Java-like Iterator in Swift - swift

How to iterate array without using position (index) i and for/for in loop?
var a = [1, 2, 3]
for var i = 0; i < a.count; i++ {
for item in a {

A SequenceType (which CollectionType, and thus all Swift collections including array, conform to) is pretty simple. It requires you provide a generate() function that returns a type conforming to GeneratorType.
GeneratorType in turn only needs to provide one method: a next() that returns each element until the elements are exhausted. It returns an optional, returning nil after the last element is returned. This makes them pretty similar to Java iterators, only with next and hasNext combined into one via use of optionals.
Swift’s for…in is really syntactic sugar for a combination of getting a generator and then repeatedly calling next on it:
let a = [1, 2, 3]
for i in a { print(i) }
// is equivalent to:
var g = a.generate()
// the generator, being stateful, must be declared with var
while let i = { print(i) }
If using generators like this, take note of the comment above the definition of GeneratorType in the std lib doc:
Encapsulates iteration state and interface for iteration over a
Note: While it is safe to copy a generator, advancing one
copy may invalidate the others.
Since writing a generator for a collection often involves a lot of boiler plate, there is a helper type, IndexingGenerator, that can be used. This implements a generator that starts at startIndex, and returns the value at that index and increments the index each time. A generate() that returns an IndexingGenerator is provided as the default implementation for CollectionType, which means if this is good enough for your purposes, you don’t need to implement generate when implementing a collection:
struct Bitfield: CollectionType {
let data: UInt
var startIndex: UInt { return 0 }
var endIndex: UInt { return UInt(sizeofValue(data)*8) }
subscript(idx: UInt) -> Bit {
return (data >> idx) & 1 == 0
? Bit.Zero : Bit.One
// no need to implement generate()
This default was added in Swift 2.0. Prior to that, you had to provide a minimal generator that just returned an IndexingGenerator(self).

You can do it using IndexingGenerator:
var a = [1, 2, 3]
var generator = a.generate()
while let item = {
P. S. I created and answered my own question because I did not find anything when tried to figure out how to use Java-like iterators in Swift.

It could be done with the help of IteratorProtocol.
let a = [1, 2, 3]
var aIterator = a.makeIterator()
while let aItem = {
// do something with array item
More on IteratorProtocol in Apple's documentation here

if you use Java 8 you can use streams.
As an example:
List<User> olderUsers = -> u.age > 30).collect(Collectors.toList());


How to count the number of dimensions in Swift array [duplicate]

Suppose I have some function that I want to populate my data structure using a multi-dimensional array (e.g. a Tensor class):
class Tensor {
init<A>(array:A) { /* ... */ }
while I could add in a shape parameter, I would prefer to automatically calculate the dimensions from the array itself. If you know apriori the dimensions, it's trivial to read it off:
let d1 = array.count
let d2 = array[0].count
However, it's less clear how to do it for an N-dimensional array. I was thinking there might be a way to do it by extending the Array class:
extension Int {
func numberOfDims() -> Int {
return 0
extension Array {
func numberOfDims() -> Int {
return 1+Element.self.numberOfDims()
Unfortunately, this won't (rightfully so) compile, as numberOfDims isn't defined for most types. However, I'm don't see any way of constraining Element, as Arrays-of-Arrays make things complicated.
I was hoping someone else might have some insight into how to solve this problem (or explain why this is impossible).
If you're looking to get the depth of a nested array (Swift's standard library doesn't technically provide you with multi-dimensional arrays, only jagged arrays) – then, as shown in this Q&A, you can use a 'dummy protocol' and typecasting.
protocol _Array {
var nestingDepth: Int { get }
extension Array : _Array {
var nestingDepth: Int {
return 1 + ((first as? _Array)?.nestingDepth ?? 0)
let a = [1, 2, 3]
print(a.nestingDepth) // 1
let b = [[1], [2, 3], [4]]
print(b.nestingDepth) // 2
let c = [[[1], [2]], [[3]], [[4], [5]]]
print(c.nestingDepth) // 3
(I believe this approach would've still worked when you had originally posted the question)
In Swift 3, this can also be achieved without a dummy protocol, but instead by casting to [Any]. However, as noted in the linked Q&A, this is inefficient as it requires traversing the entire array in order to box each element in an existential container.
Also note that this implementation assumes that you're calling it on a homogenous nested array. As Paul notes, it won't give a correct answer for [[[1], 2], 3].
If this needs to be accounted for, you could write a recursive method which will iterate through each of the nested arrays and returning the minimum depth of the nesting.
protocol _Array {
func _nestingDepth(minimumDepth: Int?, currentDepth: Int) -> Int
extension Array : _Array {
func _nestingDepth(minimumDepth: Int?, currentDepth: Int) -> Int {
// for an empty array, the minimum depth is the current depth, as we know
// that _nestingDepth is called where currentDepth <= minimumDepth.
guard !isEmpty else { return currentDepth }
var minimumDepth = minimumDepth
for element in self {
// if current depth has exceeded minimum depth, then return the minimum.
// this allows for the short-circuiting of the function.
if let minimumDepth = minimumDepth, currentDepth >= minimumDepth {
return minimumDepth
// if element isn't an array, then return the current depth as the new minimum,
// given that currentDepth < minimumDepth.
guard let element = element as? _Array else { return currentDepth }
// get the new minimum depth from the next nesting,
// and incrementing the current depth.
minimumDepth = element._nestingDepth(minimumDepth: minimumDepth,
currentDepth: currentDepth + 1)
// the force unwrap is safe, as we know array is non-empty, therefore minimumDepth
// has been assigned at least once.
return minimumDepth!
var nestingDepth: Int {
return _nestingDepth(minimumDepth: nil, currentDepth: 1)
let a = [1, 2, 3]
print(a.nestingDepth) // 1
let b = [[1], [2], [3]]
print(b.nestingDepth) // 2
let c = [[[1], [2]], [[3]], [[5], [6]]]
print(c.nestingDepth) // 3
let d: [Any] = [ [[1], [2], [[3]] ], [[4]], [5] ]
print(d.nestingDepth) // 2 (the minimum depth is at element [5])
Great question that sent me off on a goose chase!
To be clear: I’m talking below about the approach of using the outermost array’s generic type parameter to compute the number of dimensions. As Tyrelidrel shows, you can recursively examine the runtime type of the first element — although this approach gives nonsensical answers for heterogenous arrays like [[[1], 2], 3].
Type-based dispatch can’t work
As you note, your code as written doesn’t work because numberOfDims is not defined for all types. But is there a workaround? Does this direction lead somewhere?
No, it’s a dead end. The reason is that extension methods are statically dispatched for non-class types, as the following snippet demonstrates:
extension CollectionType {
func identify() {
print("I am a collection of some kind")
func greetAndIdentify() {
extension Array {
func identify() {
print("I am an array")
[1,2,3].identify() // prints "I am an array"
[1,2,3].greetAndIdentify() // prints "Hello!" and "I am a collection of some kind"
Even if Swift allowed you to extend Any (and it doesn’t), Element.self.numberOfDims() would always call the Any implementation of numberOfDims() even if the runtime type of Element.self were an Array.
This crushing static dispatch limitation means that even this promising-looking approach fails (it compiles, but always returns 1):
extension CollectionType {
var numberOfDims: Int {
return self.dynamicType.numberOfDims
static var numberOfDims: Int {
return 1
extension CollectionType where Generator.Element: CollectionType {
static var numberOfDims: Int {
return 1 + Generator.Element.numberOfDims
[[1],[2],[3]].numberOfDims // return 1 ... boooo!
This same constraint also applies to function overloading.
Type inspection can’t work
If there’s a way to make it work, it would be something along these lines, which uses a conditional instead of type-based method dispatch to traverse the nested array types:
extension Array {
var numberOfDims: Int {
return self.dynamicType.numberOfDims
static var numberOfDims: Int {
if let nestedArrayType = Generator.Element.self as? Array.Type {
return 1 + nestedArrayType.numberOfDims
} else {
return 1
The code above compiles — quite confusingly — because Swift takes Array.Type to be a shortcut for Array<Element>.Type. That completely defeats the attempt to unwrap.
What’s the workaround? There isn’t one. This approach can’t work because we need to say “if Element is some kind of Array,” but as far as I know, there’s no way in Swift to say “array of anything,” or “just the Array type regardless of Element.”
Everywhere you mention the Array type, its generic type parameter must be materialized to a concrete type or a protocol at compile time.
Cheating can work
What about reflection, then? There is a way. Not a nice way, but there is a way. Swift’s Mirror is currently not powerful enough to tell us what the element type is, but there is another reflection method that is powerful enough: converting the type to a string.
private let arrayPat = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "Array<", options: [])
extension Array {
var numberOfDims: Int {
let typeName = "\(self.dynamicType)"
return arrayPat.numberOfMatchesInString(
typeName, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, typeName.characters.count))
Horrid, evil, brittle, probably not legal in all countries — but it works!
Unfortunately I was not able to do this with a Swift array but you can easily convert a swift array to an NSArray.
extension NSArray {
func numberOfDims() -> Int {
var count = 0
if let x = self.firstObject as? NSArray {
count += x.numberOfDims() + 1
} else {
return 1
return count

Custom Collections Without Internal Collection Types?

I'd like to learn more about Swift's Collection Types by creating a custom collection.
The problem is that I can't find any examples of "custom" collection types that don't just use an internal array / dictionary.
These aren't helpful to me, because when it comes time to conform to the collection protocol, the examples just propagate the required methods to the army / dictionary.
That said, after looking through Wikipedia's List of Data Structures, I can't find any that meet the performance characteristics of collection types, that aren't just specialized arrays.
Does anyone know of a data structure that could be implemented with a custom collection type, without using an internal collection type?
Collection protocol conformance requires that accesing the startIndex, the endIndex,and the elements of the collection be done constant time - O(1).
The consensus in the comments seems to be that a LinkedList is a data structure that satisfies these characteristics. My LinkedList is defined as follows:
indirect enum LinkedList<T> {
case value(element: T, next: LinkedList<T>)
case end
extension LinkedList: Sequence {
func makeIterator() -> LinkedListIterator<T> {
return LinkedListIterator(current: self)
struct LinkedListIterator<T>: IteratorProtocol {
var current: LinkedList<T>
mutating func next() -> T? {
switch current {
case let .value(element, next):
current = next
return element
case .end:
return nil
What I still don't understand, is how subscript can be returned in constant time. For the LinkedList:
let data = LinkedList<Int>.value(element: 0, next: LinkedList<Int>.value(element: 1, next: LinkedList<Int>.value(element: 2, next: LinkedList<Int>.value(element: 3, next: LinkedList<Int>.end))))
Assume that I want access to the 3rd element in the Collection:
let example = data[2]
Currently, this is how I have implemented subscript:
subscript (position: Index) -> Element {
precondition(position < endIndex && position >= startIndex)
var iterator = makeIterator()
for i in 0 ..< position {
if i + 1 == position {
var zero = makeIterator()
Because the method's completion time depends on `i, it finishes in linear rather than constant time. How could such a constant time method be implemented?

Strange SequenceType behaviour when using a wrapper

I have a wrapper that wraps a sequence:
struct SequenceWrapper<T>: SequenceType {
var sequence: AnySequence<T>
func generate() -> AnyGenerator<T> {
return sequence.generate()
let wrapper = SequenceWrapper(sequence: AnySequence(1 ... 10))
If I make two generators and call next() on both, nothing strange happens:
let generator = wrapper.generate()
let another = wrapper.generate() // 1 // 1
So far, so good. However, if I first call dropFirst() on my wrapper, I get strange behaviour:
let wrapper = SequenceWrapper(sequence: AnySequence(1 ... 10))
let trimmed = wrapper.dropFirst()
let generator = trimmed.generate()
let another = trimmed.generate() // 2 // 3, huh?
If I use dropLast() instead of dropFirst(), the outputs are 1 and 1, as expected.
If I don't use the wrapper struct I made, but a direct AnySequence instance instead, nothing out of the ordinary happens:
let sequence = AnySequence(1 ... 10)
let trimmed = sequence.dropFirst()
let generator = trimmed.generate()
let another = trimmed.generate() // 2 // 2, as expected
I can't make any sense of this. What's going on here?
You would have to debug through the behavior to understand the specific behavior, but this most likely happens because SequenceType is not required to be iterable multiple times.
SequenceType makes no requirement on conforming types regarding
whether they will be destructively "consumed" by iteration. To ensure
non-destructive iteration, constrain your sequence to CollectionType.
As a consequence, it is not possible to run multiple for loops on a sequence to "resume" iteration:
for element in sequence {
if ... some condition { break }
for element in sequence {
// Not guaranteed to continue from the next element.
// [mine: not guaranteed to restart from the beginning either]
SequenceType makes no requirement about the behavior in that case. It
is not correct to assume that a sequence will either be "consumable"
and will resume iteration, or that a sequence is a collection and will
restart iteration from the first element. A conforming sequence that
is not a collection is allowed to produce an arbitrary sequence of
elements from the second generator.
In other words, the two generators that you get from calling generate() twice are not guaranteed to not interfere with one another. In fact, it's legal for a type to implement both SequenceType and GeneratorType and implement generate() as return self. Any shared state (from member references, or if the sequence itself is a reference type) will be shared across generators, which is why you should only make one.
The internal dropFirst() method returns a new instance of AnySequence (as you can see in this line:
What you need to add to your SequenceWrapper are these lines:
func dropFirst() -> SequenceWrapper.SubSequence {
return sequence.dropFirst()
Here is a short Playground snippet for testing:
struct SequenceWrapper<T>: SequenceType {
var sequence: AnySequence<T>
func generate() -> AnyGenerator<T> {
return sequence.generate()
func dropFirst() -> SequenceWrapper.SubSequence {
return sequence.dropFirst()
let wrapper = SequenceWrapper(sequence: AnySequence(1 ... 10))
var generator = wrapper.generate()
var another = wrapper.generate() // 1 // 1
var trimmed = wrapper.dropFirst()
generator = trimmed.generate()
another = trimmed.generate() // 2 // 2! :)

Calculate the number of dimensions of a multi-dimensional array in Swift

Suppose I have some function that I want to populate my data structure using a multi-dimensional array (e.g. a Tensor class):
class Tensor {
init<A>(array:A) { /* ... */ }
while I could add in a shape parameter, I would prefer to automatically calculate the dimensions from the array itself. If you know apriori the dimensions, it's trivial to read it off:
let d1 = array.count
let d2 = array[0].count
However, it's less clear how to do it for an N-dimensional array. I was thinking there might be a way to do it by extending the Array class:
extension Int {
func numberOfDims() -> Int {
return 0
extension Array {
func numberOfDims() -> Int {
return 1+Element.self.numberOfDims()
Unfortunately, this won't (rightfully so) compile, as numberOfDims isn't defined for most types. However, I'm don't see any way of constraining Element, as Arrays-of-Arrays make things complicated.
I was hoping someone else might have some insight into how to solve this problem (or explain why this is impossible).
If you're looking to get the depth of a nested array (Swift's standard library doesn't technically provide you with multi-dimensional arrays, only jagged arrays) – then, as shown in this Q&A, you can use a 'dummy protocol' and typecasting.
protocol _Array {
var nestingDepth: Int { get }
extension Array : _Array {
var nestingDepth: Int {
return 1 + ((first as? _Array)?.nestingDepth ?? 0)
let a = [1, 2, 3]
print(a.nestingDepth) // 1
let b = [[1], [2, 3], [4]]
print(b.nestingDepth) // 2
let c = [[[1], [2]], [[3]], [[4], [5]]]
print(c.nestingDepth) // 3
(I believe this approach would've still worked when you had originally posted the question)
In Swift 3, this can also be achieved without a dummy protocol, but instead by casting to [Any]. However, as noted in the linked Q&A, this is inefficient as it requires traversing the entire array in order to box each element in an existential container.
Also note that this implementation assumes that you're calling it on a homogenous nested array. As Paul notes, it won't give a correct answer for [[[1], 2], 3].
If this needs to be accounted for, you could write a recursive method which will iterate through each of the nested arrays and returning the minimum depth of the nesting.
protocol _Array {
func _nestingDepth(minimumDepth: Int?, currentDepth: Int) -> Int
extension Array : _Array {
func _nestingDepth(minimumDepth: Int?, currentDepth: Int) -> Int {
// for an empty array, the minimum depth is the current depth, as we know
// that _nestingDepth is called where currentDepth <= minimumDepth.
guard !isEmpty else { return currentDepth }
var minimumDepth = minimumDepth
for element in self {
// if current depth has exceeded minimum depth, then return the minimum.
// this allows for the short-circuiting of the function.
if let minimumDepth = minimumDepth, currentDepth >= minimumDepth {
return minimumDepth
// if element isn't an array, then return the current depth as the new minimum,
// given that currentDepth < minimumDepth.
guard let element = element as? _Array else { return currentDepth }
// get the new minimum depth from the next nesting,
// and incrementing the current depth.
minimumDepth = element._nestingDepth(minimumDepth: minimumDepth,
currentDepth: currentDepth + 1)
// the force unwrap is safe, as we know array is non-empty, therefore minimumDepth
// has been assigned at least once.
return minimumDepth!
var nestingDepth: Int {
return _nestingDepth(minimumDepth: nil, currentDepth: 1)
let a = [1, 2, 3]
print(a.nestingDepth) // 1
let b = [[1], [2], [3]]
print(b.nestingDepth) // 2
let c = [[[1], [2]], [[3]], [[5], [6]]]
print(c.nestingDepth) // 3
let d: [Any] = [ [[1], [2], [[3]] ], [[4]], [5] ]
print(d.nestingDepth) // 2 (the minimum depth is at element [5])
Great question that sent me off on a goose chase!
To be clear: I’m talking below about the approach of using the outermost array’s generic type parameter to compute the number of dimensions. As Tyrelidrel shows, you can recursively examine the runtime type of the first element — although this approach gives nonsensical answers for heterogenous arrays like [[[1], 2], 3].
Type-based dispatch can’t work
As you note, your code as written doesn’t work because numberOfDims is not defined for all types. But is there a workaround? Does this direction lead somewhere?
No, it’s a dead end. The reason is that extension methods are statically dispatched for non-class types, as the following snippet demonstrates:
extension CollectionType {
func identify() {
print("I am a collection of some kind")
func greetAndIdentify() {
extension Array {
func identify() {
print("I am an array")
[1,2,3].identify() // prints "I am an array"
[1,2,3].greetAndIdentify() // prints "Hello!" and "I am a collection of some kind"
Even if Swift allowed you to extend Any (and it doesn’t), Element.self.numberOfDims() would always call the Any implementation of numberOfDims() even if the runtime type of Element.self were an Array.
This crushing static dispatch limitation means that even this promising-looking approach fails (it compiles, but always returns 1):
extension CollectionType {
var numberOfDims: Int {
return self.dynamicType.numberOfDims
static var numberOfDims: Int {
return 1
extension CollectionType where Generator.Element: CollectionType {
static var numberOfDims: Int {
return 1 + Generator.Element.numberOfDims
[[1],[2],[3]].numberOfDims // return 1 ... boooo!
This same constraint also applies to function overloading.
Type inspection can’t work
If there’s a way to make it work, it would be something along these lines, which uses a conditional instead of type-based method dispatch to traverse the nested array types:
extension Array {
var numberOfDims: Int {
return self.dynamicType.numberOfDims
static var numberOfDims: Int {
if let nestedArrayType = Generator.Element.self as? Array.Type {
return 1 + nestedArrayType.numberOfDims
} else {
return 1
The code above compiles — quite confusingly — because Swift takes Array.Type to be a shortcut for Array<Element>.Type. That completely defeats the attempt to unwrap.
What’s the workaround? There isn’t one. This approach can’t work because we need to say “if Element is some kind of Array,” but as far as I know, there’s no way in Swift to say “array of anything,” or “just the Array type regardless of Element.”
Everywhere you mention the Array type, its generic type parameter must be materialized to a concrete type or a protocol at compile time.
Cheating can work
What about reflection, then? There is a way. Not a nice way, but there is a way. Swift’s Mirror is currently not powerful enough to tell us what the element type is, but there is another reflection method that is powerful enough: converting the type to a string.
private let arrayPat = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "Array<", options: [])
extension Array {
var numberOfDims: Int {
let typeName = "\(self.dynamicType)"
return arrayPat.numberOfMatchesInString(
typeName, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, typeName.characters.count))
Horrid, evil, brittle, probably not legal in all countries — but it works!
Unfortunately I was not able to do this with a Swift array but you can easily convert a swift array to an NSArray.
extension NSArray {
func numberOfDims() -> Int {
var count = 0
if let x = self.firstObject as? NSArray {
count += x.numberOfDims() + 1
} else {
return 1
return count

How can I create an extension method that only applies to Arrays of nullable items [duplicate]

Can I make an Array extension that applies to, for instance, just Strings?
As of Swift 2, this can now be achieved with protocol extensions,
which provide method and property implementations to conforming types
(optionally restricted by additional constraints).
A simple example: Define a method for all types conforming
to SequenceType (such as Array) where the sequence element is a String:
extension SequenceType where Generator.Element == String {
func joined() -> String {
return "".join(self)
let a = ["foo", "bar"].joined()
print(a) // foobar
The extension method cannot be defined for struct Array directly, but only for all types
conforming to some protocol (with optional constraints). So one
has to find a protocol to which Array conforms and which provides all the necessary methods. In the above example, that is SequenceType.
Another example (a variation of How do I insert an element at the correct position into a sorted array in Swift?):
extension CollectionType where Generator.Element : Comparable, Index : RandomAccessIndexType {
typealias T = Generator.Element
func insertionIndexOf(elem: T) -> Index {
var lo = self.startIndex
var hi = self.endIndex
while lo != hi {
// mid = lo + (hi - 1 - lo)/2
let mid = lo.advancedBy(lo.distanceTo(hi.predecessor())/2)
if self[mid] < elem {
lo = mid + 1
} else if elem < self[mid] {
hi = mid
} else {
return mid // found at position `mid`
return lo // not found, would be inserted at position `lo`
let ar = [1, 3, 5, 7]
let pos = ar.insertionIndexOf(6)
print(pos) // 3
Here the method is defined as an extension to CollectionType because
subscript access to the elements is needed, and the elements are
required to be Comparable.
UPDATE: Please See Martin's answer below for Swift 2.0 updates. (I can't delete this answer since it is accepted; if Doug can accept Martin's answer, I'll delete this one to avoid future confusion.)
This has come up several times in the forums, and the answer is no, you can't do this today, but they get that it's a problem and they hope to improve this in the future. There are things they would like to add to stdlib that also need this. That's why there are so many free functions is stdlib. Most of them are work-arounds for either this problem or the "no default implementation" problem (i.e. "traits" or "mixins").
This has already been answered by the three wise-men above ;-) , but I humbly offer a generalization of #Martin's answer. We can target an arbitrary class by using "marker" protocol that is only implemented on the class that we wish to target. Ie. one does not have to find a protocol per-se, but can create a trivial one for using in targeting the desired class.
protocol TargetType {}
extension Array:TargetType {}
struct Foo {
var name:String
extension CollectionType where Self:TargetType, Generator.Element == Foo {
func byName() -> [Foo] { return sort { l, r in < } }
let foos:[Foo] = ["c", "b", "a"].map { s in Foo(name: s) }
You still haven't given a use case, despite many requests in comments, so it's hard to know what you're after. But, as I've already said in a comment (and Rob has said in an answer), you won't get it literally; extensions don't work that way (at the moment).
As I said in a comment, what I would do is wrap the array in a struct. Now the struct guards and guarantees the string's type, and we have encapsulation. Here's an example, though of course you must keep in mind that you've given no indication of the kind of thing you'd really like to do, so this might not be directly satisfying:
struct StringArrayWrapper : Printable {
private var arr : [String]
var description : String { return self.arr.description }
init(_ arr:[String]) {
self.arr = arr
mutating func upcase() {
self.arr = {$0.uppercaseString}
And here's how to call it:
let pepboys = ["Manny", "Moe", "Jack"]
var saw = StringArrayWrapper(pepboys)
Thus we have effectively insulated our string array into a world where we can arm it with functions that apply only to string arrays. If pepboys were not a string array, we couldn't have wrapped it in a StringArrayWrapper to begin with.