I write a wallboard for asterisk queue system. The document says that when a call is transferred away by an agent an ATTENDEDTRANSFER (or BLINDTRANSFER) event log should be added to the queue_log file automatically. Unfortunately there is no line for any transferred calls in the log file (queue_log in my case). Is there any setting to be changed to let the system to log them properly ?
When I check the CEL files, I see the transfer logs. So the system is logging correctly for CEL but not for queue_log.
I tried to transfer the call to another agent, to an IVR and to another user who is not an agent for any queue. The result is the same, no log for the transfer process.
Any suggestions ?
I use the following:
Asterisk Version: 13.22.0
All trunks and clients are connected via SIP
If your phone do transfer via internal features - no log entries.
You have parse AMI events for needed info.
Write your own queue wallboard is VERY hard task. Queue module have really alot of issues.
Can recommend read some already written modules like https://www.asternic.net or queuemetric
Please don't mark this as a duplicate of 16816425 because that one has incorrect search syntax which is corrected in this question. It is also not a duplicate of 6088914 because this question is about IMAP, not Gmail's IMAP extension.
I'm working on an IMAP client, and would like to be able to find a list of all messages that are referenced in a conversation thread.
I know that the "References" header includes a list of messages referenced in a conversation, so I tried searching it like so:
C: 3 SEARCH HEADER References {48}
S: + go ahead
C> <C63EF8D6-6874-401B-9E8C-B1D63B633246#gmail.com>
But it returns nothing. I've successfully searched for a single message using the "Message-ID" header, like so:
C: 3 SEARCH HEADER Message-Id {48}
S: + go ahead
C> <8D7F7FD5-9CD8-4D4B-BC8B-E1A3BC217350#gmail.com>
Is there any way to do this using IMAP 4?
Of course, I manually checked that <8D7F7FD5-9CD8-4D4B-BC8B-E1A3BC217350#gmail.com> was in the "References:" field in some emails in that mailbox and that very email is in the same mailbox too.
The above test was done against GMAIL.
NOTE: A google search suggested that gmail doesn't support RFC5256. I am validating if searching "References:" works before falling back to modify the IMAP library to use Gmail-specific IMAP command X-GM-THRID.
I've been trying to test something out, basically looking to do one of the following things:
Change name of recipient in a sent file. I've tried using Outlook Spy (great tool) but every time I changed the recipient in PR_DISPLAY_TO_W it returned the following error:
Could not edit the property: HrSetOneProp returned MAPL_E_COMPUTED
Attaching a file to a sent email file. (I don't know if this one is possible, but would be useful if it was.)
I appreciate any responses.
PR_DISPLAY_TO / CC / BCC are computed properties. The store provider updates them whenever recipients list is modified.
Use the MailItem.Recipients collection to modify the recipients.
When I mark the message in this way
I use the method
var uids= folder.Search(SearchQuery.DeliveredAfter(DateTime.Parse("2016-9-29")).And(SearchQuery.Flagged));
cannot get the flagged mail,
but when I use methodfolder.AddFlags(new UniqueId(1693), MessageFlags.Flagged, false);
the mail will be flagged and When I use the method
var uids= folder.Search(SearchQuery.DeliveredAfter(DateTime.Parse("2016-9-29")).And(SearchQuery.Flagged));
I can get the flagged mail,I don't know why, and how can I get the flagged mail?
You are conflating 2 different ways of "flagging" a message. Outlook does not set the MessageFlags.Flagged flag, that's why Search() does not find it.
Most likely Outlook either does not store anything on the IMAP server at all (and that state is stored locally in the .pst file) -or- it stores a custom UserFlags string on the IMAP server that you will need to figure out.
If you know of a particular message on your IMAP server that has this custom flag, you can use the Fetch() method with MessageSummaryItems.Flags to request what flags are set. Then, you can examine the item.UserFlags and hope that you find what you are looking for.
First, I know, Leopard is the old-fogey at this point, but it's the minimum I'd like to be able to support with this script, so please bear with me (it's not even possible under Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger due to a bug w/Mail redirect/forward/reply bug I had uncovered long ago).
I've been revisiting building an AppleScript to work in conjunction with Topic Desk's spamtrainer, so it goes through a selection of messages in the Junk folder and attempts to redirect them to a specified mailbox. Here's what I have so far (note that the actual sending is commented out at the moment, more on that later):
(* Train Spam - Redirect (not forward) email from the Junk folder (which hasn't already been redirected or
* determined by the mail server to be spam) to an appropriate spam mailbox on the mail server.
* Developed to be used in conjunction w/spamtrainer on a Mac OS X Server mail server.
* v0.1 2011-07-27 - Morgan Aldridge
* Initial version.
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages selectedMsgs in mailboxes selectedMailboxes
tell application "Mail"
-- configuration variables
set junkPrefix to "***JUNK MAIL***"
set junkRecipient to "junkmail#domain.tld"
-- ensure that we're in the Junk mailbox
-- (it'd be disasterous to accidentally redirect mail for training from another mailbox)
if (count of selectedMailboxes) is 1 and (first item of selectedMailboxes) is junk mailbox then
set selCount to (count of selectedMsgs)
set redirectedCount to 0
repeat with counter from 1 to selCount
set msg to item counter of selectedMsgs
-- if the subject doesn't start with junkPrefix and the message hasn't already been redirected, then redirect it
-- (otherwise, if it starts with junkPrefix, it means it was already detected as junk by the mail server)
-- (and, obviously, if it was already redirected, that was probably for the sake of junk training as well)
if subject of msg does not start with junkPrefix and not was redirected of msg then
set newRedirectMsg to redirect msg with opening window
tell newRedirectMsg
-- set the to recipient to that of the specified spam mailbox on the mail server
make new recipient at beginning of to recipients with properties {address:junkRecipient}
-- remove any bcc or cc recipient (we don't want to be spamming anyone else in the process)
delete bcc recipients
delete cc recipients
end tell
-- actually send the message
-- send newRedirectMsg
display dialog "Oops, the message was already flagged as junk by the mail server or you've already redirected it!"
end if
end repeat
display dialog "Oops, you're not in your Junk mailbox!"
end if
end tell
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
-- this is required when _not_ running from the Script menu (e.g. Script Editor, FastScripts, etc.)
using terms from application "Mail"
on run
tell application "Mail" to set sel to selection
tell application "Mail" to set selBox to selected mailboxes of message viewer 1
tell me to perform mail action with messages (sel) in mailboxes (selBox)
end run
end using terms from
When running it from Script Editor.app (so it goes through the on run and tell me to) and a small number of Junk messages select in Mail (this is under Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard), it seems to work for the first message (opening a new redirected message, w/to recipient set, and CC/BCC fields emptied), and the other redirected message windows open, but their To/CC/BCC fields are not updated and Script Editor.app pops up the dialog with the "Mail got an error: AppleEvent handler failed" error. The contents of the Event Log are as follows:
tell application "Mail"
get selection
{message id 464214 of mailbox "Junk", message id 464213 of mailbox "Junk", message id 464211 of mailbox "Junk"}
get selected mailboxes of message viewer 1
{junk mailbox}
get junk mailbox
junk mailbox
get subject of message id 464214 of mailbox "Junk"
": Your Invitation Into a Global Directory"
get was redirected of message id 464214 of mailbox "Junk"
redirect message id 464214 of mailbox "Junk" with opening window
outgoing message id 400031520
make new recipient at beginning of every to recipient of outgoing message id 400031520 with properties {address:"junkmail#domain.tld"}
to recipient 1 of outgoing message id 400031520
delete every bcc recipient of outgoing message id 400031520
delete every cc recipient of outgoing message id 400031520
get subject of message id 464213 of mailbox "Junk"
"Nominate Your Favorite Products for the Community Choice Awards"
get was redirected of message id 464213 of mailbox "Junk"
redirect message id 464213 of mailbox "Junk" with opening window
outgoing message id 378471104
make new recipient at beginning of every to recipient of outgoing message id 378471104 with properties {address:"junkmail#domain.tld"}
"Mail got an error: AppleEvent handler failed."
So, clearly it seems like the failure is with setting the to recipients in all but the first message. Subsequent runs of the script without relaunching Mail result in failures on the first message as well.
The oddest part of this issue is that, when quitting mail after running the script, there's a hidden, blank window for each of the redirected messages (even the one that was successful) that pops up asking if you want to save changes or not. This sounds very similar to something noted in this thread, but I'm not sure what causes it.
So, what's causing this error and failure? How can I resolve it? And, for extra credit, why are the hidden, blank messages created and how can I prevent that from occurring?
Your script looks fine to me.
If I were you, I would try running the script in another OS X account on the same computer, repair permissions, look at your logs (you've already done that, but it's still a good idea), run all relevant software updates, temporarily move your ~/Library/Mail folder to eliminate it as a factor, etc. Tell me what happens, especially if it works again :)