I've been using Parse REST API for push notifications to targeted users (using "where"), it works well . I am now trying to add a custom data field so the devices can handle a tapped notification (i.e. redirect to specific object id etc). From what I have read, I should add the custom properties in the data json node, at the same level as alert, like the documented example below. But every time I make the request I get a 400 Bad Request. But, when I use the Parse.com web console with json: { "alert":"Notification Message","CustomObjectId":"12345" } ... it works - I see the CustomObjectId in the push notification (on the parse.com push tab).
Why is my REST API request failing, but the seemingly same request on the Parse.com website console is working? What am I missing?
My Parse REST Request:
{"where":{"UserId":"MyUserId"},"data":{"alert":"Notification Message","CustomObjectId":"12345"}}
Example from documentation (note this is using channels, not a where though) https://parse.com/docs/rest/guide/#push-notifications :
"channels": [
"data": {
"action": "com.example.UPDATE_STATUS",
"alert": "Ricky Vaughn was injured during the game last night!",
"name": "Vaughn",
"newsItem": "Man bites dog"
Thank you for the help,
For anyone else running into this, make sure you have "REST push enabled?" set to true in your Parse settings on the website. It's defaulted to false. Parse seems to allow 5 or so requests through per day with "REST push enabled" set to false. So after you wire this up, you may think you've successfully integrated with Parse, but then you start getting 400 Bad Request errors. This would lead many to think the issue is with their code possibly malforming requests or missing required parameters, not an authorization level issue like "REST push enabled" is not allowed.
Google calendar REST API GET method (https://developers.google.com/calendar/v3/reference/events/get) should return this structure (https://developers.google.com/calendar/v3/reference/events#resource), unless I'm missing something.
I need to get event title and description to use in my application. I 'm getting below response instead.
I've tried to change event visibility (public/private) and availability (free/busy). Actually, API does not show events with Free availability, for which I don't have solution either.
Here is event edit screen screenshot:
Are there other methods to get calendar events details with REST API, including ones with free availability?
I actually made it work for "ordinary" Google account - add project, add API, add service account and allocate service account email to the calendar. But I still not sure how to change access level for G Suite account. It allows only to see Free/Busy status.
I've changed default access in Admin Console as this article suggests, but it does not help:
You could try specifying the fields you want to retrieve like the image below:
Or you could put a " * " as the image below to retrieve all values:
fields is a standard Query parameter, which specifies what values you want to include in your response. To learn more about it, you can check Here.
I feel like I'm missing something terribly obvious about how Watson Assistant should be designed at an architecture level, but maybe I'm not.
The specific problem I'm having is that I can't seem to get API calls for information back into the conversation.
The bigger issue is that I'm not sure I setting this all up correctly for the long-haul of what I'm trying to accomplish.
I am building a 24/7 customer-service Tier 1 helpdesk for our managed networks. A user of one of our networks should, via SMS, Web chat, Facebook messenger, and eventually phone call, be able to ask for:
Instructions on how to connect their specific device (PC, Mac, Chromebook, Xbox, Apple TV, etc.)
Ask for help troubleshooting if the instructions don't result in a successful connection. (Step by step instructions for deleting the saved network, restarting the wireless card, etc.)
Help creating a case - at which point the conversation becomes Watson asking for a bunch of information, like what time and date they first experienced the problem, any other times/dates they experienced the problem, their MAC address, etc. etc.
I have most of the dialog built and working well. Getting information via Entities, saving to context variables, spitting them back out to make the conversation work, digressions, etc. all working.
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what I am doing wrong when trying to GET information from an external API.
We have a 'daily password' for our guest networks, and we would like a user who asks for the daily password to receive it. This involves a very simple GET request to a publicly accessible server.
I have built a BlueMix/IBM Cloud function that works perfectly, but I can't seem to successfully call or receive information back from it.
Watson Error:
Error when updating output with output of dialog node id [node_66_xxxxxxxxxx]. Node output is [{"text":{"values":["Today's password for <? $guestNetwork.ssid ?> is <? $guestNetwork.password ?>"],"selection_policy":"sequential"}}] SpEL evaluation error: Expression [ $guestNetwork.ssid ] converted to [ context['guestNetwork'].ssid ] at position 0: EL1007E: Property or field 'ssid' cannot be found on null (and there is 1 more error in the log)
This error leads me to believe I am not properly defining the result variable in Watson, or improperly trying to retrieve it in conversation - because I do know my code returns the SSID and Password when I run it in BlueMix Console.
JSON for the action itself (and yes, I am setting the credentials in the previous node):
"output": {
"text": {
"values": [
"Today's password for <? $guestNetwork.ssid ?> is <? $guestNetwork.psk ?>"
"selection_policy": "sequential"
"actions": [
"name": "get-http-resource/getGuestNetworkPassword",
"type": "server",
"credentials": "$private.myCredentials",
"result_variable": "$guestNetwork"
Is my idea of a 'serverless' Watson possible by using Watson <-> IBM Cloud <-> external services? We don't currently have an 'application' or a server, it's all integrations between existing services.
Can anyone help me understand what I'm doing wrong when trying to access that variable?
Bonus points: How do I know to access the variable only after the action has completed successfully in IBM cloud? Basically, if accessing the information via the IBM Cloud function I wrote takes 1.5 seconds, do I need to pause the dialog for 1.5 seconds? Or am I completely missing the point for how to get external info in and out of Watson?
After watching Mitch's video, I have changed a couple things around, and the error message has evolved to this:
"Error when updating output with output of dialog node id
[node_66_1533646714776]. Node output is [{"text":{"values":["Today's
password for is "],"selection_policy":"sequential"}}] SpEL evaluation error:
Expression [ $guestNetwork['ssid'] ] converted to [
context['guestNetwork']['ssid'] ] at position 24: EL1012E: Cannot
index into a null value" error.
Without seeing your dialog, its a guess, but most common error I see is that you just need to jump to a child dialog node after doing the action call. You cannot do the action call and show the response in the same dialog node, as dialog needs a chance to run the action.
Its outlined in my video here:
see the video on dialog callouts. Its 13 minutes long I'm sure you only need about 2 of them, but still, should help.
What you are trying to do is definitely possible, especially if it works from within the cloud function environment.
We re-created the action using the default package (not having it in a sub-package), and it started working immediately.
Things to note: Watson dialog editor does not like dashes in the package name.
Thanks Mitch!
Our project was created after May 2017, therefore we believe it is using the v2 Google Assistant API, in accordance with what the documentation says here.
However, the 'Google-Assistant-API-Version' header in HTTP requests sent to our webhook contains the value 'v1'.
Google-Assistant-API-Version: v1
All the content is using camelCase, rather than snake_case, however, so it does appear to be using v2. As far as we can tell, we are also responding using the v2 format, and this works fine.
We also include the 'Google-Assistant-API-Version' header in our responses with the value 'v2'. For testing purposes we have both removed this header entirely and changed its value to 'v1'. In both cases, the skill continues to function normally.
I have also attempted to change my action package to include the 'fulfillmentApiVersion' field (as described here), but it doesn't appear to have any effect.
"actions": [{
"name": "actions.devices",
"deviceControl": {},
"fulfillment": {
"conversationName": "automation"
"conversations": {
"automation": {
"name": "automation",
"url": "https://**************************",
"fulfillmentApiVersion": 2
While we are not experiencing any problems at this time, we wonder if this is a sign of some dormant error, and were wondering if anyone could offer some clarification?
The Google Assistant API version may be incorrect, or it may be referring to the API version for Smart Home. The Smart Home APIs launched publicly around May and use a different protocol for the data returned from the webhook.
If you are building a Smart Home application, please refer to the documentation above on how to write your webhook responses.
I check a lot of documents, and flow like that:
Submit data to create Campaign, target, and AdCreative
Use ID of AdCreative to generate preview code
Display preview code to my site (to show to my user)
But I don't want to create Campaign, Targeting, and AdCreative before preview, just submit raw data of AdCreative to get preview code.
I found that doc https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/generatepreviews/, and look like they can solve my problem... But it didn't work.
My test data is: https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/generatepreviews?ad_format=RIGHT_COLUMN_STANDARD&creative={"object_story_spec":{"link_data":{"message":"msg","link":"http://kimkha.com?1","caption":"ccccc"}},"name":"NAME 1","body":"dddddd","title":"titititit","call_to_action_type":"OPEN_LINK","object_url":"http://kimkha.com"}&access_token=<token>
And the error:
"error": {
"message": "(#275) Cannot determine the target object for this request. Currently supported objects include ad account, business account and associated objects.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 275,
"fbtrace_id": "GeckbxpU9gr"
I ran into the same problem and got past it, despite not being able to get a fully-functioning dynamic preview working. Here are some more pointers to help save others the pain.
The url needs to include an "ad account, business account or associated objects" like the error message states. For my case I used my ad account id (https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1492627900875762). The url changed to be the following base format: https://graph.facebook.com/v2.10/act_<your-app-id>/generatepreviews
When you get the response, you need to decode the body and you can use the url directly to test. I replaced \/ with /, & with & and removed the trailing slash. After this you get a url that should give you more specific error messages
I had to also specify a "page_id" parameter that the ad will be associated with. This is a sibling of "link_data" in the sample JSON listed above.
You may get error messages telling you to change the format of certain fields.
Eventually I got the error "Preview Not Available: Unable to display a preview of this ad. (fbtrace_id: Dsfql/z/qVI)" and finally lost the will to continue. The documentation is far from easy to follow and does not have clear examples.
I'm sorry I can't give a working solution, but for my case I was evaluating this API for a non-critical piece of work and timeboxing prevented me from proceeding. Hopefully I help save some time for someone else.
I ran into this problem. The solution for me was to use my app token instead of the Graph API Explorer's token. Hope this helps!
My two cents after struggling on this issue. My request had to be formatted as follows (this is using video data, but should extend to link data):
video_data: {
image_url: <IMAGE_URL>,
link: <URL>
In this case, the call_to_action has to be placed inside the video_data (or link_data) parameter and has to be formatted as an object. I did also have to change & with &, as Matt mentions.
When I use
https://graph.facebook.com/(userid goes here)/apprequests?access_token=(user access_token goes here)
it returns an empty JSON array like so:
"data": [
Even though there ARE app requests.
These people were having the same problem, but didn't get their question answered either:
What am I doing wrong?
I tried POSTing and GETing requests with the Graph API Explorer, and THEY don't return an empty JSON array (however they only return the app requests POSTed by Graph API Explorer, not the requests for my app....I imagine this is to be expected however). Could this have something to do with my app being in sandbox mode? Does /apprequests work for anyone else's sandboxed app?
A few weeks back (around mid-september 2011), it was possible to get the requests with https://graph.facebook.com/me/apprequests?access_token={user_access_token}.
It does not seem possible today anymore. This call returns an empty data structure now.
Instead, calling https://graph.facebook.com/{user_id}/apprequests?access_token={app_access_token} does seem to work.
apprequests connection expect an app access token.