Sending an one-message email to a receiver by batch script file(windows) - email

Actually i am writing batch file to validate a text file formats. "sending an email by using lotus note" is used for reporting to receiver that any format goes right or wrong. "Sending an email" is an action after reaching if-statements.
code for sending email:
I am referencing to how can I add body to the mailto link from console Win?
if %number% equ %count% (
start "" "mailto:username in lotus note?subject=subject&body=body "
I am almost there, the code above start lotus note and filled in the subject&body automatically.But it don't hit the "send" button,i have to write batch script for this send action,any suggestion

Oh, i got the answer by referencing to How to send an email from one Gmail account to another one using a batch file or script?.
First, download blat from on the left hand side, then you will get blat.exe after unzip some download packages. Then, blat.exe should be included in the same directory of your batch file. This sendmail action allow sender to use a fake email address and in the command i show you should put down your organization or company server name & port number(generally 25).
Finally, an email can be sent by using code below:
blat.exe - -f -to -s Subject -body "type you body here" ^ -server hp2-server.abcd.abcdef:25
some notification like "Sending stdin.txt to bla bla bla" will be shown on command windows once it succeeds.


command to email file as an attachment

I'm using the following command to send an email with a specific file attached from the web server to me
mail -A /home/root/BACKUPS/backup.sql -s "$(date +%F) sql Backup" < /dev/null
Problem is that although it is sending me an email, it's not attaching the item (backup.sql).
Does anyone see the problem with this code? Or is there something else that needs to be done to make the code work?

mail: Invalid header when sending mail attachment with Ubuntu

This exact question was posted by user 'anvd' on 29th July but then removed - I found it on Google Cached version...!
I'm guessing the fix was something obvious, but would be great if it wasn't removed.
I am trying this command to send an email with an attachment.
echo 'These are contents of my daily backup' | mail -s 'Daily backup' -a /tmp/filename.gz
The error: mail: Invalid header: /tmp/filename.gz
The email gets sent, but the attachment is not attached.
This used to work, and still dos on other systems, but not sure what has changed on one of my machines...
I just had this problem. It turns out that -a is the flag for appending headers, whereas -A is the flag for attaching files.

How to send mail in batch file using smtp without providing password

I have a batch file which is in scheduler which always pings for a new build existence and if exists it starts automation on new build. I want to have a notification by adding send mail commands in batch file to know the scheduler batch file has picked the new builds.
Take a look at the Blat command line tool. It requires a quick setup to record the SMTP server, port, from address, etc. (or you can specify them in each call if you like), but once this is done you can use very terse commands.
For example:
REM Send an email notice that the setup has started along with a timestamp.
REM First parameter as a dash indicates we will provide the body text,
REM otherwise we could specify a text file here and it will be the body.
Blat - -to %EmailTo% -subject "Setup Started" -body "Started on %DATE% - %TIME"
REM Do some stuff...
REM Send an email notice that the setup is complete along with a log file.
Blat "C:\Path\To\Log.txt" -to %EmailTo% -subject "Setup Complete"

Setting "From: " in Sendmail

I have an IRC server that automatically sends out a generic email to a user upon registration. The software (Anope) uses Sendmail to send the generic email upon registration and another email, if they forgot their password. The software requires me to specify the path to Sendmail - that's it.
When a user receives the confirmation email, they see the sender's name as "From: ircserver (". Basically I'd like to change/set the name of the sender (i.e., the name in the From: field) to something more meaningful, such as "From: My Website (" or "From: My Website IRC Network (". (I'll come up with something later.)
I read the Sendmail README a few times, and found something similar (or so I think) to what I want (Masquerading), but that's for setting your hostname as another. Sendmail has a -F switch that sets the "From: " field, but that only works when I'm manually typing/sending the email. I have tried searching online for an answer and got results for PHP and such, which is not what I want.
OS: Debian 6.0.7
Sendmail version: 8.14.3
Thanks in advance for all your help!
You have to modify services.conf file and use -F option as you suggested :
# SendMailPath <path> [REQUIRED]
# This is how we should call SendMail to send a mail. It must be
# called with all parameters needed to make it scan the mail input
# to find the mail recipient; consult your SendMail documentation.
# Postfix users must use the compatible sendmail utility provided
# with it; this one usually needs no parameters on the command line.
# Most sendmail applications (or replacements of it) require the -t
# option to be used.
SendMailPath "/usr/sbin/sendmail -F 'Your Name'"

How to send email with attachment on OpenWRT?

I have installed OpenWRT on my ruter with msmtp package.
I'm able to send regular email but I can't figure out how to add attachment.
I've searched google and it seems that I should use uuencode but I can't find proper package.
The questions are:
does uuencode or it's substitute exists for OpenWRT? If not then:
How to send email with attachment on OpenWRT without uuencode?
You can use mutt. Here is an example how to send an email with attachment:
echo "This is the message body" | mutt -a "/path/to/" -s "subject of message" --
As of OpenWrt Attitude Adjustment 12.09 the mutt package is available.