Automatically add github issues using a keyword in source code - github

Does anyone know if there's a way to add a github issue automatically when a keyword appears in a commit (source code)?
I usually put a TODO comment in to mark somewhere that needs work, and thought it would be really useful to track them using issues

This is not possible.
All you can do in commit messages is close or references issues.
Not create one.


Is linking to a GitHub issue reliable?

Is there any documentation out there to suggest that GitHub issues are eternal? More specifically, are their URIs reliable to link to?
E.g., I want to link to a Joda-Time issue in a Javadoc to give context as to why a custom de/serializer was necessary. If the link is reliably static I'll be comfortable referencing it in code.
Git issues are completly reliable, no one can remove an issue, even repository's administrators.
A git issue will never die, the worst thing that can happen to an issue is getting locked, resulting in others not being able to comment on them, but still, it's visible to everyone.
Edit: Please note that by removing a repository, all it's issues, pull requests, wiki pages, etc. are removed. More about forks on this.

Can I change the state of Github Issue? Open > Needs Verification > Closed

It would be really great to have a Github issue be in an intermediary "Resolved" state before I close the issue.
Right now, I have a "Resolved" label and I manually select the issue and change it's label on the web after I commit. Is there a way I can do this from the commit message?
I am sure this is a common problem. How do you guys solve this?
I have never used Github API but can this be done using the API If I were to do this myself?
Since September 14, 2016 you could manage your states with projects. See image below:
Reference and source: GitHub - A whole new GitHub Universe: announcing new tools, forums, and features.
I know it's not like a new state like "needs verification" because you can't like #NevikRehnel said in his answer. But you could make a column named "open", "needs verification" and "closed" and all the issues can you list in correct column.
No, Github issues only support two states (open and closed). Any other "states" must be realized via labels, as you are already doing right now.
And as of right now, there is no way to apply labels from commit messages.
You can always request such features from Github support of course, and they might be implemented at some point.
You can manage this problem using this method : Adding and reassigning github issues via commit message.
A simple ruby script will run on each commit, and check the commit message looking for ~myLabel and =assignedMember to update correctly the issue.

Rules for Commiting code on SVN with Multiples Developers

We are working on a single project, and also committing code at the end of day on SVN so that can get all update project. But issues is very often our code getting errors while committing code and projects get empty if someone get update at that time. So my question is are there any set of rules which we've to follow on committing so that every one go on straight path and no one get in trouble and save a lot time from these errors.
Thanks in advance. Cheers
Search Google, something similar to "source control best practices".
Top result has several tips. Sounds like the biggest problem you're facing is integrating with others' changes. Perhaps look into the following sections:
Incorporate others' changes frequently
Share your changes frequently
Coordinate with your co-workers
Investigate why you get errors. Blind application of rules is not good.
For example:
person A committed a code producing compilation error
he finished his task, but hasn't checked build before committing to the trunk
the entire build it too slow
solution: speed-up build, set up continuous build system which will check every commit and notify developers about problems as soon as possible
Another example:
person B committed a code which breaks the build
he wanted to store his changes, but the task is not finished
solution: advice him to create a branch, when the task is finished it can be merged to the trunk (if branch lives for long time, merge changes from trunk to it periodically, then the merge will not be a problem)
There possible other scenarios. With more details you will be able to ask more precise question on StackOverflow and get better answers.
In case of use of SVN co-ordination is must between the team.
Make sure whenever you commit the code you have a idea about what are you committing.
The golden rule is "One developer One class".
If at all two different developers are working on same class. Ask them to maintain a document on what changes they have made. And, most important to mark a comments in a class it self.
There are some important things which need to be followed while committing the code. Whenever you see a conflict in your local files and server files. Make sure you go through every conflict and select the appropriate action.
Understand one important thing, whenever SVN is used one persons mistake can affect everyone.
Whenever possible, don't edit the same line of code as someone else
Leave meaningful comments on your commit messages
Comment your code
Make sure that all the code you commit compiles and runs as it should
Commit when appropriate ie: are passing off part of your code to be used by others or are done working on a feature
Make sure to communicate with other team members
If you find code that you don't know what it does, ask the author
If you're making major changes that will take a while to implement, use a branch and then merge it back in

How to completely remove an issue from GitHub?

Is it possible to completely remove an issue from the GitHub issue tracker?
No, the github API only allows you to open/close/reopen issues. Here's the Issues API docs.
You can edit an existing issue (let's say if it's a duplicate) and you can change the title, description and target milestone to be something completely different. That's as close as you can get to removing the ticket, AFIK.
Update Nov 2018: You now can delete issues if you are a owner of the repository!
See "Github - remove issues entered in error" mentions:
People with admin permissions in a repository can permanently delete an issue from a repository.
For other people (without permission), questionto42's comment shows that you can ask to GitHub support for the issue to be deleted, as illustrated here.
At May 2018, original answer:
Three 8 years later, and closing issues remains the answer (still no deletion possible).
See "The Ghost of Issues Past", where GitHub advise to check and close:
issues opened over a year ago state:open created:<2013-01-01
the ones I'm involved with involves:twp state:open created:<2013-01-01
and those not updated in the last year involves:twp state:open updated:<2013-01-01
For posterity: Deleting issues would be a bad thing, since in general they can be targets of associations on github.
But if you are willing to sacrifice the collaboration info, here is a "whack it with a sledgehammer" approach:
Clone your original repo.
Copy your issues via the Issues API.
Delete the original repo; alternatively, chose a new name for your new repo.
Re-create a new repo based on your clone.
Re-create the issues you want to keep via the Issues API.
I imagine this could potentially lose a lot of other linking information as well such as forks, pull requests, etc.
Public feature request
I wrote to GitHub in 2014-08 and replied by email:
Thanks for the suggestion. It's only possible to edit/clear the issue content currently. However I've added a +1 to this suggestion on our internal Feature Request List.
confirming it was not possible.
Best workaround so far
set the title to something that will never conflict with any search, e.g. a single dot ..
This may not hide the history of your blunder entirely because of the automatic undeletable "changed the title to" comments.
make the body empty
GitHub staff has the power
If something is a security issue, contact GitHub staff, they usually reply quickly, and are able to remove issues for good as can be seen at: which has issue 1 and 3 but no 2.
You can delete the entire repo if it's really important.
Possible workaround
As of 04/2019 not all issues can be deleted current work around is to edit the issue then delete the edit history, the only downside is that the issue still exist and the old title could be seen.
You could by just asking to github to ban the user that created the issue 😁
Users are unable to do this, including repository owner.
But issues can be deleted by Github support. One may contact them and request deletion. It may be delayed or refused but it is an available option that can be used.
Still impossible. Another workaround to the ones suggested in the other answers is to label the issue as "deleted" (or any other label you might fancy better), to be able to filter them out if you use the github API to retrieve them. Obviously you should use that specific label only for this purpose, setting the label when you close the issue.
You can create a new repository.
Transfer (yeah it is possible) unwanted issues to the new repository.
Then delete the new repository.

Best Practices for Comments on Code Commit

What template do you use for comments on code commit?
One example of a template is:
(change 1): (source file 1.1, 1.2): (details of change made), (why)
(change 2): (source file 2.1): (details of change made), (why)
Ideally each change should be mapped to an issue in the issue tracker. Is this template alright?
Here are my thoughts... all these will be open to interpretation depending on your particular development methodologies.
You should be committing fairly often, with a single focus for every commit, so based on that, comments should be short and detail what the focus of the commit was.
I'm a fan of posting the what in your comment, with the why and the how being detailed elsewhere (ideally in your bug tracking). The why should be the ticket, and upon closing the ticket, you should have some kind of note about how that particular issue was addressed.
A reference to your bug tracking system is good if it isn't handled otherwise (TRAC/SVN interaction, for example). The reason for this is to point other developers in the right direction if they're looking for more information on the commit.
Don't include specific file names unless the fix really complex and detail is needed. Even still, complex details probably belong in bug tracking with your implementation notes, not in version control. Files edited, diff details, etc, should hopefully be included with version control, and we don't want to spend time duplicating this.
Given these ideas, an example commit comment for me would be something like
Req3845: Updated validation to use the new RegEx validation developed in Req3831.
Short, communicates what was changed, and provides some kind of reference for others to get more info without hunting you down.
I prefix each paragraph with + - * or !
+ means its a new feature
- means feature is removed
* means feature is changed
! means bugfix
I don't think you should commit detailed description about what parts of the code are changed, because that's why every VC has diff :)
If you use a bug tracking system, include relevant ticket numbers.
You do not need to mention changed files, or your name. The source repository can figure that out by itself. Describing the changes also only makes sense if it is not non-trivially obvious from the diff.
Make sure you have a good first line, because this frequently appears in the change history view, and people need to find things by this (the bug tracking ticket number should go there, for example).
Try to commit related changes in a single changeset (and split unrelated changes into two commits, even if to the same file).
I try to follow the same rule as for code comments:
Explain the WHY, not the HOW.
IMO a comment should contain a reference to the issue (task tracker, or requirement). Which files are affected is already available from the version control system. Apart from that, it should be as short as possible, but still readable.
I try to keep my fixes in separate check-ins.
I don't use an actual template, but a mental one, and it's like this.
Issue - dev level summary of
The issue tracker has all the management details, and the changes/diffs can be reviewed for code changes, so the comment is for dev's to understand the why/what of the issue.
Here's what I've seen used successfully:
Reference to bug number or feature ID
Brief description of the change. What was changed.
Code reviewer (to ensure you have one) unless handled by the checkin system.
Name of tester or description of which tests were run (if late in the process and you are being extra careful)
I use the simple technique described by Chaosben on the JEDI Windows API blog.
In order to get a fast view on the
changes made to a repository, we
suggest to write brief concise
comments starting each line with one
of these chars:
+ if you added a feature/function/…
- if you removed a feature/function/bug/…
# if you changed something
Doing it this way, other developers may find the desired revision much better.
First, commits should solve one single problem (separate commits for logically separate changes). If you don't know what to write in the commit message, or the comit message is too long it might mean that you have multiple independent changes in your commit, and you should split it into smaller items.
I think that commit message conventions expected and used by git makes much sense:
The first line of commit message should be a short description
If appropriate, prefix mentioned above summary line with subsystem prefix, e.g. "docs:" or "contrib:"
In next paragraph or paragraphs describe the change, explaining why's and how's
Keep in mind that if someone needs details of what changed, they can get a diff. That said, I just usually write a sentence or two for each major change, and then lump any minor fixes at the end.
There is no hard and fast rule as its plain english. I try to explain the work done in minimum words possible. Anybody looking for history of changes just want to know what happened in a particular change. If anybody is after more details then its there in the code.
Second thing I follow is if there is any bug associated then stick that in or if its related to any dev task then associate that with the change.
If two files were changed for different reasons, they should be in different commits The only time you should commit more than one code file at a time is because they all belong to the same fix/change