Update ListView via AsyncTask or IntentService - android-listview

I am trying to Update my Custom ListView which is fed by two String Arrays:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (getArguments() != null) {
mParam1 = getArguments().getStringArray(ARG_PARAM1);
mParam2 = getArguments().getStringArray(ARG_PARAM2);
private void setupListView() {
listItemList = new ArrayList();
if (mParam1 != null && mParam2 != null && mParam1.length == mParam2.length) {
for (int i = 0; i < mParam1.length; i++) {
listItemList.add(new MyListItem(mParam1[i], (mParam2[i]).substring(0, 75) + "..."));
} else {
listItemList.add(new MyListItem("Loading...", "Swipe Down for Update"));
mAdapter = new MyListAdapter(getActivity(), listItemList);
mParam1 and mParam2 are Values which are fetched by an XML parser (IntentService) class in the MainActivity which i can show if needed.
Now, if i am to fast, and the mPara1 and mPara2 is empty there won´t be any ListView shown. Now i want to solve this by some AsyncTask or IntentService whatever is useful. I tried AsyncTask, which didn´t work at all. I tried notifyDataSetChanged() which didn´t work too...
Now, how could i solve this....
Using AsyncTask i have the problem that i don´t know how to passt the two Arrays to publishProgress() correctly
THis is how my AsyncTask looks like:
class UpdateListView extends AsyncTask<Void, String, Void> {
private MyListAdapter adapter;
private ArrayList listItemList;
protected void onPreExecute() {
adapter = (MyListAdapter) mListView.getAdapter();
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
for (String item1 : mParam1) {
return null;
protected void onProgressUpdate(String... values) {
adapter.add(new MyListItem(values[0], values[1]));
protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
Log.d("onPostExecute", "Added successfully");

Okay solved it...My Fragments are running in same Activity where the Data is loaded in, so i just created getter and setter in MainActivity and access them in the needed Fragment via
String[] titles =(MainActivity) getActivity()).getTitlesArray();
String[] text=(MainActivity) getActivity()).getTextArray();
Whatever i do trying setting Bundle with
doesn´t work. Should work using parceable/serializable class but didn´t try...


propertyChange not called when restoring default values

I am building a preference page extending the FieldEditorPreferencePage class.
This is the code (some obvious code not displayed):
public class PreferencePage extends FieldEditorPreferencePage implements IWorkbenchPreferencePage {
public static final String PREF_KEY_1 = "checkBoxPref";
public static final String PREF_KEY_2 = "filePref";
private FileFieldEditor pathField;
private BooleanFieldEditor yesOrNoField;
private Composite pathFieldParent;
public void init(IWorkbench workbench) {
setPreferenceStore(new ScopedPreferenceStore(InstanceScope.INSTANCE, Activator.PLUGIN_ID));
protected void createFieldEditors() {
this.yesOrNoField = new BooleanFieldEditor(PREF_KEY_1, "Check this box!", getFieldEditorParent());
this.pathFieldParent = getFieldEditorParent();
this.pathField = new FileFieldEditor(PREF_KEY_2, "Path:", this.pathFieldParent);
boolean isChecked = getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(PREF_KEY_1);
updatePathFieldEnablement(! isChecked);
* Updates the fields according to entered values
private void updatePathFieldEnablement(boolean enabled) {
this.pathField.setEnabled(enabled, this.pathFieldParent);
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
if (event.getProperty().equals(FieldEditor.VALUE) && event.getSource() == this.yesOrNoField) {
updatePathFieldEnablement(! (boolean) event.getNewValue());
The propertyChange method is there to enable/disable the FileFieldEditor depending on the BooleanFieldEditor value.
It works OK if I change the BooleanFieldEditor valeu by checking or unchecking it, but the propertyChange is not called when I hit the "Restore default values" button.
Do someone see a reason for that?
OK, I think I've got my response.
I went further in my investigation and I got to this code which seems suspect to me:
In class BooleanFieldEditor :
protected void doLoadDefault() {
if (checkBox != null) {
boolean value = getPreferenceStore().getDefaultBoolean(getPreferenceName());
wasSelected = value;
and in class StringFieldEditor
protected void doLoadDefault() {
if (textField != null) {
String value = getPreferenceStore().getDefaultString(
We can see that the FileFieldEditor (that inherits from StringFieldEditor) launches an PropertyChangeEvent to its listeners (valueChanged();) but not the BooleanFieldEditor. I did not find any code indicating that BooleanFieldEditor are using another mechanism. I think this is a bug in jFace.
To get around this problem, I just had to override the FieldEditorPreferencePage#performDefaults method and the result's fine.

My selection listener doesn't seem to be registering properly

I am creating an Eclipse RCP application with multiple views. One of my views is a multi-page editor view. Each of those pages has a a master/details block. I need to register all of those TableViewers as selection providers for my other view to listen to.
After much research online, I came across this article about multiple selection providers in a single view. I followed the instructions to create this selection provider for multiple viewers.
class MyMultipleSelectionProvider implements ISelectionProvider {
private final ListenerList selectionListeners = new ListenerList();
private ISelectionProvider delegate;
private final ISelectionChangedListener selectionListener = new ISelectionChangedListener() {
public void selectionChanged(final SelectionChangedEvent event) {
if (event.getSelectionProvider() == AdaptabilityProfileSelectionProvider.this.delegate) {
fireSelectionChanged( event.getSelection() );
* Sets a new selection provider to delegate to. Selection listeners
* registered with the previous delegate are removed before.
* #param newDelegate new selection provider
public void setSelectionProviderDelegate(final ISelectionProvider newDelegate) {
if (this.delegate == newDelegate) {
if (this.delegate != null) {
this.delegate = newDelegate;
if (newDelegate != null) {
public void addSelectionChangedListener(final ISelectionChangedListener listener) {
public ISelection getSelection() {
return this.delegate == null ? null : this.delegate.getSelection();
public void removeSelectionChangedListener(final ISelectionChangedListener listener) {
public void setSelection(final ISelection selection) {
if (this.delegate != null) {
protected void fireSelectionChanged(final ISelection selection) {
fireSelectionChanged(this.selectionListeners, selection);
private void fireSelectionChanged(final ListenerList list, final ISelection selection) {
final SelectionChangedEvent event = new SelectionChangedEvent(this.delegate, selection);
final Object[] listeners = list.getListeners();
for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
final ISelectionChangedListener listener = (ISelectionChangedListener) listeners[i];
I added a focusListener on all of the edior's viewers so they become the delegate:
tree.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() {
public void focusGained(final FocusEvent e) {
And I registered this as the selection provider for my editor:
site.setSelectionProvider( this.selectionProvider );
Then, within my view that needs to hear about the selection, I registered a selection listener for this editor:
getSite().getPage().addSelectionListener(MyEditor.ID, this.selectionListener);
When I run the application, I see that the delegate is being changed and the selection events are being fired. However, the listener list is empty.
I am never calling addSelectionChangeListener() directly. I was under the impression that that was what the selection service is for. Am I wrong? Should I be calling it? If so, when? If not, who is supposed to be adding the listener, and why isn't it happening?
If your code is based on FormEditor (or MultiPageEditorPart) then the selection provider is set to MultiPageSelectionProvider at the end of the init method. This may be overriding your site.setSelectionProvider call.
public void init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput input)
throws PartInitException {
super.init(site, input);
should make sure your provider is the one used.

GEF + EMF: Why doesn't my editor remove the Figure for a removed object when refreshChildren() is called?

I have implemented a GEF editor for a graph-like EMF model, with a remove command for a certain type of node in the graph. I think I've done all the necessary steps in order to make this set up work (vainolo's blog has been a great help).
However, when I'm deleting a model element, the view doesn't get refreshed, i.e., the figure for the model element isn't removed from the editor view, and I have no idea why. I'd be extremely grateful if somebody could have a look at my sources and point me to any problems (and possibly solutions :)). Many thanks in advance!
Below are what I think are the important classes for this issue. Please do let me know should I add further code/edit the code, etc. (I've left out code that I thought doesn't help, e.g., getters and setters, class variables). Thanks!
public class DiagramEditPart extends AbstractGraphicalEditPart {
public DiagramEditPart(Diagram model) {
adapter = new DiagramAdapter();
#Override protected IFigure createFigure() {
Figure figure = new FreeformLayer();
return figure;
#Override protected void createEditPolicies() {
installEditPolicy(EditPolicy.LAYOUT_ROLE, new DiagramXYLayoutPolicy());
#Override protected List<EObject> getModelChildren() {
List<EObject> allModelObjects = new ArrayList<EObject>();
if (((Diagram) getModel()).getMyNodes() != null)
allModelObjects.addAll(((Diagram) getModel()).getMyNodes());
return allModelObjects;
#Override public void activate() {
if(!isActive()) {
((Diagram) getModel()).eAdapters().add(adapter);
#Override public void deactivate() {
if(isActive()) {
((Diagram) getModel()).eAdapters().remove(adapter);
public class DiagramAdapter implements Adapter {
#Override public void notifyChanged(Notification notification) {
switch (notification.getEventType()) {
case Notification.REMOVE: refreshChildren();
#Override public Notifier getTarget() {
return (Diagram) getModel();
#Override public void setTarget(Notifier newTarget) {
// Do nothing.
#Override public boolean isAdapterForType(Object type) {
return type.equals(Diagram.class);
public class MyNodeEditPart extends AbstractGraphicalEditPart {
public MyNodeEditPart(MyNode model) {
adapter = new MyNodeAdapter();
#Override protected IFigure createFigure() {
return new MyNodeFigure();
#Override protected void createEditPolicies() {
installEditPolicy(EditPolicy.COMPONENT_ROLE, new MyNodeComponentEditPolicy());
#Override protected void refreshVisuals() {
MyNodeFigure figure = (MyNodeFigure) getFigure();
DiagramEditPart parent = (DiagramEditPart) getParent();
Dimension labelSize = figure.getLabel().getPreferredSize();
Rectangle layout = new Rectangle((getParent().getChildren().indexOf(this) * 50),
(getParent().getChildren().indexOf(this) * 50), (labelSize.width + 20),
(labelSize.height + 20));
parent.setLayoutConstraint(this, figure, layout);
public List<Edge> getModelSourceConnections() {
if ((MyNode) getModel() != null && ((MyNode) getModel()).getDiagram() != null) {
ArrayList<Edge> sourceConnections = new ArrayList<Edge>();
for (Edge edge : ((MyNode) getModel()).getDiagram().getOutEdges(((MyNode) getModel()).getId())) {
return sourceConnections;
return null;
// + the same method for targetconnections
#Override public void activate() {
if (!isActive()) {
((MyNode) getModel()).eAdapters().add(adapter);
#Override public void deactivate() {
if (isActive()) {
((MyNode) getModel()).eAdapters().remove(adapter);
public class MyNodeAdapter implements Adapter {
public void notifyChanged(Notification notification) {
public Notifier getTarget() {
return (MyNode) getModel();
public void setTarget(Notifier newTarget) {
// Do nothing
public boolean isAdapterForType(Object type) {
return type.equals(MyNode.class);
public class MyNodeComponentEditPolicy extends ComponentEditPolicy {
protected Command createDeleteCommand(GroupRequest deleteRequest) {
DeleteMyNodeCommand nodeDeleteCommand = new DeleteMyNodeCommand((MyNode) getHost().getModel());
return nodeDeleteCommand;
public class DeleteMyNodeCommand extends Command {
public DeleteMyNodeCommand(MyNode model) {
this.node = model;
this.graph = node.getDiagram();
#Override public void execute() {
System.out.println("Is the model still present in the graph? " + getGraph().getMyNodes().contains(getMyNode()));
// Returns false, i.e., graph doesn't contain model object at this point!
#Override public void undo() {
Re execc's comment: Yes, refreshChildren() is being called. I've tested this by overriding it and adding a simple System.err line, which is being displayed on the console on deletion of a node:
public void refreshChildren() {
System.err.println("refreshChildren() IS being called!");
The funny (well...) thing is, when I close the editor and persist the model, then re-open the same file, the node isn't painted anymore, and is not present in the model. But what does this mean? Am I working on a stale model? Or is refreshing/getting the model children not working properly?
I've just found a peculiar thing, which might explain the isues I have? In the getModelChildren() method I call allModelObjects.addAll(((Diagram) getModel()).getMyNodes());, and getMyNodes() returns an unmodifiable EList. I found out when I tried to do something along the lines of ((Diagram) getModel()).getMyNodes().remove(getMyNode()) in the delete command, and it threw an UnsupportedOperationException... Hm.
Er, somebody kill me please?
I've double-checked whether I'm handling the same Diagram object at all times, and while doing this I stumbled across a very embarassing thing:
The getModelChildren() method in DiagramEditPart in the last version read approx. like this:
#Override protected List<EObject> getModelChildren() {
List<EObject> allModelObjects = new ArrayList<EObject>();
EList<MyNode> nodes = ((Diagram) getModel()).getMyNodes();
for (MyNode node : nodes) {
if (node.getDiagram() != null); // ### D'Uh! ###
return allModelObjects;
I'd like to apologize for stealing everyone's time! Your suggestions were very helpful, and indeed helped my to finally track down the bug!
I've also learned a number of lessons, amongst them: Always paste the original code, over-simplifaction may cloak your bugs! And I've learned a lot about EMF, Adapter, and GEF. Still:
There is one semi-colon too many in line 5 of the following part of the code, namely after the if statement: if (node.getDiagram() != null);:
1 #Override protected List<EObject> getModelChildren() {
2 List<EObject> allModelObjects = new ArrayList<EObject>();
3 EList<MyNode> nodes = ((Diagram) getModel()).getMyNodes();
4 for (MyNode node : nodes) {
5 if (node.getDiagram() != null);
6 allModelObjects.add(node);
7 }
8 return allModelObjects;
9 }

Reading program arguments in a RCP application?

I have created an eclipse application and a product configuration.
In the product configuration on the "Launching" tab its possible to specify "Program arguments" and "VM Arguments".
Is it possible to access these arguments from the Application class? Currently this class looks like this:
public class Application implements IApplication {
public Object start(IApplicationContext context) throws Exception {
Map<?, ?> arguments = context.getArguments(); // this is empty!
// This actually does the trick but is a bit ugly - must be parsed
String[] strings = (String[]) context.getArguments()
Display display = PlatformUI.createDisplay();
try {
ApplicationWorkbenchAdvisor advisor = new ApplicationWorkbenchAdvisor();
int returnCode = PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(display, advisor);
if (returnCode == PlatformUI.RETURN_RESTART) {
return IApplication.EXIT_RESTART;
} else {
return IApplication.EXIT_OK;
} finally {
* (non-Javadoc)
* #see org.eclipse.equinox.app.IApplication#stop()
public void stop() {
final IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
if (workbench == null) {
final Display display = workbench.getDisplay();
display.syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (!display.isDisposed()) {
Are there a better way to extract the application args than:
// This actually does the trick but is a bit ugly
String[] strings = (String[]) context.getArguments()
See http://www.vogella.de/blog/2008/06/21/passing-parameters-to-eclipse-rcp-via-the-command-line/ for an example.

GWT CEll Browser Real Time Update

has someone been able to correctly to update a cell browser at runtime, i.e. when u remove a node or add a node, the change is reflected immediately in the CEll Browser, because I am using a List and when i am making a change it is not being updated on the spot
You can use ListDataProvider setList(...) method for dynamic updates. Here is an example how I update cell browser via RPC:
private void loadAllData(final ListDataProvider<Data> dataProvider) {
dBservice.getAllData(new AsyncCallback<List<Data>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<Data> result) {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
to refresh a cellBrowser you have to close all the child on the root node.
anyway something like this
for (int i = 0; i < cellBrowser.getRootTreeNode().getChildCount(); i++) {
cellBrowser.getRootTreeNode().setChildOpen(i, false);
the AsyncDataProvider calls refreshes data
private final class Model implements TreeViewModel{
private List<ZonaProxy> zonaList = null;
private List<CategoriaProxy> categoriaList = null;
public void setCategoriaList(List<CategoriaProxy> categoriaList) {
this.categoriaList = categoriaList;
public void setListZona(List<ZonaProxy> zonaList) {
this.zonaList = zonaList;
#SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public <T> NodeInfo<?> getNodeInfo(T value) {
CategoryDataProvider dataProvider1 = new CategoryDataProvider();
return new DefaultNodeInfo(dataProvider1, new CategoriaCell());
* Check if the specified value represents a leaf node. Leaf nodes cannot be
* opened.
public boolean isLeaf(Object value) {
if (value instanceof CategoriaProxy){
if (((CategoriaProxy) value).getLivello() == 3) {
return true;
return false;
private class CategoryDataProvider extends AsyncDataProvider<CategoriaProxy>
protected void onRangeChanged(HasData<CategoriaProxy> display)
requests.categoriaRequest().findAllCategorias(0, 8).with().fire(new Receiver<List<CategoriaProxy>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<CategoriaProxy> values) {
updateRowCount(values.size(), true);
updateRowData(0, values);
it Works.
Apparently it is not enough to change the data provider and refresh it.
You need also to force the affected cell to close and reopen it, as in this example
public void updateCellBrowser(String id) {
TreeNode node = getNode(cellBrowser.getRootTreeNode(),id);
if(node != null && ! node.isDestroyed()) {
TreeNode parent = node.getParent();
int index = node.getIndex();
parent.setChildOpen(index, false,true);
parent.setChildOpen(index, true, true);
In my particular example the cell ids are pathnames hence the following
implementation of getNode().
private TreeNode getNode(TreeNode node, String id) {
for(int i=0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++)
if(node.isChildOpen(i)) {
Object value = node.getChildValue(i);
if(value instanceof String) {
String nodeId = ((String) value);
return node.setChildOpen(i, true);
getNode(node.setChildOpen(i, true),id);
return null;