{$res}\n";
You just need to keep track of your columns and row data when parsing the data structure.
The following demonstrates:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $fh = \*DATA;
my %columns;
my %rows;
while (<$fh>) {
my ( $company, $col, $vals ) = split ',', $_, 3;
# Track Columns for later labeling
$rows{$company}{$col} = $vals;
my #columns = sort keys %columns;
# Header
print join( '|', 'PRODUCT', #columns ), "\n";
for my $company ( sort keys %rows ) {
print join( '|', $company, map { $_ // '' } #{ $rows{$company} }{#columns} ), "\n";
GOOG,Rate Jump,25,873476378.234234
PRODUCT|Market|Rate Jump|Sanity|Voltality
The following code will do the job; rather than using several hashes, I've put all the data in a hash of hashes. I've put comments in the script to explain what is happening in case you are not sure. You can, of course, delete them in your script.
use warnings;
use strict;
my %market;
while (<DATA>) {
next unless /\w/;
# remove line endings
# split line by commas -- only split into three parts
my #col = split ",", $_, 3;
# save the data as $market{col0}{col1} = col2
$market{$col[0]}{$col[1]} = $col[2];
# create an output file
my $outfile = 'output.txt';
open( my $fh, ">", $outfile ) or die "Could not open $outfile: $!";
my #headers = ('Market','Rate Jump','Sanity','Volatility');
# print out the header line, joined by |
print { $fh } join('|', 'PRODUCT', #headers) . "\n";
# for each product in the market data
for my $p (sort keys %market) {
# print the product name
print { $fh } join('|', $p,
# go through the headers using map (map acts like a "for" loop)
# if the relevant property exists in the market data, print it;
# if not, print nothing
map { $market{$p}{$_} // '' } #headers) . "\n";
# this is the input data. You might be reading yours in from a file
GOOG,Rate Jump,25,873476378.234234
PRODUCT|Market|Rate Jump|Sanity|Volatility

How can add values in each row and column and print at the end in Perl?

Below is the sample csv file
and so on...
I want to add the values in each row and each column and print at the end and bottom of each line. i.e.
Please suggest.
Less elegant and shorter:
$ perl -plaF, -e '$r=0;$r+=$F[$_],$c[$_]+=$F[$_]for 1..$#F;$_.=",$r";END{$c[0]="Total";print join",",#c}'
Quick and dirty, but should do the trick in basic cases. For anything more complex, use Text::CSV and an actual script.
An expanded version as it's getting a little hairy:
#! perl -plaF,
$r+=$F[$_], $c[$_]+=$F[$_] for 1..$#F;
END { $c[0]="Total"; print join ",", #c }'
Here is a straightforward way which you can easily build upon depending on your requirements:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use List::Util qw(sum);
use List::MoreUtils qw(pairwise);
use Text::ParseWords;
our ($a, $b);
my #header = parse_csv( scalar <DATA> );
my #total = (0) x #header;
output_csv( #header, 'row_total' );
for my $line (<DATA>) {
my #cols = parse_csv( $line );
my $label = shift #cols;
push #cols, sum #cols;
output_csv( $label, #cols );
#total = pairwise { $a + $b } #total, #cols;
output_csv( 'Total', #total );
sub parse_csv {
chomp( my $data = shift );
quotewords ',', 0, $data;
sub output_csv { say join ',' => #_ }
Outputs the expected:
Some things to take away from above is the use of List::Util and List::MoreUtils:
# using List::Util::sum
my $sum_of_all_values_in_list = sum #list;
# using List::MoreUtils::pairwise
my #two_arrays_added_together = pairwise { $a + $b } #array1, #array2;
Also while I've used Text::ParseWords in my example you should really look into using Text::CSV. This modules covers more bizarre CSV edge cases and also provides correct CSV composition (my output_csv() sub is pretty naive!).
Like JB's perlgolf candidate, except prints the end line totals and labels.
#!/usr/bin/perl -alnF,
use List::Util qw(sum);
push #F, $. == 1 ? "total" : sum(#F[1..$#F]);
print "$_,$F[-1]";
for (my $i=1;$i<#F;$i++) {
$totals[$i] += $F[$i];
$totals[0] = "Total";
print join(",",#totals);
Is this something that needs to be done for sure in a Perl script? There is no "quick and dirty" method to do this in Perl. You will need to read the file in, accumulate your totals, and write the file back out (processing input and output line by line would be the cleanest).
If this is a one-time report, or you are working with a competent user base, the data you want can most easily be produced with a spreadsheet program like Excel.
Whenever I work with CSV, I use the AnyData module. It may add a bit of overhead, but it keeps me from making mistakes ("Oh crap, that date column is quoted and has commas in it!?").
The process for you would look something like this:
use AnyData;
my #columns = qw/date type1 type2 type3/; ## Define your input columns.
my $input = adTie( 'CSV', 'input_file.csv', 'r', {col_names => join(',', #columns)} );
push #columns, 'total'; ## Add the total columns.
my $output = adTie( 'CSV', 'output_file.csv', 'o', {col_names => join(',', #columns)} );
my %totals;
while ( my $row = each %$input ) {
next if ($. == 1); ## Skip the header row. AnyData will add it to the output.
my $sum = 0;
foreach my $col (#columns[1..3]) {
$totals{$col} += $row->{$col};
$sum += $row->{$col};
$totals{total} += $sum;
$row->{total} = $sum;
$output->{$row->{date}} = $row;
$output->{Total} = \%totals;
print adDump( $output ); ## Prints a little table to see the data. Not required.
undef $input; ## Close the file.
undef $output;
"Dec 31, 1969",81,82,83
"Dec 31, 1969",81,82,83,246
The following in Perl does what you want, its not elegant but it works :-)
Call the script with the inputfile as argument, results in stdout.
chop($_ = <>);
print "$_,Total\n";
while (<>) {
$sum = 0;
for ($n = 0; 0 < scalar(#_); $n++) {
$c = shift(#_);
$sum += $c;
$sums[$n] += $c;
$total += $sum;
print "$_,$sum\n";
print "Total";
for ($n = 0; $n <= $#sums; $n++) {
print "," . $sums[$n];
print ",$total\n";
Edit: fixed for 0 values.
The output is like this:
2009-07-01,1, 2, 3,6
2009-07-02,4, 5, 6,15

How do I determine the longest similar portion of several strings?

As per the title, I'm trying to find a way to programmatically determine the longest portion of similarity between several strings.
Ideally, I'd get back file:///home/gms8994/Music/, because that's the longest portion that's common for all 3 strings.
Specifically, I'm looking for a Perl solution, but a solution in any language (or even pseudo-language) would suffice.
From the comments: yes, only at the beginning; but there is the possibility of having some other entry in the list, which would be ignored for this question.
Edit: I'm sorry for mistake. My pity that I overseen that using my variable inside countit(x, q{}) is big mistake. This string is evaluated inside Benchmark module and #str was empty there. This solution is not as fast as I presented. See correction below. I'm sorry again.
Perl can be fast:
use strict;
use warnings;
package LCP;
sub LCP {
return '' unless #_;
return $_[0] if #_ == 1;
my $i = 0;
my $first = shift;
my $min_length = length($first);
foreach (#_) {
$min_length = length($_) if length($_) < $min_length;
INDEX: foreach my $ch ( split //, $first ) {
last INDEX unless $i < $min_length;
foreach my $string (#_) {
last INDEX if substr($string, $i, 1) ne $ch;
continue { $i++ }
return substr $first, 0, $i;
# Roy's implementation
sub LCP2 {
return '' unless #_;
my $prefix = shift;
for (#_) {
chop $prefix while (! /^\Q$prefix\E/);
return $prefix;
Test suite:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
package Test::LCP;
use base 'Test::Class';
use Test::More;
use Benchmark qw(:all :hireswallclock);
sub test_use : Test(startup => 1) {
sub test_lcp : Test(6) {
is( LCP::LCP(), '', 'Without parameters' );
is( LCP::LCP('abc'), 'abc', 'One parameter' );
is( LCP::LCP( 'abc', 'xyz' ), '', 'None of common prefix' );
is( LCP::LCP( 'abcdefgh', ('abcdefgh') x 15, 'abcdxyz' ),
'abcd', 'Some common prefix' );
my #str = map { chomp; $_ } <DATA>;
is( LCP::LCP(#str),
'file:///home/gms8994/Music/', 'Test data prefix' );
is( LCP::LCP2(#str),
'file:///home/gms8994/Music/', 'Test data prefix by LCP2' );
my $t = countit( 1, sub{LCP::LCP(#str)} );
diag("LCP: ${\($t->iters)} iterations took ${\(timestr($t))}");
$t = countit( 1, sub{LCP::LCP2(#str)} );
diag("LCP2: ${\($t->iters)} iterations took ${\(timestr($t))}");
Test suite result:
ok 1 - use LCP;
ok 2 - Without parameters
ok 3 - One parameter
ok 4 - None of common prefix
ok 5 - Some common prefix
ok 6 - Test data prefix
ok 7 - Test data prefix by LCP2
# LCP: 22635 iterations took 1.09948 wallclock secs ( 1.09 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.09 CPU) # 20766.06/s (n=22635)
# LCP2: 17919 iterations took 1.06787 wallclock secs ( 1.07 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.07 CPU) # 16746.73/s (n=17919)
That means that pure Perl solution using substr is about 20% faster than Roy's solution at your test case and one prefix finding takes about 50us. There is not necessary using XS unless your data or performance expectations are bigger.
The reference given already by Brett Daniel for the Wikipedia entry on "Longest common substring problem" is very good general reference (with pseudocode) for your question as stated. However, the algorithm can be exponential. And it looks like you might actually want an algorithm for longest common prefix which is a much simpler algorithm.
Here's the one I use for longest common prefix (and a ref to original URL):
use strict; use warnings;
sub longest_common_prefix {
# longest_common_prefix( $|# ): returns $
# URLref:
# find longest common prefix of scalar list
my $prefix = shift;
for (#_) {
chop $prefix while (! /^\Q$prefix\E/);
return $prefix;
my #str = map {chomp; $_} <DATA>;
print longest_common_prefix(#ARGV), "\n";
If you truly want a LCSS implementation, refer to these discussions (Longest Common Substring and Longest Common Subsequence) at Tree::Suffix would probably be the best general solution for you and implements, to my knowledge, the best algorithm. Unfortunately recent builds are broken. But, a working subroutine does exist within the discussions referenced on PerlMonks in this post by Limbic~Region (reproduced here with your data).
#by Limbic~Region
use Algorithm::Loops 'NestedLoops';
use List::Util 'reduce';
use strict; use warnings;
sub LCS{
my #str = #_;
my #pos;
for my $i (0 .. $#str) {
my $line = $str[$i];
for (0 .. length($line) - 1) {
my $char= substr($line, $_, 1);
push #{$pos[$i]{$char}}, $_;
my $sh_str = reduce {length($a) < length($b) ? $a : $b} #str;
my %map;
for my $char (split //, $sh_str) {
my #loop;
for (0 .. $#pos) {
next CHAR if ! $pos[$_]{$char};
push #loop, $pos[$_]{$char};
my $next = NestedLoops([#loop]);
while (my #char_map = $next->()) {
my $key = join '-', #char_map;
$map{$key} = $char;
my #pile;
for my $seq (keys %map) {
push #pile, $map{$seq};
for (1 .. 2) {
my $dir = $_ % 2 ? 1 : -1;
my #offset = split /-/, $seq;
$_ += $dir for #offset;
my $next = join '-', #offset;
while (exists $map{$next}) {
$pile[-1] = $dir > 0 ?
$pile[-1] . $map{$next} : $map{$next} . $pile[-1];
$_ += $dir for #offset;
$next = join '-', #offset;
return reduce {length($a) > length($b) ? $a : $b} #pile;
my #str = map {chomp; $_} <DATA>;
print LCS(#str), "\n";
It sounds like you want the k-common substring algorithm. It is exceptionally simple to program, and a good example of dynamic programming.
My first instinct is to run a loop, taking the next character from each string, until the characters are not equal. Keep a count of what position in the string you're at and then take a substring (from any of the three strings) from 0 to the position before the characters aren't equal.
In Perl, you'll have to split up the string first into characters using something like
#array = split(//, $string);
(splitting on an empty character sets each character into its own element of the array)
Then do a loop, perhaps overall:
$n =0;
#array1 = split(//, $string1);
#array2 = split(//, $string2);
#array3 = split(//, $string3);
while($array1[$n] == $array2[$n] && $array2[$n] == $array3[$n]){
$sameString = substr($string1, 0, $n); #n might have to be n-1
Or at least something along those lines. Forgive me if this doesn't work, my Perl is a little rusty.
If you google for "longest common substring" you'll get some good pointers for the general case where the sequences don't have to start at the beginning of the strings.
Mathematica happens to have a function for this built in: (Note that they mean contiguous subsequence, ie, substring, which is what you want.)
If you only care about the longest common prefix then it should be much faster to just loop for i from 0 till the ith characters don't all match and return substr(s, 0, i-1).
my #strings =
my $common_part = undef;
my $sep = chr(0); # assuming it's not used legitimately
foreach my $str ( #strings ) {
# First time through loop -- set common
# to whole
if ( !defined $common_part ) {
$common_part = $str;
if ("$common_part$sep$str" =~ /^(.*).*$sep\1.*$/)
$common_part = $1;
print "Common part = $common_part\n";
Faster than above, uses perl's native binary xor function, adapted from perlmongers solution (the $+[0] didn't work for me):
sub common_suffix {
my $comm = shift #_;
while ($_ = shift #_) {
$_ = substr($_,-length($comm)) if (length($_) > length($comm));
$comm = substr($comm,-length($_)) if (length($_) < length($comm));
if (( $_ ^ $comm ) =~ /(\0*)$/) {
$comm = substr($comm, -length($1));
} else {
return undef;
return $comm;
sub common_prefix {
my $comm = shift #_;
while ($_ = shift #_) {
$_ = substr($_,0,length($comm)) if (length($_) > length($comm));
$comm = substr($comm,0,length($_)) if (length($_) < length($comm));
if (( $_ ^ $comm ) =~ /^(\0*)/) {
$comm = substr($comm,0,length($1));
} else {
return undef;
return $comm;